Johnson Space Center

  NASA - Space Task Group
Langley AFB, Virginia
October 19, 1961
MEMORANDUM for Assistant Director for Administration
Subject: Establishment of the Manned Spacecraft Center - Houston Office
1. Effective October 24, 1961, a "Manned Spacecraft Center (Houston Office)" is established.
2. This office will exist until such time as the Center Director is permanently located at the Houston site. At that time, the Houston Office will become the "NASA Manned Spacecraft Center".
3. Until further notice, Mr. Martin A. Byrnes, Assistant to the Assistant Director for Administration, will serve as Manager of the Houston Office.
4. As Manager of the Houston Office, Mr. Byrnes is responsible for:
  a. Securing necessary office, laboratory and shop space required in the Houston area.
  b. Representing the Manned Spacecraft Center in the Houston area with state and local officials, civic groups and representatives of other government agencies.
  c. Providing all administrative support services required by Manned Spacecraft Center personnel located at the Houston site.
5. The Houston Office will initially be staffed by two groups of employees:
  a. Those whose services are required at the Houston site on a permanent, "full time" basis. (These employees will be officially transferred to the Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston.)
  b. Those whose services are required at Houston on a temporary basis, but whose primary job remains at Langley AFB, Virginia. (These employees will be assigned to the Houston Office for such temporary periods as are required.)
6. All questions relating to operations at the Houston site should be referred to Mr. Byrnes.
  Gilruth's signature
Robert R. Gilruth
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