NASA Johnson Space Center
Oral History Project
Commercial Crew & Cargo Program Office
Edited Oral History Transcript
A. Stone
Interviewed by Rebecca Hackler
Houston, Texas – 26 November 2012
Hackler: Today is November 26, 2012. This oral history interview is
being conducted with Dennis Stone at the NASA Johnson Space Center
in Houston, Texas, for the Commercial Crew & Cargo Program Office
History Project. Interviewer is Rebecca Hackler, assisted by Rebecca
We’d like to begin today by asking you about your early involvement
with the COTS [Commercial Orbital Transportation Systems] program.
When we talked to Alan [J.] Lindenmoyer, he mentioned that he knew
that you had an interest in commercial spaceflight and developing
those opportunities. Could you talk about how you became interested
in that area, and how you used your knowledge and experience in forming
this new program?
I’ve been with NASA for 27 years, but even before I joined NASA
I was following commercial spaceflight. It’s always been a great
interest of mine, and I really think it’s the future. Following
the frontier model, as we moved to the West and the explorers explored,
the settlers followed. Pretty soon Fort Pitt turned into Pittsburgh
[Pennsylvania] and so on. That’s the model of our country, of
our society. Space is that next frontier, and I’ve always believed
that as NASA moved further and further out there, the rest of society
should follow. The beginning of that would be some small commercial
ventures that would work with NASA, and eventually spin off on their
own and blossom.
Low-Earth orbit is that first place. One might argue the frontier
is way beyond that; we’ve been going up and down for 50 years.
I’ve always believed that there are markets in low-Earth orbit—whether
in microgravity or tourism or all these other things—that NASA
could stimulate for the good of the nation, and also NASA could use.
So when I heard that NASA might be buying services for cargo and crew
to the [International] Space Station, I found out that Alan was going
to lead that effort and went to talk to him. I knew him, but he never
knew my commercial space background. I shared some of that with him.
He said, “We have a business committee. You might be good to
chair the business committee.” We agreed that would make sense.
Through the business committee leadership role, I was to apply my
understanding of the commercial space industry, from the startups
to the more experienced players, and the potential markets. All of
these came into play when we did our two cycles of investment on COTS.
But I knew there was a lot we didn’t know, and that’s
why we brought on a venture capitalist.
When you talk about the business committee, do you mean on the Participant
Evaluation Panel?
Can you talk a little bit more about how the decision to work with
the venture capitalist came about? What was your role in the [December
2005] Request for Proposal [RFP] for Venture Capitalist [Consulting]
In that very first conversation with Alan, I said, “So we’re
investing, right?”
He said, “Yes.”
I said, “Well, we need to think like an investor. What do you
think about bringing on a venture capitalist?”
He thought about it for a few seconds and said, “Sure.”
That was it. I then found Alan Marty, who we brought in on a temporary
basis. He had an existing contract through the NASA Ames Research
Center [Moffett Field, California]. Then when we needed more support
we did a full-up competition and he won.
The idea was we are the government. We don’t know much about
investing, and here we have to invest. This was new for NASA, so a
VC [venture capitalist] would instill an investor mindset across the
team. We wanted someone who not only could help us think like an investor,
but also help us through the process. Alan Lindenmoyer was able to
get Alan Marty cleared to be a member of our team during the evaluations,
and he stayed and helped us during the early execution.
Once you started working with Alan Marty, what sort of advice did
he give you? Any specific guidelines on how to transition to this
investor mindset?
First we worked with him to figure out what proposal content we needed
from the COTS bidders. He recommended that we ask companies for a
business plan, which we did. So instead of using a typical NASA RFP,
begin with a standard business plan content. Then we added, subtracted
as need be. Of course we also asked for the technical data for the
technical committee, but for the business committee we tried to keep
it very high level.
His guidance was that the business plan is just the foot in the door,
a screening device. He recommended that a focus be to evaluate the
people, the management team, which is the essential ingredient of
any business plan. The best way to do that, he said, is face to face,
eyeball to eyeball. Ask the tough questions, watch them squirm, see
how they interact and perform. That is the key second step, that the
screen of the business plan is followed by due diligence, where we
go kick the tires and have face-to-face discussion.
If a company proposed to provide skin in the game, in other words
their investment alongside our investment, we had to evaluate what
was the likelihood that they would be able to obtain that private
capital. That’s where Alan Marty really helped, because he was
able to help us understand how to look at the various sources of financing,
from the bank loan to private equity to cash flow. If it’s a
public company, how would they commit in their corporate structure
to the investment? If it’s a private company, how solid were
their investors’ commitments? If they depended on future revenue,
how certain was it? Do they have experience doing this type of deal
before? We learned a lot under his tutelage.
One of the things Alan Marty recommended, as we’ve talked about
before, was the book The Innovator’s Dilemma [by Clayton M.
Christensen]. Was there anything in that specifically that you applied?
Do you feel that the COTS program fits into the model established
in the book for disruptive technology?
Yes. Alan Marty said COTS was a disruptive technology—using
the word technology broadly. It was a disruptive force to NASA. The
Innovator’s Dilemma shows that disruption isn’t necessarily
bad. It helps organizations understand how to embrace change and nurture
The book helps us realize that our program was a disruptive force
within NASA: a new paradigm of investing in a small tiny program that
was working with industry in a truly commercial fashion. It was valuable
to think how the rest of the institution would look at us, how they
would view COTS as either something to embrace or as a threat to the
old way of doing business. It really helped as we were strategizing
the program in the early days, in terms of realizing who we were,
the environment that we were in, and how to deal with that environment.
For example, the book says to get away from the mother ship. You should
go outside the gate, have your own cost structure, and innovate. So
we requested offices outside the gate, but ended up here in [JSC]
Building 1. It was worth a try. Certainly however, the book gave us
context that I think was helpful.
Do you think that NASA’s view of the COTS program has changed
over time? You mentioned at the beginning it’s new, it’s
disruptive. People don’t know what to think about it. Has the
perception of how people viewed it changed over the six years of the
COTS program?
Yes, it’s changed. I wouldn’t say everyone has come around
and said, “Oh wow, commercial space is great.” I think
there’s still a lot of skepticism. Probably the greatest change
has come in the last year when we’ve seen one of our two partners,
SpaceX [Space Exploration Technologies Corp.], launch very successfully
and get to the Station and back to Earth.
They’ve already had their first successful paid flight under
the Commercial Resupply Services, or CRS, contract. I think that has
swayed a lot of people. To put this in perspective, for $800 million,
we’ve developed two new medium-class launch vehicles and two
new automatic cargo carriers that can rendezvous and berth with the
Space Station. That’s a pretty good deal, an amazingly low cost.
Indeed, I think some people have been surprised at our success. Frankly,
this is not an environment where we routinely use commercial space
partnerships to address mainstream mission needs. This is something
that we’ve never done at the Johnson Space Center on such a
scale before. So as we got started there was a lot of skepticism,
but now that we’re near conclusion, I think people have realized
commercial partnerships can be a very useful tool in getting our job
Going back to the beginning, you talked about how Alan Marty helped
you with things like the face-to-face due diligence meetings, including
financial milestones in the Space Act Agreements, having a portfolio
of investment. When you were forming that portfolio, choosing which
companies to fund, how did you make the fixed $500 million COTS budget
fit in with the milestone phasing those companies had proposed?
Here’s how the evaluation basically was conducted. We would
first evaluate companies separately against a set of criteria. We
used colors from red to blue [lowest level of confidence to highest
level of confidence] for both technical and business.
Then we would take the bluest ones, if you will, and start putting
them together into candidate portfolios. We sought various capabilities:
unpressurized cargo up, pressurized cargo up, pressurized cargo to
Earth, and crew transportation. So as we evaluated various portfolios,
we looked at the coverage of these capabilities.
We also examined whether the portfolio of companies could fit in our
budget and the phasing of that budget. In some cases we had to go
back and negotiate the timing or value of milestones considering fiscal
year boundaries.
One of the partners from the first selection, Rocketplane Kistler
[RpK]—their Space Act Agreement was terminated because they
could not meet their financial milestones. Could you talk a little
bit about what sort of efforts were made to help them meet those milestones?
Working with NASA, if I understand correctly, Alan Marty tried to
help them a little bit as well. Why was the decision made to eventually
terminate, from your business-side perspective?
First let’s go back to the idea of a financial milestone. In
general, the COTS agreements had milestones where they would design
a little, build a little, test a little, fly a little, and get paid
a little. Most of the milestones of all our partners fell in that
category. But as a result of the diligence we did, if we felt there
might be a risk, we could negotiate in a milestone to protect NASA.
In this case RpK had a lot of money to raise. It was good that they
planned to contribute that much, but it was also a risk. We wanted
to not only incentivize them, but also give ourselves an off-ramp.
So we came up with the idea of the financial milestone, which not
only would pay a little if they raised that much money, but would
allow us to exit if they didn’t.
If you look at the history of the COTS program you’ll see a
lot of slip in SpaceX or Orbital [Sciences Corporation] milestones.
But in every case, there was clear understanding of the reasons and
very visible evidence of them making continued progress toward completion
of their Space Act Agreement. Resources haven’t been a major
issue, rather a technical glitch or schedule glitch that is typical
of a development program of this size.
In RpK’s case though, we began to see that because of various
reasons related to the financial markets, they were having trouble
with their capital raise. That started to first manifest itself in
some of the technical work, because they were starting to run a little
dry of resources. Then the financial milestone itself was missed.
So just like our other partners, we gave them a lot of time and we
gave them some help.
In fact Alan Marty and I were both on Wall Street [New York City,
New York financial district] for meetings with RpK and its investors.
We went there to demonstrate that NASA was committed to COTS. NASA
was interested in purchasing cargo transportation services in the
future because we had a Space Station to support and the Shuttle was
going to go away. We were there to show NASA was really committed.
We hoped that helped, but it didn’t help them enough.
You said you had meetings on Wall Street. What type of meetings did
you have? Were they with investors?
We met, if I recall, with their investment banker, because they were
the interface with the investment world. They wanted to be able to
tell investors, “We met with NASA. They picked these guys because
they really believe in this company.” RpK had a great technical
design. It was completely reusable, so it really could have been a
game changer in the future of spaceflight. They gave it a real fighting
chance and we did our best to support them.
Was there a particular moment when you knew that the finances weren’t
going to be viable and you knew it was time to terminate?
There was. There was a particular investor, a large pension fund if
I recall. They were seriously looking at the deal, then they started
to pull away. I think that may have been the straw that broke the
camel’s back.
After the agreement with RpK was terminated, COTS decided to pursue
a second round of selection to use the remaining funds and give those
to another commercial partner. Were there any particular lessons learned
in the Round 2 selection that you had applied from what you learned
the first round with RpK?
We pretty much used a cookie cutter during the second competition,
namely the same approach from the first. We used basically the same
team, and we actually streamlined it a little bit. Fewer people, but
we pretty much the same process. It worked really well. In fact we
did it in record time. If you look at the Announcement of COTS 2,
it was very similar to COTS 1. We were really pleased with how well
the first round went. By keeping the same people, including Alan Marty,
we were able to execute the second round of competition really quickly.
In both COTS rounds, since we weren’t under the FAR, the Federal
Acquisition Regulation, we could pick and choose what elements of
a traditional procurement we wanted to have. We chose to go into a
bunker, we chose to follow certain Source [Evaluation] Board-like
The other thing that we understand you worked on—NASA also had
partnerships with other companies through unfunded Space Act Agreements.
Can you talk a little bit about your involvement with those aspects
of the COTS program?
I negotiated all the unfunded Space Act Agreements that we had. There
were five partners, most of which had competed for the funded round.
They wanted to stay in the game using their own money, and have some
technical interchange with us. They still had milestones, they still
were developing a launch vehicle, but they didn’t have our money.
They knew that coming out of the COTS program there’d be a separate
competition under the FAR for CRS. They wanted to compete in that.
In fact one did quite well in that competition it turned out. They
didn’t win, but they came very close.
Was the process for selecting them similar to the funded agreements?
To become an unfunded partner, a company must have been developing
a capability to carry cargo to low-Earth orbit. We knew all the companies
and all were players in the ecosystem.
Was there any limit to the number of companies NASA could work with
under that unfunded agreement?
Our help was limited by the technical resources that we had. They
were each assigned to a project executive, so somebody was responsible
for interfacing with each unfunded partner. Somebody answered the
phone if they called and arranged for help. But if the help they needed
was too extensive, noting that the funded partners had priority, then
we placed limits to how much we free help we could give them. But
I don’t recall it ever getting out of hand.
Was the help primarily in the form of phone calls, asking technical
questions? Or were there a lot of onsite visits to those companies,
or their representatives coming here to help them develop their vehicles?
I negotiated these agreements and got them approved. Then they were
turned over to Mike [Michael J. Horkachuck] and Bruce [A. Manners]
to manage. You might want to ask them how they went, but they were
generally much lower key than the funded ones.
Did you have any role in writing the Space Act Agreements? Were the
agreements similar to the funded ones, or just a loose collaboration?
They were patterned, if I recall, a lot on the funded ones. Since
we weren’t putting money in, there were a lot of clauses that
didn’t apply. We also used Space Act Agreement Maker, or SAAM,
which is a tool that the Center has to get boilerplate language.
The other aspect of your work in the COTS program has been working
with support contractors like Booz Allen Hamilton [Inc.] to help evaluate
some of the companies’ milestones. Can you talk a little bit
about working with them and what their role was in supporting COTS?
We are a very small office. At our peak we had 13 civil servants in
the program office. I think that may have been during the CCDev [Commercial
Crew Development] time when we actually had seven commercial partners
to manage in one year. Two COTS, five CCDev, not including the unfunded
We’ve always been lean and mean, so there were times when help
was essential. At Booz Allen they do special assessments and deliverables.
They analyze requirement changes of the Space Station for their interface
with the visiting vehicles. They helped us track schedules. They’ve
also helped provide NASA with some insight into the partners when,
for example, there’s a major technical review such as a design
review. NASA will write RIDs [review item discrepancies] during those
partner reviews. Sometimes our Booz Allen folks would help track and
facilitate our review of those RIDs before we presented them to the
commercial partners.
We’ve always tried to maintain a bit of a firewall between the
rest of NASA and our commercial partners, because we didn’t
want to overwhelm them with help. When a partner needed help from
our COTS Advisory Team [CAT], we tried to arrange it, as it wasn’t
a major activity. When there was a milestone that we had to assess,
then we initiated that call for help from our CATs. These NASA advisors
review partner data and helped us determine whether they met the criteria
in their Space Act Agreement.
Did you work with any other contractors, or was it primarily Booz
There were technical contractors on the CAT, but only Booz Allen and
Alan Marty supported C3PO [Commercial Crew & Cargo Program Office]
You also mentioned CCDev. You mentioned that one company that had
an unfunded Space Act Agreement was more successful in later efforts.
Did you see a lot of that, with help from the COTS program carrying
over into the CCDev effort?
Yes, some of the CCDev partners were previously COTS competitors,
some successful, some not. They wanted to take the first step into
commercial crew. The first CCDev also allowed proposals from companies
which may not have had a full system, but had a technology. Paragon
[Space Development Corp.] had a life support system design that we
funded under CCDev 1. Other companies just had the capsule, like [The]
Boeing [Company]. Others just had the launch vehicle, like United
Launch Alliance.
We used a very similar cookie cutter on CCDev 1 that we did on COTS
1 and COTS 2. We didn’t have the venture capitalist with us
at the time because it was a smaller activity. It was only $50 million
and just a one-year activity. It wasn’t the full development
cycle, so their financing wasn’t as important. But we used a
very similar Announcement, business plan and technical plan.
You’ve talked about how you’re a big enthusiast of commercial
spaceflight. What is the role you see for commercial spaceflight in
the future? How do you see the COTS model that you’ve worked
so hard to establish being utilized in the future?
When there’s a mission need, program managers must consider
whether we should develop a government-owned and government-operated
solution. That is normally what we do. Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, Skylab,
the Space Shuttle, and Space Station were all systems developed through
a contractor for NASA to own and operate.
The COTS/CRS model is a different approach. It is a two-step model
of 1) development under a non-acquisition instrument such as an SAA
[Space Act Agreement], followed by 2) procurement of services or data.
Under this alternative approach, the system is owned and operated
by a company, and we just buy the data or services which we need.
COTS was a step toward that. The service buy going on now is CRS.
Actually, NASA has had some experience in this before. Once in the
science world they wanted ocean surface data. Somebody discovered
that the fisheries industry needed that data too. So instead of putting
out the traditional RFP for a satellite, they put out an RFP for the
data. The result is called SeaWiFS [Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view
Sensor], which was a very successful data purchase where NASA shared
the cost with another industry, and maybe helped put some fish on
our dinner table.
I hope that program managers of the future will look at the COTS model
and realize they have a choice. If their mission is to seek gravity
waves, there’s probably not going to be other markets so a government-owned
solution makes more sense for the taxpayer. But on the other hand,
as I mentioned in a recent speech at NewSpace [2012 Conference], if
their mission is to transport cargo to the surface of Mars, there
might very well be non-government markets for that in the next decade
or two. It’s difficult because there may not be objective market
projects. But if other customers are plausible, then we should consider
being an investor and customer, instead of owner of the system.
It frankly didn’t take any more money to do it the COTS way
than the traditional way. In fact some have said that we actually
saved money. So I think that NASA should always consider buying a
commercial service or data where there’s a reasonable chance
that there will be other customers.
There’s a team that [NASA] Deputy Administrator Lori [B.] Garver
has stood up, which Alan [Lindenmoyer] and I are on, to look at the
COTS model and other models and see how NASA could use such models
in the future. We’re trying to give future programs the benefit
of our lessons learned and tools to help them. COTS/CRS I think has
given them some top cover so they won’t be the first kid on
their block to try this. We’ve tried it, it works, so it’s
okay for them to consider it.
One of the goals of COTS was to help develop new markets for commercial
spaceflight. Now that COTS is transitioning into the [Commercial]
Resupply Services phase, have you seen a lot of new markets developing?
Do you see any companies that are able to say, “Yes, I want
to buy this service”?
While we had project executives working with each of these companies,
I worked on issues that transcended the partners. One of those was
the ecosystem in which they had to exist and grow. I have a chart
showing the COTS partner, investors, government regulators, other
markets, and insurance, all of which affect the partner. We tried
to stay in communication with these nutrients in the Petri dishes,
such as explaining the COTS commitment of NASA to investors or insurers,
or ask the FAA [Federal Aviation Administration] to prepare for licensing
COTS launches.
Most of my ecosystem effort has been in the market development because
our goal is to not be the only customer of COTS. The gold ring is
to see other customers for this to share costs. That would be good
for NASA and good for the nation. As far as the launch vehicles of
our partners are concerned, for example, you can see the SpaceX launch
manifest on their website, showing who they’ve already sold
Falcon 9 [rocket] flights to. They’re already doing a nice job
of leveraging our mutual investment in their COTS system to launch
satellites for commercial and sovereign customers. I expect Orbital
will do the same with Antares [rocket].
As far as the COTS cargo carriers, we don’t yet know if there
will be non-NASA markets. SpaceX is offering a configuration called
DragonLab, a LEO [low-Earth orbit] free flier which does not visit
the Space Station. It orbits Earth at whatever altitude, inclination,
duration, etc. that the customer or customers want, and returns to
Earth with their payloads. If there is an opportunity for the COTS
partners to carry some cargo to the Station that is not paid for by
NASA, then that will open this market at low marginal cost.
I’ve spent some time looking at the market for microgravity.
I think it’s potentially huge, considering the value it offers
to the biotech [biotechnology] pharma [pharmaceutical] industry, as
well some other industries. I think NASA has done a lot over the last
50 years to demonstrate the value, but we need to do a little better
job of communicating that value—and the new flight opportunities
because of COTS and the Space Station—to go there and discover
new drugs and do other really important commercial research. The jury
is still out on whether there’ll be a market for the cargo carriers,
but I’m optimistic.
At this point I wanted to ask Rebecca Wright if she had any questions.
A few, and I want to go back to the beginning. You talked about how
the selection of the management team was the key. What kind of attributes
were you looking for when you were selecting those first partners?
Since, as we know, they didn’t have any proven capabilities,
this was all going to be new.
We had to understand first of all what was the task at hand. For example,
if they were going to build a system completely in-house with very
few suppliers, did they have the right kind of skills? Had they ever
done that kind of thing before? If they were going to, on the other
hand, hire some big seasoned aerospace companies to do that job for
them, great, but how are you going to manage them? Have you ever had
experience as a small company managing a big company? How did that
work, and how are you going to do it here?
If they already had the money, then their CFO [Chief Financial Officer]
was not that critical to their financing. On the other hand, if they
must raise a lot of money, has your CEO [Chief Executive Officer]
and CFO ever done that before, or anything even close? What’s
your experience, and how many successful investment raises have you
You look at the job at hand, look at the people to do that job, and
identify any mismatches. There was a case where we said one person
has too many jobs at this company, and they hired somebody to help
round them out. There was another case where the CFO did not have
the experience to do the work that was proposed. We flagged that as
a major issue before we picked them. We said, “You’re
going to have to find somebody with more experience to do that.”
Each case was different. We had to be careful because we wanted to
allow startups. We didn’t limit it to startups, but we didn’t
want to preclude them. We carefully walked that fine line when we
wrote the Announcement and when we did the evaluation. If the people
were all green, that’s not good. But a startup can have a lot
of seasoned people who’ve had long careers in aerospace which
was okay. We had to look at the startups especially carefully and
not penalize the company for lack of corporate experience.
Was it a plus or a minus that they had someone on their management
team that had worked with NASA before? Did you view that as a plus
because they would understand, or were you looking for people that
maybe didn’t have preconceived notions of how to work with NASA
because you were not going to be working with NASA as you had been
We didn’t use that as a criterion explicitly. But they had to
have the skills to execute their plan, so we reviewed their technical
management’s credentials to do the job at hand. Space experience,
not necessarily experience working with NASA, would increase our confidence
that they could implement the technical said of their business.
It’s true there are other space companies in the world. You’ve
talked to us about how your organization was so lean and mean, because
that’s how COTS was developed, to have few people but to do
a lot. Could you share with us a fuller picture of the organization?
Of course we know Alan was tapped to lead the group, and you mentioned
that you were leading the business committee, and that there was a
technical committee. Can you go from there what the rest of the organization
was, and what those responsibilities were of your teams?
During each competition there’s a separate organization set
up that only lives during that competition. So we had a program office,
and then the competition team. Some people were on both. During the
competitions Alan [Lindenmoyer] chaired the PEP, the Participant Evaluation
Panel, which was equivalent to a Source Evaluation Board.
During the first COTS competition, we had three committees. We had
a business committee which I chaired, a technical committee which
Valin [B.] Thorn chaired, and a finance committee consisting of budget
experts. In the second investment round, we collapsed the business
and finance committees into one. During COTS [Round] 1, the program
was collated with the competition team. During COTS [Round] 2, we
had an ongoing program. SpaceX was busy executing, and so the people
who were working with SpaceX did not support Round 2. They really
were parallel efforts.
You created a new model to not do NASA business as usual, so I’m
curious about how you set that up.
We have project executives and a few key supporting functions in the
Commercial Crew & Cargo Program Office. I do program integration,
which covers everything that is not specific to a single partner,
such as managing our support contractor, reporting to the Center or
[NASA] Headquarters [Washington, DC], public outreach, etc. We have
a safety rep [representative] who participates in partner insight
activities. We have a budget rep and procurement rep and legal rep,
and that’s it.
You refer to your companies as an ecosystem, and I think that’s
really interesting. You mentioned too that you knew all these companies
and that you developed a relationship with them. Can you fill in the
background? How did you pull these folks in? Did they start looking
for you once the word got out, or did you start looking for them to
build this network of companies so that they would know what was going
on here at the office?
What timeframe? Are you asking after they’ve won, or before
they won?
Before. We all know that the word got out, but how did it all start
to move its way into these separate little companies, or people who
had concepts of companies, to become part of what you refer to as
your ecosystem?
By ecosystem I mean all of the things they need to be successful that
are outside COTS, like investment, regulation, insurance, other customers,
suppliers. Once we picked winners, we could go out and start talking
to potential customers of microgravity and so on. We knew general
investors in the space business, we knew the insurance people in the
space business, of course the FAA space office [Office of Commercial
Space Transportation]. If you want to go back before the COTS award,
I knew a lot of the players in the commercial space industry from
my experience.
When Mike [Michael D.] Griffin [NASA Administrator] first came on
board, he started speaking about this commercial way of doing business.
There was a speech he gave to the Space Transportation Association
in [June] 2005. Industry had been lobbying Congress to go do this.
“Give us a chance, let us try this,” they said. “This
is the perfect situation to carry low-value cargo to the Space Station.
You’ve got other ways if we fail: [Constellation Program] Orion
[Crew Exploration Vehicle] and the International Partners.”
Once the program had started and we were ready to engage industry,
we used transitional procurement-type practices. We had a formal industry
day and we issued a formal Announcement when we were seeking proposals.
Have you found that there have been new members that have come into
the ecosystem? For instance, you said investors—I always think
of the phrase “cottage industries.” They start popping
up because now this new concept is turning into a reality. Have you
met new people that have come into this realm because they want to
be a part of it? Do you see more startups or more investors that are
interested now that you’ve been doing this for five or six years?
Yes. We get communications from small companies which want to play
a role, which is good. As I say, suppliers are definitely a part of
the ecosystem. When you step back from COTS, you see there’s
really quite a renaissance of commercial space going on. For example,
in space tourism, there are suborbital companies. In orbital tourism,
there’s an existing market through Russia [Russian Federal Space
Agency (Roscosmos)], but America may grab some of that market share
once U.S. commercial crew capability is operational.
Other signs of the growth of commercial space in the U.S. include
the Commercial Spaceflight Federation. Several dramatically growing
conferences focus on commercial space, like the NewSpace Conference
of the Space Frontier Foundation and the ISPCS [International Symposium
for Personal and Commercial Spaceflight] in [Las Cruces] New Mexico.
The ISDC [International Space Development Conference] is another one
that the National Space Society runs.
I remember—this is going way back—30 years ago there’d
be 20 people in a little rented room at some hotel wearing T-shirts,
shorts, and carrying business plans in their back pockets. Some of
these turned into the companies we see today, some didn’t. What
a change from today. Commercial space has grown in legitimacy and
its ability to actually build things. SpaceX didn’t even exist
until 2002.
You’ve explained that there was a lot of thought process and
a lot of work put into setting up the PEP and the evaluation criteria.
When you were put into the position of having to do the second round,
why didn’t you just go back and choose one of the companies
that maybe was the third or the fourth runnerup when you evaluated
the first group?
That’s a good question. A year and a half had expired. Markets
change, particularly financial markets. Technologies change. So we
decided to put out a new Announcement. Some companies sent a similar
proposal as they sent before, while others changed theirs. We also
had some completely new participants. We believe that this was the
most fair approach.
What were some of the questions that the companies asked you during
these rounds of evaluations? Maybe were there some questions they
asked that surprised you? Or were you pretty much prepared for whatever
they were asking?
We were doing the asking. I wouldn’t say we wouldn’t allow
questions, but they were under the spotlight.
I’m just curious if they asked how much oversight you were going
to have, in the sense of if you saw them getting overwhelmed or they
were struggling to meet their milestones, there might have been suggestions
or recommendations from NASA. Were they very receptive of the help
that you were offering? Or did they want to be given the time to figure
this out on their own because it’s their product and their company?
We seldom initiated help; we generally waited for them to ask. During
major design reviews, when you write a comment on a design, a formal
comment to be dispositioned by a board, in essence that’s help
too. It says, “We don’t think your design is going to
work,” or, “It doesn’t meet a requirement.”
That’s help.
We had insight, not oversight. Even though we were small, each of
the project executives had a deputy. They would go to many partner
meetings and reviews and were generally welcome to sit in. We would
get a lot of insight that way. If we saw a problem coming and we thought
we had some advice, I doubt we would just hide it. Bruce and Mike
could give you a better handle on that.
You were helping to put the concepts in place originally—do
you feel, as you’ve come through these last six years, that
you truly were partners in this effort? Or did you find that NASA
was in somewhat of a traditional role of overseer and provider of
Definitely we were partners. It worked out pretty close to the way
we had envisioned. We’re very happy with the results of COTS.
In a traditional NASA program, there is change traffic and other ways
in which contractor revenue can increase. We had none of that. This
was fixed price. This was a company-owned-and-operated system. They
were solely responsible, except at the interface with the Space Station
where we were jointly responsible for the integration. Otherwise this
was their baby. Our partners knew that if we were ever going to put
our cargo on it then they had to be responsive, so the incentives
were built in. We didn’t want or need to treat them like a traditional
contractor. That isn’t the model.
Were you involved with the ISS [International Space Station] interfacing,
doing any of the work on that relationship when that began?
Not really, Valin started that. Mike Horkachuck would be a really
good one because SpaceX went through that. The Station Program too
could provide input on that, as well as [Assistant Project Executives]
Warren [P. Ruemmele] and Kevin [M. Meehan].
The last question for me at the moment—CRS is not from this
office. Were you involved in how the continuation of the concepts
moved on? Did you think when you first started out that this office
would be finishing what you started for all of the efforts with the
commercial side?
Early on it was clear that it was Station’s requirement and
Station’s money, so it would be better for Station to manage
it. At the same time we were funding the partners and their integration
work, Station was funding its integration side, so we had to work
very closely with them. Kathy [Kathryn L.] Lueders runs the Transportation
[Integration] Office of the Space Station. We worked closely with
them in the early days to understanding needs, which translated into
our four capability goals A, B, C and D.
ISS helped develop a draft of an IRD, Interface Requirements Document,
which went out with our Announcement. As time moved on, that IRD became
more mature. Having two real designs, sometimes requirements evolve
because of unforeseen integration issues. As SpaceX has shown with
its successful COTS demo [demonstration] and first CRS flight, the
ISS visiting vehicle process worked well.
You’re very positive when you talk about the program, a true
believer. Is there anything that you feel like you wish you could
have done differently, or some expectation that didn’t get fulfilled?
Is there any disappointment in this whole effort that you have seen
as you worked through the process?
I think it’s worked amazingly well. I would have liked to do
more on market development. SpaceX still has not sold a single DragonLab
mission. I can’t prove that if we worked harder on that and
helped educate the biotech industry that there’d be enough to
fill a flight, but the fact that we haven’t supported this too
much might be a factor. That’s something we can still do. In
fact, in the commercial space study we’re doing right now, we’re
looking at whether it is appropriate for NASA to do more to stimulate
demand for space applications.
We had a failure of investment in an early COTS partner. Could we
have done more? Perhaps. A stronger customer base can lead to greater
investor confidence.
Can you narrow down what the key to the success of this whole concept
has been? Is it just the simplicity?
Top cover was critical. When COTS started we had a NASA Administrator
who said, “Go do it.” He said, “Here’s $500
million. I want this fenced, I don’t want anybody to touch it.”
He told our lawyers, “Find a way to use Space Act Agreements
to fund them.” With his support, everything fell into place
on NASA’s side of the partnership. That was essential, particularly
the first time an organization like this tries something disruptive,
something so new.
In the future I’m hopeful that we don’t sit around and
wait for the Administrator to make these decisions. Instead, I hope
that program managers and mission directorates realize that they have
a choice now, that they can innovate and use these new ways of doing
business to their advantage. There’s precedent now.
Earlier in my NASA career, I studied data and service buys and why
some agencies choose one versus the other. I briefed the AA [Associate
Administrator] for Exploration. His name was Michael Griffin. He was
very interested in these experiences of other agencies in using private-sector
partnerships to fill mission need efficiently. Years later I saw Dr.
Griffin at a conference and said, “Do you remember that briefing
I gave you about buying services instead of systems?” He said,
“No.” Darn. So I figured, great minds think alike. He’s
a smart guy.
When COTS was started, NASA saw cargo to ISS as a good opportunity
to buy services. We allocated the money and said, “Let’s
see what they can do.” Today some folks may have been surprised
at our success, pleasantly or not. But we were successful. Now I think
that the trade space has been opened by the COTS program.
Well, thanks.
I do have one more quick question. You talked about the Round 1 and
Round 2 selections. In Round 1 you had a separate business and finance
committee, then you consolidated them. Could you explain what the
difference was between the business and finance aspects?
Yes. Our traditional budget and cost estimators would look at a proposal
and try to estimate the cost. In a typical SEB [Source Evaluation
Board] there’s a cost volume you ask for, work breakdown structure
to many levels, with detail on labor and suppliers. We didn’t
ask for that. Our main concern wasn’t the cost per se, it was
whether they had enough money to do the job.
We asked for some cost data. Primarily using the technical data, our
cost team used NASA cost-estimating models to estimate how much we
think the system will cost. We then compared our estimates to theirs
as a confidence factor, and used them as a source of questions during
our due diligence. If they had good answers, that was fine. If they
didn’t, well, maybe they needed to raise a little more money
than planned to, which could translate into a financial weakness.
They may have said they needed to raise X, but if we really thought
they needed to raise 3X that could be a problem. So the cost assessment
was often translated into financial findings such as, “We have
low confidence that this participant will raise the money required
to develop and demonstrate its proposed COTS system.” We reflected
this in the second round when the business and cost functions become
one integrated team.
All right. Thank you very much for your time today.
Have anything you can think of that we might want to cover?
This has been a great experience for me personally. I really have
enjoyed the chance to be part of something that’s so cutting
edge, where NASA is benefiting from the commercial space industry
and helping to nurture it too. This is a great experience. I’ve
learned a lot, and I hope others can learn too how we do this.
We do too, so we may be back.
I hope, I would expect that you will be.
of interview]
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