NASA Johnson Space Center
Oral History Project
Edited Oral History Transcript
Aaron Cohen
Interviewed by Summer Chick Bergen
Texas –
25 September 1998
Bergen: This is an interview with Aaron Cohen on September 25, 1998,
in Houston, Texas. Interviewer is Summer Chick Bergen, assisted by
Carol Butler and Glen Swanson.
Thank you for coming and doing your oral history with us.
My pleasure.
Let's start prior to your employment with NASA, when you worked at
General Dynamics [Corporation], because that's when you first got
involved in the space race, right?
I worked at General Dynamics as an aerospace engineer. We were working
primarily on the Atlas vehicle, and then, of course, the Centaur came
along. My first real experience with NASA happened while I was at
General Dynamics, and it was a very interesting experience. I didn't
know what NASA was at the time. I didn't have any idea what NASA was.
But we heard that NASA wanted to come talk to us about putting a capsule
on top of the Atlas, because they wanted to put a vehicle in space.
Of course, if you know what the Atlas looks like, the Atlas was what
they called a balloon structure. It had very thin skins and you actually
stiffened the structure by putting gas in it. So it was not a very
stout structure as you would think. So putting a capsule on it, we
couldn't do it just by putting a capsule on it, so we had to put a
band around a station. I remember the station; it was called Station
502, on the Atlas.
They said NASA was coming to review our design, and I said, "Who
is this NASA?" So we worked all weekend, into the early mornings,
and we had the design, and NASA came in to review our design. Of course,
they finally wound up using the Atlas for the first launch vehicle
for the first spacecraft. So that was my first experience with NASA,
and I was still at General Dynamics.
Then I worked on guidance navigation and control and also on aerodynamic
heating at General Dynamics, and then the Apollo proposal came out,
the request for proposal for the Apollo Program. Of course, that really
captured my imagination. I was working in General Dynamics at the
time, and I helped work on the proposal for General Dynamics.
It turned out, of course, that General Dynamics did not win the proposal.
In fact, that was an interesting story, too. People who know my wife
know she's very alert and knows a lot of things, and I got a call
from my wife. We had a war room set up for waiting for the award of
the proposal to be announced, and we had all the big—I wasn't
one of these people, but all the big executives were waiting for the
announcement. I was down just in the room, my little office. Pretty
soon my wife calls. She says, "I hear where North American Aviation
won the contract."
I said, "How do you know?"
She said, "I was listening to the business report from New York,
and they announced it." Of course, they announced it from the
business news. [Laughter]
I went up and told the people on the ninth floor that we didn't win
the contract, that North American Aviation won it. So I knew about
it before they did.
So I was interested in working on the Apollo Program, and there were
some NASA people that came around during our proposal period and I
met them. I contacted them. I heard that they were going to hire some
people, and I contacted them. I was fortunate enough to be hired as
a very junior engineer at the Johnson Space Center in 1962. So I came
as a very junior engineer working in the Apollo Program Office, Project
Office at the time, as a junior engineer. But I did have the fortunate
experience when I came there to be able to work in the guidance, navigation,
and control area, and had the extreme great fortune of working with
the MIT [Massachusetts Institute of Technology] Instrumentation Laboratory,
which is now, of course, the Draper Laboratory.
So I worked with MIT Instrumentation Laboratory, and I was, you might
say, the liaison between MIT and the Manned Spacecraft Center at the
time, and the Apollo Project Office. There I had the very good fortune
of working with some people that I still feel today are some of the
great leaders in aerospace and really were the great leaders in getting
us to the Moon—Dick [Richard] Battin, Norm Sears, Phil Felleman,
Dave Hoag, who I still remain very, very good friends with and talk
to frequently. Some of them are retired, but Dick Battin still teaches
at MIT, he's still a professor at MIT, and Dick and I still talk to
each other quite frequently, and both his wife and my wife, we get
together and we even work together in various periods of time. He
comes and visits my class and I come and visit his class. So that
was a very fortunate experience for me.
Then time passed and the program was moving forward. We were starting
to expand a little bit, and Joe [Joseph F.] Shea came in. Joe Shea
and I became very close friends. Joe became one of my very first mentors
at the Johnson Space Center. We used to play tennis every Saturday
morning. We used to get out there, we didn't say a word to each other,
we used to get out and play.
Then he took me out of that area and put me more into systems engineering,
and gave the software, the Draper Lab, more to Chris [Christopher
C.] Kraft [Jr.] and Bill [Howard W.] Tindall [Jr.] at the time. They
were doing that, and I went off to doing more of the work of the total
I remember a very, very interesting job he gave me, probably one of
the biggest jobs I had at that time and I didn't recognize it. It
was a job that Joe Shea gave me, was to resolve all of the interfaces
on the Apollo Project. Now, that amounts to about 1,200 interfaces.
Those were interfaces between the command module and the service module,
between the command service module and service module and lunar module,
and between all the guidance equipment and also between the booster
and the launch complex. Interfaces, as I teach in my class today,
are one of the hardest things to define, because you can't define
an interface until you have something designed, and you can't design
something until you have the interface designed. So it's very, very
difficult to define interfaces. You'll find today, even when you build
something, that's one of the toughest jobs to do.
So Joe Shea gave me that job, and the job was in a very limited time,
because it had to be done. We were well along in the design, so I
had a number of very large meetings with all the contractors and all
the centers, Marshall Space Flight Center, at that time the Kennedy
Space Center, and we all got together to resolve these interfaces,
… North American Aviation, Grumman, all the contractors, to
resolve these interfaces. I had a very good team of people. It wasn't
a lot, but I had about twelve people, and we resolved the interfaces.
We did get them resolved in that period of time, and I felt that was
one of the biggest accomplishments I ever did, was, as a junior engineer,
to really resolve all those interfaces.
I still have a note that I remember very clearly. Dave Hoag, from
MIT, said, "We need to help Aaron Cohen resolve these interfaces.
He's got a monumental task," and he sent me a copy of that note.
I still have that, and I show it to my students, because here were
the things, here were the checklists. So it was a very, very interesting
I do remember one little anecdote. When Joe Shea took me around, he
took me around to introduce me to all the people and tell them that
I was going to resolve the interfaces. In fact, he took me to see
Werner von Braun, and so he was telling Werner von Braun that Aaron
Cohen was here and he was going to resolve all the interfaces. After
this long discussion, Werner von Braun said, "What's an interface?"
[Laughter] That was a funny story.
So I did that, and I was in the systems engineering organization.
At that time I worked for Owen [E.] Maynard, who was head of systems
engineering. I was Owen's deputy. I remember very distinctly—(this
is a little out of sequence) but I remember very distinctly that Owen
was leaving, and I remember George [M.] Low, who then became program
manager, called me and told me I wasn't going to get the job. My heart
just felt so heavy, I felt so sad, but he said he didn't think I was
ready for it. I said, "George, I'll tell you what. I understand
what you're saying. It hurts a lot, but I'm going to go out and do
the best job I can," and I did. And it paid off, because George
Low became a very, very—I thought the world of George Low. He
became a very close friend of mine, and he really helped me a great
deal. So it paid off.
But a couple of very significant things happened that I can remember
very distinctly when I was deputy systems engineering, very significant
things. One, after the Apollo 1 or 204 fire—I call it the 204
fire, but Apollo 1—I was selected by Frank Borman to be on the
Borman team, and went out with Frank and several other people, Doug
[Douglas R.] Broome and Jerry [W.] Craig and Frank, to be out at North
American about four months to make decisions on the spot of the changes
we wanted to make, to help understand the changes we wanted to make.
So we were out there for about a four-month period, and that was a
very, very significant point in my career.
I don't know how I really got on the team. I think Frank had something
to do with it. I think George Low had something to do with it. Of
course, my very, very good friend, and I think the person I really
probably respected as much as anybody, and I still respect, is Chris
Kraft. I mean, I think the world of Chris Kraft. Of course, I think
Chris had something to do with it, too. But I was selected to be on
that team. We did our job and were very successful.
What did that team do?
What did the Frank Borman team do? After the fire, we went through
a very systematic review of all the changes we wanted to make. Some
were very big, like from the inward-opening hatch to an outward-opening
hatch; wrap all the plumbing; changed the insulation on the wiring;
changed the materials in the vehicle. I don't recall, but there were
maybe a couple of hundred changes, specific changes, that were statements,
"This is what we want to do."
Well, from turning a statement of what you want to do into a drawing
so that somebody can build something, from that building something
to putting in the vehicle is a big step. It's easy to make a statement.
So we took those statements and turned those statements [into hardware],
we worked with North American on a day-to-day, hour-to-hour basis
to turn those statements into drawings, to interpret what was meant,
and then to interpret the drawings into hardware and how you installed
it in the vehicle. So that's what the team did. We were more or less
the information to help North American implement the changes.
If there was interference or if they couldn't do it, we would make
on-the-spot decisions to make those changes. In a normal way you would
do that, you'd have to go back and forth, [with] phone calls. And
we were out there right on the floor with the manufacturing people
and the engineers, working with them on a very fast basis so we could
do the implementation very quickly. That's what the Frank Borman team
What was the atmosphere like at the Downey plant?
It was very upbeat. Everybody knew they had a sense of direction.
Of course, Frank Borman was a fantastic leader, and being there helped
instill confidence in them. There was a very good relationship and
very good team spirit, and we got the job done. Of course, that's
another highlight of my career, working with Frank Borman. Of course,
his whole posture, just his confidence, his "can do" attitude,
his willingness to work with people, to listen to people, really stimulated
the whole thing. So that was just a wonderful experience of working
with Frank and the people out there.
Also I had the great opportunity at that time to work with another
great giant, George [W.] Jeffs [phonetic] from North American. George
Jeffs and Ed Smith and George [B.] Merrick [phonetic]. George Jeffs
and I still remain very good friends after all this period of time.
He's another great person in the space program. So that was a very
key milestone in my career.
There turned out that I remember while I was out at Downey at the
North American plant (I think it was probably a little bit after the
Frank Borman team had completed its work) George Low called me and
said, "Aaron, we're having a problem with the atmosphere in the
cabin. We have found that at 15 pounds per square inch, 100 percent
oxygen, we cannot find materials that self-extinguish, and we've got
to come up with some kind of atmosphere that will allow us to do that."
Max [Maxime A.] Faget's people at the time in engineering had been
doing some testing, and found that a 60 percent oxygen atmosphere,
40 percent nitrogen atmosphere, we could find enough materials that
were self-extinguishing.
So George asked me to pick a team and see if we could come up with
an atmosphere starting off with something like a 60-40 percent oxygen-nitrogen,
and see if we could implement that in the existing spacecraft. I picked
a team, and the team was composed of a former astronaut, Dr. Joe [Joseph
P.] Kerwin. In fact, interestingly enough, I was at a meeting with
Joe Kerwin this morning and we were talking about 60-40. Every time
we see each other, "Joe, do you remember 60-40?" Because
that was, in my career, another famous implementation.
So, Joe Kerwin; there was an engineer from North American named Dave
[David S.] Levine; and John Zaccaro. I remember the four of us worked
as a team to implement the 60-40. We did it in a fashion that did
not require any hardware modifications to the vehicle. Joe Kerwin,
being a medical doctor, was convinced that 60-40 was okay from a physiological
point of view. And the materials, Max Faget's people proved that it
was okay from a materials point of view. Now our job was to see how
we could implement it in the vehicle.
We found that we could pressurize the cabin with ground equipment
at the Cape, so that didn't require any additional equipment. We could
pressurize the cabin at 60-40, but we wanted to be at five pounds
per square inch, 100 percent oxygen, when we got to orbit. So how
did we do that? We found a port in the waste-management system that
we could open, that was existing there, we could open it and that
would vent the cabin down. We found an oxygen-replenishment system
that we could turn on a little handle and calibrate the flow of oxygen
into the cabin. By the time we got to orbit, we were down to five
pounds per square inch, 100 percent oxygen. So we could implement
it without any real significant changes to the existing hardware and
solve the problem. Again, that, to me, was one of the very key points
in my career in terms of the early days of the Apollo Program.
I then was made—I'm not sure I've got the sequence quite right—I
was deputy chief of the Systems Engineering Division in the Apollo
Project Office, and then the head of the Project Engineering Office
left, so I was made chief of the Project Engineering Office. So I
had two titles: deputy of Systems and chief of Project Engineering.
They were at opposite ends of the hall, so I used to go between the
offices of deputy of Systems Engineering and chief of Project Engineering.
The job of Project Engineering was to get the vehicles ready to go
to the Cape. We actually got the vehicles ready, checked out and everything.
We had project engineers that actually worked on the vehicles, the
command and service module—I'm talking now about the command
and service module, not the lunar module—and get the vehicles
ready to go to the Cape.
So that transpired, and then I happened to be out at Downey again
one time, and I remember getting another call from George Low saying,
"Aaron, we're thinking of a mission that we really would like
to talk to you about. We need you to do a review of the hardware (S/C
106). I really want to talk to you in person. It has to do with a
change in the mission of Apollo 8."
So I went back to Houston, and he said, "I want you to get a
group of people," and explained what the mission was, what the
Apollo 8 mission was. "I want you to look at spacecraft 106,
do a review of spacecraft 106, and see if spacecraft 106 can do a
lunar orbital mission, if the command and service module can do a
lunar orbital mission."
So I brought a team in from [North American]. We did it at the Johnson
Space Center. I brought a team in from [North American]. Ed Smith
was chief engineer. I brought Ed in and several people, and all the
documentation, and we worked back with his people at Downey, and we
looked at all the documentation, all the discrepancy reports that
had been resolved, all the structural analysis reports, all the wiring,
[and] anything we could find on the vehicle [that] had the credibility
and the integrity to do the type of mission we were talking about.
So I remember writing the report, finishing the report, and my wife
and I took it over to George Low's house about twelve o'clock at night
because he was leaving at six o'clock in the morning on the Gulfstream
to go to Washington, and this was a report that I presume he needed,
that certified that the vehicle was ready to go fly.
I remember the memo. I kept a copy of the memo. I still have a copy
of the memo. After the flight, I got Frank Borman to sign it. It's
one of my prized possessions. It's a copy of that memo, and Frank
says, "Aaron, you're right, it was a great vehicle." So
that was another very key milestone.
One anecdote came up in that time period. I think I was chief of the
Project Engineering Division at the time. The Rockwell people came
to me and said, "Aaron, we've got a problem." Rockwell and
our subsystem manager on the service propulsion system—you've
got to recognize that the service propulsion system was the key system
that got the command and service module into lunar orbit and it had
to work to get out of lunar orbit, and there's one engine. Like somebody
asked Frank Borman, they said, "What if this engine doesn't work
when you want to get out of lunar orbit?" He says, "Well,
you have a bad day," because you don't get out of lunar orbit.
We had run some tests, and the test facility had found that we got
a very large not explosion, but a very large pressure spike when they
fired the engine without the barrel being wetted previously if you
fired them both at the same time. There were two of them. Well, the
mission rules called for if you were going to make a mid-course correction,
called for both banks to be fired at the same time, because you wanted
to be sure you truly made that mid-course correction, or they really
wanted to be sure that if you didn't have to make a mid-course correction,
if you went into lunar orbit, you fired both of them at the same time.
Well, they came to me and said, "Aaron, if we fire both of them
at the same time when they're not wetted, you can really blow the
engine up." So I had to call George Low and tell him that. He
was at the Cape with Frank Borman. It was about three or four days
before launch. And George Low was one of the nicest people you ever
wanted to meet. He was very mild-mannered. He was not very happy with
me. I think that's the first time I ever remember, he said, "Why
are you telling me this at this late date?" That's what managers
always say. I said it millions of times. It's the first time when
you tell people something.
I said, "George, we have a solution." So we worked out a
solution that if you fired one bank at a time and wetted it, then
you didn't have a problem. So what we could do, without a mid-course
correction, you can use one bank, fire a few feet per second out a
plane, and a little later you could fire—not destroy the trajectory.
That would wet that bank. Then a little later you'd fire the other
bank and put you back in plane. So you'd have both banks wetted, so
when you went to go into lunar orbit you could fire both banks and
not worry about the problems. That's how you solved it.
Now, the issue, was you had to change the mission rules. Anyway, that
was a solution to the problem. So I got the solution out. It was very
heated at the time to get the solution out. So I do remember that
very distinctly.
Those are some of the highlights. Then I became manager, in [1969],
of the command and service module, and my history says after the announcement
hadn't come out, I became command and service module right at the
time of Apollo 13. So I was the manager. That was my first mission.
I'm not even sure the announcement was out yet. It was in '69, I think.
Apollo [13] happened in '70.
I do remember very distinctly going through all the investigations
with James McDivitt, who was the program manager at the time. I remember
going to Washington with Jim and going through the reviews.
Of course, where we really got very well chewed out by our congressional
committees for Apollo 13 is—I don't know if you recall, one
of the major problems was that we tried to boil off the liquid oxygen.
After the Apollo fire, we changed the pressurization system. We changed
the voltage from 28 volts to 65 volts, and that wasn't a problem had
we not left the power on for that length of time, but we didn't change
the relay that activated the thermostat. What happened is that when
we left it on for that long a period of time, the relay essentially
welded the contacts closed and the thermostat wouldn't open, so what
happened is when you boiled it off, we got to 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit
and damaged the insulation on the heater. Of course, when they tried
to turn on the fan and the heater, it blew up, is what happened to
Apollo 13.
The real issue there, the way we got very well chewed out was that
there we didn't document clearly the fact that we changed from 28
volts to 65 volts. Of course, that made us understand that we needed
to recognize, we needed to understand our hardware very, very well.
Of course, that was a lesson we learned very clearly. That wasn't
the only reason why it happened, but that was where we really got
chewed out, you might say, by congressional committees.
Did you reflect any differently on Apollo 8 after the incident that
happened in Apollo 13?
No, not really. I was worried about Apollo 8, but I guess sometimes
when you don't know things, you don't know. You mean did I reflect
on it? No, not really, because I was worried about other things on
Apollo. I was worried about, first of all, the navigation system,
even though I was familiar with it. Here you're 240,000 miles away.
Could you aim and point and ignite and thrust and hit a target 240,000
miles away? Of course, now it's obvious you could, but at that time
it wasn't quite so obvious. The other thing was the heat shield. Was
the heat shield really going to withstand the reentry heat coming
in at 36,000 feet per second from the moon?
So I was more worried about those things. I know Frank Borman was
probably worrying whether the hatch was going to stay tight, because
there were reasons why we had an inward-opening hatch. An outward-opening
hatch does have a mode that if it failed, wouldn't be too good in
But, no, I didn't really reflect too much differently on it. I feel
Apollo 8 was the greatest mission I ever participated in, even though
I was a younger engineer. I participated in Apollo 11 and, of course,
the Shuttle STS-1 was really my vehicle, but I really feel that Apollo
8 was really the greatest mission we ever—it was a bold decision
and it really is the first time humans left the gravitational field
of Earth. To me, emotionally, that was very, very significant. Extremely
Do you have any special memories from during that time of the mission?
Of course, everybody reflects on the fact that when you make the burn
and go into lunar orbit, you don't know if it's successful because
you're behind the moon and had to wait till they come back around
and tell you it was a good burn. When you get out of lunar orbit,
it's the same thing. So those two moments have to be very, very emotional
and a relief. Of course, I was still worried about the parachutes
coming out and all that, because that always bothered me a little
bit, that the bags were going to come out, we were going to be upright.
Were the parachutes going to come out, that always sort of worried
But each phase of the mission had its own problem: getting rid of
the launch escape tower during launch and separation. There were a
lot of things that happened. When you look back on it, you say, my
gosh, how did everything happen to well? I mean, it was pretty fantastic.
So that is a quick trip through my Apollo career. Of course, I was
the command and service module project manager for Apollo 13, 14,
15, 16, and 17, and I was manager for that. Of course, each one of
those missions had a little few instances here and there. I think
on Apollo 14 we had a hard time docking. Each one had its own character.
I don't remember them all right now, but I'm sure at the time—of
course, as my wife always said, I got the vehicle up and I was worried
about the next vehicle. Once it was launched and on its way to the
moon, I was worried about how we were going to get the next vehicle
ready to get to the Cape. That was really my job and to stay within
Then I was called in one day by Chris Kraft, who told me I was going
to become manager of the Space Shuttle Orbiter. Of course, that was
a very big thrill. I mean, I didn't know what I was getting into but,
as my wife said, that day was probably the greatest day I had in the
Shuttle Program, that first day. [Laughter] But she was being facetious.
The Shuttle Program and the Orbiter Project provided a complete new
set of problems in that being manager of Orbiter, the vehicle was
much, much more complicated than the Apollo vehicle. I mean, there's
no comparison to the complexity of the Shuttle vehicle. The mission
probably is not as sophisticated or probably as hard or as difficult,
but certainly the vehicle is very complicated. What it is, it's a
launch vehicle, it's a spacecraft, and, of course, it's an airplane,
so it's three functions. It really was a challenge.
Chris Kraft gave me the distinct opportunity of taking a concept that
were viewgraphs and paper and turning it into hardware, and turning
that hardware into an operational vehicle. I was able to do that.
I was able to do that through a lot of hard work, but through a lot
of great support from a lot of people, a lot of people at Johnson
Space Center, a lot of contractors, a lot of people at headquarters,
and, of course, working with the Marshall Space Flight people and
the Kennedy people. So I was very fortunate.
Some of the very interesting things there, well, if I go through in
sequence, some of the interesting things there, first, I guess you'd
have to say, is the budget. That was probably one of the biggest differences
between the Shuttle Program and the Apollo Program. The Apollo Program,
I think I went to Washington maybe one or two times on the budget.
On the Shuttle Program, I was in Washington almost every week on the
I remember distinctly, we got the authority to proceed in August of
1972. That's when they gave us the ATP, authority to proceed. Rockwell
was the lowest bidder. The first year, I remember very clearly, in
that year dollars was 140 million dollars. I remember that number.
Right out of the bat, they cut it to 70 million and they said you
couldn't slip-schedule. So I took a team of people out there. I had
had some experience in going through program reviews during the Apollo
Program, which I didn't mention. Even though we did have the luxury
of a little more leniency in dollars, we still did program reviews
in dollars. We did do a lot of reviews in dollars under George Low,
Joe Shea, Tom [J. Thomas] Markley. So we did do a lot of dollar reviews.
The Shuttle Program was much, much more significant. Here we go from
140 to 70 million dollars, no schedule slip. So we went out there
and we did a program review, and the first thing we started to do
was take things out of the program or delaying things we could delay.
There were certain phases of the program: there was DDT&E, design,
development, test & evaluation; there was production; and then
there was test and evaluation; and in between that there was increment
two and increment three. Increment three was more production vehicles,
building the production vehicles. So I kept taking things out of increment
one and putting it in increment two. Finally, somebody leaned over
to me, "I pity the poor person who's going to be the project
manager on increment two." [Laughter] That's the way I was getting
the cost down.
But we were able to get the cost down actually to a significant value
which allowed us to get going. Now, a lot of people say we made some
shortchanges there. I don't really think we did. I don't think we
really made, from my point of view, any shortcuts in terms of safety,
reliability. Little differences, we did have schedule as a variable,
so we could slip-schedule it a little bit at a certain point in time.
That changed a little later, but earlier we could slip-schedule. So
we were able to create a pretty good program and get going with a
restrained budget.
Of course, then the next big issue that hit, after we got over that
budget hurdle, was the weight started to grow. Of course, pretty soon
we found that, my gosh, we had the main engines, the SSMEs [Space
Shuttle Main Engines] and the boosters, the solid rocket boosters,
and the vehicles too heavy.
So then we had to go into a very detailed weight-reduction program
where we started reducing things. For example, at one time the Shuttle
had four hydraulic systems. Well, we reduced from four to three hydraulic
systems. It had four auxiliary power units. We went from four to three.
Henry [O.] Pohl, in Engineering, was just a fantastic help to me in
doing that. Henry was the man I relied on in getting that done. So
we were able to reduce the weight of the vehicle significantly, and
people like Tom Moser and Bill [William C.] Schneider in the Structures
group, and Norm Levine were very, very important in helping get the
structure reduced. So I had very, very outstanding people at the Johnson
Space Center in the Engineering Directorate that really worked very
hard—Ralph [S.] Sawyer, I could go on and on. Ken Cox. Go on
and on, of how we reduced the hardware and reduced the cost and the
weight of the vehicle. Of course, Rockwell was very prominent during
that, George Jeffs, Ed Smith. So we were able to do that, reduce the
weight, or at least get it to a point where we operate the vehicle.
Then, of course, the next big famous problem was the thermal protection
system. The tiles kept coming off. As my wife says, "Aaron's
hair is gray for every tile it took to put on the vehicle." When
you look back on it, it was such a simple problem, but we were amazed
that we didn't solve it. And we didn't solve it until after we had
most of the tiles on, on the first vehicle. Of course, I guess at
that point in time that was the bleakest day. I really didn't know
how we were going to get out of that problem. I really didn't know
how we were going to solve the tile problem.
And it's such a simple problem, the strength of where you bonded the
tile to the room-temperature vulcanizing [RTV] to the strain isolator
pad, was weaker than the basic tile. Stress risers were set up. When
people started looking at it, like Bill Schneider and Tom Moser, it
was such an easy thing to understand, why didn't we understand it
Of course, then we went to various techniques to get the strength
of the tile, like sonic tests and pull tests, and we were able to,
you might say, crutch our way through it until several people at the
Johnson Space Center and North American came up with the idea—I
probably am going to give credit to people that I know deserve it
and probably leave out some people that also deserve it, but a person
like Bob [Robert L.] Dotts at the Johnson Space Center came up with
the idea of densifying the lower quarter-inch of the tile with liquid
glass, which essentially then made that like a solid base that you
could essentially glue the tile to the vehicle to [eliminate] the
stress riser.
Of course, that was the solution to it, and that's what we do today.
We densify the tile and that's how the problem was solved. That really
bailed us out, really solved a major, major problem. It bailed us
out of a major, significant problem. At the time, though, I really
didn't see how it was going to work, but that's what we do now, we
densify the tiles, we put the tiles on, and then we came up with blankets.
I think the thermal protection system today is probably one of the
better systems. It's still a little fragile, but if you look at the
alternatives, the tiles were really a tough system.
Of course, I remember distinctly Kenny [Kenneth S.] Kleinknecht, who's
a very good friend of mine, and Bob Overmyer [phonetic], who passed
away just recently, an astronaut who was down at the Cape, and they
were putting tiles on and taking tiles off. Every morning we would
have a status report, "How many tiles did you take off and how
many tiles did you put on?" And it was just a touch-and-go process,
"Are we going to get all the tiles on?"
My son, who was very humorous at my going-away party, my wife and
my three children talked, and my youngest son said, "I used to
hear my dad talk about this. He said they finally realized that you
were going to have to put more tiles on than you took off or you're
never going to get from here to there." [Laughter] "So they
finally realized that. For a while I didn't think they were going
to realize that. I think they thought they could take more tiles off
than they put on and solve the problem, but they were going to have
to put more tiles on than they took off." And, of course, we
did and it was successful.
Of course, then we had a number of successful flights. Each flight
had a couple of its own issues, the first liftoff where we had a software
problem and we couldn't get the software working—I don't remember
all the details, but I'm sure they're documented—to various
I then was the program manager of the Orbiter Project for four flights,
I believe, and then I became director, for a short time, of Engineering.
Then we changed Engineering to Research and Engineering. We combined
science and engineering, and I became director of Research and Engineering.
Of course, that was a new experience for me, dealing with the scientists
and dealing with engineers, both of them, and it was really a pleasure,
working with people like Joe Kerwin and Mike Duke and those people
at the Johnson Space Center and the engineering people that I had
in the organization.
Of course, then we still kept up to date with the Shuttle launches,
but my job was more concerned about advanced technology, development
of the Space Station and getting going on that type of activity. Tom
Moser was director of Engineering, and he was more concerned with
the day-to-day activity of the Engineering organization.
Of course, then the Challenger accident occurred and that was a very
trying experience in terms of what we did there. Again, like any accident,
any of a number of things could have happened and you wouldn't have
had the accident. Of course, we did have the accident. When you look
back in history, you wonder why we didn't fix the seal earlier. And
I can't answer that question. The seal, if I look at it today as a
professor, the seal is a very poor design. I mean, you don't design
an O-ring seal that tends to open when you pressurize it. An O-ring
seal has to be locked in place. Whether there's cold temperature or
hot temperature, that is not a good design. Cold temperature certainly
takes away the margin. But even under hot temperature, it was not
a good design. So it was an unfortunate situation.
After the accident, we did a very similar thing that we did, at least
in my feeling, after the 204 fire, Apollo 1, we went through all the
systems and looked at all the systems and looked at what changes we
had to make. It turns out, I felt that I was very wrong. I felt that
it took us about—and I think my numbers are correct—it
took us about twenty-one months from the time of Apollo 7 till we
flew Apollo 8, and it was something like thirty-two months between
the Challenger accident and we flew our return to flight. So it took
us longer to get the Shuttle back to flight than it did Apollo.
I try to think why, and I guess the reason why is that we knew so
much more about the Shuttle, because we had flown so many more times
that we knew some issues that bothered us, so we fixed many more things
than we did on the Apollo vehicle. Like you were asking me the question
before, we knew more. We knew more, and as you know more, you fix
more. I'm not saying it's wrong, but I think that was really the issue.
We fixed not just the seal, but we fixed a lot of things on the vehicle,
on the Orbiter, a lot of things in the tank, a lot of things in the
engine, and we fixed a lot of things which essentially cost us a little
bit more time, but I think it was the right thing to do. I don't question
it at all.
I think the date was in October 1986, I believe, I became Center director
of the Johnson Space Center, and I guess I had the job of trying to
bring the Center back to having confidence in itself. My feeling was
things I had learned, the way I did that, the way I approached the
problem, and this is where I really used my previous history, I looked
at what George Low taught me and I looked at what Chris Kraft taught
me, and those were the two people that I looked at. I looked at what
they taught me to see how I could best bring it back.
Of course, my real issue was, it was going back to the fundamentals.
I liken it to when a football team has a losing streak. What they
do is they go back to the fundamental. I thought we just needed to
go back to the fundamentals. We needed to look at what we had, look
at the vehicle, look at the people, and see how we could build confidence.
Of course, I had a fantastic deputy director under P. J. [Paul] Weitz.
P.J. was just an outstanding person. P.J.'s a lot more stable. I get
excited; P.J. was always very calm. I could always go rant and rave
to P.J. and he'd calm me down, and we could go on and make decisions.
But P.J. was a great guy. I couldn't have done it without P.J.
I believe we were able to get the vehicle not only in good shape,
but get the people in good shape, and were able to fly. We had great
crews, great flight controllers, Gene [Eugene F.] Kranz and his team,
and great crew members. We were able to get the people flying. Of
course, Dick [Richard H.] Truly was the administrator at that time,
and Bob Crippen and Dick Kohrs and Arnie Aldrich were all there as
a team. Of course, I've got to say a lot about General Forrest McCartney
[phonetic] at the Kennedy Space Center, was a very big help, and so
was J.R. Thompson at Marshall. Then, of course, Roy [S.] Estess of
So that team got us going again, and I think we were very successful
in what we did and the vehicle we had and the management team that
we brought about. I think if I had to go back, the people I relied
on most was the teaching I learned from George Low and Chris Kraft.
I know P.J. and I—you know, it's always very interesting, you
make things so good that you can't do it. We found a—I don't
know if P.J. gave it to me or I gave it to P.J., it was a ship on
a very ominous sea and it said, "Ships in the harbor are safe,
but that's not what ships are built for." And we kept that in
front of us, because we could make this so safe that we could never
fly again, but our job was to fly. We wanted to make it safe. We couldn't
do everything everybody wanted, but we wanted them to share in what
we were doing. So, I think based on that we instilled a confidence
in the people to fly again. Of course, we had a number of good flights.
Then in between that time, I remember getting a call from Dick Truly.
He was the administrator of NASA. I don't recall just the time he
called, but he said that George Bush was going to make a speech, the
twentieth anniversary of the lunar landing, and we needed to be prepared
to do something in order to prepare to send humans to the moon this
time, this time to stay, and on to Mars. He said, "I want you
to assemble a team, and it's got to be sort of quiet. I want you to
assemble a team and come up with some frameworks of how to do this."
So we did. I can't recall who was on the team. I know Mike Duke was
one of them, and I think Mark Craig was the other. I don't recall
who was on the team. I'll have to go back and research that. But we
had a team. Somebody got me a room in the back rooms of the Johnson
Space Center, and we did some studies. Then we started a ninety-day
study. I think it wound up being 120 days. But it was a study that
we did. I was in Washington.
We did that study, and there were some problems with the study. The
costs were too great and I don't think the timing was quite right.
I think it was a good start. We did have a lot of good people working
on it. We had Johnson Space Center, we had Marshall, we had Kennedy,
we had Ames. We had all the centers working on it. We had JPL [Jet
Propulsion Laboratory]. We had everybody working on it, and I think
it was a good report. It was a little bit too much money, maybe too
grandiose, but I still think it set the stage for some good thought
processes, but it wasn't tremendously well accepted, and I accept
that, but I still am proud of the study.
Then in time I was asked to come to Washington to be Dick Truly's
acting deputy administrator. Then Truly left and [Daniel S.] Goldin
came, and I stayed with Goldin as acting deputy administrator for
a year. We had some very interesting experiences there as deputy administrator.
Washington was different for me, being involved in Washington. I really
was more of a Center director, I think, than a manager in Washington,
but I did learn a lot. I was able to, I think, help both Dick Truly
and Dan Goldin through some testimonies and through some budgetary
issues and through some technical issues, and I really enjoyed that
experience. It was very, very interesting, and I liked it very much.
Then I came back to the Johnson Space Center for a year, and then
my wife and I decided I really would like to do something different.
I really had always wanted to teach. It's something I'd always wanted
to do. I decided to retire, and Texas A&M offered me a professorship
to teach mechanical engineering design and systems engineering, and
that's what I do. So I retired and now I teach at Texas A&M, two
courses. I teach senior mechanical engineering design and I teach
systems engineering, two things I hope I learned while I was here.
I've got to be honest with you, teaching is a lot harder than I thought
it was going to be. I mean, teaching seniors, they don't let you off
the hook so easy. So I enjoy it, but I'm working a lot harder than
I thought I was going to work.
That's a very quick overview of my career. Maybe now you could ask
me some questions. I've talked for a while. Maybe you can ask me some
I would like to take you back to your earlier career. You did a great
deal of work in guidance and navigation and control. Tell us about
some of the challenges of that, in the early stage of the Space Program.
The challenge of guidance, navigation, and control, there were a lot
of challenges. I think guidance, navigation, and control—and
if you look at what we did then, what we did in Apollo, what we did
on Shuttle, and what they're doing today on spacecraft, is probably
one of the hardest or most difficult systems engineering problems.
Why do I say that? Because, first of all, it involves flight mechanics,
orbital mechanics; it involves structure; it involves electronics;
it involves software; it involves almost every system or subsystem
or discipline you can imagine put together in being able to navigate,
guide, and control a vehicle.
The challenges in the Apollo Program, of course, were ones where you
really needed to do inertial guidance. Inertial guidance, in contrast
to radio guidance, everything is on board. It's self-contained. During
the Apollo Program, did we really have the computer capacity? Today
your PC that you use is much, much more powerful than the computer
we used on Apollo. I mean, if it wasn't for people at the Draper or
MIT Labs, [like] Hal [J. H.] Laning and Dick Battin, that came up
with the computer—you know, the computer on Apollo was a wire-rope
memory. It was about 36,000 words of hard-core memory and it was wire
rope. It was 1,000 words of erasable memory. You had to have the system
designed. It was wired in with a rope. The zeroes and ones were wired
in, so you had to decide what you wanted six months before you used
it. So the computer was really the big question.
The next big question were the algorithms, and by algorithms I mean
the actual mathematical analysis of what you wanted to do in terms
of navigation and guidance. You were going to use a Star Tracker,
where astronauts actually measured the angles between stars, just
as the old sailors used to do, only we were doing it in three-dimensional
form, and were putting that information into an onboard computer and
calculating your position.
So when you put all that together and look at that technology and
look at the software that you needed, the formulation you needed,
you needed the computer, you wondered how was that all going to work.
I mean, how were we going to be able to put that together and make
it work? Then you said, my gosh, now once I do that, I've got to figure
out what to do with that information. So now you've got to fire engines
to put you on the right course. Well, the reeaction control engine
or the service propulsion engine? And put you on the right course.
Then some way you had to control the vehicle about a center of gravity
for control. So you had all those to put together and do it in a very
small computer, and have all the instruments, such as inertial measurement
unit, which you [use to] determine your attitude and measure your
acceleration on, and all the analog-to-digital converters and digital-to-analog
converters. How was that all going to work? Did you have all the right
constants? Did you have all the right characteristics of the lunar
So it was tough to do. The question is, were we going to be able to
make it happen? And, of course, was it all going to be able to fit
into the computer? So Apollo had its own set of things.
Then when you get to the Shuttle, the Shuttle brought its own set
of changes. The computer was still a little bit in question. We used
the old 4 pi [phonetic] computer from IBM, which we still use. Again,
that's very, very obsolete. But then Shuttle was a much more complicated
problem because we needed to have what we call a fail-operational
fail-safe system. So you had to have four computers essentially working
together in synchronization, talking to each other 550 times a second,
and then if it made a mistake, that one was [voted] out and you had
another computer take over. So that redundancy management system had
never been done before, and we were worried were we going to be able
to make this work.
It turns out, we made it work on the first approach and landing test.
The first approach and landing test I remember very distinctly. I
was at Palmdale, sitting in the control room right next to Edwards
Air Force Base, and at that time I smoked a pipe. I was famous for
my pipe. We separated off the 747. We blew the pyros off the 747,
and you got a big X across the screen. The lead computer had failed.
I think I bit my pipe in two. I thought, oh, my God. Of course, the
next computer came on, just as we planned it. The next computer came
in and we landed. What happened is, we had a bad solder joint, so
when you blew the pyro, it knocked that computer off. But the point
being, we had a fault-tolerance system, fail-operational, fail-safe
system. So the question was whether we were going to be able to make
that work or not.
So those were the big issues in the guidance system. In Apollo, was
could we get everything in the computer. In the Orbiter, the Shuttle
Program, could we handle the redundancy management system. Those were
the two big issues. There were a lot of day-to-day issues, but if
you really try to boil it down, is was could we get everything in
the computer for Apollo, would it work. And for Shuttle, would the
fault-tolerant or redundancy management system work. So those were
very trying times, and we weren't sure we were going to be able to
make it.
We had some awful good people working on the problem during the Apollo
Program, people like Bill Tindall and people at MIT. Then during the
Shuttle Program, people like John [W.] Aaron and those kind of people
that were really key in making this thing work.
Thank you. Next I'd like to go to your job [working with] interface
control documents. How did you make all those different contractors
and all the different centers work together to agree on how these
interfaces would work?
That's a really interesting question. I had some very good people.
Let's see if I can recall them all. One was Sid Jones, one was Jesse
[F.] Goree. I had some really cream-of-the-crop people that were working
for me. I did know a lot of people.
The way I started, we got a list of all the interface documents, just
a list of what we had of all the interface documents between each
elements. The elements were, to start with the command module, the
interface between the command module and the guidance system, because
the guidance system was provided by AC Spark Plug at the time. They
actually provided the computer, the Raytheon computer, the Kollsman
optics, and their own inertial measurement unit. So we had to get
all those interfaces defined, because they went into the command module
and also into the lunar module. So this time I was involved with the
lunar module.
Then we had to figure out the interfaces between the command module
and the service module, between the command service module and the
lunar module, how that all fit into the interfaces into the Saturn
launch vehicle, and how the Saturn launch vehicle actually interfaced
with the launch complex. So we defined all those interfaces, and I
recall—it's just from memory, but it was over 1,000. I think
it was between 1,200 and 1,500 individual interface control documents.
We had a big meeting. I don't know if you've ever been to the Cape,
but we used the big control room at the Cape, the firing room, and
we had people all in there. We had people all in there by disciplines—lunar
module, command service module. They were all sitting together. I
briefed them on what we wanted to go do. We met at the Cape and we
had rooms set aside for them. We said, "We are not going home
until we at least identify all the interfaces and have all the actions
assigned what it takes to solve them. If it takes a week or two weeks,
we're going to stay here."
So we put them all in rooms, we had rooms for them, and I think we
stayed there about a week. They came up with a list of all those things.
That didn't solve it; that just was the identification of what had
to be solved. That didn't solve anything, it just was the identification.
Then we set out a plan and a schedule of how we were going to solve
those problems. We had leaders from each group, and we would send
it to them, and then we would make visits to them periodically to
see how they were doing, what stumbling blocks they had. Then very
much like we did on the Frank Borman team, we would make on-the-spot
Now, I had to go back with those on-the-spot decisions and review
that at the Change Control Board, because I was making decisions that
affected other people's hardware. But we made on-the-spot decisions.
Of course, that solved a lot of the problems. That didn't solve all
of them; that solved a lot of them. Then we took that fallout and
then we did it again.
Over about a six- to eight-month period, we were able to solve them
all to a point where they could identify them and turn those definitions
into hardware. So that's basically how you do it.
As I teach my students, there is no simple mathematical equation that
will allow you to solve an interface. I mean, there is no way to do
it. You've just got to work with it and do each one bit by bit, and
if you look how it's done in industry or government today on a design,
that's how it's done. So that's how we did it. It was a mammoth job.
But I remember the big firing room. Have you ever been to the firing
room? Do you know what I'm talking about?
Well, we just had them all lined up and put in various seats, and
that's how we worked. I didn't know if we were going to be able to
do it or not, but we pulled it off.
You managed to work with all those contractors, too.
All the contractors and all the other centers.
Were there any contractors that stand out in your mind from working
with them, as being either exceptionally good at this or not?
They all were good. Of course, I think that we relied very heavily
on North American Aviation, because they at that time were really
our lead contractor. So we relied very heavily on North American,
and I have to say they probably were the driving force that helped
us. But Grumman was good. They all were good. If I had to single out,
the best one would be North American.
Tell us more about your interaction with MIT and the work that they
did, because sometimes you don't hear as much about the work that
they did.
I personally feel—and if I'd write a book, I'd say it—I
personally feel that MIT, the Instrumentation Lab, really were the
ones who led us to the moon. I think if we would not have had Dick
Battin's formulation of all the guidance algorithms, had they not
been able to put that in the computer, I really feel that we would
not have made it. That's my own personal feeling. I feel that that
part of it was so germane to what we were doing, it was so much an
unknown of how to do it, how to do the guidance that got you from
the Earth to the moon, how you did the mid-course corrections, understanding
where you were. Now, we did start to rely a little bit on ground information,
but still, how you did the navigation.
Let me explain. There are three things that you need to do: navigation,
guidance, and control. Navigation is finding out where you are, so
you need to figure out where you are. That's where you basically use
the sextant and the stars, and you did use some ground data. Ground
data came up and told you where you were and you used that.
Once you find out where you are, you have a reference system and the
computer tells you where you want to go. The guidance then takes that
and tells you what to do to get to where you want to go. That is another
set of algorithms, and that uses what we call effectors. It can be
engines on Apollo. On Shuttle it's both engines and the aerosurfaces.
What we call effectors.
Then control is how you maintain the stability of those systems around
its center of gravity while you're doing all this.
So to put all those algorithms together, the MIT Instrumentation Lab
had to do all that and work out all those algorithms. The leader was
Dick Battin, and he had fantastic people like Norm Sears and Phil
Fellerman and people like that, that really helped him do that. To
me, it was just a phenomenal thing. I think on Apollo, you know, like
somebody said, it's easy to get to the moon when it's a bright moon;
you just look up there and point. When the moon is shining, when you
go when you have a full moon, you're bound to hit it. But it's not
quite that simple. You're 240,000 miles away. You want to be able
to rendezvous with the moon. You want to break into lunar orbit. You
want to then deploy the lunar module, let it come down, and come down
in a fashion where it can actually land on the lunar surface at a
particular point. You want to be able to lift the lunar module off
the surface of the lunar surface, rendezvous with the command module,
all that software, and then fire the engine and get out of lunar orbit
with the command and service module on the way back to Earth, rendezvous
with the Earth, come in, and not come in too steep so you burn up,
or too shallow so you skip out. You want to hit that corridor just
right from 240,000 miles away. Then you want to be able to maneuver
the command module down with guidance algorithms that will allow you
not to exceed its heating loads and its G loads, and land in a given
place in the ocean, and allow the parachutes to come down and recover.
So those are really very complicated things. So I say that that was
all done by Draper Lab, or MIT at the time, the Instrumentation Lab.
So I give them an awful lot of credit. And that had to all fit within
their hardware. The major hardware there was the computer, was the
inertial measurement unit, which is a combination of accelerometers
which measure your increase and decrease and acceleration. From a
very simple math equation, if the computer integrates acceleration,
you get velocity. If you integrate velocity, you get position. So
by doing that, you're able to determine where you are. We call it
a state vector. You're able to determine where you are.
Then the gyros maintain your attitude, so you have an attitude. Of
course, that inertial measurement unit is aligned with the optics
to a given reference system, so you know where your reference measurement
system is, so you're measuring everything.
So, to make all that work in inertial guidance in that day and time
was pretty fantastic. Of course, now inertial guidance, we use it
a lot. We have global positioning systems now. Of course, it's a little
bit more sophisticated and it's improved a lot. Of course, the computer's
improved fantastic.
So that was my experience with MIT. Of course, we were starting off
from scratch. Once you do something, it's interesting how much easier
it is to do it, but when you don't know what to do, when you're starting
off—in fact, I used to say—I'll digress a moment. Another
anecdote. For a while on the Shuttle Program, I used to say that all
that was going to happen was a bunch of viewgraphs. I said, "I
want to see some hardware." I used to say, "Where are the
chips?" So you need to get out of the viewgraph mode and start
building something. Of course, to start off from scratch, it is hard
to do.
To just elaborate on that, I teach a course in mechanical engineering
design at Texas A&M, and I give my students something very, very
complicated, that they know nothing about, they know absolutely nothing
about, and they get very, very frustrated, but I tell them very clearly,
I say, "If you study the program, if you diagnose the problem,
you tear it apart, you build it back up, you'll know how to do it.
When you get a job, your boss, he or she, is not going to know any
more about it than you do, and you're going to have to figure out
what to go do." And that's what we had to do with the guidance
system. I think MIT did that.
It was an amazing feat.
It really was. It really was. Of course, a lot of people at Johnson
Space Center helped a lot, people like Chris Kraft and Bill Tindall
were a very big help to them during the Apollo Program. I think I
was, too.
Then later you were in charge of the command and service module during
the latter part of the Apollo Program. How did you feel, as you were
approaching Apollo 17 and the Apollo Program was coming to an end?
That's an interesting question. You see, I knew that I was going to
be manager of the Orbiter, so I was so preoccupied with getting into
the Orbiter, I really didn't have, shall I say, any real strong feelings.
Of course I would have liked to see Apollo continue, but I was so
busy trying to figure out how I was going to do something from 140
millions to 70 million dollars, that I really didn't worry about that.
Maybe I was wrong. To be honest with you, when I think back on it,
I really did not think about that very, very much. That's just an
honest feeling. We did some good missions, I liked the missions, it
was great, it was a wonderful experience, and I can't thank people
enough, being involved in it. On the other hand, I was so busy trying
to figure out how to get the Orbiter built, even at that period of
time, that it didn't really bother me a lot. That's an honest feeling.
Did you get involved in Skylab at all?
The only thing I did in Skylab, yes, a little bit. The only thing
I did in Skylab, Kenny Kleinknecht was the manager of the Skylab Program,
and he gave me the responsibility to build the command modules for
it. So I was the interface. I was responsible. He could have taken
over the command module and built it, but it was a very good decision
on his part because there was only one interface with North American
at the time. So I built the command module. I was responsible for
the command modules at North American for the Skylab Program. I didn't
get involved in the tradeoffs between wet workshop and dry workshop.
I didn't get involved in that. I really got involved in the command
module. When they had a problem with the solar panels and all that,
I really did not get involved in that. I was involved with getting
the command module ready and getting the Shuttle built.
Looking at the Shuttle, if you look at the Russians, they've used
the Soyuz spacecraft since the 1960s. Why do you feel the American
focus shifted to reusable spacecraft?
Well, I really think that the ultimate answer for reducing the cost
of a pound of payload to orbit is by you doing a reusable vehicle.
Now, whether the Shuttle really proved that or not, I think that's
a little bit in question. You know, some people say, "Well, it
was because you took shortcuts early in the program," i.e., the
140 to 70 million dollar type of problem I was talking about. I'm
not sure I agree with that, but it's hard to argue. The Shuttle did
not prove the economy we thought it could.
Now, I've got to also be honest with you, digressing a little bit
from your question, also be honest with you. We changed the ground
rules on the Shuttle as we went through the phase. I'll tell you what
I mean by that, and people don't really recognize it. We said the
Shuttle was going to be a very standard vehicle. You were going to
put a vehicle in it, you were going to build a vehicle, you were going
to have very standard interfaces. You were going to get a payload,
you were going to bolt the payload in. All the payloads that came
to you were going to be very standard. All the electrical wiring was
going to be very standard. All the mission profiles were going to
be very standard. It was really going to be a cargo where you took
something up, dumped it, and went back.
Well, that changed. We changed it. I remember being called up to Washington
and I was told by somebody you interviewed—Dale Myers. He said,
"Aaron, this is going to be very simple. We're going to use off-the-shelf
hardware. We're going to just take something up. We're going to have
very simple interfaces. That's what I want you to do."
Well, I felt that's what they meant, but as you go through time, you
then say, "Well, this payload doesn't want this. This payload
wants this." So you start trying to accommodate people. And I'm
not saying it's wrong, but as soon as you start accommodating people,
the cost grows, the weight grows, the complexity grows. So I feel
that, in my mind—people may disagree with me—I feel, in
my mind, that's the reason why the Shuttle did not come off as cost-efficient
as people thought it should, because we made everything for everybody.
Is that wrong? No, it's not wrong, but it does not come out to be
as economical a vehicle.
I still feel, though, that a reusable launch vehicle is the right
thing to do, and I do think that what we did, in doing it, is the
right thing, because I think whatever the Shuttle is or the next generation
is going to be either—I don't know about a single stage to orbit,
but I do think a reusable launch vehicle is still going to be the
right thing to do. It may be something a little bit different than
the Shuttle, but I feel we're on the right track to reduce the cost
of payload to orbit. But I do think we've got to make it more of a
standard launch vehicle than one that accommodates everybody, if you
really want to make it less expensive. I really think that's the problem.
So I think we're on the right track. I think it's the right thing
to do. I think basically it's going to be the most economical way
to go. Actually, I think it's going to be the most reliable way to
You made the statement that the Shuttle was made to try to accommodate
everybody, do something for everybody. Something you haven't mentioned
in discussing the Shuttle is the Air Force. Did you interact with
the Air Force?
Yes, I did. I did interface with the Air Force a lot. We did do a
lot of compromises for the Air Force—the cross range, the volume
of the payload bay. So I did interface with the Air Force a lot. Of
course, they had a lot of requirements which I think were good requirements,
and I'm not sorry we did what we did for them and worked with them,
because I think it did help us. I think it did make a more useful
vehicle, but it did make a more expensive vehicle.
Just to give you an example, too. You talked about the avionics system,
or the guidance system. When we started off, we were going to have
four systems, fault-tolerant, and we said very clearly at the beginning,
if we lost the one on the pad prior to liftoff, we'd go with three.
That's what we said at the very beginning. Well, that's not what we
do today. In fact, we added another one. We've got a fifth system.
We've got a backup system.
So we changed the ground rules, which made the thing more expensive.
People don't remember, but that's what we said very clearly, we were
going to have four systems, and if one failed, we were going to go
with three. We'd never do that. It probably was a wrong statement
to begin with, but that's what we said. And that's one reason why
it's not as cheap as it was. I'm not arguing that that was a right
or wrong decision; I'm just saying that's why it's probably more expensive.
Talking about Shuttle, for Shuttle a new management structure was
established: the lead center management. How do you feel about that
management philosophy, and how did that work for you?
There's a lot of argument with that. I personally think that it worked
very well for me. I personally think it worked very well. There are
people that will disagree with me, and very good friends of mine that
will disagree with me. But I think the lead center was the right thing
to do. I think it was the most economical way to go. I think it was
the most reliable way to go. And we made it work.
Now comes the Challenger accident. Was that the right thing to do?
People question whether that was the right thing to do. You know,
it's always interesting to second-guess, but I personally feel that
the lead center was good. I think it was good for me. I think I didn't
have a problem with it while I was working on it. I think the leadership
in Washington at the time, under John Yardley—by the way, I
didn't mention John Yardley, and he deserves an awful lot of credit
for the Shuttle Program. John was a wonderful leader, a wonderful
man, and I can't say enough about John.
I will say this about John. Let me digress while I'm thinking about
it. I used to go to Washington, and John Yardley used to just chew
me up. I mean, I used to feel like a piece of Swiss cheese when I
got through with him. But one thing about him, once he chewed you
up, chewed you up about the problem, it was his problem; it wasn't
your problem. I mean, he didn't even know what your face looked like;
he was just upset. So I forgot who it was from the Cape, came up,
was after me, and he got up and said, "John, I don't want to
win. I just want to go the distance." So he just wanted to go
the distance with John. John Yardley was a very great leader that
we had in the program.
Talking about Challenger, from your perspective, what do you feel
the differences from the effect on NASA in the public, between Apollo
and the Challenger?
Well, you know, that's a very good question. I've thought about that
a lot, and I'm not sure I have a good answer. I've thought about it
a lot. I don't really know. I guess the only thing I can really say—and
I'm not sure it's right, but you've asked me the question. I think
people during the Apollo Program, when Apollo 1 happened, I don't
think they knew enough about the program. It was still a mystique.
During the Challenger accident, we had already flown so many times,
it was not a mystique anymore. It was expected to be good. So I don't
really know if that's right or not. But it's just like the point I
made to you, I thought that we were going to be able to solve return
to flight on the Shuttle much quicker than we did on Apollo, because
the Challenger was really one problem. It was the seal. On Apollo,
we never did find the ignition source. We really never did find out
what the problem was. So I said, well, here's something we never really
understood, here's something we understand, so I made the assessment
in my mind that we were going to be able to return to flight very
quickly. It took us longer. I really think that's symptomatic of the
question you asked, because I think the feeling was much more serious
during the Shuttle Program than it was during the Apollo Program.
Of course, it may be, too, that the investigation was more open to
everybody on the news than it was during the Apollo Program. I remember
sitting in my den one night watching the investigation of the Shuttle
Program, and having previously, on CNN, watched the fact that a Blackhawk
helicopter had crashed and killed ten people or so, and I was moaning
and groaning. My wife came in, said, "What are you moaning and
growing about?"
I said, "Here a Blackhawk helicopter crashed and killed all these
people, and they don't have their hearing aired on CNN."
And she said, "Well, let me ask you a question. Where did you
go for lunch after the first flight on the Shuttle?"
I said, "I went to the White House for lunch with the President."
She said, "Where do you think the Blackhawk helicopter people
went after they had their first flight?"
I said, "They probably didn't go to the White House."
She said, "That's the difference!" [Laughter] So she sort
of put me in my place. So that's the difference, I guess.
That's a tough question.
It is a tough question. I really don't know the answer. I think a
lot just depends on the time, because the time and the things people
see, it was tough. But I don't know if I'm right or not. That's my
own take on it. I thought about it, but I never did come up with a
good answer.
What were some of the things that you tried to implement when you
[became Center Director of] JSC after the Challenger accident, to
try to boost morale?
Well, what I tried to do is I tried to get back to the basics. I tried
to have reviews that would let people air their concerns. I tried
to make sure that people could voice their concerns. I tried to do
that, but I also made it very clear that we could not do everything
for everybody, and that we were going to look at things and then make
an open decision of what we're going to do and why we're going to
do it, and, whether they liked it or not, at least give them a decision
For example, there was a big issue about the big 17-inch line that
fed the liquid oxygen from the tank to the engine. That was a very
sensitive issue. We had had one failure at the test facility where
it failed shut. It was held open by the aerodynamic configuration,
the hydrodynamic configuration. If that shut while the fluid was flowing,
it would essentially blow up an engine, blow up an SSME [Space Shuttle
Maine Engine].
The crew felt very, very strongly that it should be more of a positive
latch that kept that open and then deactivate that latch when you
finish flowing, rather than holding it open just by so-called rigging
of the hydrodynamic shape. I felt very strongly that better is the
enemy of the good, and that we'd make a change, you don't know what
you're going to get into, and we really had a problem. The crew felt
very, very strongly about it, and so I, in an open forum, changed
my mind and said this is what we were going to go do. And it was the
right thing to do. I was wrong, and it was the right thing to do.
So I do think that getting back and making open decisions, let people
voice their opinions.
At my going-away party, Dave Leetsma said very clearly, "I've
been trying to get a software change in since the Challenger accident,
and Aaron Cohen wouldn't ever let me get in. Now that he leaves, maybe
I can get it in." So, you know, you don't let everybody do everything,
but you tell them why you're not going to do it. And that's what I
tried to bring back to them. I made it very clear that we couldn't
do everything that everybody wanted us to do if we wanted to fly,
like the statement I made before. So that's what I tried to do, and
I tried to use the lessons that I learned from George Low and Chris
While you were director of JSC, you worked on public opinion, I guess,
by trying to get more positive view of NASA out into the public with
the Space Center Houston and things of that nature. How do you feel
NASA is doing with that right now?
I think they're doing good. I think it's very important, and I think
they're doing very good. I think some of the things I did were very
good. I was very interested in working with the uses of space to solve
problems on Earth. I felt that was what had to be done to really make
a big mark.
I'll go back to a very fundamental thing. Why did we do the Space
Program in the first place? We did it because of the Cold War. We
did not do it for science. We did not do it for technology. When [John
F.] Kennedy said, "We're going to send men to the Moon and return
them safely before the end of the decade," he didn't say that
for anything but the Cold War.
Now the Cold War is gone, so I felt very strongly that NASA had to
establish a need. What is the need, so the American public could clearly
see the need? The need may be technology benefits of humankind. It
could be something that would benefit people. I felt that what we
needed to do was see how we could solve human problems on Earth from
space. So that was my theme and that's what I tried to do. That's
what I tried to do when I worked with the Greater Houston Partnership.
That's what I tried do when I tried to do the Visitors Center. That's
what I tried to do with the technology we'd work on.
We used to have open houses. I do think the things that they're doing
now are very, very good. I really think some of the things they're
doing, I really encourage and I like them. I think that's what needs
to be done, because I do think that NASA needs to establish a need.
It needs to establish where it's going. We have a very difficult job.
We can't lobby. We can't do this, we can't do that. But we can show
people that we're doing something to help them solve their problems.
So I think it's extremely important.
I think that's important, too. What do you think is in store for the
future of NASA? You were involved in the Moon and Mars Initiative
Study. Where do you see that going?
Well, you know, it turns out I was asked to be on the Mars Architecture
Study Board at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which is looking at
the future of robotic missions to Mars and the human mission to Mars.
Of course, if you ask me, I feel very strongly that we're going to
send robotic missions to Mars in terms of a Mars sample return and
look for the existence of life, using the theme that if you can find
water, you can find the existence of life. I think that's extremely
important. I think it's important because I think it would let us
understand our planet better, understand what the frailties of our
planet are. It will also allow us to understand where our existence
may have occurred. So I think it's important.
I think we will send robotic missions. In fact, I think we will have
drilling on Mars that will go to a subsurface level of anywheres from
100 meters to 2 kilometers, and bring back samples of surface samples
to the Earth. Then I feel eventually we will send humans to Mars.
I'm sure not all the people agree with me on that, but I feel very
strongly that's what's going to happen. I think the plan is there.
I think we have the people to do it, we have the resources to do it.
I think there are some technologies that need to be developed, like
in situ propellant development on the Martian surface, like physiological
effects on humans, solving that problem.
But I do think it will be done. I think certainly people coming out
of school today will have the opportunity to do it. In fact, what
I tell my students, I tell them that I was very, very fortunate to
work on the programs I just described to you. I say it was just a
fantastic feeling. My biggest desire is that I hope they're able to
do the same things I did. There are programs that they'll be able
to do, that I did. That's how I end my lectures.
That's wonderful. How do you feel about the current international
cooperation that's going on in the space industry?
Of course, I don't know too much about it, other than what—I
don't want to sound like Will Rogers—what I read in the paper.
But I do know a little bit about what's happened in Space Station,
with the international participation in Space Station, because I read
that. In terms of the French, in terms of the Italians, I think it's
extremely positive. Even in this exploration program, the little bit
I see there, the French are getting involved, the Italians are getting
involved along with the Space Station. So I think it's very positive.
The Russians are very tough. I think they've having tough times. I
think they can contribute. I don't know enough about their economics
or where that stands, but there's no question that the Russians have
had a very, very solid, good space program in terms of launch vehicles,
in terms of their technology for their on-orbit capability. So I think
there's some benefits there. What does the economic situation do?
I'm really not sure I can answer that.
But I do think countries, in general, if they can bring things to
the table, like the French can and the Italians can, I think international
cooperation is a benefit, because I think space is an international
It looks like it's going to be that way in the future.
Right. I don't think there's any question about it. Going to Mars
will be an international program, both robotic missions and in the
human missions.
Tell us something about the project you're working on with Kistler.
That's a very interesting project. I'll get a chance to talk about
my good friend George [E.] Mueller, which I didn't mention. Again
I would say that George Mueller—there are a lot of people the
Apollo Program couldn't be done without, and George Mueller is certainly
one of them. It definitely could not have been done without George
Mueller. He has the tenacity, the engineering capability, and the
drive to make it happen. Had it not been for George Mueller, we wouldn't
have made Apollo on the date we wanted to make it. So I think the
world of George.
It turns out that I was in Washington at an AIAA Fellows dinner, I
guess it was about three years ago, and George said, "Aaron,
I've got something interesting." I was teaching at A&M. "I've
got something interesting that I'm working on, and I'd like you to
come up and see me in Seattle and talk about seeing if you'd be interested
in doing it."
I said, "Well, okay," and I didn't think any more about
Then not too long after that, he called me. It turns out that I'm
very fortunate at A&M, is they allow us to do fifty-two days a
year, … a day a week, consulting. So I can do consulting. So
I went up there and talked to George. Dale Myers was there. Of course,
the three of us knew each other. I should mention Dale was another
one of my very, very good friends in the Apollo Program. Dale used
to work for me when he was at [North American]. Then I used to work
for him. I've always worked for George.
So George had this idea of a two-staged orbit [vehicle] for communication
satellites, and said, could we design it. So we started designing.
Then I brought Henry Pohl in, because I never wanted to design anything
without my good friend and engineer Henry Pohl, so I brought Henry
in. We stayed up there for a while over the summer and came up with
this design, which I think is very, very good. It's two-stage to orbit
and return. The uniqueness about it is that it comes in with parachutes
and air bags, and it can deploy [payloads on orbit]. It has a very
good market in terms of communications satellites. The other thing
that was very beneficial to us, as you pointed out, we could use the
Russian NK33 engine, which took a big burden of development off of
us in terms of a liquid-oxygen/kerosene engine, which made it very
feasible to do.
One thing led to another, and pretty soon we've got a design and we've
got people building it, and I think we're going to make this thing
happen. So it's very, very exciting. We even brought Dick Kohrs into
it, so we've got Dick Kohrs working on it, Henry Pohl working on it.
Then we brought in Joe Cuzzupoli. He really built the Apollo and the
Shuttle vehicles for Rockwell. So we've got Joe building it, and he
got some very good contractors. We got Northrup-Grumman in El Segundo.
We've got Lockheed-Martin in Michoud [Louisiana] building the [propellant]
tanks. We've got Draper Labs doing the guidance system, along with
Allied Signal. And we've got Oceaneering doing the thermal protection
system, and Irvin [phonetic] Industries doing the parachutes and the
air bags. So we've got some top contractors, good people, and we've
got a good market. So it's very exciting and it's liable to be a very
good success.
Terrific. Is there anything that you would like to mention, that we
haven't already included?
I don't really know. I think I've covered an awful lot. I'm sure I
left a lot of things out. When you start talking about people, there's
always a danger you're going to leave somebody out, and I probably
have left somebody out. One person I know of very distinctly I left
out is Bob [Robert F.] Thompson, who was head of the Shuttle Program,
who I worked for. Bob was very key in the program, in getting the
lead center going. If you want to talk about a person who really made
the lead center work, it was really Bob Thompson. Bob, I think, was
really a key n making the lead-center concept work. He and Chris Kraft,
who was the Center director, Bob was the program manager, really made
the lead center work. Lead center depends on a lot of people, and
I think Bob was a key man in making that a success and making my job
You mentioned that you worked on the command module at Skylab. Were
you involved with developing the rescue vehicle, the command module
vehicle that was modified so if they needed to do a rescue?
Yes, I was. We implemented the hardware into that, yes. Requirements
were established and then I was essentially building it, in that context.
There's not much reference to the rescue vehicle that we've come across.
Was there a time during one of the missions, maybe the last one, where
they looked at possibly needing to launch that?
As I recall, there was, but I honestly don't remember the details
of it. I do think there was a time when they thought they would have
to go into—the other point was, I think, the other question
was how much power did they have to keep on it to make it useable
and that type of thing. Those were the issues. I think at one point
in time there was a thought of using it, but it's very vague. I have
to be honest, it's very vague in my mind.
When you first started out, you mentioned that these folks from NASA
were coming down and you asked, "Who's NASA?" Would you
ever have imagined where this would all lead to?
No, not at all. That is a very good question. It turns out, people
ask me how did I plan to get to where I was, and the thing is, I never
did plan anything. I mean, I never did think today what I was going
to do six months from now. No. The answer is no. If you would take
what I did then and then tell me that some day I was going to be Center
director of the Johnson Space Center, or acting deputy administrator,
or even program manager, I would say, "Gosh, you don't know what
you're talking about." I never had that thought.
In fact, when I came to the Johnson Space Center, I didn't know what
to expect, and I certainly didn't expect to be a manager of the command
and service module. I never in the world thought that would happen.
I mean, it wasn't even on my radar screen. To be Center Director,
I never thought I'd be Center Director. I never did really plan for
it. I never did say, "This is my next step. This is what I want
to do." It came to me, and I guess it came to me because I was
lucky. If I look at people like George Low and Chris Kraft and George
Jeff and Dick Battin and George Mueller, I guess that's why it came
to me.
When Apollo 11 landed on the moon, where were you and what were you
Well, I was in the control room, and I just thought it was normal.
I mean, I just really didn't think it was anything great. I just thought
that's what we set out to do and that's what we were going to do.
I will say one thing, though, to add on to that question a little
bit. One thing I would add, and you led me to that question, if I
look at what are the most significant achievements I made in terms
of missions, I will say Apollo 8 was probably the biggest significant
mission that I was involved in. Then I would say STS-1 was the next.
Then I would say Apollo 11. Then I would say STS-2. And I'll tell
you why I say it in that order. I think I told you enough about what
I think about Apollo 8, because that was the first time humans really
left the gravitational field of the Earth.
STS-1, to me, meant really my contributions to a reusable launch vehicle,
which I think was very, very, very significant, the reusable launch
vehicle. Of course, Apollo 11 can't go without being noticed. I mean,
it has to be noticed, and it was very, very significant. STS-2 proved
that we had a reusable launch vehicle. So that's my logic.
I think a lot of people say Apollo 8 was their—I mean, I think
if you ask other people, other people will say the same thing. They'll
probably say Apollo 11. I have to put STS-1 in before Apollo 11, which
is probably just my own feeling on it.
The recent effort to consolidate the operations of the Shuttle to
principally one organization, USA [United Space Alliance], at the
time of your work with the Space Shuttle, was there early talk of
changing the Shuttle operations and moving it to the private sector,
in other words, getting a Boeing to operate the Shuttle?
No. I tell you, I don't think it was really talked about that much.
What we were really talking about is doing the operations of the Cape
that way, the Cape contract that way, making it one contract at the
Cape. I think they did do that eventually, Lockheed. They never really
seriously talked about making the operations a commercial operations
of the total system. That happened about a year after I left, I think,
so I never really got involved with that. That was a very tough decision
to make. I think it seems to be working. As much as they've done,
it seems to be working pretty well, but I really am not that familiar
with that question.
Regarding the Challenger accident, in your opinion, the problems that
they had with the joints, if that accident did not occur at that time,
do you think eventually it would have been [unclear]?
You know, I've thought about that a lot. I think the possibility is
there. If you really look at the design and you look at the finite
element analysis or the structural analysis of it, that joint really
opens up. If it's like this, when you pressurize it, it opens up and
that O-ring is exposed. That first O-ring is completely exposed, even
under a very hot day. Now, we did fly several fights that way, but
quite a few flights that you never did damage that second O-ring.
You had soot on it, but you never did damage it.
You know, your question is a very, very hard question to answer. I
don't know. I guess I would have to say that it should have been fixed.
I think it probably should have been fixed in line, at least. At least
that's Monday-morning quarterback. You're much smarter on Monday morning
if you go for a first down and you make it rather than kicking a field
goal. But I just can't answer that question.
I teach my students, I use that as an example for my students, and
I say, "Never design a system this way." I say, "Never
design a system this way. When you design an O-ring, make sure it's
locked in place. If you want it to be a static joint, be sure you
lock it in place, because that's the classic way not to design an
O-ring joint." So it's a bad design of an O-ring. If you want
to get a grade, if you'd come to my class and get a grade on it, you
wouldn't get a passing grade on that joint.
The whole idea of using a solid rocket, I know some of the early designs
use a reusable cryogenic strap-on since then. What are your feelings
about that idea of having a man attached to a solid rocket that basically
you cannot shut off once it gets started?
Well, you know, there still is a lot of arguments about which is more
reliable, a solid rocket booster and a liquid system that is fed,
that has all the intricacies of a liquid propellant, pumps and fluid
lines and so forth and so on, so it's really very hard to say in terms
of reliability.
I guess from my point of view—let me just talk a moment. The
disadvantages of solid rockets is you can't shut it off. You can have
thrust termination, as we looked at. You essentially have a ring at
the top and you essentially cut a hole in the top and you've got a
hole in the top and a hole in the bottom, and it neutralizes the thrust.
That's basically the way you do thrust termination. You could see
where there's a pitfall in doing that, because if that inadvertently
cuts, then you really have a problem. Also you can put very high loads
into the structure. So that's why we didn't do it. We looked at thrust
So that's a disadvantage with a solid rocket, you can't shut it off,
whereas in a liquid system, you can shut it off. That's the advantage
of a liquid system. But then if you trade off the number of moving
parts, the number of parts that have to work on a liquid propellant
system vis-a-vis a solid, and you do a reliability number, I'm sure
the reliability analysis, from a purely statistical point of view,
from a points-count point of view, it's going to come out better for
the solid than it is for the liquid.
So I guess I have to say that from my knowledge base, I still think
we did the right thing, going to solids rather than liquids. There
are people that I'm sure would disagree with me violently and say
that liquids are the right thing to do, primarily because you could
stop the thrust. That's really the issue. You can stop the thrust.
So it's a very, very tough, thought-provoking question.
If we had to do the decision over, if you started over, then you put
your mind in starting over, what would you come up with, it's hard
to say what you would do. I'm looking at it from where we are now,
which is probably not the question you asked me. Where we are now,
could we go to liquids? If we start over, it's another question, and
I don't know how I would answer that. I'm not sure I know. It would
be a very tough one. It would be a very tough one. I'm sure technology
has gotten better for liquids. I'm not sure how much technology has
gotten better for solids.
On the other hand, when you go back to it, should that solid have
failed? And it's so simple, fixing an O-ring, that it shouldn't have
failed. So if that's the only failure mode, you should be able to
fix that problem.
But let me just finish up here with a trite statement that I usually
give my students. What is a failure? I say a failure is if you wake
up in the morning and it's raining, and you have an argument with
your spouse, and your windshield wipers aren't working, you have a
higher probability to have an accident. If you wake up in the morning
and you don't have an argument with your spouse, and your windshield
wipers—you may not have that accident. So an accident is a combination
of things that happen, and there's not one single thing that causes
an accident, unfortunately. It's a combination of things.
So I don't know the answer to your question. I'm still thinking I
would go with the solid, but that's just from my mind-set right now.
You mentioned that STS-1 was an important mission to you. That was
a significant mission not just because it was the Shuttle, but it
was the first time you tested a vehicle manned.
Can you explain that to us, the reasoning for that, and how did you
feel about it?
Why didn't we, with the Shuttle, go unmanned before we went manned?
Well, that's a very interesting question, and it was debated very
hot and heavy and long and furious. It was very much like the question
was asked about solids versus liquids. There's almost no right answer,
because history said we always went unmanned prior to manned.
The real issue that swayed us is that if you look at doing a robotic
mission, it's much easier to do a robotic mission once you've done
it manned. Of course, it was very hard to do. We felt the failures
modes were very significant, extremely significant, and we could not
do a reliable unmanned mission because the man was too much a significant
part of the system. Now, interestingly enough, I think today we could
easily do a robotic Shuttle mission. Other people may not agree with
me. But mainly because we know what the man has to do. So I think
it was fought long and hard, but that was the decision, and it was
fairly unanimous at the Johnson Space Center that that was the right
decision to do, although there were some critics of it. I think, as
Chris Kraft said when he got on the microphone at control center after
we landed, he said, "We're infinitely smarter today." And
that probably summed it up. We were infinitely smarter today that
we did land safe and sound after having done a manned mission first.
That's a very, very good question. It's a very hard question to answer.
You've had an amazing career, and we appreciate you sharing the highlights
of that with us. We've enjoyed it a lot.
I've enjoyed talking to you. If you want to talk again, if you find
something you want to talk about, we can probably get together at
the Johnson Space Center or at College Station.
Great. Thank you.
Thank you.
of interview]