NASA Johnson Space Center Oral History Project
Photos provided by JSC Imagery Repository and Gary W. Johnson

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ASTP Service Module Inspection ASTP Working Group 4 Gary Johnson at Lennisk, Russia NASA Joint Safety Assurance Group S64-40370 - Little Joe II Launch
ASTP Service
Module Inspection

ASTP Working
Group 4
Johnson at
NASA Joint Safety
Assurance Group
Little Joe II
S65-19553 - Little Joe II S65-19561- Little Joe II S65-19562- Little Joe II S65-19565- Little Joe II S65-19566- Little Joe II
Little Joe II Little Joe II LIttle Joe II Little Joe II Little Joe II
S65-19755 - White Sands Missile Range Launch of Little Joe II S69-52725 - Apollo 11 MER S71-26807 - Gary Johnson as Test Subject S71-28694 - Apollo Spacesuit test S75-31623 - ASTP MER
White Sands
Missile Range
Apollo 11 MER Johnson as
Test Subject
Apollo Spacesuit ASTP MER