NASA Johnson Space Center
Oral History Project
Edited Oral History Transcript
David C.
Interviewed by Rebecca Wright
Houston, TX – 22 May 2015
Wright: Today is May 22, 2015. This oral history session is being
conducted with David McGill in Houston, Texas, as part of the JSC
Oral History Project and for JSC’s Knowledge Management Office.
Interviewer is Rebecca Wright, assisted by Jennifer Ross-Nazzal. Thank
you for coming in and spending your Friday morning with us.
Thank you.
I’d like for you to start. If you would just briefly describe
your background about how you became a part of NASA Johnson Space
I graduated from Lamar University over in Beaumont [Texas] in ’68.
There’s an interesting story that got me here. I’d been
interested in the space program since we had one, and in electronics
since I was four I think. That’s as far back as I can remember.
But at the time I was interviewing I had several interviews with people
like Western Electric up on the east coast. The head of the EE department—I
have an electrical engineering degree—really felt like when
companies came in for interviews their roster should be full. I saw
that Philco was coming in, and I said, “I don’t really
want to build refrigerators, air conditioners, it’s not really
what I’m interested in.” But he believed that they ought
to fill up, and so just because he asked me to, I went over and signed
It wasn’t till then I found out that they actually had the contract
out here, and I said, “Whoa, that’s quite different than
I thought.” So I certainly accepted an opportunity to come over
and interview with them. When I found out how deeply rooted they were
in the US manned space program I just couldn’t resist.
It was a good idea then, wasn’t it?
So that’s what got me over here in June of ’68. Now actually
the first project that I worked on people probably don’t remember.
But at that time the United States really had two manned space programs,
the one everybody knows about where we were heading to the Moon, but
the one they’ve forgotten about that was called Manned Orbiting
Lab [MOL]. It was an Air Force program.
The first thing I got assigned to—mainly because I was the junior
guy on the team, so the junior guy always gets to do all the travel—we
were integrating together the systems that were to upgrade the Air
Force remote tracking stations and also generally building the first
version of what we now call the Blue Cube or the Satellite Test Center
[Onizuka Air Force Station, California]. Those were certainly going
to be used for a variety of things the Air Force wanted to do in space.
But the real driver to upgrade those was the Manned Orbiting Lab.
That caused me to spend most of my time on the west coast. Did make
it to a few of the tracking stations. Didn’t get to go to the
Seychelles Islands one, which I always regret not having put a bug
in that system before it got shipped. But it was a very interesting
time. I look back on it, and if you got to pick a career path, I think
that would be a great starting place for somebody who wants to design
this stuff, because it was largely designed when I joined the team,
and my job was to sit out there and try to get it all integrated together
so it would work.
It certainly leaves indelible impressions on you about the implications
of your design decisions. It really did start me out thinking you
better design this stuff to integrate or you’re going to have
huge problems when you try to put it back together and make it play.
So I look back on that, it certainly was not by design, but I feel
like I was very fortunate to have started out my career in aerospace
by trying to integrate a system that somebody else mostly designed.
That lasted for about a year. The country then decided that the smart
strategic position was to declare space civilian. So they canceled
the Manned Orbiting Lab, the Air Force project, and put all the focus
back on the civilian side and going to the Moon, and that’s
what put me back on the Houston side, working on the NASA things.
That’s a long answer to your question about how I got started
in all of this.
Fortunately back in Houston I was given the opportunity to work on
a variety of projects. To set the stage a little more I think of what
ought to be our key topical thread today is looking at the architecture
of the [Mission] Control Center, how it’s evolved. Probably
there are not many of us around anymore that remember what the first
one really looked like. Remember, this was a thing that was built
50 years ago, mid ’60s timeframe, no such thing as personal
computers, no such thing as smartphones. A computer was a very big
thing and it didn’t do very much.
The initial Control Center, which was in place when I got here, by
that time it was about ’69. In fact I actually watched the Moon
landing from Kodiak, Alaska. I was up there at the tracking station
at the time. Got fussed at because we decided we’d swing the
big antenna around and see if we could hear the LM [Lunar Module]
on the Moon. The station commander didn’t think much of our
plan. Almost had it too.
The Control Center, initial one, was driven by several interesting
things. First, I think some of the best innovative engineering I’ve
seen in my career was done by the people that built it. Unfortunately
I can’t take credit for any of it. But we had nothing. There
was virtually nothing in the commercial marketplace to help us get
there. So it was all very clever custom hardware design. Even things
today that you can’t imagine as being some hybrid of electronics
and mechanical things. Like one of my favorite stories is the initial
display system that drove those small monitors in the workstations.
The first one was a thing we called the converter slide file. The
way the thing worked is there was a box about 2 feet long and maybe
10 inches wide. In it was a linear tray that held 35-millimeter slides.
Each of those slides was mounted in a little metallic frame that had
little dents in it that coded the address of that slide.
On those slides was the background for the displays. Background meaning
it might say pump A or bus B or whatever the name of that field was
going to be. The way the thing worked is the computer sent an address
to this box that told it which of those 1,024, I think it was, 1,000
slides in there it should pull up. This little robotic thing would
run down there and grab the right one and pull it up out of the tray
and move it up to the front and insert it in an optical gate at the
end of the box, backlit optical gate. So the backgrounds on those
displays were coming off of prebuilt 35-millimeter monochrome slides.
Then the dynamic information in there where you had to say pump A
was either on or off or some bus voltage was at a particular value
was filled in by a device. I believe it was Stromberg-Carlson that
built them. But it was called a Charactron tube. It was basically
a double-ended vacuum tube that from one end of it you would fire
an electron beam, and inside the envelope of the tube was a metallic
plate that actually had the alphanumeric character set etched in it.
So you defocused the beam slightly and hit the character you were
interested in and then you took that resulting set of electrons that
are making it through the hole that outlines that character, and repositioned
it on the other end of the tube to position it in the right place
on the screen.
There were two 945-line cameras, 945 lines was a big deal in those
days. The standard broadcast system in the US was 525 lines, so we
called it high resolution. Today it’s very low res. There were
two cameras. One of them was looking at the converter slide file,
the background, the other one was looking at the output of this Charactron
tube. Then you mixed the video between the two and the end result
is you get the display with the static part and the dynamic part.
I don’t know who actually developed that, but I thought that
was one of the more clever things I had ever seen.
What’s the timeframe for all this, to make this work?
We were using it certainly in the ’68, ’69 timeframe.
About the time I came over to the NASA side was when we were recognizing
that raster scan alphanumeric display things were starting to come
along. Certainly not like they are today, but there were fully pure
electronic ways to produce those displays. Here in Houston Philco
was involved in trying to do some of that, mainly because the Houston
operation here was actually a branch office from the Western Development
Labs out on the west coast.
The Western Development Labs was heavily involved in DoD [Department
of Defense] contracts, including the MOL one I mentioned earlier.
They were under DoD contract seeking ways to produce better display
technology for a variety of contracts, including the updates to these
ground stations that I mentioned earlier. There was already some pure
electronic raster scan alphanumeric display technology starting to
be developed here, and it was considered prudent to get away from
this very difficult to manage electromechanical display thing. There
was only one guy on the face of the Earth that could actually make
that thing work, with all the electronic and mechanical alignments
that you had to do to get everything to fit just right on the screen.
It was very labor-intensive. Not to mention the fact that there was
a whole team of people that built all these 35-millimeter slides.
Obviously you had to think about everything you want on the display
well in advance, and they had to go design it. It had to be very carefully
laid out so everything was going to fit back together. Then go through
the photographic process to produce the slide itself. It was very
Are any of those slides still around?
I don’t know. I wish I’d captured one of those converter
slide file boxes.
I have to find out.
There might be one hidden under the floor over there in 30 someplace.
There’s all sorts of stuff over there. But they were very interesting.
If you look around, they’re about two feet long, look like they’re
made out of aluminum. I believe Aeronutronic on the west coast built
them, and since they did predominantly DoD contracts, it looks like
they’d take a direct hit. They’re very rugged boxes.
In fact when I came over to interview they were tinkering with trying
to build full electronic displays. One of the things I recall seeing
when I came over here was the prototyping on that. That led to them
awarding a contract. Actually Philco bid on it themselves, but they
were very careful about organizational conflict of interest, and since
Philco was the integrating contractor for the Control Center, they
walled off the people who were bidding the display.
I think mostly for fear of appearing to be a little biased, they actually
picked the bid from Hazeltine [Corporation], who was getting into
the display business at that time, as opposed to their own. Actually
I think Philco probably had a better design. But nonetheless that
device was called the DTE, the Digital Television Equipment. It was
a really big deal. It replaced all the mechanical parts of the thing.
It allowed us to generate those displays fully electronically.
It was a little bit challenging. In fact I think it was a little too
challenging. Those displays, again going back and thinking of technology,
in that timeframe we didn’t have solid-state memory like we
have today. The only way you really could store things was in core
memory. To use core memory to store the elements to produce displays
really caused them to have to go extremely fast with the core memory.
Probably too fast. One of the issues we fought for years with the
Hazeltine DTEs was we would burn up the core drivers periodically,
because we were really trying to push them too hard.
But it worked very well. Each one of those devices produced eight
channels. We call them a display cluster. The way that mapped between
the mainframe computers and the workstation display devices is the
mainframe computers would send—we retained the old converter
slide file communication format because we didn’t want to rewrite
the software in the mainframe. It would tell the Hazeltine device
what display it was seeking to turn on in the old converter slide
file format. So it didn’t actually pull up a slide anymore,
the backgrounds were stored on a local disk.
Then the dynamic stuff of course was periodically changing, was driven
out of the mainframe to fill it all in. The composite video then was
sent eventually to the workstations. What we had was the eight-channel
clusters, the display generators, a big video switch matrix, and then
a bunch of workstations.
We had a TV guide. There was one channel that you could pull up and
see what is already up and running. If you wanted to view a display
that’s already up and running, then when you selected it the
video switch matrix simply routed the display that’s already
up and populated to your workstation. If you requested a display that
was not running, assuming there was an available channel in the system,
then the system would activate that display and connect your workstation
monitor to the output of that display.
You can see there were some fairly significant limitations. You only
got eight channels per cluster. I think we got up to 15 clusters,
but we never used all 15 of them for one flight activity. We eventually
grew into two systems and we would allocate some clusters on one side
and some on the other.
There was a limited number of concurrent displays that could be up
in the system. But it was still an incredible maintenance and operation
advantage over the original mechanical system.
That system existed over there into probably the early ’80s.
I’m thinking around ’82 or ’83. Probably ’82.
About 20 years, give or take.
About 20 years, yes. So it served us well. At NASA we try to milk
everything we can out of anything we spend the taxpayers’ money
on. They don’t believe that but we really do. Interestingly
enough, when it came time that they were clearly worn out, we had
to replace them—
Let me ask you. How do you know they were worn out? Were there some
indications that you were starting to have problems with them?
We use the term wearout, but it really has a bunch of things underneath
it. If it’s a commercial product, which we use predominantly
today, wearout probably means the vendor doesn’t want to support
it anymore. They’ve gone three versions later, and they don’t
want to mess with that anymore, so we can’t get any vendor support
on it.
Back in those days when things were much more hardware-oriented and
mechanical in some cases in nature, wearout could mean actually the
motors were giving up. The reliability maintainability group would
monitor all the equipment, still does. We could see by where we were
seeing failures occurring on a lognormal curve that they used that
we would declare it in wearout. It’s becoming such a maintenance
problem that it’s more cost-effective to replace it.
The other type of wearout on things that are more pure electronic
in nature is you can’t get the parts anymore. So if parts fail
you may not be able to replace them. That’s basically where
we were with the Hazeltine DTE stuff. The electronics that it was
built with were becoming very very difficult to procure and parts
give up and you have to replace them. The real driver was the growing
maintenance cost associated with it. Interestingly enough, when it
came time to do that I got asked to do the study to figure out how
we ought to replace it.
By that time there was lots of display technology floating around.
There were numerous vendors building a variety of displays, certainly
things had gone from monochrome to color, much higher resolution,
full graphics, which the original DTE could not do. It could do very
limited graphics.
But interestingly enough, when I walked into doing that study I was
predispositioned to think obviously we’re going to go buy something.
It wasn’t until I dug into the details of that that I realized
that was the wrong recommendation to make because the interface to
that display system was so custom. Remember I said earlier the way
it was communicated with went all the way back to the mechanical converter
slide files. Of course there was no such thing out there in any vendor’s
product, absolutely not.
When I looked at the end result of taking some commercial product
and modifying it so it could fit into the system, compared to the
cost of designing from scratch a functional replacement for the Hazeltine
DTE—and by the way, by that time with all the solid-state technology
we had, it was trivial, absolutely trivial design—the recommendation
I brought forward was let’s just functionally replace it. Let’s
just build another functional equivalent to the Hazeltine DTEs. We
called it DGE, Display Generation Equipment. It took two racks of
equipment in a cluster for the DTE, and we put it in about five circuit
boards, the DGE, to give you some comparison of how much technology
had reduced that, it turned into an absolutely trivial problem. There
was certainly no component that was under any stress at all in the
Let me step back and say another couple things about the original
Control Center architecture. It was certainly dominated by having
to custom-build everything. Almost all the functions done in the Control
Center originally were done in custom-built hardware. We had computers,
but they were so slow by today’s standards, most of the high
speed work, like the telemetry processing, they just couldn’t
keep up. So we had very custom-designed frame synchronizers and multiplexers
and decommutation equipment, and a whole variety of things were all
done with actually a fairly substantial group of engineers, myself
included, that did custom hardware design.
When I did the study for the replacement—the other thing that
dominated that Control Center I should mention, and it may have just
been me because obviously I was a real neophyte at that time, but
there was no vision of life after Apollo. We were commissioned to
go to the Moon, that’s what we were fully focused on. We weren’t
thinking about any kind of a follow-up project. Obviously there were
a few things said in public about doing other things. But our mission
was to get to the Moon, and so I guess all of us assumed that once
we pulled it off they were going to dissolve NASA and we were all
going to go find something else to do.
But we didn’t think about it very much. Certainly a plan beyond
Apollo was not a driver for the design of the original Control Center.
It was rather tactical in focus. Not that I think the people who designed
could have come up with anything much different even if they had been
trying to build a system that had a 20-year life expectancy. But nonetheless
that really was not a consideration.
By the time we got into the early Shuttle timeframe and I was replacing
the display system—
What do you consider to be the early Shuttle timeframe?
Probably about ’82. We had started flying, but barely, and I
was asked to go do the study. That triggered a couple of interesting
things. As I said, I wound up recommending a custom-built replacement.
Although by that time moving away from custom hardware seemed to be
the appropriate thing to do, the circumstances around that display
system were such that it was more cost-effective for the government
to go ahead and replace it functionally with a custom design.
When I looked at the world around I said, “Everybody else is
doing things a lot different than we are.” The original architecture
for the facility was a computer-centric architecture. I’ll explain
myself. I see big systems as falling into three categories. There’s
those that are computer-centric, there are those that are data-centric,
the heart of the thing may be a large database, and those that are
by today’s terminology network-centric. Networks didn’t
exist back when the Apollo Control Center was built.
When I did the study to replace the display system I looked. I said,
“The world seems to be going to network-oriented distributed
processing systems. Displays are no longer generated in clustered
display generators. They’re generated in workstations.”
Even though the task I was asked to look at was only to replace the
display generation stuff, it became clear to me that we really didn’t
have the right architecture on the floor.
Understand that from the original Control Center up until the early
Shuttle timeframe the architecture did not change, but we’d
swapped out every piece in the thing. It wasn’t that we had
mid ’60s vintage equipment in it. There might have been a little
of that lying around, but mostly all the key elements had been upgraded
at least once, maybe twice. Mainframe computers were probably two
models later by that time. As I mentioned, we replaced the display
system twice, because it was originally this electromechanical converter
file thing with the DTE and now we were going to put DGE in there.
Even though the pieces were changing, and certainly we had a large
effort to swap almost all the pieces out for early Shuttle to make
it easier to maintain, it became very clear to me we really had the
wrong architecture. It wasn’t just a matter of modernizing the
elements of the system. The system structure was not correct. I’ll
explain why I came to that conclusion, because this is really I think
the important topic today, about architectures and why they get picked.
Some of what goes on there actually is outside of what [NASA Procedural
Requirements] 7123 talks about and some of the documented [NASA] systems
engineering processes [and Requirements], which I think is important
for people to understand. The thing that was wrong with that facility,
we had gotten rid of a lot of the labor-intensive hard configuration
items. We no longer were making 35-millimeter slides for the displays.
Originally all the event lights on those consoles were hardwired to
drivers, computers turned the lights on and off.
Every time we tried to change the configuration of the facility you
had to move all those wires around, so we had cross-connect cabinets,
and we had a herd of people then that had to go in there and check
to make sure the right light lit when the particular bit was set.
It took thousands of hours to configure the system, which really wasn’t
a consideration in Apollo at all.
We had started moving away from that. We’d gotten rid of the
35-millimeter slides. We had done a project we called CONIS, the Console
Interface System, which provided a bus-oriented communication out
into the workstation to turn lights on and off. So it eliminated a
lot of moving wires around and checking that. We still had to do a
lot of testing to make sure everything was hooked up right, but it
made it more of a configuration message that was sent to the console
to turn a light on or turn a light off.
We were making real progress on chiseling away at the labor-intensive
nature of configuring the facility. But we were sitting there and
I looked at our architecture and I said, “Nobody does business
that way anymore. Everybody’s going to network-oriented distributed
processing.” At least that’s what I thought at that time.
It should be remembered that the Shuttle program early on was trying
to get to flying about 24 flights a year. They envisioned being on
orbit all the time with a Shuttle and sometimes having two up there.
This was all before [Space Shuttle] Challenger [accident, STS-51L]
and we decided maybe that was too aggressive.
But when we looked at that facility, even where we were with the things
we had done to make it easier to configure, the best we could do was
nine flights a year. The system, the way it was architected, was still
hard-configured, was still not very flexible. It took weeks to months
to instantiate a different mission configuration in the building.
Here we had a program that wanted to fly two dozen times or so a year.
We couldn’t do it, absolutely could not do it. So we really
couldn’t meet the program’s requirements. I concluded
the basic way we had it structured left over from Apollo was not the
way systems were going. So our ability to reach out and touch commercial
products would be seriously limited because we had a structure that
wasn’t consistent with the way the rest of the world was going.
There were a whole lot of factors that got me to thinking that we
really ought to go do something about it. Interestingly enough, Philco,
probably Philco-Ford by that time, agreed with me. They set aside
some of the company money to launch a study in 1983 to go look at
that, which we did totally over on our side of the house. We certainly
weren’t hiding it from NASA, but I don’t know that I advertised
that we were looking at replacing it, mainly because the paint wasn’t
even dry on all those pieces that we had swapped out in early Shuttle,
and it didn’t seem like a real good idea to go over and tell
them, “You know all that stuff we just spent a lot of your money
on, we think it’s wrong.”
Interestingly enough, in ’83 NASA came to the same conclusion
independent of us. It was one of those phenomena that’s hard
to explain. But they realized that we had this brand-new set of stuff
on the floor and we really weren’t structured right. That eventually
led into what should we do, and there was a lot of years that went
by. Some of it technical, much of it concern from a programmatic standpoint.
I’ll whiz through some of that. But the conclusion there was
that we really wanted a net-centric architecture, not a compute-centric
architecture. We wanted to distribute the computing so that we had
some unknown number of workstations, each of which was a computer,
and all the application layer would run out there. So we had no limitation
in the system design then as to how many workstations we could have.
Eventually we’d run out of room in the building I guess. But
the system didn’t really care.
The distribution on the local network was somewhat predigested data
but not carried all the way to where it was analyzed. That was also
very appealing to the flight control community. One of the things
they disliked about the system early on was to get any analytical
application produced, it had to get coded and placed in the mainframe
computer, competing with everything else that was going on in the
mainframe computer. It was not uncommon for it to take a year and
a half to two years to get some new application in there, because
it had to get fully defined in the requirements. Had to go off and
code it carefully and test it to the nth degree because it was going
to run on a machine that all the critical functions were running in.
They didn’t like that, the operation community tended to have
a little shorter horizon they were looking at then than what it was
typically taking to get new functions into the system.
Giving them each their own workstation they could play with was quite
appealing to them. Eliminating their dependency on the mainframe computer.
A true own domain.
Yes. It not only had some strong technical basis to go that way but
there was a pretty significant emotional driver in the community to
get away from that kind of a restriction.
I was going to ask you earlier about the transitions from one to the
other, because users had to make those transitions. So this was going
to be a transition that they were probably going to embrace.
Yes, it was. The transition itself is probably a fascinating topic
all by itself, because as you might imagine just from what I’ve
said so far, generation two, Apollo being the first generation architecture,
the one we’re talking about going to here is the second generation
architecture, we’re on the third one now, I’ll describe
it in a little while.
It was a very radical change. There were many many things that were
fundamental in the new architecture that didn’t exist in any
form in the previous one. It was right on the leading edge of applying
local area networking technology to something as demanding as real-time
telemetry processing. In fact I think I jumped the gun a little bit.
A little too ahead of the curve. We had a history of very centralized
computing going to fully distributed computing. So, it was a very
radical change.
I do recall some of the senior NASA management telling me they weren’t
at all sure I could figure out how to pull off a transition from one
to the other, because Shuttle was already flying, and the Shuttle
Program wasn’t going to stand down for six months or a year
while we played with the system.
In fact one of the difficulties in trying to figure out how to do
that was the lack of real estate, [Building] 30M [Mission Operations
Wing] was all we had initially, and it was full. Trying to figure
out how to come up with enough floor space to put basically another
system alongside of it to transition to didn’t exist. Looked
at options about trying to stage it over at Building 17. I looked
at trying to get trailers and move everybody out of 30 into trailers
in the parking lot to free up as much space. Nothing was going to
Fortunately in preparation for Space Station, when we got to thinking
about it, we went and built 30S [Station Operations Wing]. So all
of a sudden we had some real estate to work with. Otherwise we’d
have never pulled it off.
Knowing we had to transition rather seamlessly was a major system
level design driver. I’m going to go back and recap some of
the things that are really important considerations that you can’t
find written in Level A requirements, that you don’t really
find in the classically documented engineering process.
I’ll explain exactly what I mean by that. We were looking for
a system that could be configured quickly. The closest I could come
to that is I did write a Level A that said we had to be able to transform
the system from one activity to another in an hour or less, which
seemed incredible at the time. Today we do it all the time. That one
could be a real requirement. Many of the things we were after are
rooted more in what I call needs, goals, and objectives that in engineering
terminology can’t be requirements, because you can’t test
If I tell you I want a system that can remain viable for 20 years,
you’re going to tell me that’s not a good requirement.
I’m not going to wait around for 20 years to try to sell this
thing off to you. Those kinds of desirements are difficult to deal
with in the classical systems engineering process.
We had a lot of those. Many of the things that we wanted. For example,
we wanted to have fully portable software. How many times do you have
to port it before you can demonstrate you complied with that requirement?
How many years will that take? It’s not a testable requirement.
Very difficult to test if at all.
Most of the real targets, the behavior that we wanted out of the new
system, really weren’t deeply rooted in standard engineering
So you were rocking that boat, weren’t you?
Yes. I still am. Which is one of the things that I hope comes across
in this material, because I’d like for people to understand
there’s a lot more to consider when you’re building these
systems than simply meeting the Level A functional requirements.
The other things that were important to us at that time is I was convinced
that we were on the brink of being able to eliminate all the custom
hardware in the facility—we almost did it, didn’t quite—but
that there was enough out there in the marketplace for us to go buy,
not software but hardware. Which eliminated an awful lot of the cost
of ownership. As you can imagine when it was locally designed and
built hardware, then we had to do all our own maintenance, board level
maintenance. You couldn’t call a tech to come in from the factory
and do it, we were the factory. There was a huge labor force just
to keep all that custom hardware working, not to mention the labor
force it took to design it in the first place. I thought that the
technology had gotten to the point that we could put the new system
together largely with commercial hardware.
Even on the software side, I felt like that we could go with commercial
operating systems. In particular I wanted to pick one that had fairly
wide industry support, because recognize, hardware does wear out,
and you have to replace it, and you don’t want to rewrite all
your software every time you do it, because remember, software portability
was one of my targets as well.
We went with POSIX [Portable Operating System Interface] as the standard
that we were going to use—today we would call it UNIX probably—because
many vendors were supporting it. I knew that whatever hardware models
I went and bought, within seven years or so, I was going to replace
them. They were going to be in wearout, the vendor didn’t want
to support them anymore.
I wanted to buy some insulation against the hardware, because the
downside to going and buying COTS [commercial off-the-shelf] hardware
is you can’t fully control your own destiny. If you design and
build it here, you can maintain it as long as you want to, as long
as you’re willing to pay the annual price to do it, because
you’re sustaining it yourself. You’re not at the mercy
of the vendor to do that.
Knowing that when you go COTS, you got to be prepared to swap that
stuff out on a fairly regular basis, the right thing to do is to make
sure you put all your custom intelligence of the system in in a way
that you’ve bought as much insulation against the underlying
hardware platforms that you can, so you can replace them whenever
it’s prudent to do so, and you don’t have to go rebuild
all the software.
We picked a POSIX kind of an operating system structure. Which I was
told by many people there’s no way you can do real-time processing
on POSIX, but that’s turned out to not be true. Although they
did scare the hell out of me, I’ll tell you, they really did.
Because some of the people who were telling me that I had a lot of
respect for.
Was that in house or industry people telling you that it wouldn’t
be able to do real-time processing?
Really both. There wasn’t very many places that that kind of
real-time processing was being done at all. Even going back, the original,
the real-time operating system we ran in the IBM mainframe computers,
IBM built it for us here. Eventually they marketed it and called it
RTX. But most of the time computers were checkwriters. They were being
used in the financial marketplace but not flying spacecraft. They
weren’t rich with the kinds of resources that you really needed.
The UNIX kind of OSs were really designed to predominantly support
a software development environment. It did things, for example if
you had 50 users logged on the machine trying to do software development
and compilations, it sliced up the machine evenly across everybody
trying to use it. Really didn’t make any provision for prioritization
of tasks. It was in the basic personality of those operating systems
to not give you a rich set of features to handle the fact that some
things are more time-critical than others.
There was an element of truth in what they were saying. I still felt
like we could put enough horsepower behind it and make it work anyway.
The benefit of getting something that was pretty much industrywide
supported outweighed the difficulty that I might have in getting it
all to play right.
We were trying to accomplish a lot of things there. There was a fairly
long list of targets, many of which you could not represent in the
documented requirement set, because there was no reasonable way to
go test the system at delivery time to prove that you met that. So,
most of the drivers were really hung out over here on the side.
But we did produce it. As I mentioned earlier, and I’ll give
you a couple of examples, I knew from the beginning that I had to
put something together that we could transition. We were not going
to be between programs. We were going to be in the middle of a program.
We couldn’t stop supporting the program. There were features
designed into the system that would allow us to incrementally morph
from the old architecture to the new one. Maybe that’s a slight
I’ll give you some examples. In the old original architecture
we had some frontend processors. We called them TPCs in those days,
telemetry preprocessing computers. They did the first level of decommutation
on the downlinks for example. They decommutated the downlinks for
us and ordered all the parameters up in a buffer. The buffer then
was sent through a very custom set of communication stuff that we
called the MBI, the multibus interface, that provided the communication
path between the frontend processors and the IBM mainframe computers.
Then the IBM mainframe computers did all the magic to the data. They
were responsible for doing all of the computations for analytical
purposes, generating all the displays, and driving the display system.
The first step in the transition was to replace that very custom communications
thing between the telemetry processing computers in the front end
and the IBM mainframe computers with a local area network. Fortunately
we could go get Series/1s, which was an IBM product that we could
hook up to the mainframe computers, and with a little magic in them
we could make them learn how to talk on a network. We went and built
a device called the NDD, the network data driver, very cleverly named,
that functioned like the TPC did, but it knew how to talk to a network.
We switched first so we started trafficking the data between the frontend
processors and the central processor across a local area network.
That did two things. One, it put the network in place so now we could
start talking about hanging workstations off of that network. But
it also eliminated one of the very custom pieces of equipment that
was hidden in the middle of it. Since it was transitional, the functional
allocations between the processing on the front end and the mainframe
didn’t change. The frontend processor produced what I called
an NDM, a network data message, that was raw in that it was not calibrated—it
was the actual bits that came down from the spacecraft—but it
was decommutated. We pack those things in there as tight as we can,
because we’re always very bandwidth-limited on the RF [radio
frequency] links. There’s actually a bitfield in there. You
got to sort it all back out to identify the individual parameters.
The NDM was a raw form of the message. It had been decommutated and
the parameters identified, but they were not calibrated. Trafficked
them over to the mainframe. It did the same job it had done before
where it handled all of the polynomial calibration on the parameters
as well as did all the computations with them.
It was expected at that time by me that eventually that message would
go away. That was an interim step because eventually I was going to
move all the calibration functions over to the frontend processors.
Remember, the mainframes were going to go away, at least in my plan.
It turned out by the time we got to that point in the transition where
it was going to pull the plug on the NDMs, I had already replaced
them with what I called a PTM, a processed telemetry message. And
so it carried the fully calibrated version of it, calibrated in the
frontend computers. When I got ready to get rid of the NDMs, the flight
control community said, “No, no, no, no, no.” They wanted
the raw values too, so I said, “Okay, we’ll just let them
run in there.” But that was supposed to be a transition-only
element in the design. It turned out it stayed around all the way
through Shuttle. But who cares? We already had it in there.
But, we did things in a particular way so we could incrementally shift
things over. The actual transition from old to new was incremental
as well. We had both systems up and running in the building. We would
first switch over and go do some routine Shuttle on-orbit ops with
the new system, but we flew all the critical phase things like ascents
and entries with the old system, until finally we had a high enough
comfort factor that the new system actually worked that we were willing
to fly an ascent with the new system and declare transition complete
at that point.
Do you remember what mission that was?
No, I do not. It’s probably well documented someplace and probably
remembered by other people. But it was probably in the ’95 timeframe
by the time we actually pulled off the transition.
It was incremental in two ways. One, we didn’t ask the flight
control team to show up in a different place one day and just pull
the plug on the old one. But it was also incremental in the way we
designed the system so we could morph functions over from one to the
other so that things appeared to be under control all the way. But
it did influence the design. Certainly as I mentioned the NDMs stayed
around for a very long time. They’re not there now because we’re
not flying Shuttle. But still even on the Station side we have RIMs
[Raw Information Messages] and PIMs [Processed Information Messages]
which mirror the old NDMs and PTMs, the raw telemetry messages and
the processed ones. There are artifacts of having to do that transition
in what we now call the legacy system because we’re fixing to
replace it again.
Again you can’t write those in a requirements document. One
of the key things in really understanding this architectural engineering
is figuring out how you’re going to get there from here. Obviously
if you can’t get there from here you’ve got a failed project.
But also to understand what it’s going to mean to try to put
an architecture in place that you think you can live with for 20 years.
I’m going to say some more about some of the elements of that
that I think are very important.
You’re not going to get a chance to replace the architecture
very often. That takes a lot of money. Seldom do the planets align
and congressional—
Yes. I was looking for a word. Allow you to do that sort of thing.
Longevity is a very very important element in producing a design at
the architectural level. Let me define what I think architecture means.
That’s an often used and mostly abused word I think.
To me the systems architecture is talking about its behavior, especially
its behavior in the face of change traffic. A system level design,
you can hand me a stack of functional requirements, Level A requirements,
things the system has to do. I could go draw you up probably half
a dozen different structures that can meet every one of those requirements.
In fact some of them would be compute-centric, some of them might
be data-centric, some of them might be network-centric. But they functionally
will do everything you’ve asked me to do. But over time they’re
not going to behave the same way. One structure is going to be able
to capitalize on things like network bandwidth or speeds just becoming
better and better and better without us spending any money on them,
the technology is growing, computers are becoming faster, they have
more memory in them.
Some of those structures would lend themselves to that kind of plug-and-play
swapout better than others would. To me when you talk about the architecture
of a system, you’re really talking about how well is it going
to behave itself for the next 15 or 20 years. Some of that change
traffic you probably can see. Some of it you probably can see. Some
of it you cannot. A key element in a long-living architecture is building
in some very carefully thought out modularity and flexibility. We
like to call them pinch points.
What you really want to do is decouple things in clever ways. As I
mentioned before, we have what we call ER [equipment replacement]
program. We typically try to swap out the hardware stuff about every
seven years. Some things live a little longer than others. You know
over the course of architecture that’s going to last you 20
years you’re going to change all those pieces out several times.
How do you do that without disrupting the rest of the system? Because
you don’t do them all at the same time. The money is not there.
Each fiscal year you’ve got budget to change out a few things.
You have to have a certain modularity so that you can actually sustain
the system, you can swap those things out without disrupting operations,
without forcing a massive redesign on other parts of the system.
The modularity is also driven by things like if you look out there
you can see that certain technologies are going to advance because
the commercial marketplace is pouring money into them. A common mistake,
an example of it I think was in early Station. There was thinking
initially that they would go ahead and run a 300-megabit downlink
on the Ku band side of Station early on. Remember, that would get
downlinked to White Sands, New Mexico. The question in my mind was
how are you planning on getting that from White Sands, New Mexico,
to Houston, Texas? Remember, back in those days, communication satellites
was all you had.
The people I was quizzing on that said, “Well, there are 50-megabit-per-second
transponders on communication satellites today. By the time we need
them they’ll be 300-megabit.”
I said, “No. The commercial marketplace is spending their money
trying to figure out how to slice up one 50-megabit transponder to
service a half a dozen different customers. They’re not spending
any money trying to build 300-megabit transponders. They have no market
for it. If you take that position you’re probably going to wind
up having to build and deploy your own wideband communication satellite,
which I don’t think you’ve got in the budget right now.”
It turned out the problem got solved eventually because everybody
starts sticking fiber in the ground. Now we have lots of bandwidth
from coast to coast in the US with all of the fiber optics that’s
in the ground which is what allowed us to step the Ku band rate up
recently to 300-meg and we’re fixing to go to 600-meg. Satellite
communications is not the way we get it in; we get it in with fiber.
One of the key things is when you look out there you can’t just
assume everything’s going to get better. The speed of light
is not going to change. If you’re going to count on something
improving you better have identified the non-NASA commercial drivers
that are going to make that happen, because we don’t want to
have to go invent all the stuff ourselves. We want to be able to buy
it. Some things, you can see those drivers, and you can count on them,
they will happen naturally, and by the time you get to the next ER
cycle you’ll have better things available you can go buy. Some
things will not. Some things are not going to get better with time
because there’s nobody wants it but you.
Can you give me some idea? How were you able to keep up with what
all the industry was doing to give you those pieces of information
to be used? Because you didn’t have a lot of the access to information
like we do in 2015 back then.
We didn’t have Google. You couldn’t Google things like
we can now. But still there were enough periodicals floating around.
You could pretty well tell where the networking industry was going,
where—I won’t call them personal computers but much more
personal than a mainframe certainly—workstation class machines
were going. You could look at the trends and the projections in the
semiconductor industry about what they thought would happen periodically
in terms of the speed of processors. There was plenty of indicators
out there to give you clues about which things were going to improve
for you.
It also gives you some insight into—when you’re putting
the thing together, and certainly the second generation architecture
is an example of it, the things that you would be willing to be right
on the hairy edge because they’re going to be self-improving,
they’ll fix themselves for you. The initial instantiation of
the network-based second architecture system barely had enough bandwidth
on the local area network. In fact it really didn’t. I compromised
the design some to make it work, but it was right on the hairy edge.
I knew from what was going on in the industry that you wait a few
years and that’s going to get really fast. Then by the time
we get ready to replace it, that won’t be an issue anymore.
You’re willing to take the chance there because you know the
situation is going to improve.
There are other categories of things where you might say, “I’m
willing to be wasteful in this category because there’s a benefit.
The category I’m being wasteful in will become less and less
of an issue because the marketplace will fix it.” For example
when we initially put together workstations the amount of memory that
was in those things was very limited. Amount of processing power was
very limited. And I was willing to get on the hairy edge on the processing
power to do a whole lot of graphics in there because I knew that was
going to fix itself with time. Without us spending any money those
processors were going to get really fast.
You can make decisions where some things you can project out with
a fair amount of accuracy. You may not get the timeline exactly right,
but you can tell where things are going to go just because the industry
is driving that way. Not that you’re foolish enough to think
you’re going to drive them. So, you can make decisions that
say that we can be a little at risk here because it’s going
to fix itself with time. I can be wasteful over here because there’s
a benefit to being able to display data more graphically, for example,
even though I’m really taxing the processor a lot. But that’ll
fix itself with time.
Some of those things are fairly easy to see. But there’s certainly
a category of them that are not so easy to see. We’re sitting
here today looking at exactly that kind of a future. As I mentioned,
we’re on the brink—I say on the brink. We actually started
doing simulations for certification Monday this week on the new system.
It’s rolling into operations. Within a matter of a few months
it will be flying the Space Station for us.
It’s the same MCC. We only have one. Now we call it MCCS because
we’ve integrated some of the peripheral functions in with it
too, so it’s Mission Control Center Systems. But MCC-21 is a
project. It’s the latest one where we’re pushing the thing
up to the third generation architecture.
Why do we do that? What’s different about the third generation
architecture compared to the second generation one? What were the
reasons why we thought a change was necessary? I’m going to
throw a term in I think nobody in the world uses but me but I like
it. I firmly believe in the phenomenon that I’ll call architectural
wearout or architectural obsolescence.
Obviously you can go use lognormal curves or some of the other things
that are used to predict when equipment is going to wear out. But
what that really means is when you look at the state, the configuration
of the system you have on the floor, and the amount of money you’ve
got invested in it, and what it would take to replace it, and the
operational requirements that you’re seeing now, you’re
trapped behind the power curve. The world has shifted enough on you
that all of a sudden you can’t really support it well. I mentioned
even going to the second generation architecture some of those things.
Shuttle wanted to fly 24 times a year. We couldn’t do it. The
architecture wouldn’t support it. So I would contend that coming
out of the Apollo era going into Shuttle we were in architectural
wearout. The one we had on the floor was dead. We could not get it
to go where we needed it to.
Today we’re seeing a variety of things that are shifting. First
off, we believe when we look out there with commercial players involved
we look at much more diversity in the kinds of missions we think we’re
going to fly. We were used to having one or maybe two single big programs
that went on for 20 years. Now we think we’re going to do one-offs.
In fact we already have. EFT-1 [Exploration Flight Test-1] was a good
example of it.
We see the need for a different kind of flexibility. We also see the
need for the capability to be a viable participant in geographically
distributed operations. Where today if you look at our history MOD
[Mission Operations Directorate] was it. We did the whole mission
start to finish. The Control Center that’s on the floor was
designed as a closed shop Control Center. Now we did stick Band-Aids
on the side of it to support international partners, but that really
wasn’t a driver when they designed that one. In fact Larry [Lawrence
S.] Bourgeois was our MOD rep to the ISS [International Space Station]
Program early on. He was quite emphatic that we were not going to
do element ops. If the Japanese [Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency,
JAXA] wanted to play they could come sit in our building. If ESA [European
Space Agency] wanted to play they could come sit in our building.
We all know that’s not the way it came down. But the system
was not designed to support geographically distributed operations,
and so it’s been a little bit of a stretch to make it do it.
But we see our future as necessitating that all the way around. If
we go off and do some sort of a Mars mission, you know that’s
going to be an international event. It’s not all going to fly
out of [Building] 30. Other geographic locations are going to have
certain responsibilities in that.
We know in the interplay we already are participating in with commercial
vendors that that’s the nature of the beast. The new MCC-21
architecture is explicitly designed to support that, which was not
a factor in the second generation. In fact the Agency did us a huge
favor—coincidental but I accept a gift anywhere. They had decided
about the time we were looking at needing to do this to collapse out
all of the Center level network domains and go to NDC, which is the
NASA Data Center domain.
Prior to that Marshall [Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama]
had their little network and JSC had their little network. There were
cross-connects across the Agency, but it was not one domain. By going
to NDC, which is NASA-wide, one domain, that gave us a very convenient
mechanism to exchange data between here and other Centers.
Most of the participants that interact with NASA, even if they’re
not a NASA Center, have NDC accounts and have access to NDC. That
gave us a very convenient mechanism to build on. We changed our strategy
not only from MOD flying the whole mission to being willing to work
with other operational participants, but also even on the JSC campus
of the role of MOD versus IRD [Information Resources Directorate].
When I looked out there I saw several interesting things. The Agency
had invested significantly in what we call our corporate backbone,
e-mail and WebCAD and all the things that go on to make the organization
work, where certainly not very many years ago the capability of those
systems was not suitable for flying manned spacecraft. The criticality
was too high. Reliability was not there.
But today with the investments the Agency had made, they were very
very close to the kinds of performance that we were used to for flying
spacecraft. Certainly for the less critical side of our operation
they were there. So, it seemed economically prudent to jump on their
bandwagon. Plus the fact that they had provided us the very convenient
mechanism for exchanging data with other NASA Centers.
We split our architecture. At the very top level of the new architecture
we have a side that we call the high side and a side we call the moderate
side. The terminology used in there, we have MCE, which is the Mission-Critical
Environment, and the MSE, which is the Mission Support Environment.
We split it that way probably for two reasons. There’s a balancing
act, which there seems to always be. One is I said the MSE side is
sitting on the NDC domain. So it exposes those services in ways that
it’s very easy for us to give accounts on the system to people
at other Centers. It’s there.
But the downside to NDC is, remember, it’s hooked up to the
Internet, and people need that to do business. So it’s a little
bit public. So to try to get the best balance between making our services
available outside of our little world and yet providing the kind of
security mechanisms that we really need to protect ourselves, we split
the system.
MCE, the Mission-Critical Environment, can be isolated away from the
MSE, so that if we’re having a very bad day and NASA goes under
attack, that does not compromise the vehicle or the crew. We have
a safe haven. We have the right switches that we can throw, and we
will not be corrupted by whatever might be going on on the more public
Of course at the expense of some of that intercenter traffic, but
if you were in hunker-down mode, that’s probably not the number
one consideration. So we split it that way to get the best balance
we could with guaranteeing that we provide the level of security that
the country expects from us to manage these very expensive spacecraft,
but at the same time build that element into the architecture that
was missing from the second architecture to conveniently support interactions
with people that don’t live here.
The other thing that we changed in the system that’s a bit subtle,
but very important, is we decided since the first one I mentioned
was a compute-centric architecture, the second one was a network-centric
architecture, we decided to go with a data-centric architecture. The
reason is again even back when we did the second one we were flying
Shuttle. We did real-time operations. The system is really designed
to be a time now real-time system. That’s what we did mostly.
Now the engineering evaluator guys worked in a different timeframe
but they’d come get stored data and go off and analyze it, but
it was a time now system. When we looked out in the future with the
desire to go play with asteroids and go to Mars and flight time delays
were going to get very long through the laws of physics, I can’t
fix that. All of a sudden it didn’t look like time now was the
right answer. It looked more like a TiVo kind of a thing where you
needed to be able to slide a little slider up and down and say, “Well,
here’s what it was doing yesterday, here’s what we think
it’s doing about right now, here’s what we think it’ll
be doing tomorrow based on our spacecraft models.” All of that
obviously implies that I’m interacting with storage, with a
We believe the best way to posture for the kinds of missions we think
we want to fly at least—again this is speculative, it’s
not really written in the Level As, but planning for the future—is
to switch to a data-centric system. So, we have a thing we call Ops
History. We gave it that name because that solves a real problem that
we looked at. I probably should have said some of the changes always
are not because the world has changed around you. Sometimes you’re
changing things because you say, “Boy, I wish I could have done
that the first time but the technology wouldn’t support it but
now it does, so I want to change that.” Some of that are just
flat lessons learned saying, “Boy, that wasn’t a good
idea, was it?”
One of the things that I felt like though we missed the mark on on
the second generation architecture was a lot of data got generated
in the system that the system common services did not manage for the
user. They were just left on their own. They could write over their
files, and they did occasionally. That was a real mistake. There really
was no complete auditable data set that was kept by the system for
them. When we put the data-centric element in it we called it Ops
History. We think we have largely fixed that where it’s a very
complete set of everything that was available while the mission was
going. The raw data, all of the computations that were done, all the
analytical results are stored in there, and configuration-managed
for users automatically by the system.
Part of that was lessons learned. Maybe a little technology in there,
although file systems were pretty good by the time we built the second
one. Really we didn’t go to the third of the three categories
just so we could play with all three of them eventually. We went there
because we think that is the structure that best suits our future.
Some of it is speculative. But we wanted a posture so that if a new
administration might suggest that we could go play with a Mars moon
then we were positioned to be able to do that. Our system can support
that quite conveniently.
Other changes that we made architecturally. As I slightly mentioned
the downside of opening it up is security. As long as you’re
air-gapped the way we were basically, you don’t worry about
security too much. Nobody could get in, the door is locked. When you
start making the services available outside of your controlled access
areas, however, you better worry about security.
We made security in the system a number one priority in the new architecture.
Security is not a Band-Aid that we stuck on the side of it after the
fact, which is what it was largely in the second generation architecture.
It is a primary part of the way the new architecture is put together.
And it goes beyond just making sure bad guys don’t get into
our system. It deals with again another artifact of where we think
we’re going. There are different levels of sensitivity of the
data. For example on ISS there’s some elements in the downlink
that are considered ITAR [International Traffic in Arms Regulations]-sensitive
that we don’t just give away to a foreign national unless there’s
been some agreement made.
There are other elements in the downlink that are medical private.
For example any spacesuit data. There’s legislation that we
have to guarantee we don’t distribute that inappropriately.
But in general in the second generation architecture all of that was
dealt with procedurally. You’re not supposed to look at that,
so don’t. But there was nothing in the system that really prohibited
somebody from looking at something they weren’t supposed to.
With the new system we’ve built all of those data protection
mechanisms into the heart of the system. Not only that, really I don’t
think we could get away with being grandfathered like we were anymore
anyhow. But even more importantly, if we’re going to start dealing
with commercial vendors’ data, they consider it proprietary.
They’re not going to want to play with us if we can’t
protect their data.
The new system not only has new security to protect us from the outside,
it has security on the inside to make sure that we are fully capable
of handling a variety of different data types, and even though we
have multiple concurrent things going on in the building they don’t
get shared with people who are not supposed to see them. There are
a variety of new features in the new system. Also some of them that
are more subtle. In the second generation system I mentioned the process
we call recon, reconfiguration. Every time we get a new vehicle, every
time we fly another mission, we wind up having to reconfigure for
it. We don’t like to do anything twice.
It’s a significant process even with a soft-configured system
like we have now to regenerate all of the file products necessary
to understand how to interpret the downlinks and calibrate things
right. Unfortunately in the second generation system part of that
process was all the way over on the client side of the network, simply
because the network bandwidth was not enough. That’s the compromise
I mentioned earlier. I could not fully process the data and make the
client recon-insensitive because the end of it was we fixed that.
The new scheme that we’re using to traffic messaging inside
of MCC-21 totally removes the client side of those messages from the
recon process. They don’t require any recon products. All fully
self-interpreted messages. There’s also another element in this
that has yet to happen, although I think we’re on the brink.
I have this vision that I’ve had for a while that’s difficult
to make happen, but to use the cliche OneNASA, a much more integrated
ability across the Agency of the Centers to interact with each other.
We designed the mechanisms that we’re using internally where
they work equally well externally. The one I was just talking about,
our internal messaging scheme, is very well suited to share data with
another Center. It’s very efficient. Like I said the recipient
Center does not have to know anything about recon for the vehicle.
It also has security mechanisms in it.
Also even the second generation system is technically what’s
called a service-oriented architecture. To explain that a little bit,
obviously it’s network-oriented, so things actually happen based
on IP [Internet Protocol] addresses for source and client, but you
don’t have to know the numerical IP address. It’s a little
more like the way you surf the Internet where I know this URL [Uniform
Resource Locator] for a Web site and I stick it in there. Actually
that gets resolved in a domain name server somewhere where that name
is matched up with an IP address which connects you to port 80 on
that server out there someplace.
You don’t know that, but that’s what’s really going
on. We do that inside even our second generation system, but on a
much larger scale than what a DNS does, a Domain Name Server does,
because we actually rendezvous not only just with IP addresses but
port numbers on the machine. So one physical machine under one IP
address could be vending a lot of different services.
Our whole internal architecture on the second generation system was
really service-oriented. It did not connect with things by knowing
IP addresses. It connected with things by knowing the name of a service
or the name of a parameter, and it got automatically connected.
Those mechanisms were largely built in the second generation system
to work inside a system. They were not well suited for a wide area
network. They were okay for a local area network. When we generated
those functions in MCC-21 they were built where they can work quite
well on a wide area network. It sets the stage for interactions between
us and Marshall or us and KSC [Kennedy Space Center, Florida] to where
we can take some of the techniques that we have proven over the now
decades here to work well for us and push them out in the communications
between Centers.
We’re expecting some of that to occur going into EM-1 [Exploration
Mission-1]. Some of the work we’re doing with Marshall folks
and figuring out how we’re going to interact with them. They’re
building the rocket, the SLS [Space Launch System]. It looks like
they’re going to accept our TIM format, Tagged Information Message
is the name we gave to this new way we traffic data, as an input.
We’ve agreed to provide them software to read it. There’s
an opportunity to save some money there but also to start a process
of standardizing the way the centers will interact with each other.
Yes. Maybe my dream of pulling the Agency together, which I think
the Agency would be incredibly powerful if the Centers could work
together more. I can’t solve the politics but I can certainly
work the systems engineering side of the thing to try to put mechanisms
in place that allow that to happen if the desire is there.
You could build the road for them to go down.
That’s right. We’re doing that. There’s a lot of
it built in. Some of it is a natural artifact of opening the thing
up to the outside. But some of it is making very clever choices about
how things are done so that we already have the solutions in hand
for the problems that have not been placed on the table quite yet
but we think are there. You can see there’s a list of categories
of things that need to be thought about when you’re fixing to
rearchitect one of these systems. Which leads me to one of the questions
I saw that you had on your list that I think is an interesting question.
What are the big challenges?
To me the biggest challenge, certainly if you’re working at
the system architecture level, is communications. Let me explain what
I mean by that. There’s probably not a large percentage of the
community that’s running around figuring out where you want
to be 20 years from now. It’s just the way life is. The majority
of the people don’t think past Thursday next week. Building
large systems is very much a team sport. It takes a lot of people
to do it that range all the way from the architects at the top to
the software developers and procurement organizations. There’s
a large number of people involved, and there’s decisions being
made all up and down this hierarchy.
As I mentioned, there’s a fairly well documented process in
systems engineering, 7123 for NASA, but there are many many descriptions
of the engineering process out there. It really talks about how you
have the set of requirements somebody wrote, you take those requirements,
and a smart engineer does some designs and produces some sort of a
design spec, and then that design spec becomes the requirements to
the next guy. All of a sudden this thing decomposes all the way down
to things that can actually be implemented.
That’s all true. But what’s not in there are the things
that defy being represented in those requirements. That’s the
reason I mentioned that several times. There is a set of drivers that
need to go into the engineering process at every one of those levels
that is cognizant of where we’re trying to go with this. These
are not things that we can consider requirements because you can’t
test to them. But they’re things that cause me—of the
five different ways I could satisfy these requirements—cause
me to pick a particular one over the other four. Those decisions are
made across the entire team.
As you decompose one of these things it grows geometrically, and you
can quickly wind up with 1,000 of these things going on, and one person
can’t possibly be cognizant of all the decisions being made.
So, the challenge is how you take those difficult to represent things
that can’t really be requirements and communicate them across
the team so this whole array of decisions that are being made on a
daily basis really favor where you want to go with it.
I don’t have a really great answer for that. I would love to
challenge someone who might read this someday to think about a great
way to blend that into documented engineering methodology. It may
have to do with a set of categorical questions that might get written
down and evolved with time, where as design decisions are made you
go back and challenge them against these questions.
Well, how will your design react if suddenly we have a mission that
is going to involve three countries to go fly it? How are you going
to tolerate that? How is your system going to respond to all of a
sudden wide area networking is twice as fast and half as much money
as it is today? Can you take advantage of that?
Those kinds of questions possibly could be documented and used as
a test and some guidance that when you get down into the ranks of
the people building it to help them steer their decision process a
little bit to favor the things that you think are important out there.
The actual set of questions varies depending on the perception, but
it may be a better way to try to communicate that across the entire
team so that all those decisions they’re making that definitely
affect the behavior of this thing, the architecture, are made smartly.
That’s a challenge I guess to anybody that’s reading this.
Think about how you think you ought to do that. If you believe what
I said about architecture as a layer above a system design, if you
want to see it that way, an architecture is all wrapped up in behavior
and how well this thing may or may not behave itself over a period
of time in the future, then the real question is how do you get the
whole team to understand your vision of what that looks like, and
the decisions that they’re going to have to make to make them
consistent with helping to make that a reality.
To me that’s the biggest challenge. Now of course there’s
plenty of challenges in this business all over the place. If you’re
designing hardware how you get it to go fast enough. But I think the
one that really is the opportunity to break some new ground, do some
good things for the Agency and maybe aerospace in general, is to figure
out how to better address those somewhat elusive characteristics that
a good system versus a bad system has to exhibit. To me a good system
is one that lasts a long time. Replaced all the pieces in it, but
the architecture is still there.
I’m sure there will be a fourth generation out there at some
point. Hopefully it’ll be 20 years from now or so. Maybe less.
Maybe by that time someone will have a very clever way to have written
an annex to 7123 to put all these factors into the consideration in
a more formal and organized way than simply using the missionary process
that we do today where you’re running around telling people
and hoping that they understood what you said and go back to their
office and think that way.
Let me ask you too, when you’re talking about challenges, through
the course of our conversation you mentioned about for MOD it was
pretty much all their domain.
Closed shop.
Then was there a lot of cultural challenges when you started broadening
that? Because all of a sudden now it wasn’t a controlled factor
as much as it was a communicated factor.
There is some.
Or is some of that going away now?
It was surprisingly little actually. I think because it unfolded incrementally.
There was some shock like that. Certainly when we started Station
and it became an International Space Station. I mentioned that the
MOD position early on was no element ops. If they want to play they
come here. That changed gradually where we wound up with an ESA Control
Center, a JAXA Control Center, and the Russians sitting in Russia.
They won’t come here. We’re interacting with those people.
That happened over time. I think it was not as much of a culture shock
because it happened over time. The more recent element, when we canceled
the Constellation Program and the administration’s decision
was to put more emphasis on commercial vendors, which I personally
think is a great idea, the reality I think of you can’t own
it all yourself anymore started settling in.
You really had two choices. Either you got with the new program or
you went and found yourself something else to do. I think it added
another layer on modifying the culture to recognize that our future
was dependent on our willingness to be a bit part player rather than
to own the whole show ourselves.
Interesting way of looking at that.
The other side of it, I don’t think MOD was ever in a land grab
expedition. It was never that way. This is probably self-centered
because I’ve always lived in MOD. But we stepped up to do whatever
it took to go fly the mission. Many times we thought it was somebody
else’s charter but they didn’t seem to want to do it.
It wasn’t that we were out trying to assimilate the world or
take things over. It simply evolved that way that we wound up doing
it end to end to get it done.
We sit here today for example. We, FOD [Flight Operations Directorate],
have equipment positioned at KSC and positioned at White Sands. We
don’t really want to manage equipment at those places. We think
they should have put it out there for us but they didn’t do
it. I don’t think we got there because we were being self-centered.
I think it was a natural evolution process that it’s the nature
of the culture of the organization is we’re going to get it
done. You can do your job, or we’ll do your job for you if you
don’t want to do it. But we’re going to get it done. That’s
always been the way MOD saw things. I think our success over the years
demonstrates that we really do mean it.
You took that full responsibility and continued the accountability.
It wasn’t ever that there was a decision made that we were unwilling
to share. It was more one focused on the mission objective and the
importance of pulling it off in a very effective way that caused us
to do the things that we had done. I think that it was less of a culture
shock in the strict sense of it but a realization okay, maybe the
world out there really does want to play now. We certainly see viable
commercial vendors coming along. That hasn’t been true for very
It’s really more of an adaptation I think to the situation as
we see it. I don’t think there was an awful lot of culture shock.
There’s still a few people that are territorial. But that’s
always going to be the case. People are very proud of what their organization
knows how to do and don’t believe anybody else can possibly
know how to do it.
When you’re responsible for the safety and maintenance of not
only the Station but the people that are on it, it makes you feel
a little—
We take that job very seriously. Yes. One of the things I’ve
discovered over the years. I’ll say a couple things about it.
You walk into things thinking, “Oh, everybody does business
the same way we do.” We found out that’s not really true.
Give you some examples. Even in the US space program, we had been
responsible for these vehicles from the time they left the pad until
they landed, splashed down, from end to end. Things like understanding
how to do an ascent design, which is a very complex problem that the
flight dynamics people take on, to tune all those factors that have
to be tuned to make sure you insert this thing exactly in the orbital
window you want to put it in, most other parts of NASA have no idea
how to do.
The reason is the science community out at JPL [Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
Pasadena, California] or Goddard [Space Flight Center, Greenbelt,
Maryland], they go buy launch services from somebody. That launch
provider figures out how to do that and delivers their payload to
them already on orbit. You don’t find knowledge in the Agency
on that side of the thing except here, because that was not part of
their charter to do that.
Interestingly enough, the way that came down, which people think I’m
crazy when I say this, but it’s actually true. Remember when
we started this whole thing out it was Mercury. We didn’t fly
them out of here. Mercury was flown out of KSC. The start of Gemini
was flown out of KSC. The decision to move mission ops here put us
into Gemini before we were going to start flying them out of here.
We’d already built the Control Center. It was online but wasn’t
primed for the flight for Gemini III I believe.
It just so happens at the time that we lifted off Gemini III and of
course television was pretty primitive back in those days, the cameras
were very insensitive and you had to have huge lighting to see anything,
when they fired all the theatrical lights up down there, they brought
the power down on the LPS, the Launch Processing System, in KSC. Right
at first motion, we were already online. KSC went down. We said, “That’s
okay, we got it.” That set the stage for why we took control
of the vehicle at first motion. There was no other science in it,
nothing else manned or unmanned launched anywhere in the world hands
it off to the operations center at first motion. Everyplace else hands
it off on orbit.
But people should also remember back in those days from one mission
to another things were very dynamic. We were told to get to the Moon
and get there quick, and each mission had specific new things that
we weren’t real sure we knew how to deal with. So, there was
an attitude well, if it works, we’ll just keep doing that. When
we took it over from KSC to here on first motion, that worked just
fine. That just set the stage, we’ve been doing it that way
ever since.
But an artifact of that is we find that the knowledge that exists
within MOD is unique compared to other space missions that are flown
by NASA. Certainly we find more subtle indications of that. We have
crews. The other missions flown by NASA don’t. Obviously the
Russians do, Chinese do, some of them. But most of those missions
don’t try to sustain what I’ll call a synchronous forward
link, a hard forward link between the ground and the spacecraft, all
the time. They don’t have anybody to talk to and we do.
We find very subtle differences in how we want to do business operating
through TDRSS [Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System] for example
or the Deep Space Network or a ground station compared to what anybody
else wants to do, because we have people on board to talk to, and
they want to be able to talk to us. There are some very subtle things
in there that are unique simply because it’s a manned program.
I think there’s reason for MOD as an organization to be extremely
proud of the breadth of missions that they know how to deal with.
You won’t find that anywhere else.
It just so happens that normally the way the functions are allocated
they don’t all exist in one place like they do here. Self-serving
but it’s true. We are I think a great ally for a commercial
vendor that’s trying to get into the business or another country
that wants to participate in some great adventure, because we really
know a lot of things, and we’ve got a lot of years of learning
where the landmines are and where not to step. There’s a great
deal of experienced knowledge that exists within the organization
that is relevant to pulling these things off.
Although spacecraft may change and missions may change, that basic
knowledge of what—
The laws of physics do not change. They are the same here as they
are in Goddard, as they are in Moscow. There’s certain common
factors underneath all this. The nature of the business makes it very
dangerous. You have to deal with very large amounts of power that
you try to keep under control, but can get away from you very easily.
If you’re going to take something fairly massive and accelerate
it up to 17,500 miles an hour, it’s going to take a lot of power.
Until somebody can come up with antigravity paint or something like
that, this is just a very risky business. You’re dealing with
huge amounts of power that you’ve got to control all the way
down to the fifteenth decimal place. It’s a funny combination
of precision and power that has to always be balanced out. It will
get away from you very very quickly.
Thinking about some of the words that you shared of making sure that
the communication of the systems on the ground can tell you what’s
going on so far away so that you can prevent and/or anticipate any
MOD in our classic role I’ve always thought of as being schizophrenic.
Our primary job is to go fly a mission. So the programs have defined
a set of detailed objectives that they want for this mission and the
job is to go fly a mission and produce those results. However, experience
will tell you that the spacecraft don’t always behave right.
Things break. You wind up in a troubleshooting mode. You wind up doing
onboard system management and taking corrective actions mainly to
try to protect your ability to meet all those mission objectives.
Because things don’t go to plan—they never do, I don’t
think they ever have—you have to be very very fleet of foot,
very agile in your ability to replan to try to accomplish everything
the program asks you to accomplish, even though it didn’t happen
the way it was supposed to happen. It’s always been amazing
to me. We spend an awful lot of effort planning these things out.
We spend a lot of time running simulations, practicing not only the
nominal but even more so the off-nominal. So often the off-nominal
case that occurs is not one we practiced. There’s so many more
things that can go wrong than go right that I guess just statistically
that’s the way it is.
Is there some times that you remember back through all these years
that maybe not just through the transition but the systems that you
thought were going to work so well glitched for some reason that you
had no idea? You were talking about the incremental changes and how
you saved the ascent and descent for the Shuttle as the end, knowing
everything was as good as it could go before you went to those critical
steps. But were there troubleshooting along the way during those?
Or did much of what you planned fall in the place the way that you
had perceived it and planned it?
No system is ever perfect. Certainly if it’s new it’s
very imperfect. We will go into operations with MCC-21 with a lot
of flaws, many of them known and some of them unknown. It’s
always a calculated risk. We’ve never in the history of the
Control Center had a system on the floor that had no known anomalies
documented. Our DR [Discrepancy Reporting] database, DRTS [Discrepancy
Reporting and Tracking System], or now we use a different system,
but whatever it is has always got thousands of things in it, most
of which are known to us, we have operational work-arounds. You’re
used to when you fire up your PC, [Microsoft] Word is not flawless,
PowerPoint is not flawless. We learn how to work around them and get
the job done anyway.
Obviously the newer the system is, the more likely there are unknowns.
Our best protection, the way we try to get enough of a warm fuzzy
to sign a CoFR [Certification of Flight Readiness] that we’re
willing to stand up to the program and say we’re ready to go
fly, is we try to log as many hours as we can testing and running
simulations so the probability of having encountered those anomalies
is as high as we can make it. Doesn’t keep us from discovering
something for the first time when we’re on orbit, but the only
way you can mitigate that I think is we try to to the extent possible
have more than one way to do things.
You try to make sure that you put in place operational work-arounds
that are inherent in the way the thing works. If it can’t get
it done the way I wanted it to, it may not be real convenient but
there’s another way to do it. To the extent that you can anticipate
those kinds of things and have the money to build alternate paths
in the system, that’s about the best you can do. But I think
we’ve had a history of deploying fairly well by systems.
It was established very early in the program that we were going to
operate to a level of “two nines five” reliability. That’s
the probability of success or reliability number that says, “Well,
what’s the probability of you being able to do your critical
functions?” The number we established decades ago was 99.5.
So there’s a half percent chance we’ll fail by the way,
which we haven’t yet, but we’re due.
It turns out that if you do that then soon as you say two nines five
reliability, that means that for every critical function you do you
have to be one fault-tolerant. You can’t get there any other
way. For all of those things like being able to command the spacecraft,
being able to process trajectory and know where it is, being able
to view the telemetry, being able to communicate with the crew, all
those critical functions, whenever we’re in critical or complex
phase, depending on whether you want to use a Shuttle or Station term,
we guarantee that we’re two-stringed. We have two separate independent
processing strings up. If one of them fails, we switch to the other
one. Of course that doesn’t protect you any for common cause
problems where both of them have the same flaw in them. But typically
even if it is a design flaw, coding flaw in the software, those things
that are just flat logic mistakes get discovered very early in the
testing process.
The ones that’ll tend to propagate long enough down the timeline
to get you past all the simulations and into operations are things
that require a very particular time-ordered sequence of events before
they can trigger. It’s so unlikely, that’s why you haven’t
seen it before. Generally if you switch over and you do it again,
the time order is not the same, and the problem probably won’t
surface, even if it really is an implementation problem, a design
problem, because you reset the roll of the dice.
It’s amazing how often we have seen cases like that where we’re
sure after the fact, go back and look at it, we actually have got
a code problem in there we got to go find. Sometimes they’re
very difficult to find because trying to reconstruct them, get them
to happen again, when they’re improbable and very conditional.
We do a lot of logging in the system to give us as much data to go
back and look to see exactly what was going on when this happened,
to try to reconstruct it.
Generally another interesting design I think consideration today is
the systems don’t have to be perfect. They have to get the job
done. I’m a firm believer in what I call fault-tolerant software.
You can implement it in a particular way where yes, there’s
a bug in the code, but it’ll still get the job done. Maybe it
forces a restart, the computer comes back up again and gets the job
done, or maybe you switch over to an alternate path and it gets the
job done. At the bottom line, you get the job done, and that’s
good enough. That may mean you still want to go look and see if you
can figure out why the heck it did that, or maybe not. Maybe if it
does it so rarely you just don’t want to spend the money even
trying to fix it. Nobody asked us to build a perfect system. They
asked us to build a tool to go fly missions successfully.
On a personal/professional reflection, you’ve spent a good part
of your life in creating systems that are beginning as a vision but
yet turn into something very practical and reliable. Any point during
that time period you thought about going to do something else? I know
you started our conversation, before we started recording, that you
had retired. But what happened there?
Yes. I was very happily retired. I retired in 2003. I’d done
35 years and three days. It turns out you only retire on a Friday.
Did you know that?
No, I didn’t.
I didn’t either. But apparently it’s true. There were
a lot of things at the time. There wasn’t much dynamics going
here. The second generation system was supporting perfectly. No one
was suggesting we needed to do anything about it. I had been off actually
doing commercial projects. One of the other guys who was at Lockheed
and I teamed up and we started a little company within the company.
We were doing things for a variety of commercial companies. I’ll
keep them nameless. Doing pretty well at it, but the corporation didn’t
much care for us out doing commercial work. They thought themselves
in the aerospace business, and I think they were a little afraid of
We started backing out of that somewhat because it was not smiled
upon by the corporation. It was a lull. There was going to be a change
in the retirement policy that the company had about that time. It
seemed like the right time. I went ahead and pulled the trigger and
retired. I did occasionally go do a little consulting work either
back for Lockheed or other places like DARPA [Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency], but really wasn’t looking for anything like
a full-time job at all.
When we got into 2006 the Constellation was flaring up big time. Lockheed
Martin out here was obviously a major bidder on Orion. They were using
a number of the local people to try to work on that proposal effort.
Because of the way NASA chose to run that competition that required
them to firewall them away. There was a fair amount of work that needed
to be covered over on the NASA side that there really wasn’t
any resources to cover. That resulted in me getting a phone call saying
was I at all interested in doing anything. I got to thinking about
it. I said, “Well, engineers always demand symmetry.”
That’s a flaw in the engineering mentality. Going beyond low
Earth orbit when I started matched up with going beyond low Earth
orbit at the end appealed to me. I think once you get the stuff in
your blood you can’t get rid of it anyway. So I said, “Well,
This was in February 2006 and I agreed to work the balance of that
fiscal year over at NASA to help them work the Constellation issues
so the rest of the Lockheed guys could go off and design Orions. Of
course that was 2006 and I’m still here. They haven’t
chased me off yet. But the fascination is still there. The opportunities
are still there for us to go do great things.
The technology keeps changing for you to adapt to.
It does. You can’t get bored. You’re just not watching
if you get bored. The tools that we have to work with today are constantly
in a state of flux. Many of them very relevant to what we’re
trying to do. Also it’s been beneficial that the world at large
is much more space-oriented than certainly they were in the ’60s.
You have things like the CCSDS [Consultative Committee for Space Data
Systems]. It’s an international organization that develops standards
for major functions that people need in space. Their objective is
if you create a standard that’s internationally accepted then
commercial companies will go design products to those standards because
they have a marketplace. That’s worked, and that’s provided
some tremendous capabilities for us that are not good for anybody
that isn’t doing space but they’re commercial products.
What’s available as a tool set to go build these things with
is changing a lot. Just the basic technologies, how fast networks
can run, compute power that we have in these workstations is phenomenal.
There’s such a change in what we can do, the sophistication
of the spacecraft. Orion is almost capable of taking care of itself.
It has a very powerful set of fault detection and isolation capability
on it. I can’t imagine how someone could get bored. They’re
just not paying attention. I’ll stay on as long as they’ll
let me probably.
I think one of the questions that I think Blair had sent over was
if you were leaving or you were sharing those things for new people
coming up, for the next generation coming up. What are some of those
aspects or those—I don’t want to use the word lessons
He’s keying on a comment I made to him when I was standing outside,
so you know what triggered this in the first place. Another factor
in 2006 when I got the call is I felt like I was fortunate that the
taxpayers invested a huge amount of money in my education. Obviously
not everything worked exactly great the first time. You learn from
that, but it’s very expensive. I looked at it, and I said, “I
think it’s payback time. The country invested a lot in me learning
what I learned over the years. I think they got something for their
money but also it’s time to give back.” Toward the end
of last fiscal year it looked like because of the budget pressures
for example that probably I was not going to be able to continue to
do this. Lockheed was really getting squeezed.
To that end one of the areas that is very important to us and not
well covered with the resource base is the communication subsystems,
which I happen to know a bit about. I went off and decided I’d
teach communication school, because I wanted to make sure if I left
I left as much behind as I could. I really feel that way. I’m
obviously not going to be able to do this forever, and the next generation
needs to pick it up and run with the ball.
One of the guys in the session who was an absolute master with a video
recorder and an editor, he videoed three of the four sessions. They’re
huge files, about two hours each. It teaches you how communication
systems work. We stuck those out there on servers and a lot of people
have watched them. I hope they’re getting something out of them.
But one of the things that triggered Blair is I feel very strongly
that what I know was paid for by American taxpayers, and as much of
it as possible needs to get left behind for the next group to take
and run with. I really feel that way. This I see as an opportunity
to do some of that. There are other topics probably that are like
that. But the important thing is that the space program continue to
When you do finally leave, what do you feel like is going to be, if
you had to pick one or two, the best contributions that you felt like
you’ve been able to make?
I certainly do think that the evolution of the architecture of the
Control Center is one. I’m not going to take credit for the
MCC-21 but I’ve had my finger in the pie on that one big time.
That’s the next generation that owns that one. They need to
get credit for that one.
I think that has benefited certainly the Agency at large and the manned
program in particular. I feel like it’s been very worthwhile
for both sides. Certainly it’s been very good for me. I’ve
been able to practice the thing I’m passionate about. Life gets
no better than that.
If you get to do what you want to do. I think probably the next wave
above that is a topic that I mentioned several times here. It’s
not finished. There’s lots to be learned and figured out about
how to go do these big systems. There’s opportunities for people
to think about it, come up with clever ideas and document them. We’re
nowhere near finished in any one of these threads, including the methodologies.
I like to leave that challenge behind for some of these bright people.
One of the huge advantages of working out here is this is the smartest
bunch of people you’re going to find anywhere on the face of
the Earth. I know that to be true because I’ve been a lot of
places. You’re not going to find a talent base anywhere close
to this anywhere. They’re really really sharp people out here
that are capable of great innovation.
The other thing I’d like to leave behind is the challenge to
pick that ball up and run with it. There’s plenty of field left
ahead of you.
I know. I think sometimes the generation feels like there’s
nothing new to explore or to do.
It is not true. It is definitely not true. In fact if anything the
rate at which things are evolving is accelerating. The opportunities
are growing. It’s not simply working with new products. It’s
even challenging old techniques.
I had one opportunity in my career that occurred in ’91 when
it actually happened I guess, rolling into 1992. The situation we
were in was early Space Station. Space Station needed a Control Center.
We were using a very classical engineering methodology they call waterfall
to go create one. The program was quite unstable. I think twice we
came within one vote in Congress of canceling the whole damn program.
About the time we’d get through the front end and get a system
design spec put together, the whole thing would flip over and you’d
go back and start over again. We were executing completely in compliance
with the contract, doing what I thought was pretty good work per the
contract, but producing nothing of value that was going to go on the
floor and go fly missions, because you couldn’t get that far.
I think the reality of that was we were spending a lot of money. The
cost to complete was basically not changing from one year to the next,
and the schedule was just incrementally sliding out. I had a history
of running around complaining about bad processes. I guess that was
the reason why they said, “Okay, go fix it.”
They gave me the opportunity in ’91 to go overhaul what was
at that time the MSC contract. They didn’t put any bounds on
me about changing the statement of work and the DRL [Data Requirements
List] and anything else I thought needed to be worked on. I did that
and changed a lot of things. In fact some people said I changed everything
but the carpet on the floor, which might have been pretty close to
the truth. But went to what today we would call an agile process.
If I’d thought of that term back then I’d have used it.
It’s a perfect term. I called in incremental because I wasn’t
smart enough to think of agile.
What it really said is hey, the world is too dynamic. The reason we
can’t deliver on this is things don’t hold still long
enough to use the long duration waterfall process. We got to build
this thing incrementally. We got to eat this big cookie one little
bite at a time, even though we’ve never seen the whole cookie
at once. It’s all hidden behind a curtain somewhere. I reshuffled
everything around so we could have a systems engineering level that
was very heads up, keeping track of all the change traffic, and an
implementing organization that were very heads down, that were taking
each one of these delivery increments defined and going off and doing
that without paying any attention to what’s happening to the
budgets or the schedules or the politics or anything else going on.
So we shifted to that. It was interesting, because when we made the
change we gave the program back $70 million, I think was the number,
and we trimmed two years off the schedule. But in reality that’s
an inaccurate statement, because like I said, the cost to complete
was staying the same, and the schedules were slipping. But the one
that was baseline—and we delivered by the way. We met those
budgetary commitments and schedule commitments.
The reason I bring that up is it is useful and sometimes very appropriate
to be willing to challenge the well rooted processes that are in place.
If you can build a compelling case and it makes good sense for why
you really ought to do it a different way, then people will listen
to you. Obviously NASA contracts accepted all that before we were
allowed to go do it. There’s plenty of ways to cause progress
to occur. Some of them are deep-rooted technically. Some are more
just how it is you go about doing it. But the important thing I think
is always not just to say, “Well, it’s been done this
way for 20 years, that’s obviously got to be the right way to
do it.” The right thing to do is look at the situation around
you right then because that’s what’s changing constantly.
The operational requirements are changing. The technologies are changing.
The budget situations are changing. The national priorities are changing.
You’re really pressed to find something that’s not changing.
If you’re not willing to be very agile, very fleet of foot,
you’re probably not going to succeed. It’s all about being
able to adapt. That means adapt the processes, adapt the systems,
adapt all the things that we’re about to succeed.
I got asked soon after we built the thing over there, after I redid
the whole contract, the Air Force was on some kind of a summit thing
in Colorado Springs. They were trying to figure out what to do with
their systems in Cheyenne Mountain was what they were about. I guess
somebody had mentioned what I’d been doing here in Houston,
so they asked me to come up there and tell them about how it was we
built the new Control Center here. I had a chart [in my presentation
that showed the context the system engineering process must operate
in]. Basically it was showing that the operations guys, are in a state
of flux too. One day to the next they’re trying to figure out
what the heck they’re going to do.
Even made the comment that I could remember when I would have been
the first in the line to go say, “Well, if those ops guys can
write a decent ops concept I can sure build a system that would meet
up with it.” Now the recognition that they would love to be
able to do that but their world won’t hold still either. This
whole chart was oriented around if you’re going to do good engineering
these days you’re going to have to be constantly aware of all
that change traffic out there, and modifying your plan to match up
with it.
It was interesting to look around the room, because I didn’t
know anybody in the room, I don’t think. You could easily see
where the ops guys were sitting in the back, they’re all standing
up and cheering. You could see the systems integrator bunch that the
Air Force had hired over there because they’re saying, “Well,
doesn’t that cause requirements creep?” I remember answering
that question saying, “Well, I guess. But what I deliver the
ops community likes. So I don’t guess it matters, does it? It
satisfies their need. I don’t know whether the requirements
crept or not.” Because we started doing it before they were
all written down. The requirements were evolving too. I don’t
know what requirements creep means anymore.
There are a lot of comfortable things that an engineering community
can hide behind like a well formed set of Level As. It’s not
in my requirements. I’m not going to do that. Those kinds of
things are inappropriate today. The world is not that stable.
I’m going to ask you one more question and then we’ll
let you go. Don’t want to take all your day. You’ve seen
a lot of human spaceflight. Is there a time during all these years
that you’ve worked around this community that you feel that’s
the one you were the gladdest you were around? Special mission or
that transition or the new Center opening? Whatever. Is there something
that just really sticks out in your mind of all the things that you
put up?
There are probably a lot of those. But interestingly enough, today
is probably the one. The reason is I had the advantage of working
with some incredibly bright people. I see them taking the reins. I
see them doing things that I can’t do, that I don’t know
how to do. They’re more contemporary in their knowledge of the
technologies, and very talented people. To me there’s nothing
more rewarding than that, seeing what a bright future our program
has with those kind of people who have a lot of years ahead of them
to be able to contribute like that.
Today is probably as good as it could possibly be. Of course you look
back and you see some of the things that have happened over time.
Certainly the day that we really started transitioning the second
generation architecture in place was quite fulfilling to me since
I was the thing’s daddy. You always like to see your baby succeed.
Certainly if you look at some of those events back in Apollo, every
one of those missions was very risky, very challenging. The organization
and the tools that were available for them to work with helped us
pull off some rather remarkable things I think.
You have trouble finding a year where you can’t find something
to be very proud of. I don’t think any exceeds today. Just watching
what the team is capable of doing is incredibly rewarding.
What a great time for you to learn even more.
It is. One of the things that—I guess you can teach an old dog
new tricks. When I came out of retirement, there’s been a lot
of things learned since then that I’ve learned. I like to learn.
That’s another major pleasure that I get out of this thing.
There’s so much in this business, so much complexity in it.
Every one of those rocks has got a gem underneath it. You turn it
over and find, “Wow, I think I’m going to learn more about
that.” There’s some really really interesting things out
there to dig into.
Maybe when MCC-21 is up and running you can come back and visit with
us and tell us about the end of that saga.
I will. We should be totally flying by the end of the year with it.
So it’s not far down.
I look forward to talking with you again then.
So far we’ve got enough testing with the simulations. The basic
behavior that we’re looking for I think is actually there. It’s
not finished. These things never are. We’ve been working on
the Control Center for 50 years, never have finished it. It’s
not so much a point, it’s a vector. You’re really pointing
it in a direction, putting it on a vector. Now you continue to build
on that off in that direction. There are a lot of things in there.
There’s some features that I would have liked to have seen get
in there probably day one, but that’s okay.
One of the fascinating things about building it in the first place
is with all the change traffic the front office recognized that maybe
it was time to do something. They told a few of us that, “Okay,
if you had a clean sheet of paper how would you do the Control Center?”
Clean sheet exercise.
We all head out for a week. I say all. It was four or five of us head
out for a week in an office up there. I remember telling them. I said,
“Well, we’ll ask for everything. They’ll give us
about 50 percent. We got to be willing to accept about half of what
we’re asking for.” That’s the way it usually is.
So, we put everything in it that we wanted, and they gave it to us
all. They told us, “Just go for it.” The front office
very much supported our desire to make wholesale changes to the way
the thing was put together and move it in a significantly different
direction than where it was set to go.
You really can’t ask for better than that. Most of it got in
there, even though there were certainly some things that absolutely
had to happen, other things could be put off and it wouldn’t
hurt. But everything that had to happen is in there, and a lot of
the things that didn’t have to happen right now are also in
there. It’s difficult to figure out exactly how you measure
the success or failure of one of these things. But I’d declare
it a success.
The future will be fun seeing how it all comes about.
Yes. I’m excited about like I said the work we’re doing
so far for EM-1 and 2 because it is more intercenter. Seeing the great
spirit of cooperation and working with the other Centers, I think
moving down that path of OneNASA, if you want to use a cliché,
can actually happen, where we can really pool the different resources
at the Center into one enterprise objective and make it all fit together
rather seamlessly.
We can get that started. That’s probably not going to finish
while I’m still around. But that’s another nice challenge
for the next wave to go take on to pull all the Centers together.
Exciting times in the future.
It is. Absolutely. Absolutely.
Thank you for giving up your whole morning. I appreciate it.
You’re very welcome. Thank you for the opportunity.
I’ve enjoyed it. Thank you.
of interview]