NASA Johnson Space Center
Orion Oral History Project
Edited Oral History Transcript
Interviewed by Sandra Johnson
Indianapolis, Indiana – 23 June 2016
Johnson: Today is June 23rd, 2016. This second interview with Dan
Dumbacher is being conducted for the NASA Johnson Space Center Orion
Oral History Project. Mr. Dumbacher is speaking with us today by telephone
from Indianapolis, Indiana. The interviewer is Sandra Johnson. I want
to thank you again for taking some time with us today.
We’ve talked about the budget and the design decisions, the
constraints because of that, some because of the basic laws of physics
as far as the design, as well as how the budget drove the schedule.
Are there any more decisions that you believe impacted the development,
the policy operations, the cost during your tenure with the program
that we haven’t talked about already?
Actually there are probably several, Sandra. We talked about how Orion
and the first crewed flight and its date was driven purely by the
schedule and the available budget. We also talked a little bit about
how the chosen configuration for the Space Launch System [SLS] was
driven by the budget constraints and basically a tradeoff that had
to be made between the budget constraints and at the same time meeting
the technical requirements that had to be met, even though we could
have exceeded those technical requirements, but there wasn’t
enough lingo in the budget constraint to do that.
The other one actually is an interesting discussion that could take
a lot of time if we wanted, is how we managed the program, and how
we did the integration across the three major programs. The three
major programs again being Orion, the Space Launch System, and Ground
Systems [Development and Operations] at KSC [NASA Kennedy Space Center,
We knew we had to get lean and mean. We knew that we couldn’t
do things the way we had done them in the past and that we were going
to have to rethink it, recognizing that we did not want to sacrifice,
or could not sacrifice the safety, and we still had to meet the technical
requirements, but now we also had to meet the cost requirements. Now
it’s a little bit harder balancing act.
The way we approached it, I’ll start with Orion, because that’ll
maybe exemplify it a little bit. Mark [S.] Geyer and Mark [A.] Kirasich
and Julie [A.] Kramer-White, all of those guys. I just got to do this.
In that list you got two Purdue [University] grads and a [University
of] Notre Dame grad. The Purdue grads are Geyer and Julie. We always
felt like we had Mark Kirasich cornered the way he needed to be. Those
guys did an excellent job of working with the Johnson Space Center
Engineering Directorate, I think Steve [Stephen J.] Altemus and then
Lauri [N.] Hansen, in coming up with and recognizing that they had
to rethink the level of involvement and the level of activity from
an engineering perspective, and that we couldn’t just go get
everything because we wanted to, we had to recognize that there was
only so much money available, so how do we do this.
I think the Marks and Julie did a tremendous job of working with Engineering
in getting the number of deliverables required from a contractor reduced,
making sure that the deliverables that were on contract were ones
that were actually needed and not just extra stuff that was going
to end up on a bookshelf somewhere, and three—and this is probably
the most important one—is they figured out and came to an agreement
with Johnson Engineering about what level of approval was going to
be required by Engineering, and they actually increased the level
of approval. By that I mean instead of Engineering having approval
at what I will call the subsystem level, they brought it up to the
system level, so the environmental control and life support system
level, the communications level. Mark could describe it much better
than I can. But they worked hard to come up with a more efficient,
yet maintaining our safety and our technical needs, mode of management
for Orion, and they implemented it.
They implemented it on EFT-1, and they implemented it on the EM-1
vehicle, and I’m assuming it’s continuing to be implemented
along the way. When I say that, this is not a static discussion, you
do it once and it just stays that way. The management thought process
has to evolve based on the program life cycle and where you are in
that life cycle. It’s going to look different over time.
Orion did that. They were actually a little bit of a ringleader on
that front in terms of working with the contractor. The Space Launch
System team took some of the lessons learned from Orion and started
to apply it to their activity as well with their multiple contractors
of Boeing, ATK, now Orbital ATK, Aerojet Rocketdyne, etc.
We were working on trying to get efficient with the contractors and
what we were expecting from the contractors and the level of involvement
with the contractors, which on a cost-plus contract drives cost, or
it certainly has a lot of influence on cost.
The other thing we did—and this is probably the bigger one that
got me in as much trouble as anything, but I still maintain it was
the right thing to do so I really don’t care that I was in trouble—is
we went with a less infusive or less intrusive, smaller integration
activity than what was typically used on either [Space] Shuttle or
[International] Space Station or Constellation for that matter. I
think the direct comparison is Constellation, the program integration
activity, that is the systems engineering activities and all of the
integration work, totaled some $500 million annually to the tune of
400, 500 people.
With Exploration Systems at NASA Headquarters, that including SLS,
Orion, and Ground Systems, we dropped that number by an order of magnitude.
The way we were able to do that was by making sure that the programs
were held responsible and accountable to work with the other programs.
For example when Orion has to work interfaces with the Ground Systems
team at KSC, they do it directly, not through another integration
arm of the program that takes the Orion input and then goes and drives
that down onto the KSC activity. We opened up the pipeline so that
Orion and KSC would work more of those issues than needing an integration
activity to do those issues. Hopefully this is making some sense.
We did the same thing on Orion to SLS. We purposely made sure that
we minimized as much as possible the interfaces between Orion and
SLS, because the number of interfaces is directly proportional to
the amount of integration cost you have. We purposely tried to keep
those interfaces simple and to a small number. We also went to more
of a peer review approach where the programs peer-reviewed each other
with Exploration Systems [Development Division], the overall systems
integration activity, having a primary function of making sure we
were doing the right things and getting the right things done properly
and technically correct, and just as important is that we were doing
the right things at the right time, because cost can come in because
I either do things too late or I do things early. There was a timing
aspect to this.
The integration approach that we took, because of the relatively less
complex integration interfaces when you compare an Orion/SLS configuration
to a Shuttle configuration for example or even a Station activity,
those interfaces are less, and therefore we took advantage of that
and then took this hold each other accountable approach to make sure
we were getting the technical stuff done right, so that we had the
two programs that needed to do the technical work anyway and didn’t
have two or three other people repeating that work and having to pay
for it.
In that process I felt like to the day I left the Agency that we were
maintaining our safety and technical capability. We worked this very
very closely with Safety and Mission Assurance and the Agency Chief
Engineer’s Office so that we made sure we got the peer review
and had our homework papers graded instead of us grading our own homework.
Making sure we were doing the right things and not missing anything.
Standing review boards in place to make sure we weren’t missing
anything. All the Agency reviews to make sure we weren’t missing
anything. In that we worked to this more efficient model.
That model again has to evolve as you proceed through the program
life cycle. There will be more integration activity as you get closer
to flight. But in the development era you’re able to let the
programs have a little bit more freedom to go do things.
The other thing we did from a management perspective is Constellation
held all of the program funding reserves at the program level. We
took a different approach. We took the approach where we gave each
of the programs program reserve funding within their budgets, and
allowed them to manage that reserve as they saw fit with a reporting
and an accountability where they had to describe how they were using
that reserve funding through our monthly review, quarterly review
process. It wasn’t open-ended; it did have review on it. We
did this mainly because we were trying to get the decisions made as
close to where they needed to be made as possible and also to increase
what I always call decision velocity so that we were able to make
decisions, make the right decisions with the right people in the room
and the right expertise applied, but make them as timely and quickly
as possible so that we could keep moving on.
One of the stories I used to use is in Constellation the launch vehicle
guys proposed a bolt pattern change to an access panel and it took
us a year and a half to get that approved through the way the decision
cycle was set up on Constellation. No need for that. The SLS guys,
if they needed to make that kind of a change, they had to make sure
they worked with whoever it might affect if it affected another program.
If it didn’t, then it was all within their program. Those decisions
could get made in a matter of days or weeks as opposed to a year and
a half. That’s an example of what I mean about decision velocity.
Do you have examples of any that got made that quickly as compared
to that year-and-a-half approval process? Anything that comes to mind?
Yes, there was one in particular, and this actually comes across from
two different directions. The SLS guys realized that if we gave up
a little bit of payload performance to orbit we could actually make
the launch vehicle cheaper by not using the aluminum-lithium material
for the tanks, but if we just used standard aluminum 2219. The reason
for that is NASA is the only one that uses the aluminum-lithium material
system, and therefore we get stuck paying the bill for all of the
infrastructure and the supply chain to supply that material. Aluminum
2219 is used by all of the aerospace industry, so that infrastructure
cost is spread across a larger market. Therefore the cost to SLS is
It meant that the tanks were a little bit heavier, it meant that we
lost a little bit of payload, but it was a decision that got made
basically by the SLS guys, with a little bit of involvement from the
mission planning people from a top level systems integration perspective,
because when SLS brought the story to us we were willing to give it
up. I think we made that decision in a matter of weeks as opposed
to a major decision like that taking a year and a half.
This is always an interesting conversation because part of this is
you’re changing the culture. Believe me, when we first started
going down this road, the people that were used to Shuttle and Station
were not happy campers with me. But I think over time—in fact
I use Bill [William H.] Gerstenmaier as a little bit of a yardstick
on this one. When we first started down this approach he looked at
me. He let us do it. He’d say, “Okay, I’m just going
to keep watching. Until you do something wrong I’ll let you
go. But we’re going to keep an eye on you.” Fine. I’m
more than happy to have people watching this to make sure we don’t
miss something. Particularly something important.
By the time I left Bill was actually proactively defending us in public
with the way we were doing things. When the standing review board
would get in front of a group of people and say, “You’re
not doing it like Shuttle and you’re not doing it like Station,
therefore we have a worry,” our first defender was Bill Gerstenmaier.
As far as I know I think the team is still trying to work that way,
recognizing the evolution through the program life cycle. But, those
were some of the key things we were doing in the way we approached
the program management to also live within the cost constraints that
actually became design decisions, like the change in material, the
time to make that decision.
I think Mark could give you examples of how they had freedom to make
design decisions that they could make within Orion, and they didn’t
have to go through extra levels of unneeded permission, that all helped
save time and money.
These ideas that you all implemented all came up in between when Constellation
was canceled and then Orion began?
Yes and no. It’s interesting. I was still the Director of Engineering
at [NASA] Marshall [Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama]. I was
in Houston one day just before the budget that canceled Constellation
was announced. Jeff [Jeffrey M.] Hanley and [Lawrence] Dale Thomas
and a couple others pulled me aside, and we were having a discussion
about what do we need to do about getting more efficient. We’re
taking way too long to make decisions, we have got to get better.
Jeff was actually on track to set a team up to go do a hard review
of Constellation and try to figure out and to make recommendations
on how we could be more efficient. That all got overcome by events
when the new budget came out. I think Jeff and Dale Thomas recognized
that they had a little bit of an issue. They recognized that things
had a lot of room for improvement, and they were starting to take
steps to do it, but then the whole budget thing took everybody’s
attention and we had other alligators in the pond to deal with.
That’s pretty interesting. I appreciate you adding all that
because it clarifies some things. We can find only so much information
because obviously a lot of it hasn’t been gathered yet from
you guys. That helps to understand some of that timeline.
I think if you actually—[R.] Marshall Smith and Paul [K.] McConnaughey.
Marshall Smith is still at [NASA] Headquarters [Washington, DC] and
McConnaughey is now at Marshall. Those guys, I thought there were
actually a couple of AIAA [American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics]
papers or something written to try to talk about how we were doing
things more efficiently. I know I was taking part of that story up
to the [Capitol] Hill to let them know what was going on and how we
were doing it, mainly as self-defense.
It’s good to have this. I’ll look for that information.
Let’s talk about EFT-1 [Exploration Flight Test 1]. I know you
left right before the launch for EFT-1. Did you come back to see the
launch or did you experience any of those things that were happening
during that time?
Yes. Through the great courtesy of Mark Geyer and the Orion team.
I was invited to come back. I actually was able to get Purdue to pay
for the trip. They gave me an invitation. My wife came with me, and
through Mark’s graciousness I actually brought four or six Purdue
students with me so that the students could see firsthand what all
this was about. Yes, we were there for the launch and the landing.
I must admit I was just as emotional and high-fiving people as anybody
else around.
That’s quite an accomplishment to see that happen when you’ve
been working on it for a while. To actually see it come to fruition
must have been satisfying.
It was particularly satisfying from the perspective that there were
a lot of people who by the time we flew EFT-1 had actually left the
Agency, but there were a lot of naysayers that didn’t want us
to do EFT-1, didn’t want us to put it in the budget, for whatever
reason. There were a lot of us. Mark and the Orion team carried the
vast majority of this burden, but they executed, they carried it out,
they got it done, they got it done right. It’s always satisfying
to do that. There was an element of pride in this from the standpoint
that we had fought off the naysayers that didn’t want us to
do it and did it anyway and did it well.
You did leave the Agency not long before that test flight. What led
to your decision to leave NASA? I know you’d been with NASA
a while, but what led to your decision to leave at that time?
That’s an interesting question. It’s probably an answer
that most people don’t expect. It’s interesting how timing
aligns. Throughout the course of my career my wife periodically would
ask me, “What do you want to do when you get done with NASA?
What’s your next?” I always said, “I want to go
back and give back to the next generation. I want to teach and help
them get ready to go take the ball even farther.”
It was interesting in that in the spring of 2014 Purdue called me
up and offered me a job because I had told a couple of heads of mechanical
engineering and a couple of heads of aerospace engineering when they
asked me what we needed to do to improve the educational component
of the students, I was not bashful about giving them my opinion. They
came to me and said, “Hey, listen, how would you like to finally
have your chance to help us fix it?” It was a little bit gut-wrenching
from the standpoint that you’ve put in 33 years, you’re
on your way to flying EM-1 [Exploration Mission 1], we’re on
our way to EFT-1, the hardware is starting to flow, things are starting
to work, we’re past the big political fight.
What happened was Purdue came in and offered me a position to do something
that I always said I wanted to try. It was not an opportunity that
was going to wait. In addition to that, about two months before Purdue
called—I was on the old Civil Service Retirement System—I
actually became eligible to retire. It was one of those gut-wrenching
decisions about do you leave one thing you love and go to something
you said you always wanted to try. Obviously you can tell what decision
I made. That’s the reason I left. It was not because anybody
was kicking me out. It was not because of any bad feelings. It was
just I wanted to go try something I said I always wanted to go try,
and here we are.
Sounds like you’ve made a good decision for yourself too though.
You’re able to help instill that interest in that next generation.
Yes, that’s actually been one of the most satisfying parts.
Although I’m starting to learn I’m a little bit slow on
the pickup. It’s taken me a good year and a half, two years,
to figure out that these university politics are about the way people
describe them.
You realize you come from a world that’s very used to things
getting done on a prescribed timeline. Once you make a commitment
you live to the commitment because you’re going to be held to
it. That’s not a world that is all that normal at the university.
It works to a little bit different drummer.
I’ve heard that. Little bit different timeline.
Yes. Sometimes it’s a little frustrating.
Have to learn to take things slower and not try to push it through
so fast.
I keep telling myself that, but I’m not very good at doing that.
Even though you did leave NASA you did testify before Congress a couple
times even after you left. Do you have any worries because of what
happened with Constellation with a new [presidential] administration,
and we’re getting ready to have another change, and in 2017
we’ll have a new President, one way or the other? Do you have
any worries that NASA will be redirected once again to change something
since Orion has come so far and will hopefully be flying EM-1 soon?
Yes. Sandra, I do worry about that. It’s a natural thing that
when you get a new administration in you have to recognize that NASA
is part of the executive branch. The NASA Administrator works at the
pleasure of the President, with Senate approval in there, yes, but
he or she works at the pleasure of the President.
Yes. You do worry about that. Particularly after what we went through
from the 2009 to 2011 timeframe. I will be the first, and I will say
it more than anybody wants to hear it publicly, I do not want to go
through that again. It was terrible. It was gut-wrenching. It was
hard on people and their families. Frankly in my opinion for no good
It could have been handled much more professionally and much more
efficiently. We just do not need to go through that again. I think
one of the biggest problems we have in human spaceflight is that we
keep thinking that there’s always a bright new shiny object
around the corner that looks better than what the hardware does. That
will always be the case. We just need to quit chasing all the bright
new shiny things and go get stuff done. It’s going to be hard
along the way, but get it done, and then move on to the next step.
I think the beauty that we have this time around that we did not have
in 2009, 2010 is as you pointed out we are further along on the hardware.
There’s an EFT-1 success behind it. There are engine tests behind
it. There’s Orion tests at [NASA] Langley [Research Center,
Hampton, Virginia] and parachute tests and testing up at [NASA] Glenn
[Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio]. All of that is in place and working
and demonstrating that the hardware is meeting the requirements. That
is all in the good. Can the policy change? Yes. But it’s going
to be harder to make a big change to the policy when you have so much
progress being made, granted, not quite on the schedule we predicted
five years ago, but not that far off.
I think the big thing here is the NASA industry team has demonstrated
their capability. They’ve gone off and they’ve done what
they needed to do. The one thing I tell them all the time whenever
I get the opportunity is don’t worry about the politics because
you can’t really control that. The one thing you can control
is getting your hardware built on schedule on budget. You can control
that. So, if you guys make that happen, which you can control, you’ve
just made the politics problem harder for the people that want to
change it. You can influence that other discussion by making sure
you do well at what you can control, so go control it.
I think all of the exploration team, Orion, SLS, Ground Systems, and
all the industry contractors, they’ve done a great job of doing
that. Later this month we’re going to have another five-segment
booster firing out in Utah. It’s going.
Yes, I’m afraid, I worry about it. The other thing I think that’s
going on is I think the Agency is preparing itself better for the
transition. In 2008, 2009 we didn’t prepare ourselves very well
for that transition. I think that weakness has been identified and
understood and that the Charlie [Charles F.] Bolden and Gerstenmaier
and everybody, they are working hard to make sure that we are better
prepared for that transition this time around.
That’s good to hear. Working toward EFT-1, I know we’ve
talked about today the work you did to make things more efficient,
but would that be it or would you consider anything else to be your
most significant contribution to getting the Orion Program off the
First of all, it’s not my contribution. Everything we talk about
here is the team that’s doing it. I just happened to be the
mouthpiece. I do this in chronological order and then I’ll cycle
back. The chronological order, and frankly I think this is the most
important achievement, was getting ourselves through the transition
and having the perseverance to develop the next strategy for human
exploration in the form that it’s in today. It’s not the
perfect form. It’s not the best form, but it’s in an executable
we can do it form.
Getting to those two public announcements, the one in May 2011 on
Orion and the one in September of 2011 on SLS, with the public approval
from the administration to implement those programs and approval to
proceed as we had them defined at that point in time, that was an
accomplishment from the team across the board. It took a lot of people
a lot of work in a very challenging environment, a very emotional
environment, to work through it and get the job done.
I think EFT-1 is the next round of accomplishment in the sense that
it demonstrates not just the hardware and how well the hardware is
designed, built, fabricated, and tested, it also demonstrates how
well the team worked together. We don’t talk about that a lot.
We like to talk about the hardware and all the fancy stuff we do.
In my book it’s just as important that the team that executed
EFT-1 has now set the standard for what Exploration Systems and Orion
and SLS need to do for the future.
When I look back on those days, there are a lot of people saying,
“Oh, you can’t do EFT-1, it’s a stunt, you don’t
have enough money.” I look back on that timeframe now. I am
really glad that a few people listened to the logic that said it was
important for us to get a flight test because we needed the data,
we needed the engineering, we needed to exercise the team, give the
team something good to focus on. I think EFT-1 did that.
It’s been a rousing success along the way, and I think we’re
going to see the benefits of EFT-1 in the EM-1 design and the EM-2
design. The weight is going to come down. The capability is going
to go up. It’s all in the right direction.
I think the other accomplishments that the team pulled off of getting
SLS under contract as quickly as they did was a big deal, because
that got us getting into the hardware development quicker. The ground
systems guys, they’re the quiet ones in Florida, but it was
tough on them to tear down all that Shuttle hardware off of 39B [launch
pad] and get it cleaned up, start getting it ready for Orion and SLS.
They have done a fantastic job. The VAB [Vehicle Assembly Building]
is getting prepared with the work platforms. Just across the board
I look at the team and how well they’re hitting their marks
and they’re doing things, it’s just great.
I know there are GAO [Government Accountability Office] reports and
other things out there about the possible problems ahead and some
of the problems that they’re having now, yes, all true to some
degree. But, this is hard technical work on a scale that hasn’t
been done since Apollo, on a budget that is not anything close to
what Apollo had. I think this team is doing fantastic.
You mentioned the word perseverance. One of the quotes that we pulled
was from Mark Geyer. He said that the Orion Program learned to persevere.
It sounds like you agree with that statement.
Undoubtedly. Mark says it much more eloquently than I can.
We’ve talked about also your challenges. Is there anything that
stands out? Even if we’ve talked about it before, which one,
or if there’s something else we haven’t talked about,
as far as what you consider the most significant challenge you had
during your time working with Constellation and Orion.
That’s a good question. The biggest challenge, Sandra, is that
we had to work through probably the most difficult political environment
that this Agency has ever seen, particularly around human spaceflight.
That 2009 to 2011 timeframe was really really tough.
I can remember a conversation I had with Jack [Thomas J.] Lee. He
retired. He left NASA as the Center Director at Marshall. Jim [James
L.] Odom, another one of my mentors, he was the Hubble [Space Telescope]
Program Manager. I looked at those two one day, and I said, “So
either you guys did a really good job of hiding all this crap from
us when I was a young engineer working on Shuttle and the engine,
just having a good old time, you guys either did a really good job
of hiding all this crap from us, or it didn’t exist.”
Both of them said, “Dan, it’s never been this bad. This
problem didn’t exist to this extent. Yes, we always had political
problems. Yes. But nothing like this,” that would compare with
the 2009-2011 timeframe.
Getting through that and getting that done, that challenge and overcoming
that challenge, was difficult. If you’ve got a little bit of
time, I got a little bit of a story on Mark. One day we had a telecon
going in the morning and we were going to break for the telecon to
go up to have a meeting with Charlie Bolden and all of his direct
reports on strategy, and then we were going to get back together on
the telecon after that meeting with Charlie.
Mark was not happy with me and the way we were having to do things.
He was rather frustrated about the way we were having to approach
the strategy conversation. He made it clear to me that he wasn’t
happy with how things were going. We went off and had the strategy
meeting with Charlie and we came back downstairs. Mark gets on the
phone before we started the telecon. He just got on the line. He says,
“Now Dan, I have to apologize. I now understand what you’re
trying to tell me.” Because the strategy meeting with Charlie
and his direct reports was interesting to say the least.
The team pulled together. The team worked it through. We had our debates.
We had our differences of opinion, but in the end everybody was rowing
and pulling in the same direction and we got there. I think this team
demonstrates not only—well, perseverance is a great word for
it. I think also the height of professionalism in terms of being able
to pull together in rather difficult times and get done what needs
to be done. I have nothing but high praise for Mark and his team and
the SLS team and the Ground Systems team. We had our differences of
opinion. I don’t want anybody walking off thinking it was all
cookies and cream because it wasn’t. But we all trusted each
other. We all knew that each other had the best intentions at heart.
We were all trying to do what we all thought was the best thing for
the Agency. In the end I think we’ll be proven right when we
get EM-1 and EM-2 flying.
We’ve talked about a lot of people and a lot of different things
that happened during that time. Are there any other people or any
other memorable moments or people in leadership roles or even people
not necessarily in leadership roles or any of those other moments
that we haven’t talked about that you’d like to talk about
before we go?
Man, I could give you a whole list. I’m going to start at the
top and I’m going to work my way down. At some point you’re
going to probably have to tell me to shut up and cut me off. If it
weren’t for Chris Scolese, Doug [Douglas R.] Cooke, Bill Gerstenmaier,
we wouldn’t be where we are today. They helped us navigate.
They gave us good guidance. They gave us great support to get things
done and to get through the challenges both politically and technically,
programmatically. I cannot say enough. What’s going on in the
world today would not be done without those three guys by any stretch
of the imagination.
Another one that I think really deserves a lot of credit but nobody
ever talks about him publicly because he always worked quietly behind
the scenes, and that was Mike [Michael] Ryschkewitsch in his Chief
Engineer role. If it weren’t for Mike and his support from the
Chief Engineer’s Office we would not have made progress as quickly
as we did. It was an interesting relationship with Mike. Mike and
I didn’t live far from each other in Maryland. When we knew
we had an issue to work, one of the two of us would call the other
one up and say, “Okay, it’s time for a meeting in the
car driving home tonight.” We would have our argument in the
car where nobody else would see it or hear it. Then we’d come
in the next day with whatever the issue is basically worked out and
ready to go forward and get things moving again. Mike did more of
that kind of thing and he did it quietly. He helped make the case
for what we were trying to do, recognizing we were trying to do things
differently within the Agency. We wouldn’t be where we are today
without Mike Ryschkewitsch.
Then I start to go to the Exploration Systems team. Bill [William
C.] Hill, Cris [Christina] Guidi, Steve [Steven W.] Clarke. All absolutely
essential to go make this work. They were the troops on the ground
working with all the Centers making this work.
Then there was a series of three guys that actually helped put the
integration approach together that took on all the swords and arrows
that led us to what I consider still the efficient model of systems
integration. That was Frank [H.] Bauer, who has since retired, Chuck
[Charles] Smith, who followed Frank, these three guys were all the
Chief Engineer for Exploration Systems, and Chuck when he left Headquarters
he retired as the Acting Center Director out at Ames, and then Paul
McConnaughey, who’s now back at Marshall. Those three guys,
I can’t say enough for how they had to work through some difficult
expectations just from a cultural perspective if nothing else on how
to go about problems and how to go about integration. They did a tremendous
I couldn’t have done what I did without Bill Hill. I’m
going to stop here for a second and recognize that when I talk about
these people, I’m also talking about their families, because
their families allowed all of the extra time, all of the extra road
trips, all of the other stuff to go happen. She’s not in the
room because she’s out of the house right now, but if it weren’t
for my wife Lee, she’s just as much a part of this as anybody,
because she helped keep things going behind the scenes. I know that’s
true for Bill Hill. I know that’s true for everybody. They all
had their family support network of one form or another that helped
make this happen.
I think back and I look at the programs. Pepper [Phillip E.] Phillips,
Jennifer [C.] Kunz at KSC. Tremendous job. [Philip J.] Weber. They
did great. We’ve talked a lot about the Orion team. Mark Geyer,
Mark Kirasich, Julie. There’s one other guy in their Program
Office [Paul F. Marshall]. Poor guy had to handle all the GAO/OIG
[Office of Inspector General] audits, and he did a tremendous job
with all of that, making sure that worked.
Then the SLS team. Todd [A.] May, Garry [M.] Lyles, Jody [A.] Singer.
You don’t do these things by yourself. You do these things with
a group of people. I have to say that we had probably the best group
of people in the right places to go pull this off. I can’t imagine
doing it with another team of folks that would be any better.
The danger in these kind of questions, Sandra, is I’m leaving
people out. There are the unsung heroes at the working level that
maybe I didn’t see that often but other people did. Without
the engineers at all levels, the administrative assistants at all
levels, the procurement people, the legal people, it takes the whole
team. If it hadn’t been for that whole team, and I haven’t
even scratched the surface with the contractor community.
I could be here all night giving you a list of names if my memory
would hold out that long. I look back on those days, and as tough
as they were, having the opportunity to call those people friends
and colleagues makes all the difference.
It’s really interesting because some of the things you’ve
said, especially about the families, we’ve heard that from so
many people over the years that if it wasn’t for the families
nothing could have been done. Also that feeling of teamwork, it makes
a big difference in the amount of work and the type of work you can
In our line of business it’s absolutely essential. When I say
that I mean for all of us, because I look at this as all of us are
trying to make this happen because the History Office is just as important
in my book as anybody else, because if we don’t learn from the
history, we’re bound to repeat it. I love nothing more than
making the young people go back and read the history, because they’ve
got to learn it somehow.
We appreciate that. I know that you said that you did go look at those
early Apollo documents on management. Somebody has to save those.
That’s why you can tell Mark I’m unhappy tomorrow.
Okay, I definitely will. I appreciate it. Is there anything else that
we haven’t talked about that you can think of?
I will tell you, Sandra, I probably will think of about 10 things
over the next week after we hang up the phone that I wish I’d
done this or I wish I’d said that. If I can remember them and
write them down I’ll put them in the transcript or we’ll
figure something out. I appreciate you guys doing what you’re
doing, because I think this is really important for the next generation
to be able to go back to these kinds of things.
I did my own version of oral history once when I spent a day with
George [George E.] Mueller. Basically I did that because I was trying
to get his insight before I got too far into this job at Headquarters.
Actually now that you mention it, I do need to give George credit
for a couple of things. In that conversation there were several key
points. Number one is the situation is always evolving. You always
have to keep watching out for the team. You always have to keep working
on the team and making sure the team dynamics are what you want, or
they’re at least headed in the right direction. Don’t
ever think that the teamwork is static. That was a very good reminder
from George.
The other thing that I learned from George that we implemented actually
to help us get through some of the challenges is George told me that
in Apollo he instituted discussion forums with the Office of Management
and Budget [OMB] at least once a month, if not every other week. He
did the same with the House and Senate committee staff. With the idea
being that if you keep them up to speed with your progress, keep them
up to speed with where you’re having problems and what you’re
doing about them, you make them all part of the team. They start to
help as opposed to just being defensive.
We took that to heart and we had biweekly telecons with OMB. Early
on we were briefing the Hill staff every other week. Then it went
to once a month. In some cases depending upon which committee you’re
talking about, Senate or House side, it might have gone to once a
quarter. But be that as it may, it was essential that we got those
lines of communication open with those key stakeholders. That was
all part and party to being able to accomplish what we did.
That leads me to some names I need to add to the previous list. I
told you I was going to forget somebody. Ann Zulkosky on the Senate
side. Jeff [M.] Bingham on the Senate side. If it hadn’t been
for those two. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison. Senator [Bill] Nelson.
Without those guys we wouldn’t be where we are today.
On the House side Dick [Richard M.] Obermann and his team on the House
Science Committee along with all the members of the House Science
Committee. We just wouldn’t be where we are today. Everybody
likes to label Congress as the holdup. In this case they were the
ones that were helping. I think what I learned from George led to
building the relationships with Ann and Jeff and Dick and others that
allowed us to continue to move forward the way we did. I think that
was important.
Another thing we did on the communication side of things is the contractor
Washington ops team, we met with them at least once a month. We actually
tried to do it every other week so that they were in touch with what
we were doing, we were in touch with what they were doing. Obviously
you can’t give them everything. They can’t give you everything.
They can’t share all the information, but you try to keep the
key surprises down so that people weren’t caught off guard.
We tried to do that. I know Bill Hill and the team are still doing
that kind of thing.
It was all those people. A lot of it came from sitting down with and
spending eight hours with George in his condominium in Seattle [Washington]
one day.
It’s nice to know that these guys that worked so hard and did
things without any direction and accomplished so many wonderful things,
you can take that and go forward with it instead of having to start
over and reinvent the wheel.
Yes, I figured I’m no dummy. I’m not the sharpest tool
in the shed, but I can figure out to go talk to the guys that have
already done it. Their situation may be different. I may not be able
to do everything they did and they may not have been able to do everything
I can do, or what we can do in this current environment, but I know
one thing. We can certainly learn from them, and then we can figure
out how we apply it.
That’s right. I appreciate you talking to me again today.
of interview]