NASA Johnson Space Center Oral History Project
Photos provided by David L. Pippen

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Propagation Rate Test Chamber Ken Gilbreath’s first line supervisors 200 Area Basic flash and fire test system Spark used for flash and fire testing
Propagation Rate
Test Chamber
Ken Gilbreath’s
first line supervisors
200 Area  Basic flash and fire
test system
Spark used for
flash and fire testing
High pressure flash and fire test chamber Test chamber that subjected materials to electrical arcs 56 cubic foot volume test chamber Shuttle toilet seat Shuttle astronaut jump suit
High pressure flash and
fire test chamber
Test chamber that
subjected materials
to electrical arcs
56 cubic foot volume
test chamber
Shuttle toilet seat Shuttle astronaut
jump suit
First hazardous materials tests cells in the 800 area Digging the foundation for the test control building Foundation rebar for the test control building The 800 area control building 800 area control building completed
First hazardous materials
tests cells in the 800 area
Digging the foundation
for the test control building
Foundation rebar
for the test control building
The 800 area
control building
800 area
control building completed