NASA Shuttle-Mir Oral
History Project
Edited Oral History Transcript
R. Barratt
Interviewed by Rebecca Wright
Houston, TX – 14 April 1998
were Rebecca Wright, and Paul Rollins.)
Good morning, Dr. Barratt.
Barratt: Good morning.
Wright: Thank you. We're speaking with Dr. Michael Barratt, flight
surgeon with Johnson Space Center (JSC). Earlier you made a remark
to us that the life of a flight surgeon was pretty hectic. So if you
could expound on that, we'd like to hear the details of your life.
Barratt: I go on record as saying that the flight surgeon position
here is the second best job at JSC, the first being the astronauts.
But I think that's really true, because we cover a lot of ground.
We do some medical practice. We do some research. We do a lot of operational
support, we’re on flight status in the T-38s, and it's been
a wonderful conglomeration of everything that most of us really enjoy.
We're now taking more of the role of program managers in some of the
medical operations' functions for Space Station.
My role as the lead for the medical operations' integrated product
team gives me the chance to consolidate all of the medical operations
planned for the International Space Station Project. So it's a very
busy time. It's my job to be the liaison for the Space Station Program
Office to the medical community, but it's very enjoyable and it's
nice to be able to make some changes to things that I've always wanted
to be able to effect.
Wright: Before we talk about the changes, give us a little background.
How did you get into this?
Barratt: Well, I went into medicine because I enjoyed it and liked
working with people. It was a relatively broad field, but as I went
through it, I realized that I'd like to broaden out a little bit further,
and started realizing that there was this entity called aerospace
medicine, that I loved to fly and do a lot of other things that were
sort of outside the normal office routine.
I did training in internal medicine mostly to learn pathophysiology
in preparation for aerospace medicine, and then entered an aerospace
medicine training program at Wright State University in Ohio. This
program was run jointly by Wright State University and NASA and Wright-Patterson
Air Force Base. It's away from JSC, which in some ways is a good thing,
because you learn what the outside world is doing. Wright-Patterson
Aeromedical Laboratory is just an outstanding place to support research
projects and whatnot. But by the time myself and some of my colleagues
got down to JSC, having completed that program, we were all pretty
much bears in honey pots. We were just surrounded by the medical operations
things that we had been dreaming about for years before then.
So, having finished two residencies, I came here in 1991 and started
working on the Space Station Freedom Project. Of course, that dissolved
somewhat, but it was a very interesting transitional process for me,
because the passing of Space Station Freedom meant the coming of the
joint program with the Russians. Before the Phase One Program was
even solidified, I was asked to go to Russia and look at the possibility
of using the Soyuz as our crew return vehicle for Space Station.
So, in July of 1993, I was fortunate enough to be among a small group
of the first Americans ever invited to a Soyuz landing. So that was
a wonderful experience. We had no idea at that point that that would
roll into the Russians being a very large force in our Space Station
Project or myself living in Star City for a year and a half, as it
turns out. But it was a very eye-opening experience for me. This was
the Soyuz TM-13 mission, and the crew that was landing was a French
cosmonaut, Jean-Pierre Enierre--if I'm saying his name correctly--and
Gennady Strekalov and Alexander Poleshuk. I've known these two gentlemen
quite well since that time, but it was real interesting to see them
So, having done that, we spent perhaps two weeks in Russia, in Kazakhstan,
in support of that effort, and returned. Of course, the Phase One
plan started to be drawn up shortly afterward, and I was lucky enough
to be Norm [Norman E.] Thagard's flight surgeon, myself and David
Ward, who deployed together in February of '94. From the time of February
'94 until the mission was over in July of '95, I spent most of my
time in Star City.
Wright: How was that? Did you find that to be educational?
Barratt: It was definitely educational. It's a very historical place.
I visited there in 1993, as well. Star City has always been kind of
felt as the forbidden city or the hidden city. It wasn't on any maps,
certainly, by then. It was a secret cosmonaut training base. Of course,
everyone knew where it was, but it was considered a closed and secure
city. Even the building where we were given to live, the Prophylactory,
was essentially built to hold the Americans for the Apollo-Soyuz Project.
So what history we knew of it was all based on the one and only joint
mission that we had done with the Russians several years before.
So, sure, it was quite an exciting thing to get there, to realize
how much history was there. It's, of course, called the Gagarin Cosmonaut
Training Center, and they were the first in space with manned flight
and satellites, with EVAs, with everything. So there's a very rich
history there.
Star City at first was a little overwhelming, because there were only
four or five of us English speakers and an awful lot of them, Russian
speakers. I think we were all looking at each other with a certain
amount of curiosity, maybe suspicion, but that gave way relatively
quickly. We built an office there only with the help of a lot of our
Russian colleagues and newfound friends as we were there. It was a
very short time later that it became a very comfortable place, a second
home, really, to live. Star City is a very friendly place and a very
beautiful place--peaceful, quiet, forests, trees, fresh air. It's
something that I really look fondly on. I go back there maybe two
or three times a year for medical operations issues or for crew coverages,
and I always look forward to going back.
Wright: Do you feel you shared information with them as much as they
shared information with you? Was there a lot of exchange?
Barratt: There was a tremendous amount of exchange. I think it's no
secret that they weren't able to record a lot of things that happened
in their programs during the Cold War years. I think the very idea
that there was a whole new set of people out there doing the same
thing they were--in my case, space medicine practitioners--I think
that was exciting to them. I think they were anxious to share ideas
and experiences, especially.
And in the Russian program, very little was written down compared
to our program. The turnover is low so the same people have done the
same jobs for maybe twenty years. The corporate experience is just
tremendous, but you have to find these people to get it. Probably
the most rewarding aspect of it was to meet these people, to talk
to the flight surgeons who had been, for instance, supporting Salyut
missions or had been supporting Mir missions for the decade of that
station's use. They were much more free to talk during this time.
Of course, this time allowed us to come together, and we learned things
that we never knew had happened or never suspected.
Of course, what the Russians bring is an enormous experience, practical
experience base, and the way to do that, the way to discover and to
really make use of that is to get to know them, to talk to them, and
to do operations with them, flying U.S. astronauts on the Mir station
and cosmonauts on the Shuttle.
Wright: Would you tell us about your experiences while you were supporting
Norm Thagard over there? I'm sure that was new for them to have an
American standing by.
Barratt: Yes.
Wright: Tell us how all that evolved and how that got started.
Barratt: Well, I learned street Russian pretty quickly, because it
was between me and my food and my abilities to do business and everything
else. Again, it was a little awkward at first, in particular with
the medical standards. We had a different philosophy on selection
and certification and medical monitoring, and we often had disagreements
about whose standards should be applied to, for instance, a U.S. astronaut
training in the Russian program. Each program had a very large experience
base, but a very different philosophy. In particular the Russian philosophy
was more towards functional loading: put a crew member under a certain
situation of low pressure, high temperature, sleep deprivation, centrifuge
training, whatever, and see how they respond physiologically. Our
philosophy was more to look for health factors, not necessarily fitness,
but health factors, and we would differ quite a bit on what test result
would declare a person healthy or certified for training or space
We have learned a lot about each other since then. We've learned that
there is certainly some utility to the functional loading tests the
Russians do. I think they've learned that our epidemiologies--that
is, the distribution of diseases in our two populations--are sufficiently
different that perhaps two approaches are warranted here. But more
than anything, we've learned to make our systems work together. We
haven't changed the Russian system per se, and they haven't changed
ours, but we have learned to merge them into a best-fit plan. That
was not easy. That was perhaps the most difficult aspect of my work
over there.
Wright: Was it the communication factor that made it more difficult
or was it just philosophy or practice?
Barratt: I would say yes to all. The communication barrier is always
there. Even at this point I speak reasonably good conversational Russian,
but the chances for miscommunication are just always there. Now my
Russian colleagues and I laugh about it, because we know occasionally
when we realize that we differ on an issue that it's because So-and-so
said one word out of twenty that the other person didn't understand
and it was a very critical factor. Back in the earlier days, that
was a tremendous barrier that you could only overcome by working with
an interpreter, and even that had a certain amount of impersonal influence,
I guess. But since then, we've gotten better. We know how to communicate
with each other much better. So, of course, that was a big issue.
We were still the Americans living apart in the Prophylactory and,
again, surrounded by all the Russians who eventually would become
our friends, but there were certain stigma going on that we were there
perhaps to try to glean technology from them and vice versa. That
took a while to melt away.
Wright: When you were supporting Norm Thagard and when he was on the
mission, were you and Dave Ward the only ones that were talking to
Barratt: As it turned out, we launched Norm with the idea of him launching
and flying as a cosmonaut. He was to speak in Russian. It was kind
of unique among the Phase One missions because of that aspect. He
went there with the understanding of flying and training and working
as a cosmonaut. So we didn't necessarily have a system set up for
us to talk to Norm.
As things went on, we realized that we had a pretty complicated science
package, and as we got very close to flying the course after the launch,
it just naturally appeared that there were very few people who knew
the science who knew Norm well, knew his medical state, and who could
speak passable Russian, at least. And that turned out to be Dave or
I. So by default, we became Cap Com--the last thing on our minds when
we went over there, but that naturally fell out for us.
We did have a science support team there in the Mission Control Center,
and we would communicate with them and then communicate with Norm.
But back then the comm system was very awkward and very difficult
to use, and our comm time allocation with Norm was very limited, so
that it became much more efficient for us to speak English to Norm,
to try to get experiment results and procedures up and down the best
we could. Our job was to pre-brief the Russian flight control team
of everything we were going to say. Then we would speak in English.
Then we'd have to debrief everybody one by one of what we said. So
just getting some words back and forth in English was a very difficult
You must understand, from the Russian standpoint, this was uncontrolled
communication to their space platform, so it was not something that
they took lightly, nor did we. But there was, again, a certain amount
of concern that eventually, as they got to know us better, tended
to melt away.
The communications was probably one of the bigger problems we had
with Mir. Again, our time allocation was very limited. There were
a lot of events on Mir-18 that demanded a lot of flight controller
input and interaction between the station and the ground. Often Norm's
science was kind of given the last priority there, so that became
a bit of frustration.
As probably people are aware, the science module, the Spektr module,
which was to come up much earlier than it did, arrived late. It arrived
in May of that year. So Norm, having launched in the latter part of
February, had a lot less science on his plate than was originally
planned. So I think that was a bit of frustration to Norm. There's
nothing worse than training a highly effective person, putting him
in a place without tools to do his job.
Wright: It's not like he can get up and go do something else, either,
was it?
Barratt: No. Well, Norm did find things to do. Eventually, I think
the cosmonauts and the ground crew realized that being a very technically
proficient person, he was valuable to do a lot of other things. In
particular, he was instrumental in some of the EVAs that they did.
When Gennady [M.] Strekalov and Vladimir [N.] Dezhurov were outside
doing things, it was Norm's job, for instance, to command the retraction
of the solar arrays. Some really critical actions that they realized
that Norm could do extremely well. So he did find other things to
Wright: What were you doing during all these time periods? Were you
constantly in the Control Center in Moscow?
Barratt: David and I were covering both Star City and the Flight Control
Center during that time. By that time we actually had additional crews
training at Star City. We would trade off a certain number of days
in the TsUP, which is the Russian Flight Control Center, or covering
Star City. I do remember that we had very few days off during that
mission. [Laughter] Whichever one of us was assigned to the Flight
Control Center, we would get there before the first communication
with the crew and leave after the final one. So there were very long
days. We would typically be there at eight or nine in the morning
and typically leave at eleven or midnight.
Our goal was to be available to talk to Norm during any communications
pass there was, and during any question that Norm might have had,
it was our job to sit next to the Russian Cap Com, hopefully be prepared
for the questions, and be able to communicate with our Houston Support
Group on that. I will never forget this great telephone that we had,
that had this awful ring that would just cause you to jump a country
mile, and that would be our Houston Support Group's method of getting
information to us so that we could relay that to Norm. Typically if
I called them, I would get our chief scientist, who was Dr. John Charles.
No matter how calm or how stressed out we were, his way of answering
was always, "Yes, Commissioner." [Laughters] It always seemed
to break the monotony somewhat, to hear that.
So we did the best we could. We tried to enable Norm to talk with
technical specialists occasionally, so we would bring that down to
the floor. That took a while, because the Russians were by that time
feeling very comfortable with David and I, and our ability to at least,
in our broken Russian, tell them what we were planning to say and
what we did say afterwards. But we eventually got there.
Occasionally if we had any comm time left over, we always had a shopping
list of other items, such as Florida State University sports news.
Norm was an incurable Florida State University fan. Of course, he's
on faculty there now. Or e-mail notes or humorous stories, whatever
we could find. We always had to have something ready if we had that
comm time available to us. More often than not, we did not have the
comm time available to us.
Wright: So your duties were extremely diverse.
Barratt: They were very diverse. We ended up covering a lot of the
science. And, of course, the medical aspects, the medical control
regimes that the Russians used on their own cosmonauts, of course,
Norm was using almost in full at that time. Of course, part of our
role was the medical support, in particular if there were medical
problems that arose. We developed the kits that we sent, a supplement
medical kit, to the Mir station, which gave us familiar drugs and
equipment for Norm to use. We also ended up training the Russian cosmonauts
beyond what they would normally get in medical training, but we trained
them on our kit as well.
For the first time we made a dual-language checklist. This is old
hat nowadays, but this was the first time we'd ever attempted anything
like this, whereby the standard medical checklist that we use on the
Shuttle was sort of emulated here, but in facing pages it's English
and Russian. Interestingly, what we trained the cosmonauts on is somewhat
beyond what they would normally train their people to do. For instance,
intubation--putting an airway down into the trachea. The cosmonauts
were very good technically, and most of these are simply technical
skills. You need to know when to use them. But they were quite good
at that. So we broke a lot of ground with our Russian medical colleagues
of what we could expect a crew member cosmonaut, who was trained as
a crew medical officer, to do. Then, of course, if they had a problem
up there, they could go quickly to this checklist, and Norm could
read in English and the cosmonauts could read in Russian. This was
really a groundbreaking checklist. This is, by the way, the actual
checklist that flew {referring to book on his desk}. Even this includes
some last-minute pen-and-ink changes. You'll see there's a line struck
through the bottom, a few words there.
Since then, we've improved on this, and we've flown one of these throughout
every Phase One mission, and something very similar is going to be
flying on the International Space Station. So this was, I think, a
very good first effort for us, and certainly a difference of operation
for the Russians, but by now they've accepted this pretty well.
Wright: How did you come up with the idea? Was it something that you
came up with?
Barratt: No. The medical checklist is something we fly in every Space
Shuttle mission, so this is no new idea. In fact, I would say one
of the best medical checklists ever flown was the Skylab medical checklist.
It's just an outstanding piece of work. But the idea to train Russians,
to fly a supplemental medical kit to Mir, even though our person was
to be flying as a cosmonaut, and to have a dual-language checklist,
that was pretty much our doing, David and I, who felt that this was
necessary to support our crew member and that this could be done.
It would mean working very tightly with our Russian counterparts,
because they had to certify and launch our kits and essentially agree
with everything we put here. So it was quite an effort, but it did
work out reasonably well.
Wright: I notice the page you showed us was about a collapsed lung.
Does this {book} range from very minor to very extreme?
Barratt: Absolutely. This is designed to handle the simplest headache
to the more dire disasters such as a collapsed lung, which you might
get from a rapid pressure differential or pressure loss. The treatment
for that is relatively simple, although it's something that most people
wouldn't think of doing every day, and that is to take a large-bore
needle and poke in the right place and decompress the pressure in
the chest.
Wright: You're right. Most of us would not do that. [Laughter]
Barratt: Again, it's a technical skill that somebody who's technically
proficient can do. It's a paramedic-type skill. Cosmonauts and astronauts
can be trained to do this very well.
Wright: What's the length of training? Share some of the details of
what you do on ground before they go up in the Mir. How do you get
them prepared?
Barratt: Well, we never get enough training, I can tell you that,
and I think that's global. Everybody wishes they had more training.
For the Shuttle we get about twelve hours or so to train a crew medical
officer. For the Phase One Program, it's been more like 20 to 25 hours,
and I believe we had about 25 hours to train Norm and his crew members.
That was a significant chunk of training time. We were fortunate to
get that much. All of the training is done by us, which is useful,
because we get a very good idea what the crew medical officer is proficient
at handling. Of course, we're the ones talking through it on the ground,
so we connect in that way and we can say, "Remember this item
in this pallet in the kit. This is exactly what you need to pull out."
The training is pretty well done in our own training labs here. Unfortunately,
we don't get field training for Phase One Program. We are for Phase
Two, for International Space Station. So that's a quantum leap over
what we've done for Phase One. We're actually sending people through
paramedic courses, letting them work with real patients under an EMT
program--Emergency Medical Technician program--available through the
San Jacinto College [Pasadena, TX].
But otherwise, Phase One, 24 hours of training and we did it. And
I think it served us well. There have been medical events on Mir,
as I think people are aware. There have been environmental problems,
fires, depressurization, and whatnot. Our Mir Supplemental Medical
Kits, or MSMKs, as we call them, have been very heavily used and,
I think, very successfully used. Which is not to say we haven't been
improving them continually, but they have been, I think, extremely
valuable, and I think even the Russians recognize it as a very useful
addition to the Mir station.
Wright: What's in the kits?
Barratt: The kits consist of three relatively large ruck sacks and
a couple of smaller ones, and essentially they contain some of the
pills, the medications that we normally use on orbit. They contain
injectable materials if we need to give a shot for severe pain, for
instance. They contain some emergency equipment--the emergency airways
that we talked about--intravenous fluids. Of course, mostly the routine
things are used. We have a saying, "Common things occur commonly,"
and especially the routine pain medications, for instance, for back
pain that happens on orbit or space motion sickness, sleeping medications
for when people are shifting from one Circadian entrainment to another.
Those are the things that we tend to use the most. So, blood pressure
cups, stethoscopes, everything you'd normally see in a medical field
Wright: Normally when I've visualized the items that you were talking
about, I see them on ground here in a normal atmosphere. What have
you seen, without really seeing, through that communication, differences?
How are they having to do things differently up in space that you
would do in your office?
Barratt: Well, the big difference, of course, is nothing stays where
you put it. I'm sorry I don't have a kit here. I might have arranged
that. But almost every medical procedure demands that you take several
uniquely packaged items out that may be sterilely packed or individually
packed, and you take something out of its pack, put it down, discard
the pack. You may do that ten times to do a simple procedure such
as an intravenous line. So you have to learn equipment management,
above all, because, of course, every time you put a catheter down,
for instance, it's going to do this; it's gone. So simple things,
for instance, like an intravenous line, you really have to manage
your equipment. It's worth your while, even in an emergency, for instance,
if you're trying to put an airway down somebody and you're using a
laryngoscope to visualize your landmarks, it's worth your while to
put that away or put it somewhere where it's not going anywhere in
case you need it in a hurry again. So that's the main thing.
We spent a lot of time developing our procedures on our KC-135. We
got our twenty seconds of zero gravity, and we do as much of a procedure
as we can. We stop and go on at the next loop, and we try to find
things that otherwise we simply wouldn't have thought of during our
procedures development. Then we give it to the crew and they take
it on orbit. We really depend heavily on their feedback for these
procedures, because they obviously, having done these end-to-end procedures
in zero G, find things that we can't even find on the zero G plane.
But I think that's your main thing.
The other thing is you don't have a lot of hands up there. In the
case of the Mir Space Station, you have a crew of three, one of which
is your patient. So you have two pairs of hands only, and one of those
hands might be holding you down or a piece of equipment that you need
to use. So we've tried to design our capability so that it needs as
few hands as possible. Restraint systems, everything that we make
is in a pallet that you can deploy somewhere and easily take something
out and put it back in. So those are our main things with doing things
in zero gravity. Of course, your supplies are limited. You use one,
you use two, and there's no more. So you have to be very careful about
how you manage your resources.
Wright: Is this becoming a training ground for you in telemedicine,
to have to walk someone through these procedures?
Barratt: Absolutely. Absolutely. We're trying to increase our telemedicine
capability on the International Space Station, of course, with dedicated
hardware, but in a sense we've done telemedicine on the Mir Space
Station and the Shuttle just based on private medical conferences,
video conferences or audio only. That's included camera views of,
for instance, skin problems or eye problems, where we can take a look
the best we can and decide what the best treatment would be or what
procedure the person needs to do. So, absolutely.
Norm, of course, was a physician in a former life, as well as a fighter
pilot and engineer, a very multi-backgrounded fellow. So training
him as a crew medical officer was relatively easy on a comparative
Wright: How about the rest of them? Do you feel like it's something
they're comfortable with, getting into the medical part of their mission?
Barratt: Well, obviously some more than others. For a Space Shuttle
crew, there are seven people, so you are at least at your leisure
to choose the two who are most comfortable and accepting of that role,
and perhaps on every few flights one of those is a physician, so that
simplifies your life tremendously. On Space Station, on Mir, you only
have three people, and we have flown physicians, of course. We flew
Dr. Thagard and we flew Dr. [Jerry] Linenger and Dr. David Wolf. They
were a joy to train. Because of their space flight experience and
their medical knowledge, they could actually make active inputs to
the kit and procedures. Otherwise, you just depend on the technical
proficiency of the crew member. Most of these guys are trained and
selected because they're able to assimilate large amounts of information
relatively quickly and do technical skills. So from that standpoint,
I think we feel reasonably confident.
What we lack is the experience base. Having done a lot of these procedures
on real people, even a physician who hasn't practiced medicine for
ten years is just quite a bit above what others would be. But having
said that, we did progress in our medical training, and each successive
person in Phase One got more detailed medical training than their
predecessors. I think we've demonstrated that training is possible
to do in a non-medical person, and I think the life-saving procedures
could be done certainly. Mike [Michael] Foale, I think, is almost
as good as a paramedic anywhere. He could sew me up.
Wright: That's pretty much a compliment, if you'll let him do that.
You were mentioning one of the changes is that the medical training
has become more. What are other changes from the first time that you
dealt with this, training Norm Thagard? I'm sure other changes have
been made as you've come through Phase One. Could you go through some
of those and how they've affected your area?
Barratt: My area is mostly the International Space Station area. When
Dave and I returned, Dave was put in charge of the medical operations
for Phase One flights as they continued, and mine was Space Station.
So in my mind it's been a very good thing to apply what I've learned
in Phase One, and I had continued some involvement to the International
Space Station Project. So every bit of training in medical hardware
development and procedures and integration with the Russian medical
system, in fact, I've been able to apply our Phase One lessons learned
and experience gleaned directly to that program.
I think one of the most important things for those working on Space
Station is having a good connection to Phase One. It's simply the
next stepping stone. ISS is half Russian. It's almost Mir from the
node eastward, if you will, and western from the node westward. So
what we've learned on Phase One is just a direct application to Mir.
Other than that, some of the more tangible changes: we've added better
intravenous capability. As you're probably aware, you can't just hang
a bag of saline and let it drip in; there's no gravity to do that.
So we're developed pressure infusion pumps and flow limiters. We've
also taken a big step in putting a cardiac defibrillator on the Mir
Space Station, and that's a predecessor to what we're putting on the
International Space Station as well. But that was a huge step for
the Russians to take from an engineering standpoint. Having a large
device with a large capacitor that's designed to deliver large bursts
of voltage made everybody nervous. From the medical standpoint, it
was typically a capability they would only train physicians on, and
we were planning to train non-physicians on it. But I think we've
done that even successfully. I think the piece of hardware is very
good and it's relatively intuitive. We've trained cosmonauts on it,
and I think it could be successfully used. So that was definitely
a big leap in medical capability.
Wright: Tell us a little bit about your photos and your collection.
Explain your friends and your photos for us.
Barratt: Okay. I was mentioning, in '93 we went down to Kazakhstan
to go to the Soyuz TM-13 landing, and we were guests of NPO Energia
at that time because we were considering using the Soyuz as an ACRV.
This is Aleksandr Aleksandrov, and he's a former cosmonaut and he
was our host and RSC Energia representative. And some of our new Russian
friends and two other NASA personnel. We had an Australian person
with us who was actually representing Australia because we were considering
using Australia as a landing site for the Soyuz.
When you really think about how international we've gotten, it really
started there. The very idea that we were on a Russian helicopter
with an Australian person, thinking of landing the Soyuz in Queensland,
I mean, it was mind-boggling to us. But there we were. This was one
of the MI-8 helicopters. On a typical landing and recovery, they would
fly between four and eight or nine of these. We had quite a few helicopters
because we had a French person who was coming down, and they had a
big experiment package and a French medical tent there and a French
presence, so there were quite a few of us.
We did a dry run the day before the landing in Kazakhstan. It was
near the city of Dzhezkazgan. I do remember the temperature being
above 112 or so, and I put a thermometer in the sand just to see where
that went, and it went to 136 degrees and pegged. So it was a relatively
hot day. The old adage "It's a dry heat" didn't seem to
cover much there, because it was bloody hot. But the weather improved
after that. It got a little cooler because of some local rainshowers.
When we saw the Soyuz, we were a few helicopters back. It landed as
a very tiny speck in the desert, just a tiny little capsule with its
parachute. It started to rain shortly after that. We landed perhaps
eight aircraft, all of them MI-8 helicopters like this, but some of
the first people to arrive were actually the native Kazahki’s.
They were informed that there would be a landing, and they didn't
know exactly where it would be, because you never know. There's a
certain amount of drift that comes with swinging on one chute that
opens at a very high altitude. But they found us pretty quickly without
the sophistication of radio beacons or telemetry or whatever. But
they arrived on horseback and in trucks and motorcycles and everything
through the desert. There were small children, there were grandmothers,
and everything in between.
So this was our first look at a landing. We obviously have a lot of
pictures and film from that time. It was a very enjoyable time. It
was very impressive to us how pragmatic the Russians are. When the
capsule lands, they recover their crew very quickly. They assemble
their medical tents very quickly. The crew is examined. A very minimal
amount of medical testing is done, and they're made as comfortable
as possible. Within about four hours, the desert is clean. The capsule
is recovered, the tents are restowed, and the aircraft are gone. The
process by which they do things is really based on experience. You
don't see somebody out there reading a checklist and checking each
box; you see someone who's been doing this for twenty years, knows
exactly what they're doing, and they just do it. They're very simple
about their procedures, and I really admired that.
As an example, with our Space Shuttle, we have big restrictions about
how you can approach it. There's zones of toxic venting. The tires
are hot. There's various things you have to look out for, and that
was my mind-set. I asked the recovery chief, "Where can I not
touch the Soyuz? Where should I avoid?" And he just looked and
showed me the big black area. He said, "You see this, where it's
hot and charred?" I said, "Yes, of course." "Don't
touch there." And that was that.
Wright: [Laughter] Made you feel real smart, didn't it?
Barratt: That's right. [Laughter] They have only 20 milliliters of
oxidizer left, because they purge the entire system, so what you come
down with is a vehicle that, indeed, has a cesium altimeter on the
bottom and some unspent pyros, but otherwise is a very safe vehicle.
As it came time to turn the vehicle over to safe the altimeter and
to remove the pyros, they just put a sling around it and pulled it
over. It was simple.
Again, they cleaned up after themselves. There was nothing in the
desert to show they were there except a little pit with a burn mark
where they actually detonated those pyrotechnics before we took off.
So the capsule was recovered by helicopter and the crew was recovered
and everybody was out of there, and they were ready to do it again.
Wright: And, last, your assortment of friends {referring to photos}.
Barratt: This was from a later training session in Star City. This
was during the water survival. We were not able to take a photographer,
unfortunately, to Star City during the training of the Mir-18 flight.
Of course, this involved two crew members: Norm Thagard and Bonnie
Dunbar, who was training as a backup at the time. But during the water
survival, we were training several people--Europeans, Russians, and
our own two, which are not included here, unfortunately. Ulf Merbold,
who's flown on the Space Shuttle, and Pedro Duque, who will be flying
on the Space Shuttle in the upcoming STS-95 mission, and others of
the cosmonauts who we've actually gotten to know very well since this
time, Yuri Gidzenko will be the Soyuz commander, for instance, of
the first Space Station mission. So this was during that water survival
training where I'd never seen so many suited crew members at one time
who weren't flying in a Space Shuttle, so I had to snap this picture
as I could.
Wright: It's a great one. We've talked about what you've done during
the missions, what you've done prior to the missions to get the team
ready. What do you do when they land? What's your responsibility as
a flight surgeon? What happens when they come back?
Barratt: When the crew lands, we've been recovering most of our people--all
of our people, in fact, who have flown as U.S. astronauts on the Mir
station, on the Space Shuttle, so it's a bit of a twist. Russian cosmonauts
are used to coming down in Soyuz, which is a recumbent seating system
and quite a bump in being recovered in the deserts of Dzhezkazgan.
We have the luxury of landing on a runway, and for the long-duration
fliers, we actually land them in a special recumbent seat system.
Typically, the Shuttle lead fight surgeon will be among the first
to go into the Shuttle and look at the long-duration flier and see
how they're doing, but each long-duration flier is assigned a mission
flight surgeon as well. So once everything is declared okay by the
Shuttle flight surgeon, then the mission flight surgeon comes in and
pretty much stays with that person all the time. Of course, what they're
going through is a readaptation after a prolonged absence from 1 G.
Readaptation includes many different systems, all of which recover
at different rates. It's that flight surgeon's job to kind of monitor
that person and those symptoms and make sure that they can, first
of all, come out of the vehicle safely and then start, second of all,
a very long process of readapting to unit gravity.
Typically, the neurovestibular system is the first thing that people
encounter as a problem. You're essentially rebooting your guidance
software. In the immediate few minutes after landing, we're very careful
with head movements, for instance, or anything that might be provocative
of motion control. After that, cardiovascular system. Your heart is
not used to pumping against gravity, and so even assuming an upright
posture might be difficult. All of a sudden you've got a gravitational
challenge, and to get the blood up to your head is a little bit more
work than your heart's been doing for a while. And even the neuroregulatory
mechanisms that keep your blood pressure normal when you stand up
on Earth are deconditioned. So those systems are the first ones that
we tend to see as problems.
After that, there is bone and muscle loss that's accrued over long
periods of time in weightlessness, and people are relatively weak.
We have to very carefully, but decisively, challenge that system to
try to get it back up to what it was prior to flight. That's really
the flight surgeon's job to oversee that entire process. So it starts
a few minutes after landing and ends when, hopefully, every system
is back to baseline several weeks to a few months later.
Wright: Is a flight surgeon assigned to a crew member from start to
finish? Is that part of your job?
Barratt: For a long-duration flight, that's correct. I was assigned
to Norm Thagard. I was fortunate in that I had a partner, who was
Dave Ward, of course. We were doing a lot of things back then and
we were setting up an infrastructure as well. But every Phase One
person has had a dedicated flight surgeon as well. For instance, Pat
McGinnis is supporting Andy Thomas on the Mir Space Station right
now, the last flight, and he was also John Blaha's flight surgeon.
So, a dedicated flight doc to that crew member. And as soon as we
have a successful docking of the STS-91 flight, which I am assigned
as the lead flight surgeon on as well, Pat will get on an airplane
and come here as quickly as possible and be ready on the Space Shuttle
recovery team to see Andy as soon as he gets back and start that process
For the Space Shuttle missions, we typically have two flight surgeons,
a lead and a deputy, assigned to each short-duration flight, each
Wright: The advantages of assigning one flight surgeon to the crew
member, is that something that will help us through with the ISS as
Barratt: Well, for a long-duration flight, of course, on the Phase
One arena we have a U.S. astronaut and a U.S. flight surgeon, but
the Russian cosmonauts are there as well, so they have their standard
medical support group. There is a crew surgeon typically from Star
City who follows it more in the pre-flight phase than in flight. But
the Russian medical infrastructure clicks right along with their people.
For the International Station, we're trying to merge those two systems
somewhat. We would like to have a flight surgeon from each country
who has crew representation on orbit. For the first flights to ISS,
for instance, Increment One, we will have one American and two Russians.
William Shepherd, of course, is the American commander and Yuri Gidzenko
and Sergei Krikalev on the Russian side. So we will have a Russian
lead flight surgeon, who is Yuri Katayev, who we've gotten to know
very well through Phase One, and an American lead flight surgeon,
who right now is me. I think that we will try to run our long-duration
missions in a similar fashion, having international partner flight
surgeons represented as points of contact. We will, for instance,
see the Russian flight surgeon as in charge of the pre-flight, in-flight,
and post-flight period in ways that they haven't been in the past.
So we have a person and a body to talk to and the crew has a person
and a body to talk to, rather than a large group. So we're trying
to emulate that, what we've done on the Shuttle, for the International
Space Station flights.
Now, the big difference is assigning one person to a mission over
several months of training pre-flight, and then, of course, all of
the flight, which may be three to six months, and then the rehabilitation
process. It's a huge chunk of someone's life, so the person really
has to be dedicated to that crew in ways that we really haven't done
in the past, certainly before Phase One. That's the best way. It's
the right way to support the crew, knowing what they're doing up there.
Wright: And these are among some of the changes you mentioned earlier
that you're glad you're in the position you are so you can help make
those happen?
Barratt: Absolutely. Again, I have a lot of experience--or a lot of
respect, rather, for the Russian experience. One thing, we have taught
each other a lot of things. There are some things that I'd say they've
done better and some things we've done better. One thing I think we
hold valuable is continuity, meaning the same people who take care
of the crew pre-flight take care of them in flight and post-flight.
In the Russian system, it's been more separated. There's pre-flight
trainers and examiners, and then the medical support group, which
resides at the Flight Control Center, is different and often meets
the crew for the first time on the video screen after launch. Then
there are rehabilitation specialists after flight.
We feel the continuity is very important, that the person who takes
care of the crew pre-flight is the same one who trained them, who
can talk to them on a regular basis during the flight, and they know
that you're watching their backside. We feel that's really important.
I think that the Russian flight surgeons we've been working with are
seeing that as well. The crews are seeing that. That's going to be
our norm for the International Space Station. So we've worked very
hard to ingrain that in the policies which give the flexibility for
the Russians to do their typical program of training and medical support,
but still hold that continuity and that personal contact as a very
valuable asset.
Wright: We've talked a lot about the contributions that Phase One
has made to ISS. Personally what do you feel that your participation
has done? Can you remember something that you feel like you were glad
you were there because it's going to make a difference later?
Barratt: Well, from a tangible standpoint, a lot of my work right
now is writing requirements documents and overseeing medical checklists
and everything. So I'm literally putting pen to paper. So what I learn
in Phase One I'm writing down and putting into ISS policy when and
where appropriate. So I would say that's the tangible aspect.
The intangible is probably the more important, in that we found out
early on that your ability to do anything, to get any work done in
Russia, is 99.9 percent based on your relationship with your counterparts,
the people doing it. No matter what agreements you make or sign or
whatever, you simply cannot work unless you know these people and
understand them, and vice versa, and there's mutual trust. So I would
guess the best thing that I've been able to do or come away with from
Phase One is the knowledge of all these people, who they are. We're
friends. We talk a lot and we work together. They're truly my colleagues
now. I could not imagine doing an international project without that
Phase One experience base.
Right now--and I frequently do this--I can pick up the phone and call
my Russian counterpart at the Institute of Biomedical Problems and
discuss a problem or work an issue. If I couldn't do that, if I had
to set up a telecon weeks in advance and work through an interpreter
and we didn't know each other, we simply couldn't fly. I would say
that goes for the medical, the environmental life support, the cosmonauts,
the astronauts. It's across the board. I think the whole Phase One
Program gives ISS credibility that we can really do things together.
I guess I'd have to say that it was important to do something with
technology that we both understood. That was hard enough. The Russians
had their Space Station; we had our Shuttle. We started working joint
programs and joint science on Mir. That was not easy to do. We certainly
needed to do that before we built something brand new and did new
things together. So that would be my feeling on Phase One and really
the tangible aspect.
Wright: You said earlier you like to fly. Are you a pilot as well?
Barratt: I'm a private pilot. I have been for many years, although
my time available for flying has been quite a bit limited over the
last couple of years, partly because of my job and partly because
I have four children and I can't afford to fly anything big enough
to take everybody on. But I do try to keep flying with NASA. Again,
we're T-38-qualified and we fly with our crews in mission support
and various other activities. I fly the zero gravity airplane whenever
I can. I'm flying that next week. We do hardware evaluations and training
sessions and things like that. I've had the pleasure to fly various
Russian aircraft, not as primary pilot--make no mistake--but I have
enjoyed getting on some other platforms and try to make sense out
of the control panels.
Wright: Do you think you'd like to fly in the Space Station at some
Barratt: Is that an offer? [Laughter]
Wright: Sure, I'd be glad to offer it to you. Or do you see yourself
as a ground crew person? Is it something you'd like to--
Barratt: As I said, I have the second best job in town. Being in my
area, which is space medicine, obviously the desire to fly is there.
Practicing medicine from afar is very difficult, and everything I
do is because I am fascinated in what medicine is like in zero gravity,
in space. I see them before they fly, I see them on the video, I see
them when they come down, but, boy, even a short exposure to what
they go through, to really experience what it's like, it would make
me, (a), very much better at what I do, and, (b), of course, it would
be very exciting and be very fulfilling.
I studied G-induced loss of consciousness and effects of high-G turns
for many years before I ever got in a T-38 and did a high-G turn,
and all of a sudden the lights went on--or out, depending on how you
look at it. But I could understand so much of what I knew from a cognitive
standpoint so much quicker. Space flight would be that times 100.
So, sure.
Wright: I'll see what we can do, but don't count on us. [Laughter]
We certainly appreciate your time and your enthusiasm. It's got to
be very rewarding to know that those folks that are working with you,
I'm sure they get caught up in your excitement and enthusiasm for
Barratt: Fortunately, we're surrounded by enthusiastic, bright, young,
pro-space psychopaths who really work hard at this.
Wright: Is this something you wanted to do? Have you always wanted
to be a doctor all your life, and just the aerospace came with it,
or the other way around?
Barratt: I can't say that. I had a lot of interest. In fact, I would
say aerospace medicine attracts people who aren't sure where they
want to focus, but who are interested in a lot of things. I was a
marine biology major as an undergrad. I really liked the ocean and
sailing and whatnot. I like to fly. I like medicine. I like medical
research. I like astronomy; I build telescopes. There's nothing that
pulls all that together better than what I'm doing.
Wright: I think you called yourself correct, that you are lucky that
you've found something that you can have all your interests in and
do well at.
Barratt: Absolutely.
Wright: Thanks again.
Barratt: You're welcome.
Rollins: I always ask this question. What's your favorite beer?
Barratt: My favorite beer. Well, most of my friends in Russia know
that I don't tolerate alcohol very well, but I do drink a Guinness
about twice a year like clockwork.
Rollins: We spoke with one of the Russians and he said milk was his
favorite beer, because he didn't drink.
Barratt: That's a very unusual Russian. Very unusual Russian.
Wright: Introduce us to your family. We kind of closed them {photograph}
off there.
Barratt: I had to move them [the photographs]. Well, these guys actually
get a tremendous amount of credit, because I had to leave them for
many, many months at a time during that Phase One period. This is
my dear wife, Dr. / Professor Barratt, Michelle, who is a pediatrician
up at the University of Texas and Assistant Professor of Medicine,
public health master's and all that kind of stuff. And my children,
as you can see, some of them are not homegrown, but Angela, Joey,
Meeta, Prasad, four reasonably enthusiastic, also relatively pro-space
individuals who are also extremely tolerant, and I owe them a lot
for having to leave them for so long. But great kids, lots of fun.
Wright: I'm sure they're always glad to see you.
Barratt: Oh, yes.
Wright: I'm sure they're very proud of their dad, too.
Barratt: That's a soft call. I think they're actually a lot prouder
when I actually make a basket, if I'm trying to teach them how to
play basketball, than anything I've done with Phase One. But we've
had an awful lot of fun together.
Wright: They're beautiful.
Barratt: Thanks.
[End of interview]