NASA Shuttle-Mir Oral
History Project
Edited Oral History Transcript
E. Van Laak
Interviewed by Mark Davison
Houston, Texas – 12 March 1998
Mark Davison, Rebecca Wright, Paul Rollins
Davison: Today's interview is between Jim VanLaak
of the Mir-Shuttle Phase 1 Program and myself, Mark Davison, from
SIGNAL Corporation. We're going to ask Jim some questions about his
work and involvement in the Shuttle-Mir Program.
Good afternoon. With respect to policy, what benefits do you think
resulted from the Shuttle-Mir Program?
VanLaak: Well, I don't know exactly where you draw
the line on policy, but clearly the turning point when we decided
to bring a former Cold War adversary into the International Space
Station Program is what really put the emphasis on Phase 1. Prior
to that it had been a couple of flights, an American on the Mir and
a Russian on the Space Shuttle, which would have been an interesting
exchange and some cultural contact, but nowhere near the integration
that has occurred as a result of International Space Station and then
the additional flights of Phase 1.
I think that it represented the inclusion of the space program as
a major element of foreign policy, whereas previously I think the
Apollo Program was, in a sense, a statement of foreign policy and
the competition of the Cold War. Now the space program is kind of
the closure of what used to be an adversarial relationship into one
of partnership. For me, I think that's the most significant thing
and it's what makes me feel that my contribution here has real value.
Davison: Kind of a follow-on to that question, what
specific knowledge or experience from this program will benefit the
International Space Station?
VanLaak: Well, this is something that has been misunderstood
and somewhat misquoted from time to time. Fundamentally, NASA understands
Space Shuttles very well. We've been flying the Shuttle for a long
time and we are clearly expert at conducting that kind of a short
mission, what I call a sortie mission. Basically people spend many
months getting ready, they go fly ten days to sixteen days or so,
and they come back. Every moment of that mission counts, has to be
optimized. The training builds up for many months and is tuned to
that specific set of activities to occur within a short period of
In addition to that, the Space Shuttle vehicle is optimized for many
months. Approximately a million man hours of touch labor goes into
the Shuttle to get it ready to fly that one mission. It is ready.
When you transition to a Space Station environment, you have a continuous
mission that goes on for many, many years. Crews come and crews go,
but fundamentally they have to be trained months in advance of some
of the activities that they do, with various kinds of refreshers that
we provide them, but, nevertheless, they're not at the peak that they
were when they prepared for a ten- or fifteen-day mission.
In addition, the vehicle itself is, of course, going to be maintained
by astronauts on orbit and logistically supported by a train of launch
vehicles coming from the ground. There's a development of a spare-parts
plan, a logistic support plan basically and a maintenance plan, and
it also reflects back on the original design of the vehicle to make
sure that it's supportable in that environment.
Those things we understood intellectually as we were approaching the
Space Station Freedom and then the early days of what was renamed
International Space Station, but it wasn't until we became involved
in the day-to-day operation of the Mir and became partners in the
sense of the decision-making for logistics and other daily activities
that we began to appreciate how complex and how intertwined they are,
and we had an opportunity to challenge the mental models that we had
and the actual former analytical models, but I think, more importantly,
the mental ones that we all carried around in our heads, as to how
things were going to go and what our preconceived notions were telling
us about the reliability of U.S. hardware and so on.
We fundamentally discovered that if you run a spaceship for fifteen
years or ten years or whatever, everything's going to break at some
point, so you need to be prepared for that. You have to have either
spare parts on board if it's critical, or if it's noncritical, a way
to live with the inconvenience of the problem until you can get spare
parts up there, or workarounds, whatever the appropriate technique
So what we've had is the opportunity to go from abstract concepts
of how we were going to do it, to the practical application either
by directly involving our processes or by following and, if you will,
mentally modeling if we had done it as opposed to the Russians, what
would have happened had we chosen to do our thing instead of watching
the Russians do theirs. We did that kind of "what if" process
throughout this time.
Those of us who have been directly involved have learned a great deal.
We've learned how arrogant we were in some areas. We've learned that
some of our deeply held mental processes were built much more around
the sortie model than we thought. We became comfortable with the idea
that if things got bad enough we could somehow save the vehicle and
come home. Well, as a practical matter, that may not be a very good
option, so we have learned how to engage those problems and how to
deal with them.
Davison: To elaborate on the logistics and the maintenance
side of it, what was your involvement in the Mir improvement program
or the logistics that were brought up on Shuttle? This was the first
time that Mir was able to bring hardware back, and we ended up, I
guess, transferring quite a bit of hardware back and forth.
VanLaak: Well, there are a couple of aspects to that.
The Mir Life Extension Program was really before my time, so I can't
comment on that very much. Dennis Webb or someone can help you with
The aspects of maintenance of the Mir that we've learned about are
many and some of them are quite subtle. One of the more interesting,
of course, is the fact that the Russians have never had the luxury
of bringing things back before. So the fact that they could get computers
back and see what failed, and refurbish them and refly them, or at
least just do the failure analysis and design out failure mode, is
something new to them. Now, I need to qualify that by saying they
do extensive testing on the ground. They do much more testing in general
than we do. We have the ability to do a lot more analyses, so we analyze
the daylights out of things, whereas they test. Nevertheless, there's
no substitute for being on orbit in the actual environment and seeing
how people actually use the hardware. They didn't catch on to that
immediately, but once they did, they made every opportunity to take
advantage of it. In addition, they had some problems with some of
their suppliers. For example, the Kurs radar units and whatnot that
are made in the Ukraine have, for various reasons, been difficult
to obtain, so they were glad to be able to retrieve those and get
them refurbished for flight.
I would say that we learned less in terms of the value of those than
the Russians did. On the other hand, we did participate with the Russians
in terms of understanding what--or trying to understand--what spares
they keep on board and how they manage a critical system. There were
a number of times when we pushed the Russians to get an additional
computer on board, for example. This past September time frame when
they were having repeated failures of the attitude control and motion
control computer, as it's called on Mir, they had one ready to fly
on Progress in October, I think it was, but we said, "We've got
room. We will make room. Let's take one up on the Shuttle in September."
So they got us a refurbished unit that we flew up on the Shuttle and
we also flew another unit up, either of new manufactured, but of higher
quality, on the Progress to follow. So they ended up with two functional
spares, whereas they were prepared to live with one. So we did that
on the basis of detailed discussions with them to understand the systems
and not just on a higher level philosophical thing. And we learned
a lot about why they do what they do in terms of their sparing policies
and what the repairability of their components are on orbit.
Davison: How do the Russians view redundancy of their
vehicle versus the redundancy that we're trying to build into the
Space Station or the redundancy of the Space Shuttle? Are they similar
or do you see differences?
VanLaak: Well, there are significant differences.
They have more to do with the repairability of the hardware than anything
else. I guess I would concentrate on two differences. The first is,
the Russians are more inclined to favor dissimilar redundancy. For
example, in the area of oxygen production, which is clearly something
that's important to keeping people alive, they have a number of different
systems. The first is, they transport gaseous oxygen up in bottles
that they just vent into the atmosphere. Second thing they have is
the electron systems, and there are two of them, that electrolyze
water and break it down into oxygen and hydrogen. They vent the hydrogen
overboard and, of course, the oxygen into the cabin for breathing
air. The third thing they have is the oxygen candles. That is a system
that although a failure of it, as yet not fully understood, canister,
individual canister, caused the fire on Jerry Linenger's visit, that
is a very reliable system that has been burned--they have consumed
thousands of candles on the ground as well as in space, over 1,000
certainly on the Mir, maybe several thousand. I've lost track. And
without failures. So it's a very high-confidence system. Unfortunately,
it did have one gross failure. But they've reviewed and stepped up
the quality-control program on the canisters and so on, and we see
no credible mechanism for that to reoccur. So additional safety steps
are in place on orbit to control the hazard of using them, but we
have confidence that they'll work.
The other point I wanted to make on the subject of redundancy is along
the lines of repairability. They have very simple systems relatively.
Many of these systems, it's unfair to call them simple, but they are
more inclined towards a hardware solution that a person can open up
and fix than they are toward a totally solid-state solution that you
throw away if it doesn't work. They, of course, have things that have
the equivalent of firmware controllers on them and they have software
and so on that's difficult for an individual to just change on orbit,
but at the same time they have many units that have common hardware
such as fans and pumps and things. If you have a failure in one critical
location, you can go steal a fan or a pump from another noncritical
application and move it over there.
Another interesting element is that several of the modules have components
like--well, they all have an attitude control system on them because
they all flew up there autonomously. The only module on the station
that didn't fly up there autonomously is the docking module that we
transported up in the Shuttle and put on with the RMS. Every other
portion of it flew up as an independent module and docked to the station.
So when they had a failure of one of their attitude control sensors
in the base block, they ran a cable over into, I believe it was Priroda,
but I don't honestly recall, and they were able to take attitude control
data from that module and wire it directly into the main motion control
So it's a very flexible process. If you look at it compared to the
technique that we use for our portion of the Space Station, you'd
say it was suboptimum, because you have components that don't get
used after the initial flight or are not optimized to a narrow optimum
for their final application. On the other hand, they give you the
capability to redirect those assets and use them as may be required
by some circumstances in the future. Very flexible.
Davison: This next question is about funding. How
was Phase 1 funded?
VanLaak: I don't really--Jim Nise is the right person
to talk to about that.
Davison: Okay. I thought so. One thing that is somewhat
related to funding, but let me ask you this question. When you mentioned
the Priroda and the Spektr modules made me think about that. Are you
familiar with any of the funding of Phase 1 that helped bring those
modules up? Was that part of the negotiation, do you know?
VanLaak: It was, but again that was really before
my time, so Jim's better to address that.
Davison: How did the Phase 1 Program specifically
benefit the American and Russian space programs? I think I already
asked that. I'm repeating myself. The second part of it was, what
effects, if any, did the program have on the relationship between
the United States and Russia?
VanLaak: Well, let me address the first question
for a moment. You'll recall in 1993 we had a bad year for the Space
Station Freedom Program. That was the year of the redesign. It was
also the year that the Space Station Program survived in the Congress
by a single vote. At that time I happened to be part of the transition
team in Crystal City, and although we were working sixteen hours a
day, seven days a week, we did come up for air long enough to recognize
that it had survived by a single vote, and we knew that we were perhaps
bailing the last gulps before the big wave was going to come over
the bow and take the ship under.
It was the introduction of the Russians in the program that changed
the Space Station Program from principally a technological activity
into an arm of U.S. foreign policy, and I have absolutely no doubt
in my mind that that is what allowed us to survive that year. We survived
the one vote more or less on the basic merits of the program, but
there were sufficient challenges in the budget and other arenas that
we all felt that--or some of us, such as myself--felt that come the
next year, that one vote might not be there. So it was the dramatic
change in the whole balance and tenor of the program by including
the Russians that made the difference.
At the same time, the Russians didn't suffer from lack of public support
in their own country; that they suffered from was lack of financing.
I think that the core team that remains there today might not have
remained had they not seen the prospects for a future in front of
them. By entering into this long-term agreement with the United States,
I think that made their program more secure or more real perhaps in
their eyes. I've never asked that, but I think it's true.
The second question was relations. I'm not quite certain at the national
level how to address that. I will say that for many individuals who
had heretofore conceived of the Russian people as on the other end
of the rifle in a military situation, it changed them from being that
kind of a character--a cartoon character, if you will--to being real
people. It certainly has changed my view of them and the former countries
of the Warsaw Pact and so on dramatically. I think that one of the
most interesting things in my life, and probably for everybody, was
going to Red Square the first time and Lenin's tomb and into the Kremlin.
On one occasion I was in Star City, which is where they train the
cosmonauts, and I heard an airplane take off. It is a military base,
basically. I looked out the window and a MiG-23 was taking off, which
is an older Russian airplane, but it's one that was front line when
I was in the Air Force, and one that I trained to fight against. And
it was loaded wall to wall with bombs. About forty minutes later,
it came back and there were no bombs on it at all. Of course, they'd
just been dropping into Chechnia to spread sunshine down there. Nevertheless,
you know, at that time it was clear that there was a real military
element to this, that this was still the former Soviet Union, and
that these people we were meeting with were twice and thrice heroes
of the Soviet Union and so on, and yet they were flesh and blood people
with their own concerns and their own families. One doesn't have to
look very far in Russia--in fact, you can't escape the fact that their
economic strength, the individuals, their economic well being is much
less than ours, their standard of living and so on.
So I think that insofar as the relations between the countries is
built in large part on the feelings of the individual citizens of
both countries, I think this has been a watershed event. I know that
many Russians were suspicious of us, probably jealous of us for our
material wealth and those sorts of things. I feel confident that a
great many of them have come to understand that we just live in a
different culture. We're still good people with sound moral values
and so on, and that they can come to trust us as we have learned to
trust them. So in the aggregate, I think it's been a wonderful thing.
Davison: The flip side of that question, what difficulties
were experienced in integrating the American and the Russian space
VanLaak: Well, quite a few. There were probably many
that I do not know of because the hardware things occurred before
I got involved on Spektr and Priroda, bringing our science hardware
in there and so on. At the same time, there was deep-seated suspicions
on both sides. Various people from the Russian delegation were whispered
to be members of the KGB, collecting everything they could possibly
find to take back, and all different things of that nature, some of
which I'm convinced were nothing but empty rumors, but I have no doubt
there were agents among them trying to assess what was going on, at
But in the end, these decisions and these agreements are based on
trust. We have to trust them that they're giving us accurate information
in the technical arena. We have to trust them that they will fulfill
their obligations in the critical areas. A lot is being made, as we
sit here today, about the failure of the Russian Government to support
Space Station hardware production such that they have fallen behind
in delivering service module, principally, and that is certainly true
that they have failed to meet their agreement. On the other hand,
it's a less critical failure than it would be, for example, failing
to bring up food when it was required for the crew or failing to ensure
that our crew were safe by not training them adequately or something
like that.
So we were able to build, ultimately, a trust relationship in the
areas that counted, at the working level, principally. We found many,
many differences in culture, and I say that both from the standpoint
of day-to-day living, but also in terms of their standards, for example,
in training, or their techniques in training, but also their standards.
A difference in training technique would be the fact that we depend
heavily on written materials. We give people training materials. We
talk to them in class and so on, but then we send them back home to
do their homework. The Russians depend almost entirely on lectures,
and so the crew is expected to sit there and absorb this and take
what notes that they can, but they're not given materials to go home
and study in anywhere near the depth that we have in this country.
Then they also, in some areas, would train to a standard that we gave
up a long time ago, that of rigid memorization of technical specifications
as opposed to demonstrating a good grasp of what is really going on,
what does this system do and why, things like that.
Davison: Some of the stories I heard when I first
went over to Russia was some of the stories about having to deal with
Customs and getting hardware into the country and making sure you
talked to the right people, because something would sit in some office
until somebody called and had it delivered. Did you experience anything
like that or hear of any stories like that?
VanLaak: Things like that certainly occurred. I think
that many of them occurred before I joined the program or early in
the program when I was busy doing other things. I became deputy director
in basically October of 1995. Prior to that, I'd been involved as
much on internal processes within the program office as anything.
After I took on that job, then I got much more involved in the details
of implementing the actual missions.
In the time that we were trying to get training hardware over there
for Shannon Lucid and John Blaha and so on, we did have some very
serious problems getting things through Customs. Again, the economics
of the country, I think, led to a certain amount of black marketing
and that sort of thing in terms of paying people off. Not that we
did that, but that they were expecting it. Until somebody came from
Energia and laid down the law, or from the Russian Space Agency and
said, "Doggone it, don't you realize that this is a major national
embarrassment? Get that thing out of here." Things began to move.
Davison: I wasn't trying to focus on Customs so much
as making sure the right person had the right information. It seemed
like they were very focused on one person knew what to be doing and
the next person right next to them might not have known, so you had
to make sure you had the right contact.
VanLaak: That's a good point. In general, we used
to make a lot of jokes about having to integrate the Russian side
from over here, and there's some truth to that. Valery Ryumin, the
director from the Russian side, the director of Phase 1, wanted to
receive all the official correspondence. We would send it to him as
we expected them to send it to Frank Culbertson. Then, for example,
correspondence that came in here, we would distribute it to all the
affected parties. We assumed that Valery would do the same. Bad assumption.
Whether because they didn't have the copying machines or for whatever
reason culturally or whatever, he would get a copy, put it in his
little folder, and that would be the end of it. If we expected various
other people to react to it, even if they were included as CC's, that
we expected to have courtesy copies forwarded to their offices, unless
we directly addressed those copies to those offices, they wouldn't
get there.
In the early days in particular, the liability of getting things through
by fax was very poor. Now, whether that's because the fax machine
ran out of paper or somebody stole the paper, they unplugged it, they
didn't know how to turn it on, or they simply ignored it because they
didn't want the fax in question, we have no idea. But if you wanted
to get something reliably transmitted, you told them ahead of time
that it was coming, you sent it, and then you checked to make sure
that it had gotten there. Now that we have people in the major office
areas and we can fax, if we choose, to an American fax machine and
have them walk down the hall and hand-deliver it, that ensures that
they'll get it, but, in fact, it's become a very reliable form of
I might point out that the Russians always said to themselves and
from time to time to us, that they were always having to integrate
us as well, that our internal communications were not very good. So
I'm sure that it depends upon your point of view.
Davison: What were the safety and operational risks
involved in the program, and how did the benefit outweigh the risk?
VanLaak: That is a very interesting question and
one that could probably involve about a week's worth of discussions.
I'll try to keep it to the highest level.
Fundamentally, as you know, in the Soviet Union we knew very little
about their space program. I was not briefed on any of the classified
information that might have existed about the Soviet program, so I
will have to tell you mostly what I've learned since and what I've
learned from people who pursued it more or less as an avocation, Jim
Oberg being an outstanding example. He did it essentially as a hobby
and as a side business, not in an official capacity. His knowledge
was limited by what comes of that. He had to depend upon news sources
and things like that, and he did get to Russia, but he didn't have
official status, so he was afforded access to some things and not
The point being that our knowledge of the capabilities of the Russian
system were very high level, superficial, and yet it's clear that
they have conducted an extensive space program for many years and
it has, on the whole, appeared to be as safe as ours. They haven't
lost a crew in a spacecraft in many years. They have had problems
from time to time, but they have recovered from them safely. We agreed
more or less on the basis of the foreign policy initiative as much
as anything to be jointly involved in the Space Station program.
But when we were asked to look at that, which was in the summer of
1993, we were asked to go off and evaluate, over a period of about
four months, and I'm thinking now from about August to late November,
whether it was feasible and appropriate to include them from a technical
point of view. Now we're addressing Phase 1, but the additional flights
to Phase 1, not counting Norm's [Norman Thagard] one-time deal, was
closely tied to the Space Station initiative.
During that time we did the best we could, sitting down with the Russians
in Crystal City being the principal mechanism for this, to assess
their engineering approach to things and so on. At the level that
we were able to penetrate, we found it quite satisfactory. For example,
I sat down with one of the chief designers to talk about redundant
system design. There are many different ways you can achieve redundancy,
some of which allow you to literally be two failure-tolerant. The
third failure, you're out of business. Others, you need a smart two
failures or three failures to be out of business, but, in fact, you
can tolerate tens of failures that are more or less random, depending
on cross-strapping and other designing limitations.
I found the Russian approach to be essentially identical to ours,
and in some cases more robust than ours. They had, in fact, been pushing
the state of the art for operating these spacecraft for long period
of time. When we were flying sortie missions and worried about the
reliability over ten days, they were trying to make stations fly for
years at a time and encountering a different set of problems. So within
the realm that they had chosen as their mission, I found their expertise
to be good and their approaches satisfactory.
The bottom line is to say that our knowledge base was fairly small
to make this decision, this judgment. It was based in large part on
the external evidence that they had been conducting a vigorous space
program for many years, safely, and it was also done with the express
knowledge and understanding that we would never have the level of
insight into their design methodologies that we have in our own. So
it was a large leap of trust.
In saying that, it was tied to, in my judgment, a very real expectation
that it would be worthwhile. As I mentioned earlier, in my judgment,
it has turned out to be totally worthwhile, one of the smartest and
best investments we've ever made as a country. There was some expectation,
some possibility that someone could get hurt, much more of an expectation
possibility that we would get into it and decide that we were not
comfortable and would not fulfill the entire program, that we would
get part way through and something would be unacceptable and we would
stop, or that the Russians might not be economically capable of supporting
their end of the deal.
So, from the risk point of view, all those things were there, but
as we addressed the foreign policy value of it, but also as we began
to appreciate the difference between flying a Space Station and the
Shuttle, we began to appreciate that it was a tremendous opportunity
here from a technical value point of view, hardware design and operational
understanding if we choose to engage it. Everything that has happened
since then has only buttressed my belief.
Davison: Were you involved with the study that the
Russians--we studied a proposal that the Russians made about using
the current Mir as the service module because of their funding problem.
Can you elaborate on that and tell us how the decisions were made
not to?
VanLaak: Well, that was about two years ago, a little
earlier than that. I recall it being two years ago in January that
it kind of reached its peak. The principal reason for it, I believe,
was financial. The Russians didn't have the money or were very concerned
about being able to find the funding to outfit the second Mir core,
what is now the service module, or at least to do it on the schedule
that was proposed, because essentially all of the discussions I recall
still involved bringing the service module up to the Station. It would
come at some future date. I guess I would reiterate that that was
also a time when it was clear they were falling behind on schedule,
and there was a group in this country that was pounding the table
that if they didn't show up on schedule, that was the end of the program,
go away, and leave us alone. Now, history will record that the United
States, the U.S. segment, has been late in a number of areas, so the
actual schedule impact of the Russian delay is relatively modest,
but, nevertheless, it was clear at that time that there was going
to be some kind of a schedule problem on the Russian side.
So, the Russians came forward and suggested that we simply attach
the Station, our Station elements, to the Mir, and we could go ahead
and man up the Station early ahead of the schedule, based on the service
module, and ultimately perhaps get us in the Mir at a later date.
That was unacceptable to the U.S. from several points of view. One
point of view was political. There was a significant group of people
apparently who were adamant that they didn't want to be seen as an
adjunct to the Russian space program.
In this country, at least, ISS, of course, grew from Space Station
Freedom, which was notionally a U.S. space station with a few international
partner modules attached to it. ISS became a partnership with a much
larger portion of the vehicle and the critical functionality now belonging
to the Russians, and they simply were afraid that there would be a
further dilution or confusion in terms of where the center of gravity
was going to be in terms of decision-making and so on. This was still
going to be an International Space Station program led by the United
States, and they didn't want that part to be confused. I don't cast
any judgment on the wisdom of that position; I just record it.
The other thing that I can offer some judgment on is the viability
of the Mir to continue operation for four or five years into the future.
I'm certain that we would be talking about that as a time frame. It
is conceivable that you could do that. I can't point to any critical
safety issues in the next couple of years or we wouldn't be flying
people up there right now. On the other hand, the basic hardware is
getting very old and the maintenance demands are quite significant,
or very significant. In order to be able to do the mission of the
International Space Station, you can't have half of the crew running
around doing maintenance on systems that are so old that you can't
even get parts for them any longer. So I do agree that it would have
been inappropriate to tie the program to the Mir unless it was absolutely
required, and a satisfactory agreement was met to avoid that.
Davison: Thank you. What was the Russian approach
to operations, training, and engineering and how did their philosophy
differ from NASA's philosophy?
VanLaak: Well, they're each different, of course.
I think I touched on the training a little bit, probably about as
far as I can really go with much detail.
Let me talk about engineering and then operations. The people who
have worked individual issues on the Russian side can speak to that
obviously with far more detailed knowledge than I can, but looking
at it kind of from the top down, in the United States we've become
very heavily dependent upon analysis and we have pursued optimization
in narrow regimes. For example, structural materials. As we continue
to go to higher and higher strength materials in the hopes of making
things lighter and stronger and so on, we do that at considerable
cost, cost in terms of money to develop it, cost in terms of inspection
requirements and so on. For example, many hard materials were also
brittle materials, which require sophisticated fracture mechanics,
analyses, and flaw detection and so on and so forth.
The Russians don't have that analytical capability. Therefore, they're
going to do things by test, but they've had enough experience to recognize
the limitations of their statistical database. You can't test enough
samples, and there are problems with loading your flight unit up to
the critical loads--in some cases, fatigue and so on. So they tend
to use, for example, in the case of materials, often they use more
ductile materials, which means softer, lower ultimate strength materials,
but also far less susceptible to fracture, or the fracture critical
flaw sizes, the size that could result in the catastrophic failures
larger and more easily detectable, either by visual means or some
fairly straightforward inspection technique.
Likewise, I mentioned their engineering approach in terms of using
relatively simple systems and relatively maintainable systems. It
just crosses many elements, far too many to try to talk about, and
it just is a characteristic of their engineering, whereas, again,
we try to optimize things. We're much more inclined, for example,
to put a microprocessor in something to do a job than to put mechanical
devices in there to measure positions and simple analog mechanism
to do essentially a simple calculation. If a potentiometer that reads
the position of something goes bad, you can take it out and put a
new one in on orbit. If a firmware controller that uses some other
technique to measure position goes bad, well, you may or not be able
to change that out on orbit.
So, their engineering approach appears crude by our standards, in
some cases--in many cases--but, in fact, may turn out to be far more
suitable for the environment that you're in. Another element on the
electronic side, of course, is as you continue to microminiaturized
electronics, they become more and more susceptible to radiation effects,
and whereas they have big, heavy circuit boards with transistors and
things like that on them, shoot, you can blast them with radiation
till the cows come home and they probably won't even know that it
happened. So we have had to assess that and make certain that our
systems can tolerate it. We are, in fact, flying some hardware for
the express purpose of experiencing that radiation environment on
the electronics, and we'll have to see what kind of design adjustments
will be made. We'll make it work safely, but we're having to take
a lot of effort, whereas they just said, "I know this will work
and I won't worry about it."
Davison: So in that example that you just gave, it
sounds like we're using some of their engineering techniques of testing
as opposed to how we might have tried to do that analytically through
some model on the ground. We're actually taking them up on Mir and
testing them?
VanLaak: Well, we're doing it on Mir because we have
the opportunity, but we would have done essentially the same thing
had we not had the Mir opportunity, in terms of the design. But then
we would find out whether or not it worked when we got to orbit. There's
more potential for a schedule and cost impact when you do it that
way than if you can fly it on Mir. That's one of the risk mitigation
To talk briefly about operations, the Shuttle Program, again, has
dominated our planning. In fact, all of our planning has been oriented
around sortie-type missions. We did fly a 74-day to Skylab four mission,
I believe 74 days or 84 days. My memory doesn't serve. But in any
case, you could almost think of that as one long sortie. I'm certain
there were several Control Center teams that rotated through. Nobody
stayed on console for that period of time. Nevertheless, it was a
manageable length that you could go off and deal with it as a discrete
and try to optimize it.
When you fly a space station for ten or twelve years at a time, you
have to give that up pretty quickly or the divorce rate just goes
out of sight, not to mention the heart attack rate, which, by the
way, is something we've learned in Phase 1. No divorce or heart attacks
to my knowledge, but stress level has been very, very high in the
In any case, the Shuttle Program continues to be built around this
idea of a fairly discrete, short, manageable period of time when everybody's
going to really work hard and get the job done to a very highly polished
luster, whereas the Russians, I don't know if they ever had that philosophy.
They probably did, but they long ago realized that, "Hey, tomorrow
is another day. If you don't get it done today, we'll do it tomorrow.
There's no need to kill yourself, and that applies just as well to
the people on the ground as it does to the people on orbit."
"Relaxed" and "laid back" may or may not be appropriate
terms to apply, but the sense of urgency is not there in the same
sense that it is when you go into the Control Center here for a Shuttle
flight. It is appropriate that it's not there.
On the other hand, there are some things that we have evolved in this
country because of our visibility before the public and before the
Congress that the Russians have not developed, and some of them are
to their loss. For example, the Progress collision that occurred last
July or June--June--was in large part because it wasn't planned properly,
by our standards, on the ground. It was possible to design the mission
so that there were belt-and-suspenders kinds of approaches, especially
from a safety perspective. What they did wasn't stupid, but it did
not employ all the techniques that are available to us today. I would
characterize it as being representative of the flight test programs
that we fielded in this country in the fifties and the early sixties,
in days when it was understandable that from time to time you'd lose
an airplane in a flight test. In fact, some airplanes, we lost many
in flight tests. But that was the way it was done.
Over the years, as airplanes became more valuable and television and
other mechanisms made it possible for people to see a world-famous
test pilot get killed in an airplane, the pressure came down on the
flight test business to clean up their act and stop losing airplanes
and people. And they did that by developing much more rigorous techniques
of planning and reviewing and executing the flight test activities,
to the point where now airplanes go through an entire flight test
program without losing a single airplane. For example, a B-2 that
costs a half a billion dollars, you don't want to lose that airplane
in a flight test. Well, it still has to be tested, and the people
who go fly it are still challenging some unknowns when they fly it,
but it has been modeled and understood, and we have techniques in
place to dramatically reduce the risk.
Well, the Russians have not developed those techniques to the same
level that we have. So we are working with them. I'll address this
on one of the later questions, but we have over the last year been
able to communicate some of our techniques to them in these areas,
and we are both benefiting as a result.
Davison: Thank you. Over time, how did training preparation
and operations evolve on events and the experiences? Did we change
how we did business?
VanLaak: Well, we certainly changed the way we did.
I'm sure somebody like Rick Nygren would do a better job with training
than I can. I know certain things to say, but I'd rather you get it
better from somebody who knows that. And I'm sure they'll, likewise,
have many more words to say on the subject of preparation from the
immediate crew preparation point of view.
We did, however, learn--of course, NASA has a process we go through
to prepare for missions. We call it the flight readiness review process.
Again, we traditionally focused it on sortie missions, but fundamentally
the same process can apply to the long-duration mission when we leave
someone on the Mir. What is new is that we have these international
partners and we have dependencies on hardware and data deliveries
and an uncertainty, if you will, on future behavior that we're not
used to.
In the Shuttle Program, you know who everybody reports to. You know
that the boss is going to get people to do what they're supposed to
do on time and so on. When you have an international program--and
I'm not picking on the Russians or anyone else--when you have to depend
upon a far less direct connection to get things done, your uncertainty
about those things getting done increases significantly. So as we
prepared for these things, in the beginning we simply took a schedule
that the Russians gave us and pretty much counted on it, and we made
decisions with relatively little allowance for deviations from those
schedules, in principle. I mean, we were not too limited in our thinking
from a safety point of view, but in terms of did we carry extra science
activities in case there was more time available or how would we reprioritize
things or postpone a scientific investigation to a subsequent increment
if it didn't get done, we didn't really carry those options because
they said we'd get it done. So we assumed we'd get it done.
As it turned out, we didn't get all those things done, and so we had
to prepare more thoroughly for subsequent missions or retrain people,
the actual crew members, or whatever was appropriate on that particular
mission. So our preparation process did change significantly.
Our operations changed in a lot of subtle ways. The day-to-day operations
that we performed were oriented around our research program, and there
are others who can talk to them in more detail than I can, but I will
point out some of the obvious things. Again, to go back to the notion
of planning everything, first of all, in advance, that was impractical.
I mean in advance of the entire mission. We realized that we were
going to be working on a planning horizon of a few days, not months,
for detailed time lines.
But even beyond that, we began to recognize that the techniques we'd
used in the Shuttle, where you kept the crew member from 9:30 to 10:00
is going to be doing this, from 10:00 to 11:00 is going to be doing
that, from 11:00 to 12:00 is going to be doing something else, that
didn't work from many points of view, the lack of communications to
the Mir being one of the outstanding ones, but also the fact that
some of the hardware didn't always work as it was supposed to. By
the time the next com pass came up and you found out that it didn't
work, the whole opportunity to do the experiment had been lost.
Those caused us to develop a much more flexible approach where we,
for example, might tell the crew member, "Today we'd like you
to accomplish the following three things. Go for it." If they
began the first thing and the hardware did something funny, they'd
postpone it, start a second project till the com pass came up, and
they'd give us the information of what went wrong. They might go back
to the second experiment, because it would take the ground some time
to figure out what to do next, and then the following com pass, they'd
uplink a solution to the problem and they'd go back to the first experiment
and so on. In hindsight, as so many things are, it seems obvious,
but until you actually experience it and try it, it wasn't clear what
level of freedom there was appropriate. So that's been a fundamental
Davison: Thanks.
[Begin Tape 1, Side 2]
VanLaak: Ninety-nine percent of the time we've been
here, it's Rick Nygren. Right now it is Jeff Cardenas. Under him he
has a training IPT and hardware integration IPT and several others.
Working Group 7 is EVA.
Davison: Richard Fullerton.
VanLaak: Yes.
Davison: I know Richard. I know Jeff, too.
VanLaak: Working Group 8 is medical ops. That's Tom
Marshburn. I just went blank. And Working Group 9 is no longer really
active, and that was communications.. So that's the working group
[Off camera talk]
Wright: We were talking about the day-to-day operations.
Davison: How will operational experience of the Shuttle-Mir
Program benefit the International Space Station Program?
VanLaak: Well, in two principal ways. First I'll
address the less valuable of the two, and that is being ready to operate
International Space Station, making decisions, exercising options
that we hadn't previously thought we were going to deal with. For
example, we've all along talked about the potential of a medical problem
for a crew member on orbit, but I think, just like fire and decompression,
we thought that was a relatively low likelihood event. Something like
a sore throat or like that probably happened in the past, but we didn't
anticipate a serious issue.
Of course, there was one with a cosmonaut last August or July. I'm
just off by one month for some reason last summer. In any case, we
had to address some very complex issues. Could he, in fact, function?
Was the reentry on Soyuz going to be a safe event for him, or did
he need to recover from his medical problem before he was brought
home on the Soyuz? Because it's not a particularly soft ride home.
Or even should we consider trying to bring him home on the Shuttle
as opposed to bringing him home on the Soyuz? So those kinds of issues
were addressed.
We worked time-lining issues, as we talked about just a minute ago.
We developed better ways to plan our science and so on. All those
things are highly beneficial, but none of them defined the success
or the failure of the program, because after a year or two of operating
ISS, we would have uncovered those things. So it gives us a chance
to get a head start on those and hopefully be more efficient and effective
from the beginning.
The much more significant thing, which unfortunately is somewhat reduced
by the fact that we got to this late, if we had done the Mir Program
five years before we started flying ISS, we would have gotten a lot
more value out of it. That is, to look at our fundamental design concepts
and how they tie into the realistic operational environment. To go
back, for example, to the maintenance concept, if you give me a space
station that's full of hermetically sealed boxes, the only maintenance
option that the crew has is to move and replace the hermetically sealed
boxes. If you give them a system that's got boxes you can open up
and fix with pliers and wrenches and hair pins, then you can do a
lot on orbit. Unfortunately, ISS is biased in the direction of the
hermetically sealed boxes, but even within that, there are opportunities
to make some improvements and those are being implemented.
We're also learning more about the realistic demands that we put on
the hardware and may be discovering that we may have over-specified
some requirements. We can operate hardware without beating it up or,
in some cases, the environment is more harsh than we thought it might
be. So there's a tremendous amount of value in this operational experience,
somewhat mitigated by the relatively short period between the Phase
1 Program and ISS.
Davison: Did you want to elaborate on either one
of the fire or the decompression benefits?
VanLaak: I'd like to talk about that altogether.
Specifically, when Phase 1 began, the U.S. role was that of a customer.
We were going to do a research program back in the laboratory and
the Russians were responsible for flying the Space Station. As such,
we would have the opportunity to look over their shoulders and see
what they were doing and participate in this long-term mission and
so on, but we didn't have any direct responsibility for the flight
of the vehicle. As such, we didn't get, as deliverables from the Russians,
detailed systems schematics and things like that. Mir is an old system.
Most of the engineering and systems disciplines in this country were
focused on getting ready to fly ISS.
I think that as we observed things on the Mir, we wished that we had
had more involvement on the systems side. I would point out, for example,
during Shannon Lucid's stay, there were some failures that caused
some periods when the crew was not allowed to drink the condensate,
for example. Even though the condensate is processed and sterilized,
it does not remove glycol from that. So when they determined that
they had a metallic taste to the water--by the way, the camera looks
like it's canted. Is that satisfactory, the way it is?
Rollins: Looks great to me.
VanLaak: Okay. Maybe I'm the one that's crooked.
Davison: I think that the base is on the tripod.
Rollins: On the viewfinder, it's squared up.
VanLaak: Okay.
Davison: I see what you're talking about, though.
The base is--
VanLaak: Yes. It's just the--
Davison: Maybe it's an optical illusion.
VanLaak: Disorienting, yes, that's what it is. During
Shannon's increment, there were periods when the crew was not allowed
to drink the water. They detected a metallic taste and they immediately
suspected glycol, and they found some small leaks in some plumbing.
Some other things along those lines occurred where things were going
on on the systems side that did not pose a serious threat to the crew,
but we really wished we understood what was going on. But since we
didn't have an agreement with the Russians and nothing rose to a level
of criticality that we really wanted to force the issue, we didn't.
We were not very successful in increasing our level of understanding.
Let me just expand slightly and point out that we did ask our ops
leads, our teams in Russia, to get as much information as they could,
and the Russians were not totally uncooperative, but they basically
said, "This is additional work for us to try to explain this
whole system to you, and it's fundamentally none of your business
anyway." So they would give us enough information to quiet us
up and basically go about their own business.
So we pressed our relationship and tried to get more information,
but since we didn't have anything that represented a critical safety
concern, we more or less lived with that slow accretion of technical
knowledge of the Mir, up until the time of the fire. As I mentioned
earlier, we knew enough about the oxygen-generating system, the [solid]
oxygen generator in particular, that we knew that it had a long operational
history and were relatively confident that it was safe to operate.
Nothing has occurred to change our fundamental belief in that, despite
the fire. Nevertheless, the fire did occur, and once we knew that
the crew was safe and the situation was stable, we immediately began
reviewing fundamentally our knowledge of the Russian hardware design
approach, in general, but also specifically, and we also wanted to
know whether the crew had responded correctly. Were they trained correctly?
Were they given the right tools and assets to do their job?
As a result of that review, which was kind of an informal thing--we
didn't make a big board or something like that, but we did send people
off with action items and they did come back and talk to us--there
Russians passed on both counts. We looked at the data on the [solid]
oxygen generator and thousands and thousands of candles that had been
burned. I shouldn't overexaggerate. Two to three thousand at least
have been consumed without any incident. And they talked to us about
the techniques they used for inspection, nondestructive inspection
of the units that they fly and how they mix the chemicals and the
batch methodology they use and so on. So we were very confident in
We also reviewed with our crew who were on the ground, John Blaha
and Shannon Lucid, at least, the preparation they had gotten for fighting
a fire or for escaping in the Soyuz. We found that satisfactory. Over
the next month or so, as we got more details from the Russians, we
continued to hold it up to that measure. Was this something that said
we were safe to continue or was this a close call that showed that
we were exposing the crew to a nonacceptable hazard?
We felt--and I still feel--that that was a satisfactory outcome. They
were okay in terms of having been prudent, both in the hardware design
and ops. But as a result of that, I went over to MOD and said--we
had already for several months been talking about trying to get some
systems help from the systems engineers in MOD, systems flight controllers
who were going to be doing things on International Space Station in
the life-support systems area, for example. You'd think they'd have
some knowledge applicable to the Mir and some interest in exercising
that knowledge by watching the Mir. For a variety of reasons, that
support was not available. Following the fire, I went over to MOD
and said, "Look. I need it. I'm here to pay for it. What can
you do for me?" And we had some negotiations and they agreed
to provide a certain level of support, which is the nucleus of our
systems team that we have in Moscow at this time and who, by the way,
have been doing a very good job for us.
So we began to formalize our pursuit of more detailed knowledge of
the systems and we began to pay more attention. We augmented the team
in Moscow slightly and tried to pay more attention to the operations
that were going on on the Mir, just to try and stay a little further
ahead. There was nothing adverse in what we had seen, but we wanted
to understand better.
The next thing that happened was the ethylene glycol (glycol) leaks.
The cause here is that the Russians chose to not apply a primer, a
corrosion-inhibiting primer, to the inside surfaces of their vehicle
primarily to keep the paint from flaking, I believe. They depended
upon the environmental control system to keep the humidity levels
to a point where you wouldn't get condensation in local areas that
could lead to corrosion. Well, over the years they've had problems
with power and with the thermal system. There are areas where significant
amounts of condensation have developed from time to time. Some of
that condensation has led to significant corrosion locally on coolant
tubes. The coolant tubes, tending to be cool, would collect the condensation,
and when dissimilar metals, for example, grounding straps, would come
in contact with these coolant tubes, corrosion would occur, which
eventually weakened the walls to the point where the glycol would
weep out. There were places where it didn't weep; it broke the tubing
and there were actually significant spills.
It was the spring of 1997 when that began to, if you will, blossom.
There had been small incidents that we didn't know too much about,
but there were some fairly significant problems that developed in
the spring. Fortunately, Dr. Linenger, Jerry Linenger, on board, a
medical board, and he was able to assess the impacts of this on the
crew. There was not a good detector on board for measuring the concentration
of ethylene glycol in the atmosphere. Jerry was assessing the symptoms
in the crew, and there were some symptoms in terms of redness in the
eyes and that sort of thing, and was able to advise us that it was
an irritant and it was unpleasant at times, but it did not constitute
a health hazard. Of course, our toxicologist on the ground continued
to follow that.
This did several things. This caused us to get our medical teams more
closely tied together. It also got our engineering team working on
a technique for measuring ethyleneglycol concentrations on board.
In fact, we flew hardware up on STS-84 in the spring of last year,
May of last year, to do just that. And it began a process of integrating
us into operational decision-making with the Russians. They were asking
us for our help on some things, and where previously we had always
had to go and ask for information, now they would come to us and ask
for information or even volunteer information to us. I don't want
to oversell that, but it was a significant step.
We went to considerable effort--by the way, at the same time they
were having problems with the electrons on board--I'll come back to
that in just a second--and we took fairly extraordinary steps to accommodate
the late loading of an electron on STS-84. We had to modify the delivery
of the Space Hab to the pad. It went out after the Shuttle to the
pad, for example. The Space Hab people had to expend some extra money
and certainly a lot of time and effort to accommodate this large,
bulky unit into the module. It was directly as a result of our concern
about the life-support system being able to do its job. It is something
that we began. We more or less volunteered to do it, and we began,
and once the Russians saw that we had that capability, they latched
onto it and it became a done deal.
Let me digress for just a moment and talk about the electron, lest
I forget. The electrons take water and electrolyze them into hydrogen
and oxygen. Obviously when it's water, it's inert and it's safe. When
you have gaseous hydrogen and gaseous oxygen, the potential for an
explosion exists, and so the system is very carefully designed to
sense the potential for mixing hydrogen and oxygen and to shut down
if it senses something that indicates that might in fact be occurring.
So there are a variety of sensors in the system that all have the
ability, or many of which have the ability to shut it off. Because
as the units became older, they got air bubbles in them, various and
sundry things would happen in the water supply and so on, and anomalies
would occur which would just shut down the electron.
You'd see that in the newspaper as "The critical life-support
system is broken, has failed again." Okay. Well, it failed in
the same sense that the old radio, you have to go over and whack it
on the side before you can get it to listen. Twenty-five or fifty
years ago, that was perfectly acceptable. Nowadays you expect your
solid-state radios to play for 10,000 hours without missing a beat.
The technology of electrons for space use, this is the first time
they'd been used in space--period. So one has to anticipate that kind
of finicky behavior.
In any event, so through the spring we had a series of opportunities
to work more closely with the Russians in terms of supporting them
logistically and addressing some fairly serious life-support issues
with the electron system and also with the ethylene glycol. And that
was a step forward in our joint work together.
The next major activity, of course, was the collision, and a lot of
things happened as a result of the collision. One of the most important
is that we undertook another review of what we were doing. Were we
putting our crew members at risk? Were we doing something fundamentally
foolish? I think Frank [Culbertson] and I arrived at the conclusion
more or less simultaneously that whatever else might be true about
the history of the Russian program and so on, they had had a couple
of significant events in a fairly short period of time, and we simply
couldn't ignore that. We could not continue unless we had a lot more
insight into what was going on and direct participation in key decisions,
key operational decisions that could affect the safety of our crew.
We informed the Russians that that basically was where we were, that
we were not going to be able to continue without that kind of understanding.
I think in a fairly remarkable turn of events, the Russians said,
"We understand, and that will be fine." Now, it would be
untruthful to say that everyone was delighted to have us involved
at every step or that all of the information flowed freely to us.
Nevertheless, they recognized the reality of the situation and they
worked with us. They did an excellent job of cooperating, for example,
in the actual investigation of the collision, and we have an excellent
understanding of the events that took place and why, and have great
confidence it will not occur again, because the circumstances that
led to it are well defined and easily avoidable in the future, not
just for that particular event, but for similar events. Every time
a Progress goes up, somebody calls up and wants to know whether or
not there's going to be another manual docking, and we understand
exactly what's going to occur and what the boundaries of the system
are and what's new or not new.
So, ultimately we have become far more knowledgeable about the operations
of the Mir. We get weekly summaries of what the consumables are, what
the status of the major systems are. When we have concerns or just
questions, our people are able to go down the hall and talk to the
specialists and get good answers. I would be overstating it to say
that any of our people is expert in the Russian systems, because even
though I said they're relatively simple systems, they are not simple
and they're not built in the Western engineering traditions, so there
are things that are done that are not intuitively obvious to the Western-trained
engineer, and it sometimes takes a period of time before we fully
understand why they did what they did. But pretty much without exception,
their systems are intelligently designed. I can't think of an exception
at this time. And we have confidence that all the critical systems
will function very well.
It's an application of the experience and the new trust. I mean, the
level of trust that the Russians have in us and we in them as a result
of these events is dramatically greater than it was before, as it
has to be. Only people who have been in an emergency situation together
are going to have the same common sense of mutual dependence and so
on as we do now with them. I think it is a tremendously valuable thing
for Space Station.
Davison: Thank you. What issues were raised by the
cultural differences between the United States and Russia? How did
the parties involved deal with these issues?
VanLaak: That's very broad.
Davison: Maybe focus on your experience or some example
that you might have.
VanLaak: I looked at that question ahead of time,
and nothing really leaps to mind.
Davison: Okay. The next one is probably even a little
tougher, then. Want to try that one? What were the benefits of the
Shuttle-Mir Program to the nation and the Earth in general?
VanLaak: I'd say they come in two principal forms.
The first is, there really has been scientific work done, scientific
value, accrued as a result of Phase 1. Sometimes we in the program
get all wrapped up in the setbacks we have from day to day. When you
fly a mission that's four or five months old--and by the way, we just
passed or are about to pass two years of a human continuously on orbit,
an American continuously on orbit--there are many, many little setbacks.
Many days, sometimes even weeks, when it seems as though we've gone
three steps backwards and not forward at all. But even in things that
on first blush appear to be setbacks are frequently data that's very
valuable and some good science has come out of the program.
Of course, the second thing is that if you take the two principal
antagonists in the world and you make them partners, you've got to
believe that reduces the tension overall and reduces the likelihood
of a major nuclear exchange that wipes humanity off the face of the
Earth. So I don't think we've done anything to reduce the possibility
of a Third World country getting hold of a nuclear device and blowing
up a city, but the likelihood of turning the face of North America
into a glass bowl is dramatically reduced. I think the rest of the
world benefits from that as a result.
Davison: Sure. These next ones are more personal
questions. I probably should have asked these first so people would
know where you worked and how long you've been in the program, but
I'll go ahead and ask now and we'll splice and change order.
VanLaak: Okay.
Davison: What position did you hold while you were
in the Phase 1 Program, and what were your responsibilities and when
did you join the program?
VanLaak: I joined the program in the beginning of
April 1995. I came over from the International Space Station Program.
Initially I was just a member of the staff. Tommy Holloway was the
director at that time and Frank Culbertson was his deputy. There really
wasn't any specialization in the staff below that, with one or two
exceptions. Essentially we all did whatever we were assigned and pulled
together as a little core team to try and implement the program.
That was shortly after Norm Thagard was launched, and it was the very
beginning of the operational phase. As such, it was a time of great
challenge for the program and a time when this flat organization without
specialization reached its limit very rapidly, and it became clear
that some specialization was required. We were in the beginnings of
defining or deciding what that was going to be. I was fundamentally
orienting or sliding into an operational or semi-operationally focused
Then in, I believe it was, August of that year, Brewster Shaw decided
to leave NASA and the Shuttle Program. Tommy Holloway was chosen to
replace him, and I recall the day very clearly when Tommy pulled Frank
and me aside and said, "As of four o'clock this afternoon, I'm
no longer head of the Phase 1 Program. You two guys are going to have
to figure out how to deal with it."
So I was essentially a de facto deputy to Frank right off the bat,
and for about three or four weeks we functioned in that manner as
we tried to figure out what we had just bitten off. Then about three
or four weeks later, Frank formally asked me to remain as his deputy.
I've been in that position ever since. So, almost two and a half years
as of this point.
You know, it's kind of the traditional deputy roles. In general I
think it would be safe to say that neither Frank nor I was prepared
to operate this program. I'm not sure that Tommy was prepared to operate
the program either. But we clearly were not prepared for the job that
we had at that time, and we got together and established a team, I
should say a partnership, that was absolutely necessary and, I think,
highly successful in terms of figuring out what our job was and working
through the issues together. We did reorganize the office and specialize
it and assign people to operations tasks and hardware integration
tasks and so on, and put some structure to it. Basically it's a typical
deputy thing where I have tended to specialize more towards operational
things and Frank more towards the up and out things, but it's been
very fluid back and forth.
Davison: Which part of your background do you think
prepared you to work on this project most? Was it the Air Force or
MOD or all that combined?
VanLaak: That's an interesting question. Probably
all of that combined. The operational experience of actually flying
in the Air Force for the better part of ten years gives you a certain
sense of urgency, but the space business is different from flying
airplanes. The first work that we had to do, basically, was program
management, and I have had experience in that in Space Station and
also in the classified technologies before that. So I would say the
operational aspect, the Air Force and so on was kind of background
that kept things in perspective, but fundamentally what we needed
to do was sort things out, get people going in the right direction,
and do the program management kinds of tasks.
A significant amount of it, by the way, was learning to work with
the Russians and to be able to develop agreements, because we had
months before launch, not years. Whereas some of the agreements were
arrived at fairly late, perhaps a month or so before some of the launches,
nevertheless, we came to closure when we made those agreements and
were successful.
Davison: What do you feel was the most significant
contribution to the Phase 1 Program?
VanLaak: Actually, that's a question I haven't quite
addressed. I would say that Frank and I counterbalance each other
very well, so it's a blend of our capabilities together that is most
significant, so I guess it's the fact that I'm able to counterbalance
him. He sometimes is the big idea man and I'm the realist, and other
times we swap those roles. Each of us is able to step into the other's
shoes when one is not available. He has not been available for some
key activities and I've been gone and left him holding the bag on
other occasions. So I think that our ability to work together and
to carry the load individually when required is probably the biggest.
Davison: You all didn't get into any discussion about
doing it the Navy way or the Air Force way or anything like that?
VanLaak: [Laughter] No, we just knew we weren't Marines.
Davison: Okay. We might have to cut that part out.
The next question is, how were the Cold War concepts and culture differences
overcome to make Shuttle-Mir Program feasible?
VanLaak: Boy. With great difficulty, but with a recognition
that both sides needed to, that our futures, by all indications, were
tied together. I think that there was a great deal of mistrust in
the beginning, but we got over that because we had to. A problem that
I have seen a lot since, and still exists to some extent, is, I think,
a sense of superiority on the part of some of our NASA colleagues
that makes it difficult for them to appreciate the wisdom of some
of the Russian ways of doing business.
I'd be the first to admit there are also plenty of things about the
Russian way of doing business that are not appropriate for ISS, but
there are also things that we just have to get over our arrogance
and accept are appropriate and superior to what we are proposing to
do. It's just a matter of personal maturity, I think, and seeing the
reality, the value of what they do. In other words, experiencing their
way of doing business.
Davison: What were the negotiations with the Russians
like that you dealt with?
VanLaak: Well, in most cases the Russians are very
good negotiators, far better than I am. If playing poker is the model
you use for being a negotiator, I'm not a very good poker player.
On the other hand, I think I can be very persuasive.
I will recall one specific incident when I was in the Russian Mission
Control Center arguing with a specialist who wasn't going to allow
us to conduct an experiment because he was concerned about his little
area of expertise, which happened to be electromagnetic compatibility.
We had been over and over and over this particular point, and I think
that he was playing some kind of a game with me. So finally I said,
"This negotiation or this discussion is going nowhere. On the
basis of what we have covered, I'd have to go home and say we're not
going to get this experiment. And I regret to do that, because I'd
like you to understand just how critical some people are of this program
and how tightly intertwined I believe the success of the future of
our two space programs are." And basically I gave him a very
sincere but a fairly somber speech that said that if we continue to
run into these kinds of little bureaucratic snafus, that the success
of the entire program was in jeopardy. It was probably something like
a five-minute monologue, at the conclusion of which the room was very
quiet. There were about five of us there. And then he responded to
me by saying that he was impressed by the sincerity of what I had
to say and that he would get back to me within an hour with an answer
to this problem.
I had, of course, brought several options. He came back in an hour
and said, "I think I can live with this option," and we
spent another hour talking about it, and ultimately the experiment
So, my own personal style is to get to the bottom line and say, "You
know, let's cut out the funny business and make this work." They,
on the other hand, are used to, I think, from a cultural point of
view, a very elaborate series of lines drawn in the sand. So in the
technical environment I've been successful. I don't think I personally
would be very good at some of the political negotiations, because
it's just a lot of poker that gets played.
Davison: Did you get any practice at the flea market
before you went to the Control Center?
VanLaak: Yes, I did. Yes, I did.
Davison: Seems like that's the culture, to barter
for the price. They like to barter just in general.
VanLaak: Well, at the flea market there's somebody
right around the corner that will sell you the same [unclear].
Davison: Right.
VanLaak: It doesn't work that way at Energia. [Laughter]
Davison: Where do you go from here, then, Jim? I
know the Phase 1 Program's winding down in September. Do you have
any desire or plans?
VanLaak: It's going to wind down more like the end
of June. The last flight, STS-91, will be landing early in June if
things go on schedule. We do have some experiments that continue to
the end of the Mir-25 increment, which they will return in August
sometime. So if you allow a little room for close-out of that stuff,
I guess you could say in September.
There have been discussions, well, basically directly to Mr. Abbey,
on what he wants to do with Phase 1 team, and he has a number of very
strong feelings on the subject that I guess I'm not supposed to disclose.
But I think it would be fair to say that he recognizes the value of
the Phase 1 team and he has no intention of letting it go to waste.
Davison: This is a question for headquarters, and
you don't have to answer. What's your favorite beer?
VanLaak: [Laughter] Not a beer drinker, actually.
It's a null set.
Davison: I didn't think you were.
Rollins: Will you give us a small tutorial about
the different modules on the Mir?
VanLaak: You want a tour, huh. Well, this is going
to put me to the test.
Rollins: For instance, how many of those modules
do they live in? Some are living quarters, some are labs? I think
you understand the question.
VanLaak: I will try to give the basic highlights
of what each of the modules does. First of all, the original module
that was launched is this one right in the center, which is called
the Mir core, or the analog now for the International Space Station,
as the service module. It has the primary living quarters in it, the
sleeping quarters, the eating area, the main computer terminals, and
those sorts of things. It's been on orbit the longest time; it's in
its thirteenth year on orbit right now. I'm not going to try and recall
the launch dates on all of the modules.
Rollins: We can always look that up.
VanLaak: This module on this end is a Kvant. One
module, and it has primarily services in it. It is a utility closet,
if you will, with an electron in it, some thermal control systems
hardware in it, and the Vozduhk CO2 -removal system, which is a system
that scrubs carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere with a mole sieve
system, which basically collects the CO2 in a reaction bed and then
the bed is vented to vacuum to expunge the CO2.
Kvant Two is this module up here. This module is partially a laboratory
and partially a systems module. It has the air lock out on the tip
with the hatch that has been a great problem. Right behind that air
lock is a secondary air lock, which is what they also have used on
a number of occasions as a backup air lock, and other systems. Another
electron, for example, located in there.
The Krystall module down here is primarily a laboratory module. The
very first docking, STS-71, was to the end of the Krystall module,
and at that time Krystall was sticking off the end of the station.
It was repositioned to this location, and this orange module on the
bottom is the docking module which was brought up on STS-74, and its
major purpose was to provide enough space that the Shuttle could come
in and dock without hitting the arrays on the base block and so on.
So it's a spaceship, primarily.
The next module to go up was the Spektr module right here, which was
launched up in 1995. It was a module that, of course, is out of commission
at this time because of the collision, but it is a laboratory module
with a bunch of U.S. hardware in it, in large part for life sciences
investigations, but for some other things as well. You may recall
when it was originally launched and deployed, one of the solar arrays
failed to extend completely. To be honest, I don't recall; I think
it was this one. Because a latch failed to separate cleanly during
the automated deployment sequence. So in about a week, our EVA team
went off and developed a tool that allowed the Russians to go out
and cut that link and deploy this array. It was a brilliant piece
of work by the people in one week to develop an amazing little tool.
The last module to be delivered to the station is the Priroda module,
which has a variety of experiments in it, everything from this large
radar antenna on the outside to a variety of Earth observation and
other hardware inside. It is the principal laboratory module that
we're conducting operations out of at this time.
There is basically a Soyuz usually on this end of the vehicle and
the opposite end usually has a Progress vehicle on it. These models
both appear to be of Soyuz; they're not really high fidelity. Soyuz
and Progress are almost identical to look at from the outside. Of
course, the Soyuz is the up-down vehicle that the crew arrives and
goes home on. It's not just an emergency vehicle. It's their way home
if they need it, but it is a fully certified up-down vehicle. The
Progress is a logistics vehicle that comes up in a completely automated
docking. Then they fill it with trash and whatnot over the time that
it's up there, and then dispose of it into the--it burns up in the
atmosphere when they're done.
Rollins: Thank you. And what's an oxygen candle?
VanLaak: It's a lithium perchlorate canister that
is activated. It goes in a housing that has a fan in it and a series
of filters, mostly for odor control. It's used as an initiator. You
might think of it as a primer in a rifle shell to heat up a local
area on this lithium perchlorate chemical, which then begins an exothermic
reaction which generates oxygen. One canister produces 600 liters
of oxygen, which is essentially enough for one person for one day.
It does not require any electrical power other than the fan, and is
a highly reliable system. Most of the time that the Mir has been in
operation the last few years, at least, it's had one electron available,
or perhaps because of power constraints, only one could be operated,
because it draws a lot of power to electrolyze the water. And that's
sufficient for a crew of three, basically.
During times when they're changing over crews, and they'll have a
Progress on both ends and they'll have six people, up to six people
on board, the single electron cannot sustain the six crew, at that
time they will burn--I use the word "burn"--it's not strictly
accurate, but that's the common usage--the oxygen candles to supplement
the oxygen generation.
Rollins: Do we use oxygen candles or is that a Russian--
VanLaak: We don't use them on the Shuttle. We will
use them on the Russian segment of the International Space Station.
Technologies very similar to them are very widely used in specialized
applications in the West. For example, oxygen systems in airliners
that you reach up when the mask falls down and you pull the pin, in
many cases that pin activates a small canister. It's typically a slightly
different chemical, but the mechanics is virtually identical. And
also in some shipboard applications in this country they do similar
Rollins: Thanks.
Davison: Thank you. That's great.
Rollins: I've heard that there's cable-cutters up
on the Mir because there's some door that has to be closed. What part
of that--
VanLaak: Cable cutter?
Rollins: There's some quick disconnects.
Davison: You're talking about between the hatches
when they had the vents and the cabling.
VanLaak: I don't think I have any pictures that I
can draw quickly. Fundamentally, if you go and look at the International
Space Station on the U.S. segment, the way the modules go together,
there is a smaller inner hatch. I use "smaller." It's about
four feet square. But outside of that is a large structural ring which
is the actual ceiling surface when the two modules are brought together.
When those two modules are brought together, they put air into this
little area between them. They open the hatches, but there's no electrical
or other connections between the modules yet. They go in and install
jumpers to that area, and in that way there are no cables that pass
through the hatch. So if you want to close the hatch because of a
pressurization problem or something like that, the hatch just slams
closed. There are a few small cables and hoses, but very few.
On the Mir, see, the problem with that is, each one of those penetrations,
as they're called, where the cable goes through this area, has to
be sealed against the vacuum and so on, and it's a reliability and
weight hit to do that. The Russian approach--and I would remind everybody
that the Russians are fifteen years ahead of us in this, so if their
technology isn't quite as sharp as ours--
Rollins: It was state of the art at the time.
VanLaak: Well, it was first. And whoever goes first
finds some things they'd probably not do again. Their technique was
to pass the cables through the hatch and connect the cables to terminal
plates right inside the hatch, and they have what are variously called
quick disconnects. I think in most cases they're more appropriately
thought of as cannon plus, for those familiar with major electrical
connectors, and some air ducts that pass through the hatches. In almost
every case, these things either can be pulled completely out because
they're not that long--like an air duct--or the cables go to these
terminal plates that you can reach in and disconnect the cables and
pull them out of the hatch.
There are a few cables--and I emphasize very few--and they're all
data cables, which means they don't have power in them, that the Russians
have permitted to be strung through some of the hatches, with the
understanding that they're easily cut. For example, we flew an experiment
up there called MISDY, that runs cables to all of the modules. For
a complicated series of reasons, we didn't end up putting quick disconnects
on those cables, so the Russians said, "Okay." In this one
region where all these modules come together, this is actually part
of the base block. This is called the node. All these cables pass
through the node, so they said, "We want you to hang a pair of
cable cutters either on the wall or on one of the cables in the node
so that should you have to close one of these hatches, you can cut
Now, when the collision occurred to the Progress, the first thing
that the crew did was they went down--the commander stayed at the
command position, basically, and talked to the ground and assessed
what was going on in terms of pressure, but the flight engineer and
the U.S. astronaut, Mike Foale, went to this Soyuz and began activating
the Soyuz for emergency egress from the station. Once the Soyuz was
ready to go, Pavel Venegradov, who was the flight engineer, knew that--I'm
sorry, not Pavel Venegradov.
Davison: I'm trying to remember who it was. I don't
think I have it listed.
VanLaak: Vasily Sibliev and Aleksandr Lizutkin. He
said that he knew that the collision had occurred on the Spektr and
that the leak was in the Spektr, so he passed into the Spektr, heard
air leaking out behind the module wall or behind the panels--there
are instrumentation and experiment panels in there--and turned around
so that his head was by the hatch and he began disconnecting the electrical
cables. He asked Mike to help him, so Mike came over and helped him,
and they disconnected the cables. They had to cut two small instrumentation
wires, one American and one, I believe, was French, some other nationality
experiment they cut with a knife. Then they put the hatch over the
opening and the air pressure held the hatch in place.
Rollins: So they had plenty of time to recover.
VanLaak: "Plenty of time" would be pushing
it. The process is that there were procedures on board that authorized
the crew to leave if the leak rate exceeded a certain level. The way
to view this is, if you were sound asleep and a piece of orbital debris
punctured a module and you didn't have any idea what module it was,
you need to go figure out how much time you have to look for it. So
the first step is to go find out how much time you have. In parallel,
the flight engineer goes and starts getting the Soyuz ready. Then
I won't try to trace all the steps, but fundamentally if you have
sufficient time, you start looking for the leak. If you don't have
sufficient time, you're authorized to get in the Soyuz and leave.
In this case, they did the prudent thing. They got the Soyuz ready
to go while they were figuring out. Their analysis indicated about
twenty-eight minutes, just strictly a projection based on the leak
rate. They estimated about twenty-eight minutes before they would
reach a certain specified minimum pressure which corresponds roughly
to the altitude of the environment of living in Denver. We're not
talking about people falling over unconscious. Nevertheless, that
was the kind of a threshold that they wanted to say, "If you
don't have the leak under control, get into Soyuz and leave."
That kind of conservative approach helps us feel better about the
things that we don't fully understand and don't know about the Russian
system, because that shows an understanding and a willingness to err
on the side of safety and say, "If you're not comfortable, get
the hell out of Dodge." And they were authorized to do that.
In this case, it has been pointed out that the procedure is written
directively, in the sense that it says, "If you have less than
forty-five minutes' time remaining when the puncture occurs, leave."
But as I say, I believe that--and essentially everyone I know believes
that--is an enabling clause, if you knew that the leak was because
a valve had failed and you could close the valve in twenty seconds,
you would be an idiot to leave the space station because of the valve.
In this case, they got the Soyuz ready. They literally were three
feet away from the Soyuz hatch while they were trying to close the
Priroda hatch. Maybe four. But very, very close, a matter of seconds
to being in the Soyuz and close the Soyuz hatch.
So they followed a very prudent path and they were successful in isolating
the leak through the Spektr, and it worked out very well. It was,
all in all, an outstanding performance on the part of the crew, despite--
Rollins: It was an unfortunate accident, but everybody
learned a lot from it, so it's one of those lessons learned.
VanLaak: Indeed.
Rollins: Thank you for your time.
[End of interview]