NASA Johnson Space Center Oral History Project
Photos provided by David W. Whittle

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Ted Mendenhall, Joe Algranti, Tom Barrow, Harley Weyer, Bill Reeves, Dave Griggs, David Whittle, Larry Gaventa, Dick Tuntland, Andy Anderson, Glen Pingry, Dale Blackshear, John Collins, 2 unknowns, Jim Lindemann, 1 unknowns, Will Fenner, Gordon Hrabal pictured in front of the NASA WB-57 F Earth Resources Aircraft.

Ted Mendenhall, Joe Algranti, Tom Barrow, Harley Weyer, Bill Reeves, Dave Griggs,
David Whittle, Larry Gaventa, Dick Tuntland, Andy Anderson, Glen Pingry, Dale Blackshear,
John Collins, 2 unknowns, Jim Lindemann, 1 unknown, Will Fenner, Gordon Hrabal
pictured in front of the NASA WB-57 F Earth Resources Aircraft.