Advanced Technologies

Commercial Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus (CGBA #1 & #2)

Fluids Processing Apparatus (FPA)

Fluids Processing Apparatus (FPA) training hardware for the NASA/Mir experiment Commercial Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus (CGBA). The FPA is used as a "microgravity test tube" that contains fluids separated by a sliding septum. This is demonstrated in the FPA that contains red, yellow, and blue liquids separated by the sliding septum. By pushing the plunger against the septum, the fluids can be sequentially mixed together, which is seen in the other FPA that contains the green liquid indicating that fluids were mixed. The FPA can be used for cell culture and protein crystallization experiments. The basic idea of the FPA is to have, for example, microorganisms growing in one liquid suspension and automatically introduce an antibiotic liquid to the bacteria suspension to study the effects of microgravity on antibiotic resistance.

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Curator: Julie Oliveaux
Responsible NASA Official: John Uri

Page last updated: 07/16/1999

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