Earth Sciences

Watershed Hydrologic Studies


Regional study to acquire a time series of Priroda satellite observations in conjunction with soil moisture and other important ground and meteorological observations. Results of this part of the investigation were expected to provide important information for algorithm development for future long-term missions involving the AMSR instrument.

Shuttle-Mir Missions
After only two days of coverage in mid June 1997, the Spektr module of Mir was damaged in a collision with an unmanned Progress resupply vehicle. This resulted in the loss of the Priroda observing system. Before the docking accident, two data sets were obtained, June 15 and 18, 1997.

Data collected during the June 15 and 18, 1997 missions were processed and calibrated by the Russians. The calibrated data products were provided to all cooperators.

A review of the data received indicated that many of the passive microwave instruments (primarily the low frequencies) had operating problems. For the channels judged as acceptable, a rigorous review and testing of the calibrations were performed.

Due to Mir platform problems during the experiment, only a very limited set of data was obtained. Based upon these data, an evaluation of the Priroda sensor performance and some analyses of soil moisture conditions were conducted. These results provided important information for utilizing Priroda data and for soil moisture algorithm development.

Jackson, T. J. , Hsu, A. Y., Armand, N., Kutuza, B., Shutko, A., Tishchenko, Yu., Petrenko, B., Evtushenko, A., Smirnov, M., Savorskij, V., Sorokin, I., Nikolaev, A., and Sidorenko, A., APriroda Passive Microwave Observations in the Southern Great Plains 1997 Hydrology Experiment,@ Proceeding of the Int. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 1998, IEEE Cat. No. 007803-4403:1568-1570, 1998.

Principal Investigators
Thomas J. Jackson
U.S. Department of Agriculture

N. Armand
B. Kutuza
A. Shutko
Yu. Tishchenko
B. Petrenko
A. Evtushenko
M. Smirnov
V. Savorskij
I. Sorokin
A. Nikolaev
A. Sidorenko

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Page last updated: 07/16/1999

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