Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) after Exposure to Microgravity

MRI Leg Scan MRI Spine Scan


In microgravity, bones and muscles are not used as they are on Earth. As many studies have shown, this altered use results in calcium loss, degeneration of the skeleton, lengthening of the spine by expansion of the intervertebral discs, change in spinal bone marrow composition and muscle atrophy. Bed-rest patients on Earth show this same musculo-skeletal response with the exception of bone marrow alterations. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is one method that can be used to measure the resulting muscular and skeletal changes. MRI is a safe, non-invasive scanning technique that uses a large magnet and low frequency radio waves to form an image by reading the amount of hydrogen in an area of the body. These images can be used to examine soft tissues in the body, as well as determine muscle volume, spinal bone marrow mass and cross-sectional area of intervertebral discs.

The objectives for this study were to: (1) measure the muscle volumes of the calf, thigh, back and neck using MRI before and after flight to compare muscle performance; (2) determine and compare spin-spin relaxation time and muscle volume changes using MRI to estimate flight related muscle atrophy; (3) determine the change in intervertebral disc size in the lumbar spine after flight and determine the rate of recovery after return to 1-G; (4) determine the bone marrow content of the third lumbar vertebra before and after flight using MRI spectroscopy; and (5) document the frequency, type, severity and location of back pain during and after space flight.

Shuttle-Mir Missions
Mir-21/NASA-2, Mir-22/NASA-3, Mir-23/NASA-4, Mir-24/NASA-5, Mir-25/NASA-6, Mir 26/NASA-7

Magnetic Resonance Imaging was performed pre- and postflight using a 1.5 Tesla Siemens Magnetom MRI system (1.5 Tesla denotes the strength of the magnet used for the test) with various coils, including spine, Helmholz neck and whole body coils. These coils are the antenna of the MRI system that broadcast the radio frequency signal to the patient and/or receive the return signal to form an image. Specific coils are used to image different parts of the body; for example, Helmholz coils are used to image the cervical spine and muscles in the neck.

MRI testing consisted of the following:

· Bone marrow spectroscopy (L3)
· Muscle volume of the neck, lower back, calf and thigh
· Muscle T2 (spin-spin relaxation time) of the calf
· Lumbar spine disc size, lumbar spine length

The crew also filled out questionnaires during flight and postflight to document the frequency, severity and location of back pain or discomfort.

Measurable decreases in muscle volume were present during flight, which presumably, but not necessarily, represents muscle atrophy. These changes appeared to be maximized within the first 4 months of flight. Compared to bed rest without exercise, the inflight muscle changes were less except in the back muscles. Recovery in all muscle groups was complete within 30-60 days after return to Earth, similar to recovery after bed rest. Muscle volume and T2 changes were observed during the first days and weeks after return from space flight compatible with muscle damage. A small, but not long-term, change in disc size was observed following these flights. Postflight bone marrow changes with some significant differences was also observed compared to the shorter duration Life and Migrogravity Spacelab (LMS) Shuttle flight. Although about 47% of the crewmembers reported some back pain during flight, the duration and magnitude of this problem was apparently not of major concern for long-duration flight. A more important consideration may be the potential for significant injury/pain after flight since about 40% of the crewmembers reported significant postflight discomfort lasting for a number of days to weeks. This may be an important consideration for visits to planets with significant gravity after lengthy flights in microgravity.

Earth Benefits
Countermeasures developed as a result of this study will benefit patients with bone diseases, such as osteoporosis, and those confined to extended bed rest.

A paper reporting the muscle results is in preparation.

Principal Investigators
Adrian L. LeBlanc, Ph.D.
Baylor College of Medicine

Inessa Kozlovvskaya, M.D., Ph.D.
Institute of Biomedical Problems

Valentine Sinitsyn, M.D.
Victor Oganov, M.D.
Oleg Belichenko, M.D.
Daniel L. Feeback, Ph.D.
Linda Shackelford, M.D.
Harlan Evans, Ph.D.
Thomas Hedrick, M.D., Ph.D.
Chen Lin, Ph.D.

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Page last updated: 07/16/1999

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