NASA Johnson Space Center
Oral History Project
Edited Oral History Transcript
R. Bryan
Interviewed by Carol Butler
Houston, Texas – 14
October 1999
Butler: Today
is October 14, 1999. This oral history with R. Bryan Erb is being
conducted for the Johnson Space Center Oral History Project, in the
offices of the Signal Corporation in Houston, Texas. Carol Butler
is the interviewer and is assisted by Kevin Rusnak and Sandra Johnson.
Thank you so much for joining us today.
Erb: My great
pleasure. Thank you.
Butler: You
have had quite an extensive and interesting career in aviation and
aerospace. To begin with, maybe we could talk about how you got interested
in the field in the first place and how that led to you becoming involved
with AVRO [A. V. Roe Aircraft Ltd.].
Erb: Well,
it occurs to me that I got interested in space before I got interested
in aviation. I think every kid growing up in the thirties, forties,
looked at airplanes and thought, gee, that was pretty neat. But I
recall a time many years ago, I think I was in the fifth grade, at
Earl Grey Elementary School [Earl Grey was an early Governor General
of Canada] in Calgary in western Canada, when we were visited by a
person who was billed as an explorer. This guy came and talked to
our fifth grade class, and he had a big black bag of things that he
was showing people, and one of the things that he had was a shrunken
human head he had picked up in Borneo or someplace like that. That
was what intrigued my classmates, but what captured my imagination
was that he said, "One day man will go to the moon."
I went home and told my parents that. I guess I was about eleven years
old at the time. And my mother, of course, sort of pooh-poohed this.
It just wasn't absolutely something one should think about. But at
any rate, I sort of hung onto that notion.
Many years later I got into the aviation area by being interested
in flying, and did some private flying in the early fifties, but came
back eventually to space through my connection with AVRO.
Butler: That's
quite an interesting way of getting involved in it. That's great.
You went into college and you worked in going toward the aviation
area, obviously because at the time space wasn't going. How did the
opportunity then arise for you to get into working with AVRO?
Erb: Well,
I was taking civil engineering as my undergraduate pattern, but I
was always more interested in the fluid mechanics and fluid flow side
of things than the structures and the bridge-building and that sort
of stuff. I don't know whether there was anything sort of subliminal,
that that was an avenue to aeronautics. As I mentioned, I had been
doing some flying lessons and doing some flying.
So the British Government at this time—this would be starting
in, I think, 1951, were offering scholarships to Canadian students
for two-year study in the United Kingdom, and I was interviewed by
this group [the scholarship selection team] when they were crossing
Canada in the fall of 1951, just before I graduated. I guess they
liked my credentials. At any rate, I was given one of these Athlone
fellowships for two years' study in aeronautics at a place called
at that time College of Aeronautics in Cranfield in the United Kingdom.
So I spent two years there, and while it was really sort of airplane-focused
at the time, there was one very pivotal professor who taught high-speed
hypersonics and high-speed flow, and he was very much interested in
the British Interplanetary Society and in the whole notion of space
So I did my thesis on a heat transfer problem, which I thought, well,
if we're really going to travel away from the Earth and travel to
the other planets, we have to be able to reenter the Earth's atmosphere,
so this would be a good thing to learn about. This fellow was named
Terry Nonwheiler, and I worked under Terry for a year on my thesis
At about the same time, it was an exciting time in aviation because
these were about the times that people were beginning to go supersonic.
[General Charles E.] Chuck Yeager, of "Right Stuff" fame,
was breaking the sound barrier in the [Bell] X-1 and so on. But space
was only sort of still a dim notion, but the British Interplanetary
Society was pretty active in promoting the whole idea of space travel
and space activities.
Also during the time I was at Cranfield we had a visit from Arthur
C. Clarke, who came to the college and spoke. I found this absolutely
fascinating. I'd never been much of a science fiction buff, and Clarke
was not as famous then as he later became, but at any rate, it was
very stimulating. I read one of his books that had just been published
at that time called The Red Sands of Mars, and that again sort of
got me a little more interested in the space side of things.
When I finished at Cranfield, I went back to Canada, and after about
a year or so I was looking for the only employment in Canada in aeronautics
at the time, was with AVRO. That was the major aerospace company,
and they were working on a really neat project, the Arrow Mach 2 fighter.
The question was not whether I would join AVRO, but when. My fiancee
at that time had one more year to go at the University of Alberta,
so I went back to the University of Alberta and took a second master's
degree in fluid mechanics while Dona finished up her degree program.
Then in '55, 1955, we were married and moved down to Toronto, and
I went to work for AVRO. So for the next three years, I was essentially
heavily involved in the aerodynamics area, and my job on the AVRO
Arrow was aero-thermodynamics and [heat] transfer analysis, trying
to figure out how hot the various parts of the airplane would get
and what materials would need to be used to withstand those temperatures.
So this was, as it turned out, great training and good discipline
for what later became the opportunity at NASA.
It's a bit of a long story as to how we came to join NASA, and I say
"we" because there were about thirty or so of us Canadians
that joined NASA in the 1959 time frame. The Arrow aircraft was really
a world-beater at the time. However, it was too big a project, I think,
for the Canadian economy and the Canadian defense establishment to
tackle on their own. The groundwork to find a world market had not
been done. Nowadays, you know, you would work production sharing arrangements
and you would make sure you had a large market before you'd start
off in that sort of a production activity. But the company thought,
well, if we build a good airplane, the world will come. You know,
if you build it, they will come and beat a pathway to your door and
buy it, and all will be well. I think we sort of stuck with that naive
notion for quite a long time.
At any rate, the project had been started under the Liberal government
in the early fifties, and in '58 the Conservatives gained power, and
at about the same time the Canadian defense establishment decided
that this was a pretty expensive project that was going to totally
consume their budget, and so the upshot of all that was that the Arrow
project was canceled. It was canceled in an atrociously abrupt fashion.
One Friday morning we're all sitting at our desks working away, and
a notice comes out on the loudspeaker that the contract has been canceled,
all employment is terminated, and so something over 13,000 people
were out of work just like that, on the streets.
I think we sort of entertained the notion that this was irrational,
would get turned around, you know, and all would be well. Sort of
the denial phase of a tragedy. But it didn't happen. After a week
or two it began to sink in that, gee, we'd better start doing something.
I had two young children at the time. In fact, our daughter was only
three months old when this hit. So finding a way to put bread on the
table was very important, and under those circumstances you start
pounding the pavement and deciding, okay, now what are we going to
Well, to backtrack just a little, in about '57 the Canadian military,
who had been sort of following and monitoring the Arrow project, began
to find in their analyses some questions about what the company was
asserting the performance of the aircraft would be, and they raised,
I think, some twenty-one points at which they disputed the company's
estimate of performance.
The company had taken the data from the old NACA [National Advisory
Committee for Aeronautics] reports. At that time, as you may be aware,
the NACA, the predecessor of NASA, was sort of, in the Western world,
at least, the source of information on aerodynamics and aircraft performance
and all that sort of stuff. NACA had the best wind tunnels in the
world, the best staff. Anything to do with airplanes, the data came
out in what were then called NACA reports.
The company position—and I should say I was not personally involved
in this, so this is something that my superiors were involved with—but
the company position was that the NACA data was correct, but it had
not been interpreted correctly, and our Air Force people had taken
the NACA interpretation and not looked hard enough at the data.
Well, the upshot of that was that a group of AVRO engineers went down
to Langley [Research Center, Hampton, Virginia] to discuss this with
NACA, and I think this was in around the 1957 time frame. During the
course of these discussions, the AVRO engineers convinced the NACA
folks that indeed they had misinterpreted some of the data and that
the company was right on virtually all, I think twenty out of the
twenty-one, points.
This was apparently quite impressive to the NACA folks, so two years
later, when the company folded and all of a sudden 13,000 people are
on the streets, at least probably, oh, 400 or 500 engineers, NASA
was interested—it was by then NASA—was interested in trying
to tap into some of these folks.
So the chronology of this was that the contract was canceled February
20, 1959, and within about three weeks a team from Space Task Group
at Langley came up to interview a group of us. They suggested what
their requirements were, and something like 150 names were proposed
by the company as people that would meet these initial requirements
that NASA had stated. I think they interviewed most of that number
and extended offers to about fifty of us, and thirty to thirty-five
of us ended up going down to join Space Task Group at Langley.
I think at that time the Space Task Group had consisted of people
from the old NACA and a few engineers from industry, but it was a
fairly busy time in the industry in the United States. There weren't
a lot of people floating around available for employment. So this
was a pool of talent that NASA found and was very eager to tap into.
So in 1959, we packed up our family and our kids and possessions and
headed down to Langley, and I joined the Space Task Group in May of
1959. Somehow all of these things just sort of seemed to come back
together. Here I was indeed working on putting man in space. In my
wildest dreams, I could never have imagined a scenario playing out
to that effect, so it was a great time.
Butler: You
were following up after that explorer had talked to you in fifth grade
and said, "All right, here we go."
When you made the move, obviously you were going from Canada to the
United States, big change in not just the nations, but also in the
environment and the area. Was that any thought, or did you have any
concerns about that move?
Erb: Well,
you know, one always sort of hesitates to leave your homeland. You're
going away from things that are comfortable. But both my wife's family
and mine had had a lot of trans-border activity. My dad was born in
New Hampshire. My wife's mother was born in Idaho. So the families
had moved back and forth. I've never been a particularly political
person, and I'm not sure but what parochial nationalism hasn't been
one of the major problems in the world. So I was not desperately worried
from the national point of view.
What was really driving was the job here, was an opportunity to do
something absolutely unique and be involved right from the beginning.
So it wasn't something I thought very long about.
Butler: Quite
an opportunity.
Erb: Quite
an opportunity.
Butler: When
you did come down—no, actually, I'm sorry. Going back a step,
the Arrow—there was a rollout of the Arrow on the same day that
Sputnik was launched.
Erb: A memorable
time. [Laughter]
Butler: Certainly
memorable from your standpoint as an AVRO employee. Was Sputnik a
factor, a discussion factor at all?
Erb: It was
of great interest to me because, of course, I had been being interested
in space in general, been following activities on a couple of fronts.
About the same time, the X-15 was now flying, and [A.] Scott Crossfield
was going to the edge of space at 50 kilometers [altitude]. In 1956
and '57, you may recall there was a worldwide scientific activity
called the International Geophysical Year [IGY], and National Geographic
described in one of their articles, I think in the fall of '56, how
the United States was going to put a satellite into orbit. Of course,
that was the Vanguard satellite, and we all know what happened to
Vanguard. But at any rate, this was not widely known, I think, amongst
the public at large. The notion of artificial satellites had just
not penetrated the common psyche, but it was there. It was in publications
like Geographic, and I was intrigued with this.
So Sputnik was not a surprise. In fact, I can remember—it's
one of those things like the assassination of [John F.] Kennedy, you
remember exactly what position you were in and where you were at the
time you first heard it. I heard it on the evening news after I got
home, after the Arrow rollout. I remember my reaction was, "Gee,
we've done it." To me, this was a world accomplishment of engineering.
The fact that it was Russian was more or less immaterial.
At any rate, the era of space travel was on its way. I think the impact
of Sputnik was probably significant in the development of the Arrow
project over the next couple of years in this regard, for a variety
of reasons that I won't take too long to relate, and probably a historian
would better go into than I. The U.S. Government at the time promoted,
and the Canadian Government accepted, that manned aircraft were obsolete,
and that we were in the era of ballistic missiles, guided missiles
and space travel, and airplanes were no longer to be reckoned with,
so therefore Canada should abandon the Arrow project and buy Bomarc
missiles from Boeing, I guess it was.
It turned out that within a year or two, Canada was back in the airplane
market, trying to find airplanes to buy, and indeed has been doing
so for the last forty years. That's neither here nor there.
So the impact of Sputnik, I think, on the mind-set of people to sort
of hint that, yes, here was something else coming along that was different
from the traditional world of aircraft and fighters and interceptors
and jet planes and so on, I think this was effectively part of the
eventual demise of the Arrow. Wrong, but that was the way it was.
Butler: Certainly
mind-set and the way people perceive things is a big factor on what
happens in industry. Absolutely.
When you did come to the Space Task Group, how was the reception and
the job environment? Was it what you had expected? Did you just jump
into work and away you went?
Erb: I don't
think any of us really knew quite what to expect. I certainly didn't.
But the reception was wonderful. We were greeted warmly and it was
an absolutely marvelous group of people to work with. Of course, everybody
in the Space Task Group was tremendously goal oriented. We had one
job in mind, and that was to get a man in space within two years.
It was just a tremendous challenge, one of those things that you want
to tackle because it's just (barely) possible. At least you hope it's
barely possible.
I think the people in Space Task Group were very grateful to have
an infusion of new talent and new help, and what was astonishing was
how much responsibility we were given right off the bat. I mean, we
were just sort of thrown into the job and it was a time at which everybody
was just doing whatever needed to be done. There was no bureaucracy
or hierarchy or any of the impediments that grew up later. Maybe it
was a little too undisciplined, but at any rate, you were tackling
the technical problems and they were formidable at the time, and you
just sort of went and did what you had to do. Somehow the resources
materialized to help out whatever you needed, and it was a wonderful
and very exciting time.
So the reception was just great. I think there were fewer than—you'd
have to check the date of it—I think there were fewer than 200
people in Space Task Group at the time we came down. It was also exciting
in that about the same time the original Mercury astronauts were hired,
so I think it was in the same month that we joined Space Task Group,
the announcements were made of the hiring of the Mercury astronauts.
So everything just seemed to be coming together in this crash project
to get a man into space. A great time.
Butler: Building
it all from scratch.
You became involved, and here your graduate work came in pretty handy,
in the heat transfer and working with the Mercury heat shield. What
were some of the first things when you came in? What had already been
done on it? Then what were some of the problems you encountered? How
did you make it happen?
Erb: Well,
a lot had been done. Of course, the agency was formed in, I think,
December of 1958 and absorbed the old NACA and the Redstone arsenal
at Huntsville [Alabama] and some other elements from other agencies.
There was really a very good team that was put together to start working
on the man-in-space project. One of the giants to whom I look up was
Bob [Robert R.] Gilruth, and the way he pulled things together back
in that time frame was really amazing, and he had a wonderful team
of people, largely from Langley, who had been doing really pioneering
work in hypersonics. And another giant of the era is Max [Maxime A.]
Faget, and bless his heart, he's still around. I hope you've interviewed
Butler: Yes,
we have.
Erb: But when
I joined the Space Task Group, there were sort of two approaches that
were being considered for the heat shield. One was very straightforward,
what's called a heat sink, basically a big blob of material, in this
case beryllium. You just let it warm up and hope that there's enough
heat capacity there to absorb the total heat pulse and not allow too
much heat to soak through to the cabin and affect the astronaut.
The other approach was called the ablative heat shield. Ablation is
a term involving cutting or sacrificing. It's a Latin surgical term.
The ablative approach is one that depends on the material changing
form, in this case pyrolizing, giving off gases. The gas sort of thickens
the shock layer and allows the heat transfer rate to be reduced and
build up a char, which is also helpful in insulation.
The ablative approach was relatively new. It had been used on ballistic
missiles, but one of the major things that we faced was that the entry
for Project Mercury was very different from the entry for a ballistic
missile. If you think about the way these things work, you need to
keep the accelerations low enough for a human to survive. So a manned
entry—nowadays we'd say a human space flight entry—but
a manned entry [required a shallow entry angle to maintain]…the
low gravity levels.
That led to a long heat pulse. The heat built up over several minutes
and then tapered off, whereas a ballistic missile just penetrates
at a pretty steep angle, and the heat pulse is a matter of 60 to 90
seconds, very rapid. So the whole dynamics of the situation is different.
So one of the things that I was charged with doing was trying to figure
out how the ablative heat shield would perform, what is it really
going to do under this prolonged entry. That was something that I
worked on for several months.
In the spring of '60, I think it was, there was still a real question
as to how this was going to work, and so a flight test was developed
called Big Joe. The Big Joe Project involved taking a boilerplate
capsule, it was the right shape for a Mercury capsule, but it wasn't
like the flight article. The idea was to put it on an Atlas booster,
fly it up, and then point it back down and drive it down into the
atmosphere as fast as you could get it going to get a good heat pulse.
That we did in—I can't remember the actual flight date for Big
Joe, but at any rate, late '60 or early '61, I think.
That was the first test of the ablative heat shield, and it performed
just about like we thought it would, but it also gave me an opportunity
to calibrate my mathematical model, because I had developed a computer
program that would predict how thick the char layer would be, what
the temperatures would be, and how much heat would leak through the
back of the heat shield and into the cabin. So Big Joe was an important
flight test in that regard.
It was also interesting in another regard. In the summer of '59, shortly
after I joined Space Task Group, I was one of the new recruits, and
I was about the youngest, incidentally, of the people that came down
from Canada, so I was sort of low man on the totem pole. One of the
jobs that I got was to go and do the night watch in the Unitary Tunnel
over at Langley.
A colleague of mine, John Llewelyn, and I spent many hours on the
night shift in the Unitary Tunnel doing wind tunnel tests of the Mercury
capsule. I think we were operating in the Mach 4 or 5 range and looking
at how the heating rates varied over the front of the capsule and
along the afterbody.
One of the things that we noticed was that the heating rate was very
high on the afterbody, in some cases almost as high as on the front
face. This just didn't compute. It was against sort of the common
wisdom and the theory. We discussed that with our superiors, and nobody
wanted to sort of react to that. It was just sort of blown away as,
"Well, you've got this capsule supported on this big stinger.
It's probably an artifact of the test situation, so we won't worry
about it."
What was interesting was that when Big Joe was flown, the actual afterbody
buckled and was seriously damaged, and it was very clear that the
heating rates were a lot higher than we had anticipated and designed
for. So the result that we had noticed in the Unitary Tunnel was indeed
vindicated. So we want back and analyzed it again and, in fact, redesigned
the afterbody and at that point went to a different material and put
on the cylindrical portion of the afterbody a quarter-inch-thick beryllium
what were called shingles, to increase the [heat] capacity on the
So Big Joe was a very critical test, one of the pivotal data points
for both the afterbody heating and the heat shield itself. The heat
shield performed so well that that basically set the decision to use
the ablative shield for the Mercury capsule.
One of the problems with the heat sink was if you go through the entry
heating, now you have this great blob of beryllium sitting on the
bottom of the capsule, it's very hot. Supposing you land on the ground
in an area of sagebrush or something. Are you going to start a fire?
Can you drop the heat shield, get rid of it before you land? That
adds mechanical complexity. So the beryllium heat shield had a lot
of problems, although it was simple to analyze from a thermal point
of view.
At any rate, the upshot of all that was the Big Joe tests showed that
the ablative approach was going to work and we ended up going with
that for the rest of the Mercury flights, and it performed well, no
problem at all.
Butler: Luckily
for all involved it did. It's good that so much was gained out of
just one test, with everything going so right that you could gain
that information.
Erb: Of course,
now, the next real test to the heat shield was when you first come
back from orbit. That we did in September of '61 with, I think it
was called Mercury-Atlas 4. You may recall there were two orbital
flights before Glenn's [John H. Glenn Jr.] flight. The Mercury-Atlas
4 was with a whatever they call it, a robot in some of the documentation,
but it was really a box that produced the same sort of metabolic load
that a human produces so that you could test the cabin cooling system.
That went one orbit and reentered.
A few months later there was a two-orbit flight with a chimpanzee,
and then in February, as we all know, Glenn's flight for three orbits.
By this time—I'll get into it later, but by this time merely
returning from orbit was beginning to be sort of not that big a challenge,
and we would look at the results of each heat shield as it came back,
and I would go down to the Cape after each flight and write up the
post-flight report on the heat shield. But the performance was perfectly
nominal. Once we had flown Mercury-Atlas 4, had done an orbital entry
and the heat shield was performing the way we thought it would, I
sort of lost interest in that class of entry problems.
Butler: At
that point you moved into the AVT team with Owen Maynard, the Advanced
Vehicles Team.
Erb: Right.
Butler: And
you were working on Apollo-related work. In between that time, actually,
when Alan [B.] Shepard [Jr.] launched, President [John F.] Kennedy
had made the challenge to go to the moon by the end of the decade.
When that challenge was made, what did you think of it? What did you
think of the chances of making the deadline? I'm sure you were excited
about the chance to work on the moon project.
Erb: Right.
Well, to backtrack just a little, you're right, in the spring of 1960,
NASA was beginning to be concerned about how do we manage the Mercury
flights. They knew that we needed to maintain routine, pretty much
as constant as possible communication with the capsule as it went
around, so the then called worldwide range was set up with stations
at various points around the world.
A call went out sometime in very early 1960 for people who would like
to become flight controllers. This was sort of the genesis of what
we now have for missions operations. Anyway, that sounded sort of
interesting, and I entertained fantasies of going off to Zanzibar
[Tanzania, Africa] and other romantic places and being a flight controller,
so I threw my hat in the ring and decided that would be fun. It turns
out, I'm really not an operations type. I've learned that over the
years. But it sounded good at the time, and I was accepted as one
of the flight controller trainees, and went through, I think one or
two classes as to what this was all going to involve, when they came
along with the notion, well, we'd better begin thinking about what
comes after Mercury, and formed this Advanced Vehicle Team that you
I think, as a matter of fact, that people like Faget and Gilruth had
probably been thinking about that for a long time, but by the spring
of 1960 things were going reasonably well in Mercury, and they could
now start to put a little bit of effort toward that. So they assigned,
I think it was eight of us, including Owen [E.] Maynard and Al [Alan
B.] Kehlet and Bob [Robert G.] Chilton, I think three or four others,
and myself, and Bob [Robert O.] Piland was the leader of that team.
I was the thermal person.
We started, as you suggested, thinking about, okay, what do we do
after Mercury? This was going to become the foundation for Apollo.
This sort of challenge, because it was very clear we were going to
have to do something with going to the moon, and this sort of challenge
made Mercury sort of pale into insignificance, and that had been challenging
enough in the summer of 1959, but all of a sudden we were talking
about a whole different regime to operate in.
I was concerned, of course, about the heating aspects of return from
the moon. As you're, I'm sure, aware, when you come back from Earth
orbit, you're coming at a speed of about 25,000 feet per second. When
you come back from the moon, you're coming at 36,000 feet per second.
Now, that doesn't sound like a big difference, but it makes a huge
There are two kinds of heating that you need to consider—convective
heating, which is just heat transferred from a hot shock layer by
conduct[ion] through the atmosphere to the vehicle, and that sort
of varies as the square of the velocity. So as you put the velocity
up, the amount of [convective] heating goes up as the square of the
velocity. What is even worse, though, if you come back into the atmosphere
at a high enough speed, you build up a very hot shock layer, and the
temperature of the air in the shock layer is so high that you can
radiate a substantial amount of heat right directly to the heat shield,
and this radiative heating was not something that we really had to
contend with for orbital returns. It just isn't a parameter. It's
not hot enough to cause a problem. But coming in at lunar return speed,
it's quite a different situation.
So getting a grip on this radiative heating was one of the major challenges
that we struggled with through 1960 and '61, and we had a little bit
of data from shock tunnels. We had a little bit of data from the kind
of tests where you fire a small pellet down an instrumented range
and see how the shock wave builds up. But skimpy data. And it was
really exciting when we managed to get all the data that existed on
to one sheet of what we call three-cycle-log log paper. The scatter
in the data was terrible. Over the course of another year it began
to get better, but we were doing a lot of pioneering in the sense
of really having to try to bring some judgment to play as to how serious
this was going to be and what we should try to design for.
So during '60 and '61, while Shepard's flights were going on, we were
looking hard at the design for the reentry vehicle, the other aspects
of the lunar mission, and, for me, the radiative heating and how you
protect against it.
I think I'm one of these people who's pretty optimistic. I think if
you're going to be in the engineering game, you have to sort of say,
"Well, sure, we'll find a way." I was absolutely convinced,
at least on an article of faith that I'd held since grade five, that
man would go to the moon, so, you know, it was just a question of
how, how and when. It wasn't a question of would we. So I was quite
convinced that it was possible, and whether or not you can do it in
the time available and with the resources you have, that's another
But at any rate, I think the technical team down at the level I was
working at was convinced this was a doable thing to tackle. I understand
from much later conversation that when Kennedy said this was what
he wanted to do, he wanted to make this challenge, that Bob Gilruth
allowed that, "Well, yeah, probably got a chance of doing it."
Now, Gilruth was very absolutely solid and a somewhat conservative
engineer, and I expect he, in his heart of hearts, was confident we
could do it, but he didn't want to over-promise. At any rate, that
was what the political system and our political masters wanted to
do, and I think in a way seeing this come out as a national commitment,
stated at the highest levels, and enunciated so clearly and with such
very crisp and defined goal, those of us on the team were just absolutely
thrilled that, "Okay, now we've got the charter. Let's go get
it." It was great.
Butler: Certainly
an exciting—I don't think you'd have many that would say, "Oh,
no, I don't want to do that."
Erb: We just
didn't have that kind of people in the program. There were people
that were cautious, of course, and wanted to make sure that we did
things in a sensible way, but we were very success oriented. The question
was, how do you do it and what do you have to do to get there.
Butler: How
do you make it happen?
Erb: How do
you make it happen?
Butler: You
mentioned the radiative heating and how the reentry from the moon
was so different than reentry from Earth orbit. Looking at how you
find this information in the first place, because you haven't—you
know the Earth orbit because you've sent vessels up there, but at
the time, had you had anything return from the moon to know any—
Erb: No, there
were no entry tests of anything like lunar return speed until much,
much later, so during the '63, '64, '65 period, we were doing the
detailed analysis on the thermal protection system, figuring out what
the heating rates were, looking at different kinds of entries, and
trying to bracket how bad it could be.
I might mention that for Apollo there were a couple of extreme cases,
and we had to sort of design the heat shield for both of those cases.
If you consider yourself at the moon and you're looking back at the
Earth, you have to come in and hit at just the right angle. There's
a narrow range of angles at which you can enter the atmosphere, called
an entry corridor. If you are too low, you will dig into the atmosphere
too deeply. The accelerations will be too high, and your crew and
your vehicle won't survive. In fact, it looks like that's exactly
what happened to the Mars climate vehicle that was lost a few weeks
ago. If you hit at too shallow an angle, you will skip and take a
homeless exit toward Venus, and that will be the end of it. So you've
got to hit just right in that right corridor.
If you hit at the bottom edge of the corridor, you get a very high
heating rate, but a short pulse. If you hit at the top of the corridor,
you sort of drag in over a 5,000-mile entry and you have a long heat
pulse, but a lower peak heating. We basically had to design the heat
shield to accommodate this range of conditions.
Now, as it turned out, our colleagues in the guidance world always
managed to hit right dead on in the center of the corridor and everything
was very nominal. So we never really exercised the heat shield for
any of the [extreme] design conditions. I can remember on some occasions
being given a lot of grief for the fact that my heat shield was two
and a quarter inches thick at the leading edge and it only charred
about two-tenths of an inch, and why had I overdesigned it so grossly?
I would have to go through this argument that we had to design it
for conditions that we never experienced.
But the testing of the Apollo heat shield was one of the more interesting
things that I've wrestled with for a number of years, because while
you have facilities on the Earth—arc jets and other test facilities—you
can never simultaneously get all the right conditions. You can test
to the…[right] pressure, you can test to the right temperature,
you can test at the right heating rate, but you can't do these simultaneously.
So one of the major things that I look back on as really a unique
part of my activity was to build the mathematical model that allowed
test data from various facilities and places to be sort of put together
analytically so that you could make a projection that, yes, this is
really going to work and it's going to work the way you say it is,
but you can never do a full-scale test. I think that's probably unique
to the heat protection system on Apollo. It was the only critical
system that you couldn't subject to the real final entry conditions
on the ground or any way until you actually flew it. So it was a good
We did fly in—I want to say about '66, on a Saturn 1B, a test
that was designed, almost like the old Big Joe test, to fly up and
drive it back down to get higher and higher speeds and test out the
heat shield. The only problem was, we just didn't have enough capability
to build the velocity up, so we were able to get a little higher than
orbital speed, about 28,000 feet per second, but still not enough
to give any appreciable amount of radiative heating.
So we were really relying on our math models, and I felt pretty confident
that we were going to do all right. As a matter of fact, my then supervisor,
in Structures and the Mechanics Division, an absolutely delightful
fellow named Joe [Joseph N.] Kotanchik—and I'm sure you've heard
that name from time to time.
Butler: Yes.
Erb: Bless
his departed soul. Joe had a way of framing questions to really focus
your thinking. He said to me one time, said, "Bryan, when we
come back from the moon for the first time, and the crew has come
out of lunar orbit, and you know that in three days your heat shield
is going to be tested at full lunar return speed, are you going to
sleep well those nights?"
I thought a minute and I said, "Yes." And I did.
So for me, of course, the Apollo 8 was the real test case. That was
the first time we really brought in the command module at full lunar
return speed.
Butler: Crew
aboard and all.
Erb: Crew
and all, and everything worked just as we had projected, so after
that I was—well, I was pretty confident before, but after that,
you know, it's okay. We know we can do it, the heat shield is going
to perform perfectly well. So that was the real acid test for the
Apollo heat shield.
Butler: It's
great that you were able to have that confidence going into it, that
you knew that it would work, that you had been able to do enough planning
and modeling and testing.
Erb: Of course,
there was a tremendous amount of work went into this, as you can imagine,
not only at NASA, but our prime contractor, North American, the heat
shield contractor, which was AVCO [Corporation] in Everett, Massachusetts.
We did wind tunnel tests all over the place, whatever facility would
help give us additional data.
There were some hairy moments. One that I recall was that Langley
had been running some tests on their own, and they had tested the
Apollo heat shield material and found it, in their view, wanting.
They said it was going to deteriorate much too rapidly. A test to
fly a small sample of the material about a foot in diameter, [and
the shape was a]…replica of the…[front face of the command
module], was devised to launch on a Scout vehicle.
I don't know if you're familiar with the Scout, but it's a three-stage
rocket that was launched in those days from Wallops Island. The idea
again, drive this up with a couple of stages and back down with one
to get a reasonable heating pulse. This test was of great concern
to the Langley people and they said, "The material is going to
fail. It's not going to survive this test."
And just as the launch was ready to go, they raised the flag again
and the decision came down to Max Faget. Max tracked me down. I was
in a meeting somewhere and he had me hauled out of the meeting and
talked to me on the phone. He said, "Bryan, should we fly the
Scout mission? Langley says it's going to fail."
I said, "No, they're wrong. They did their testing at the wrong
pressure. When you fly the actual mission, it's going to work just
And Max, bless his heart, said, "Okay, I believe you," and
he backed me up and said, "Fly it," and it did, and everything
was fine. So it sort of showed to me again that you've just got to
be very careful not to latch on to one data point in one facility,
because you can't replicate [the conditions], so you've just got to
be confident in your model and go with the model that best fits all
the data. So that was a further vindication.
Butler: That's
good that Max Faget obviously knew that you were a specialist in your
job, you knew what you were doing, and you had the facts to go with
Erb: I think
this was pretty characteristic of Space Task Group. We had an awfully
dedicated group of people, but the management was absolutely solid,
and they were good engineers in their own right. They knew when you
were blowing smoke and when you had something that was substantive.
If they felt you were on solid ground, they would back you all the
way. It was a great environment to work in.
Butler: Talking
of the management, and we've talked about Max Faget a little bit,
luckily we have had the chance to talk with him on this project, you
also mentioned Bob Gilruth a couple of times. Unfortunately, we can't
talk with him. Did you have a chance to work very closely with him
or was it more where he was just in charge of the whole program?
Erb: More
the latter. He was, of course, the director of Project Mercury when
I joined the program. He was one of the people who came up to Toronto
to interview us when we joined the Space Task Group. I was, of course,
in meetings from time to time with Gilruth, and I was always impressed
at his balance and his way of trading risk and opportunity. He had
such a wealth of experience going back, as I'm sure you're aware,
to the early days of stratospheric ballooning with [Jean] Piccard.
This sort of historical connection was always intriguing to me, that
we had this sort of continuity from stratospheric ballooning in the
thirties to space flight in the fifties.
But I never really did have the opportunity to work with him in a
technical basis, but I think he was, let me say, really the intellectual
driver of the Space Task Group in the sense of what it should be doing.
He was the grand strategist. I have just great regard for Gilruth.
Butler: It
seems like he had a lot of very good things that he was able to contribute
to the program.
Erb: And I
think he never got, in my view, the sort of public acknowledgement
that he really deserved. He was a very quiet and unassuming person.
He never put himself forward. So if you sort of compare—and
I don't mean to detract from Wernher von Braun, but von Braun was
sort of the public figure of the age, and people sort of thought he
was NASA. NASA Headquarters in Washington, the administrator of NASA,
people like Gilruth, none of those had the press or the publicity
that von Braun did, and von Braun was sort of the spokesman. He was
a very articulate and powerful spokesman. Like I say, I don't want
to in any way diminish his contribution, but I think Gilruth was quite
a peer, at least of von Braun's, but almost invisible to the American
public, and I think that's a shame.
Butler: It
is. It is. Well, hopefully we can, through projects like this, we
can help.
Erb: I think
as you read the histories that have been written so far, like [Apollo:]
Race to the Moon [by Charles Murray and Catherine Bly Cox] and the
book by [Andrew] Chaikin [A Man on the Moon: The Voyages of the Apollo
Astronauts], you know, the Gilruth role and the role of the engineers
comes through, and that's good to see.
Butler: Very
good to see. You've talked a couple of times about developing the
model for testing the Apollo heat shield and evaluating and combining
the various analyses. How much did you work with computers at that
Erb: That's
a good question. I got thinking about that last night. My first exposure
to computers was before I left AVRO. At that time, '57, '58, we had
just started into the use of digital computers and had an IBM 704,
which was sort of the big machine of the time. Hence, it's amazing
to think that a major aerospace company or aircraft company like AVRO
and, indeed, Space Task Group ran their whole programs on an IBM 704.
My laptop has vastly more power now than the 704 had in those days.
I was working very little with it at AVRO. I really got into computers
after I joined Space Task Group. My first exposure—and I'm really
dating myself on this, but I guess that's the name of the game—was
with a computer that was put out by Bendix [Corporation]. It was called
the Bendix G15. It was a big gray box about twice the size of a refrigerator.
The data transfer medium was a punched paper tape. You've probably
never seen a punched paper tape for a computer, but that was the way
the bits were put into the machine. You programmed it in what would
be called assembly level language. That is to say you would get this
number from this buffer and you put it here, and you get this number
from this buffer and you put it there, and you add the two of them
together, so the instruction set was gruesomely complicated. But I
worked with that for quite a number of months.
Then took a course in FORTRAN programming for use on the IBM and wrote
most of my ablation performance programs and that sort of thing, in
FORTRAN, and would come up with the projections as to what the heat
shield was going to do under certain circumstances. So '59, '60 was
my first introduction to computers, and it was another exciting thing
to learn.
Butler: Absolutely.
I'm sure at the time you would never have imagined how computers would
grow so rapidly and change so quickly.
Erb: That's
true. It was, of course, many years before we really got into the
personal computer era, but my wife, who [was] a computer systems analyst
[engineer] for the Mitre Corporation, of course, I think had a much
better vision of how these things were going to develop. When the
very first personal computers began to come along in the late seventies,
we got into that quite early on. So we have been heavily into that
for quite a long while now.
Butler: It's
always interesting to look at how in the early days of the space program
you were working with these large computers that did only have, in
comparison to today, a limited ability, and slide rules also, and
just paper, but we're going to the moon.
Erb: Absolutely.
Yes. When one thinks about some of these things and thinks what will
history say about what these people did, I look at the Mercury capsule
from time to time and say people 100 years from now will wonder what
sort of barbarians were we, that we would put a human in that vehicle
and send them off on a rocket into space. But, you know, that was
what we could do, and it had worked well and we learned from it a
great deal.
Butler: As
you were working throughout the program, Mercury and Apollo, were
you aware, or even NASA as a whole Space Task Group, of what was going
on with the Russian program? Did that have a lot of impact on you,
or any at all?
Erb: I'm sure
the senior management were very well plugged into what the Russians
were doing to the extent that the intelligence community had information
on this. At my level I saw only what I read in the papers, for the
most part. Of course, we followed what the Russians did publicly in
flights like [Yuri] Gagarin's, which was, incidentally, on my thirtieth
birthday, so it's one of those days I remember.
We were generally well impressed with the Russian program. It was
clear they had a solid program, no doubt about it. They put a lot
of emphasis on it and they flew well and flew safely and had a good
There was a considerable anxiety over whether or not we would really
beat them to the moon. In the '67 time frame, and I remember one of
my Headquarters colleagues at the time, Omar Salmassi, who later went
to work with TRW, he was saying that they were convinced that the
Russians were going to try a moon shot in '67, on the fiftieth anniversary
of the Bolshevik Revolution. That was the sort of notion that had
a certain ring of truth to it. It would be the kind of thing that
you'd like to do if you were in their shoes. As we learned later,
they never even got close, but it was a goad to our activity to sort
of keep us stimulated, that this really is a race. We've got a very
competent adversary out there who's working hard and has resources,
too, and we want to make sure we do it.
To digress a second, though, I think the challenges that we faced
on Mercury in a way laid the groundwork that made Apollo successful
and worked against the Russians succeeding in this sense. Because
of the miniaturization of nuclear warheads, the United States was
able to build an intercontinental ballistic missile with a much smaller
throw weight than the Russians. And for ICBM purposes, this is fine.
You don't want your missile to be any bigger than necessary. The Atlas,
as you may recall, had a capacity of about a ton. Turned out it was
increased for Mercury purposes to about a ton and a half.
But at any rate, that was the target that we had to work with, and
we had nominally a ton to a ton and a half in which to build a man-carrying
space vehicle. The Russians had substantially more throw weight, three
or four times as much, and so they did not have to push the technology
as hard to miniaturize it, to make it compact, in order to do the
orbital flights. The data point that I recall is that the whole environmental
control system for Mercury had to weigh in at under 80 pounds, which
is not very much.
So that when we came to doing Apollo a few years later, we had pushed
our technology to the point where we could do some of these things
in a more compact basis and within the confines of a single Saturn
V, do a lunar orbit rendezvous trip to the moon. The Russians had
never achieved that degree of compactness, so their lunar vehicle
was absolutely enormous, zillions of engines, multiple stages, and
many, many problems, and they never succeeded.
So I think from the standpoint of having enough challenge to really
push you, not so much that you get overwhelmed—I guess sort
of as a historian you would appreciate [Arnold] Toynbee's point of
view. You want just the right challenge. You don't want so much that
you drive civilization under, but you want enough to stimulate it
to achieve great things. The limits on the ballistic missile capacity
stimulated the Mercury design and reverberated all through the later
Butler: Very
interesting. [Brief interruption.]
During the time that the program was going on, Mercury had been going
and everything was based in Virginia, then as Apollo began to get
up to speed, it was realized that there were a lot more considerations
that were going to have to be taken under. The decision was made to
move the center down to Houston [Texas]. What did you think of that
decision and that move at the time?
Erb: We were
so interested in the job that it really didn't matter. It was interesting,
though, to go back just a little further, when I signed on at Langley
the very first day, in May of '59, I was told, "You'll be here
for two years. After that, you're going to Beltsville, Maryland, because
we, Space Task Group, are part of the [Goddard] Space Center."
Bob Gilruth, aside from being director of Project Mercury, was an
assistant director for human space flight, or manned space flight,
I guess, at the time, of the Goddard Space Flight Center. So the only
practical difference that made was that when we did get a little bit
of time off, we explored to the south, thinking that we would be going
to the Washington [D.C.] area in two years and living there.
As it turned out, the manned space flight program was much too big
to be contained within one arm of Goddard, and I think this realization
began to sink in to people in the 1960, early '61 time frame. By about
middle of '61, the announcement came that we were going to become
an autonomous center and become the Manned Spacecraft Center, and
that we would move. It wasn't stated at the time, of course, where
we would move.
Then they went through this notion of a site selection activity, and
people trooped around the country looking for appropriate places.
I think if anybody had been plugged into the political side of the
scene—and I was very apolitical at the time—you would
have very quickly said that Lyndon [B.] Johnson, as head of the Space
Council and Vice President, he comes from Texas, we will end up in
Texas. It should have been axiomatic, but it wasn't. And they went
through this site selection charade and looked at places that I think
boiled down to providing photo opportunities for local congressmen,
but there was no serious intent, I don't think, of going anywhere
else than Houston.
So at any rate, it really didn't matter all that much to me. I enjoyed
Virginia, a nice area, but once you've sort of left home, it doesn't
make all that much difference, you know, where you're going to go.
If the job is interesting, your family's with you, fine. You do what
is required. So we didn't have any qualms about moving to Texas, even
though we'd just built a house in Virginia not long before. This decision
on moving dragged on and on, and finally we sort of said, "Well,
we've got to get out of rented accommodation and get something more
attuned to our needs," so we ended up with a house in Virginia
for four years that we didn't need and had to rent, and eventually
But the move itself was just another step along the way, and quite
exciting. We've enjoyed Texas and found it very congenial, have been
very happy here for going on forty years now.
Butler: That's
great. Great that it worked out. As you said, you had a very good
motivating factor and quite an interesting job.
Erb: Indeed.
So I sort of feel I've been making a giant circle of the continent,
from Ontario, to Langley, to Houston.
Butler: That's
Erb: Stopped
for forty years.
Butler: Sounds
like you—well, you may still make it out to the West Coast.
You still have plenty of time.
As you were working with Mercury, then you worked into the Advanced
Vehicles Group, and then Apollo, did you have any connection at all
with Gemini?
Erb: Not really.
Gemini was inserted into the program for reasons, I'll say, other
than engineering, and I think, looking at it in retrospect, it was
a brilliant move. In fact, I think one of our Canadian colleagues,
Jim [James A.] Chamberlin, was quite instrumental in promoting the
Gemini Project, and I think he and, I'm sure, others realized that
there needed to be a bridge between a single person in a very limited
spacecraft for a period of a day, and three people in a very complicated
spacecraft for a lunar mission for two weeks.
Somehow you needed to develop a lot of operational understanding.
You had to learn to do rendezvous and docking. You had to operate
multiple spacecraft, as we did with the command module and the lunar
module, and that you needed a vehicle to develop this. I think this
was the genesis of the Gemini Program. From an engineering point of
view, it was just sort of a slightly scaled-up overgrown Mercury,
no particular engineering challenges. I think I made one trip to St.
Louis [Missouri] to look at the Gemini shield, which was pretty standard
state of the art. So I really had virtually nothing to do with it,
but it was a good, solid program and an important part of the preparation
for Apollo, giving the flight experience and the operational development
Butler: A
good learning opportunity.
Erb: Very
important part of the learning process.
Butler: While
you were working with Apollo, you had a couple of different positions
in the thermal analysis section in the thermo-structures branch. Is
there any specific responsibility beyond what you've told us about,
work on the Apollo heat shield, anything that was unique to any of
those positions?
Erb: Well,
a part that I haven't talked much about is the thermal balance side
of things, which was another interesting challenge. If you consider
a spacecraft in deep space, the side facing the sun is going to be
exposed to full solar illumination. The side facing deep space is
going to just get colder and colder and colder as the heat radiates
away. So how do you maintain a balance on the spacecraft?
So part of my responsibilities during that period was to look at the
thermal balance of the whole Apollo spacecraft system as it went to
the moon and back. Now you get into a totally different aspect of
thermal analysis, then the reentry heating. You have to think about
how does heat get generated or stored or radiated to or from a vehicle,
and this is sort of another very interesting analytical area. Especially
when you think about some of these spacecraft that we were dealing
with, the lunar module being the best example, you have all these
various surfaces at different angles. As the spacecraft moves, different
parts are shadowed and different parts are illuminated. You get radiative
transfer back and forth from one part to another.
It was really an interesting analytical challenge to model the Apollo
command service module and the lunar module during the trip out to
the moon. The key, in fact, to making it work was you had to say now
we have a time-dependent vehicle. You don't want things to gradually
heat up or you could get into a damaging situation, so you design
the system to use your fuel as a heat reservoir and let it cool down
very slowly. You like it to either maintain or cool slightly. As long
as you've got this big mass of fuel, you've got a good heat reservoir.
But there were some things that we just couldn't do, and the command
module, for instance, would get to a temperature of 250 on one side
and minus 250 on the other side. So I came up with the notion that
the way to solve this problem is to use what I call the barbecue mode.
You orient the long axis of the spacecraft perpendicular to the direction
to the sun, and you just roll it slowly. This allows you to equilibrate
the heat and keep the spacecraft at a nice cozy temperature.
I can recall when we first proposed this, the crew were not very happy.
Astronauts tend to sort of blame the engineers, you know. "You're
forcing us to do something operationally because you didn't do the
right design." But you can't fight the laws of physics. If you've
got the sun on one side and deep space on the other side, you'd better
find a way of equilibrating the heat flux. So that was sort of a totally
different aspect of the thermal balance, and it was an interesting
activity and, again, highly dependent on analytical models.
Now, there we could do a little better job of testing it on the ground
before we flew than we could with the heat shield, and I'm sure you're
familiar with the large vacuum chamber over on site, the chamber A
in Building 32. That was part of the facilities in the division that
I was with, Structures and Mechanics. The large vacuum chamber was
designed to take the entire Apollo Command Service Module and Lunar
Module stack, put it on a turntable, replicate the solar illumination
via a large bank of carbon arc lamps, pump it down close to the vacuum
of space, and then just slowly rotate the spacecraft, just like we
planned to do in space, and do all this with the crew inside.
So we were able to go through a two-week simulation of the lunar mission
with the entire Apollo Command Service Module stack under really a
very good simulation of the right conditions, and that allowed us
to tune our models and adjust the parameters so that by the time we
did the mission we were very confident that we were not going to have
thermal problems on the mission. So that was a fun time, too.
Butler: Certainly
some very interesting problems and things to take into account that
you have to catch all of the unique little areas that might be to
make it all successful.
Erb: And even
though you think you've thought about them all, there's always something
that will come up and surprise you.
Butler: Always
You mentioned earlier Apollo 8 and how that was a very large test
for the heat shield and that you were very confident of that. When
they actually did get to the moon, even though it wasn't specifically—of
course, everything you had done contributed to that, but do you remember
where you were and watching it, what you were thinking when it landed?
Erb: Yes,
very clearly. After Apollo 8, I had just come back from a year at
the Sloan School, and I was really looking for sort of a new challenge.
I knew I was going to stay with Structures and Mechanics through the
Apollo 8 mission and work that mission from the backup room, but I
was looking for something new, and what came up was an opportunity
to join the Lunar Receiving Laboratory [LRL], which was a wild activity
in anybody's career.
My first exposure to this was in the fall of '68 when the laboratory
was going through its readiness review, and I was designated from
my division to represent the division on the Readiness Review Board.
So I went over and made all the usual criticisms of what needed to
be done, and as it turned out, a few weeks later I joined the staff
of the laboratory, and I had to turn around and cure all these problems
that I had identified.
But we scrambled to get the lab ready for the receipt of the lunar
rocks, and for the landing itself, we decided we would have a touchdown
party at my house and invite some of our colleagues. I splurged and
bought a color television, the first color television we'd ever had.
Of course, I was interested in, from the lab point of view, getting
the rocks back. I can remember after the guys got out on the surface,
I said to nobody in particular—and they were sort of having
a great time cavorting around and jumping and leaping and just playing—and
I said to somebody, "Quit jumping around and pick up some damn
rocks!" [Laughter]
Indeed, the rocks came back and we had a successful series of tests
in the laboratory. That whole activity, though, was a very interesting
one. Around the 1967 time frame, NASA was basically pooh-poohing the
notion of having to do anything to protect against potential problems
from the return of lunar material, but there are mechanisms that could
conceivably exist that would cause pathogenic or toxic material to
exist on the moon. The Department of Health and the Department of
Interior and the Department of Agriculture collectively are charged
with the responsibility for protecting life, limb, property, brook
trout, and crops in the United States, said, "You're not going
to bring back material from another planet without taking proper precautions."
So they forced NASA to form what was called an Interagency Committee
on Back Contamination, contamination back from another planet. NASA
sort of resisted this for a while, but eventually decided that we'd
better do something. So the response to all that was the Lunar Receiving
So we had to do two things. We had to quarantine the crew and anybody
who came into contact with them for some period of time, and—and
this was the really challenging part—we had to expose representative
Earth life forms to the lunar material, to see whether there was any
adverse effect. Just the question, what is a representative sample
of Earth life forms, you know, that in itself—how many species
are there on Earth? How do you select ones that collectively form
a representative sample? We ended up with somewhat over 100.
The whole mammalian species is represented by the mouse, so then we
had pine trees and oysters, and, you know, you name it, there were
an amazing array of life forms that we had to acquire and allow to
grow and develop and maintain a colony under conditions of containment
so that all the atmosphere and all the wastes and all the effluents
and so on from the inside of the laboratory within the so-called biological
barrier was all contained and couldn’t leak to the outside.
This was really a sort of neat engineering challenge. There was a
lot of basic background work that had been done by the military in
dealing with so-called germ warfare, so some of the techniques that
were developed, notably at Fort Detrick in Maryland, where the Army
had their main biowarfare facility, a lot of those techniques, how
you work within cabinets, keep the cabinet a slightly lower pressure
than the surrounding rooms so that any leakage of air would be inside,
and you pass that air through filters, and any material that comes
out is burned, whatever, your variety of means for moving stuff in
and out.
But this was a very neat challenge, from an engineering point of view,
to try to get this laboratory built and developed, get all these life
forms growing and be ready to accommodate the return of the crew and
the lunar samples. But it was a very intense time during the first
half of 1969. I joined the lab as a deputy manager in, I think, January
of '69, and I don't think I ever worked quite so hard in my life as
that next six months, getting ready for the lunar landing.
It was almost funny, I got to thinking last night, back in about '67,
NASA had gone through one of these routine budget exercises, and everybody
in the center had been asked to suggest ways in which we could save
money, and knowing nothing about it, I suggested, well, one of the
ways would be to defer the activation of the Lunar Receiving Laboratory.
We're not going to have to worry about samples for two years. Just
put it off a while. [Laughter] Fortunately, my recommendation had
not been taken, but I was the one that was scrambling at the end to
get the lab ready.
Butler: That's
Erb: On a
personal note, that was the first of several assignments where I seemed
to be put into a situation where I was the interpreter and the buffer
between a manager who was clearly brilliant and useful, but had certain
problems in other areas. Our lab manager at that time was an irascible
scientist named Persa [R.] Bell, P. R. Bell. It's a whole story in
itself, but at any rate, Bell had come from Oak Ridge and he had made
a name for himself in learning to handle powdered material under vacuum
conditions, and that was what we thought we were going to be doing
in the Lunar Receiving Laboratory. But Bell, bless his heart, was
almost blind. He had damaged his eyesight looking into reactors in
the early days. He had glasses about half an inch thick and a little
magnifying glass up on the top, one lens that he swung down.
The result of this was that he could read, sort of this motion [Erb
demonstrates paper close to eye, moving head back and forth], but
he was totally unaware of people's reactions to him. He lived in a
one-way world. His people skills, let us say, were just not the greatest.
So I was the interpreter and the buffer between P. R. and the rest
of the world, so that was a good learning experience, too.
The lab worked. It worked well. We had some problems with the breaches
in the biological barrier, and people would get contaminated in the
labs, and then we'd dump them into quarantine as well. We had projected
that this sort of thing could happen and that we would have lab technicians
exposed and have to add them to the crew that was being quarantined.
I believe it was a reasonably rigorous quarantine and an effective
demonstration that there were no effects of the lunar material that
showed up quickly.
You never know whether something might show up in thirty years. There
are viruses and things that will show up long after the fact, but
the theory was that if you can go through a quarantine for three weeks,
which was the time set, without adverse effect, then you're obviously
not dealing with something that is rapidly reacting and dangerous,
so you would have time to prepare a remedial action. It was a good
trade, I think, between a hazard, which was not very likely, but a
risk of perhaps life on Earth, which was immense. So it was one of
those fundamentally indeterminate things, and you just had to make
a judgment call.
Butler: Yes,
that's certainly something that we wouldn't want to just assume that
everything would be okay and then, "Oops, sorry. We didn't mean
to contaminate."
Erb: You know,
you fantasize about some of these scenarios, too. I thought supposing
we do find something really deadly. What is the action? And it went
through our minds that, well, you might, in fact, have to sacrifice
everybody in the laboratory and bulldoze it under 100 feet of dirt.
This sort of thing goes through your mind, if you really did have
something that was seriously pathogenic. But fortunately, at least
for the areas we visited, there was never anything of any serious
hazard whatsoever.
Butler: At
least so far. We've hit the thirty-year mark.
Erb: It'll
be interesting to go through this again as we tackle Mars samples
return, because in three or four years we'll be coming back with samples
from Mars, and we'll have to think through all the same decisions,
but now with, I think, a much greater likelihood of life forms from
Mars. So the quarantine issue has already been discussed again.
Butler: Should
be interesting to see what comes of that. We'll go ahead and pause
here briefly to change out the tape.
Erb: Okay.
[Recorder turned off.]
Butler: We
were talking about your work at the Lunar Receiving Laboratory and
the challenges that you had to work with, some that you had found
yourself in the job to make it all work and to deal with the back
contamination issue. Did you also have many considerations for the
scientific issues, like what would be done with the rocks after they
were brought back? Or was that a later consideration?
Erb: No, that
was very much a simultaneous consideration, because one of the things
that we were trying to do was develop a process for doing the preliminary
examination of the rocks in a timely enough way so that we could get
one mission out of the way before we would get another mission in
on top of it. So in the judgment of the senior management of the center
and some of us in the laboratory, that required, let me say, some
rigor and some procedures and a fairly good step-by-step process to
be adopted.
As it turned out, this was a point of major conflict, because the
scientific mind-set was not much given to adhering to procedures.
They would say, "Well, what do you mean, procedures? I'd just
put my hands in the gloves in the compartment and I'd do my geological
thing, or whatever my thing is." But we knew we had a lot of
aspects of the work that we really needed to have somewhat disciplined
so the rocks would be handled, cut, chipped, numbered, whatever needed
to be done in a structured way.
So this caused a lot of heated argument between the—and it boiled
down to engineers versus scientists. The engineers wanted things structured
and rigid and proceduralized, and the scientists wanted to just sort
of free float. It caused a particular lot of conflict between P. R.
Bell and myself.
We eventually, I think, came to a good accommodation, though, and
we ended up with procedures that allowed us to track things properly,
catalog things properly, but I don't believe in any way disrupt the
scientific integrity of what needed to be done by the investigators.
Then another side of that, of course, was the curatorial side. How
do you decide which pieces of what rocks go to what investigators
for detailed analysis? Because, of course, the laboratory was just
doing, as I've mentioned, the two functions of quarantining the crew
and making sure that the lunar material was not going to be harmful
to life on earth, but it was also doing this preliminary examination.
The goal of the preliminary examination was basically to get a first
look at what the scientific return was from the mission and provide
appropriate samples to specialist investigators who would then get
these samples in their labs and do extended investigations over long
periods of time.
So, dividing up the samples, getting the right bits and pieces of
rock to the right investigators, that was another major part of the
lab's function. That was another point of—what shall I say—considerable
conflict. Everybody thought they should have the biggest piece of
the best rock, and the curatorial mind-set—and it's a good thing—the
curatorial mind-set is, give away as little as possible so that you
have some left for later investigators years or decades hence. Eventually,
though, you strike a balance, and it was a good experience.
We ended up with, I guess, overall thousands of investigators all
over the world examining the rocks in various detail, and we've had
a Lunar Science Conference pretty much every year since 1969, and
new material is coming out, new understandings year after year after
Butler: Absolutely.
There's a lot still to learn, I'm sure.
Erb: And there
will be a lot more as we visit new sites on the moon, because the
Apollo sampling was relatively limited. We visited six sites, and
all were near the Equator. So you imagine how much are you going to
find out about the Earth by sampling in six places near the Equator,
and there would be a lot you wouldn't know.
Butler: Quite
a lot. Though the moon's not as big as the Earth, it's still a very
big place and a lot of different things going on. Hopefully it won't
be too much longer before we get some of those other samples.
Erb: I'd like
to see us get back to the moon.
Butler: Absolutely.
When the first samples came back from Apollo 11, you mentioned watching
while they were bouncing around on the moon and you wanting them to
pick up some rocks. When they came back, were you there when the boxes
were first opened?
Erb: Yes.
Another function that the lab performed, by the way, was to prepare
the sample return boxes, which we very carefully cleaned and prepared,
the metal boxes and the special bags and the tools, so that when the
crew acquired the samples on the lunar surface, they were not taking
forward contamination out to the moon, because we wanted to be very
sure, of course, that the samples, when we did get the box back and
opened it up, that they were pristine and not affected in any way
with contaminants from the Earth.
So, yes, it was an exciting time to open the box the first time. The
rocks were all dusty, though. One of the lunar investigators described
the process that involved the transport as sort of a shake-and-bake.
You had a certain amount of dust and the rocks themselves, and in
the trip back and splashing back into the ocean and all the disturbances
of the transport, you ended up with dust all over everything. So,
of course, one of the first problems was to sort of clean the rocks
and get a look at the real rocks themselves.
But not being a geologist, of course, I never really particularly
appreciated, I'm sure, the nuances of the different kind of rocks,
and yet I did many years ago take one geology course and I tried to
learn a little more about it during the time I was in the lab, at
least enough to be able to talk to lab visitors and sort of say what
are the rocks like, what are their analogs on Earth, and that sort
of thing. So I didn't have a great deal to do specifically with the
science other than to try, again, to be sort of an interpreter to
the lay public.
Butler: As
you were working with the Lunar Receiving Lab and the rocks and so
forth, did you think back to that explorer that had come to your classroom
and said some day people would be going to the moon?
Erb: Interesting
question. I can't say that I did. I probably did at the time.
Butler: Exciting
enough that it was all happening.
Erb: It was
all happening.
Butler: You've
gone through quite a change from working with the heat shield and
the thermal considerations, and you've mentioned that you had gone
to the Sloan School and had a brief hiatus there. Then you came back
and wanted to get into something different, you said. What drove your
interest in going to a new area?
Erb: I think
I have always liked to tackle new challenges. I guess maybe I have
a short attention span or something, I don't know. But I've been fortunate
through my career to have new opportunities every three, four, five
years to do something different.
When I went to the Sloan School, I was very much interested in management
processes and sort of the management theory and so on. When I came
back, I wanted to try to apply that at the center. As it turned out,
I don't think NASA in general—maybe it's a feature in government—has
been all that taken with management theory, and I don't think NASA
really knew how to use career development training of the sort that
the Sloan School offered.
In fact, to digress a moment, it was interesting that of the forty-five
members in our class, roughly two-thirds were from industry and one-third
from government. When the Sloan year was coming to an end, without
exception the people from industry either received visits, in the
most case, visits, or, in some cases, phone calls from their senior
management, and they would be told, "You're nearly through your
year at Sloan School. Here's what we have planned for you. Here's
what you're going to do next. Here's the next step of your career."
Equally without exception, everybody from government received no contact
whatsoever from their home establishments. We had to initiate the
communication. I wrote Max Faget and said, in effect, "Yoo-hoo!
I'm coming back. I would like to do something new and different. What
do you have for me?" And the reaction I got was, "Oh, yeah,
right. You're coming back. Well, we'll find something." Very,
very casual. That should have been a message to me, but at any rate.
I think I had done my thing on Apollo. I was interested in seeing
the final missions, but I was really looking for moving out of the
engineering area into something different. So when the opportunity
came to join the Space and Life Sciences and move into the lab, that
sounded good to me, and I guess I thought at the time, "Okay,
I can now bring some of this newly acquired management theory and
understanding to bear on this particular task."
So I've seldom stayed at any one thing for more than three or four
or five years, and the LRL was another example. I was there, I guess
two and a half, three years before moving into the remote sensing
area, which was yet another issue.
Butler: Sort
of similar. You were dealing with rocks in the lab, and remote sensing
is looking back at the Earth or the other planets. And, of course,
all of them were applying still some engineering in some respects.
How did the opportunity arise to go into the remote sensing area?
Erb: Well,
if you recall, in '68 there was a lot of unrest in the country, civil
disturbances, the Watts riots, the Martin Luther King [Jr.] assassination.
I think I went through a period in that time frame that I really began
to question the merit of the lunar program and space-faring. I was,
I think, searching for something that was perhaps of more [direct]
benefit to humans and life on Earth. When the work of the lab began
to wind down and we were no longer worried about the quarantine, I
began to ask myself, "Okay, what can we do in the lab using these
facilities, chemical, analytical facilities, and other things to perhaps
support things like remote sensing," which NASA was doing. That
really never came to anything. The facilities were too unique to geoscience
and lunar materials to make them generally applicable. But at any
rate, we explored that a little bit.
Then the opportunity came to move into the remote sensing area and
run what was called the applications office, which was basically how
could you apply remote sensing to practical problems, in this case
in the Houston area, problems in forestry, water quality, range management,
and so on. That seemed to just sort of mesh with this sort of—what
shall I say—increasing social consciousness that I was developing.
So that sounded like a good thing, so I made that move in, I guess
it must have been early '72.
Butler: In
between or, I guess, while you were still with the Lunar Receiving
Lab, Apollo 13 happened. Though you had been out of the direct engineering
involvement, there were some considerations on Apollo 13 such as had
the heat shield been damaged by the explosion, and getting them into
the roll after the accident and so forth. Did you have any involvement
on that?
Erb: Not really.
I was watching it with great interest, although, as a matter of fact,
during that time I by that time had been promoted to be manager of
the Lunar Receiving Laboratory. Bell had left. It was the one time
that I had a badge that allowed me into Mission Control Center at
high-activity times. So as soon as I heard about the accident, I zipped
over to the viewing room to watch what was going on. I didn't really
think that I could contribute anything in the heat shield side of
things. My successors in the Structures and Mechanics [division] were
perfectly well on top of the problem, but I was, of course, desperately
interested in it from the standpoint of what was going on to the mission.
And also, of course, we realized that this was going to mean that
we didn't have a sample return issue, that we would not be, in fact,
activating the lab during that particular mission. So it made it quite
a different mission from 11 and 12.
Butler: I'm
sure you weren't alone in following the mission. I'm sure quite a
few people—
Erb: Absolutely
amazing time. I've known Glynn [S.] Lunney for a long time, and I
was really impressed with the way he pulled the crew together there
in the Mission Control and was doing the diagnosis. I have a great
regard for flight controllers. They're another unique breed, and they
earn their money under times like that.
Butler: Yes,
some hard times.
Working in the remote sensing, in the Earth observation, what roles
did you get into there? What were some of your duties and tasks and
Erb: In the
Earth Observations Division, I was at first running the Applications
Office, as I mentioned, and then later I was chief of the division.
This was an exciting time to get into the remote sensing area. Up
to this point it had been largely dependent on aircraft observations,
but in 1972, if I've got my chronology straight, NASA launched the
first—what is now called LANDSAT, but at that time they were
called the Earth Resources Technology Satellite, or ERTS. Terrible
At any rate, one of the very first things I did was we put in proposals
to NASA Headquarters to do investigations in the Houston Area Test
Site, which was an eighteen-county area that we had defined in the
region, to use the data from this Earth satellite to assist various
parameters on the ground. So I was principal investigator for a series
of investigations in range management, agriculture, water management,
urban land use, and so on. So again it gave me an opportunity to learn
about a whole bunch of new things.
It was also interesting in that this was one of the hot areas in the
center, in that every visitor who came to Johnson Space Center [formerly
Manned Spacecraft Center] during those years wanted to know what we
were doing in remote sensing. So we had innumerable visitors to deal
with, and I tended to be the spokesman to talk about the remote sensing
program and what we were doing. Sometimes we were looking for collaborative
programs with people from other agencies. Sometimes there were people
from like China and other countries. I had the opportunity, at the
request of George [M.] Low, to brief Anwar Sadat when he was visiting
the center, for instance. It was good from the standpoint of not only
learning new technologies and new scientific disciplines, but also
getting a much more international outlook.
In the '73, '74, '75 time frame, we decided that we really needed
a major project to focus the technology development, and our division
chief at that time, Bob [Robert B.] MacDonald, who, bless his heart,
was another one of these irascible people who had an awful lot to
bring to the program, but some problems with dealing with people,
and I was the buffer and the interpreter again.
He conceptualized the need for a program that would really stretch
remote sensing, again the challenge notion. He said, "What we
really need to do is something very challenging, like inventory wheat
around the world." Okay. So at any rate, we conceived, and I
was one of the major architects, of what we call the Large Area Crop
Inventory project, or Experiment, LACIE, and we ended up focusing
in on a few of the major wheat-growing countries—United States,
Canada, Russia, Australia, Argentina, and, to a much lesser extent,
Europe. So my horizon at that time blossomed to international and
I negotiated agreements with Australians for sharing data and so on.
So it was an interesting time from a number of points of view—technology,
international engagement, and trying to use space means for human
needs. We developed some very good technology. As it turned out, the
United State Department of Agriculture [who] was our main customer,
were—well, let me say sort of set in traditional ways, and they
never really adapted the technology to the extent that they could
have. Years later they did cycle around, but it was a little bit frustrating
that we were doing all this good work and our putative user out there
was not really that interested in picking it up. They did assign people
here to the center, and those people, of course, were very keen on
it, but large bureaucratic establishments change only [slowly]—
Butler: There's
many different applications. You mentioned the one with agriculture
and looking at the wheat and that project. Of course, there's applications
for meteorology, for other land use and so forth. Were others slow
to adapt to that use as well, like the Department of Agriculture,
or did some people realize the potential right away, or did you notice
much any—
Erb: Not that
I was particularly involved with it, but from discussions with meteorologists,
I know that the meteorological community was very slow to adopt or
to see the merit of imagery from satellites. And we're so used to
this now, I mean, we have got to the point where we look at the imagery
from a satellite, everybody can make some interpretation, you know
which way that hurricane is going, you know which way that front is
moving, but in the early days I understand the meteorological community
just really didn't think that would be all that much use, and only
slowly came around to the notion of [utilizing] this sort of data
from space.
So I think totally new ways of doing things just take a while to penetrate.
Eventually the merit of a new data source sort of penetrates, and
people pick it up and embrace it and then very soon can't do without
it. I think that's probably been true in most areas of space data
applications. Yes, we worked a lot of different applications and worked
issues with Houston Lighting and Power as to how the plume of effluent
cooling water from a powerplant gets spread out through the bay and
what does it do to the fish and this sort of thing. So it was really
intriguing from the standpoint of having to learn a lot of new things
and meeting a lot of neat people in the process.
Butler: Very
interesting area, and it seems to be an area that, as you said, now
we take our weather reports for granted and flip it on in the morning
before going to work, and at night you're always having that weather
report looking at the satellite picture. But again there are these
other uses, like you said, the Houston Power and the agriculture.
But it seems like a lot of the general average person or average public
aren't as aware of the fact that this is coming from space technology,
from satellites and down to Earth. Did you see any of that, or have
you seen that?
Erb: Yes,
you see it now, I think, in terms of a new technology, once it's adopted,
sort of drifts into the background and becomes transparent. Like you
never think, when you make a telephone call to Europe, that you're
probably going via satellite now. It's just sort of there. I think
people who navigate their boat around Galveston Bay or the Caribbean
or wherever, with their hand-held GPS [Global Positioning System]
receiver, they're probably focused on the fact that they've got this
little gizmo that does things that are effectively magic, and the
fact that it is simultaneously querying three or four satellites that
are zipping around, invisible above them, never occurs to them.
But you know the technology has come along in some marvelous ways,
and one I'm really excited about is the so-called precision agriculture,
where a farmer can optimize the yield from his fields by knowing where
the weedy areas are, where the low-lying areas are, tracking these
from year to year, applying fertilizer only in the cases where it's
going to be most effective, applying insecticide where it's going
to be most effective. A lot of this data comes either from satellite
observations of the field or from GPS data that he acquires as he
drives his tractor around, so that he knows what is where. These are
things that again I'm sure the farmer probably doesn't even have to
think about it; it's just a new sort of data source.
A hundred years ago, people got used to the idea of a newspaper appearing
on their doorstep every morning with news of the world that came in
by teletype from places that were inaccessible before. Now people
click on the weather or they do something like locate themselves with
their sailboat using space technology and never even think about it,
which, in a way, is good, but if you're trying to engender interest
in the space program, you somehow have to find ways of keeping this
in front of people's mind, that this is what enables all these really
neat things to take place. It's not an easy task.
Butler: That
comes back to the balances we were talking about. How do you find
the right one and accomplish what you want to accomplish? It should
be interesting to see what happens in the next few years as technology
continues to expand and grow.
Erb: Indeed
it will.
Butler: While
you were working with the remote sensing and Earth observation, were
you involved much in any of the activities going on on the Skylab
Erb: Yes,
I was also a principal investigator on Skylab for the so-called EREP,
Earth Resources Experiment Package. The Skylab had a number of sensors,
including large-format cameras, radiometers, and we got some excellent
data from the Skylab. It was different from the suite of data that
came out of the ERTS, in that Skylab had a fairly limited ground track,
and some of these sensors depended on the return of actual photographic
film, so that it acquired data only over limited regions of the Earth,
whereas ERTS got data for everything. But the data quality was much
So we looked at some of the same issues as we had with ERTS, but doing
it with Skylab and got wonderful imagery from the large-format cameras.
It was great to be able to, if you were giving a talk in some town,
to be able to come up with one of these marvelous images of the city
that you were speaking in, taken from the Skylab. So, yes, it augmented
the data that came from the satellite, but it was sort of a relatively
short-lived kind of thing in the unique data set in itself.
Of course, in later years, and it was just starting when I left the
earth resources area, we began to get some data from the Shuttle,
which had its own suite of instruments on certain flights. Of course,
the crew was always taking pictures out the window, which was always
fun to tell them what to look for and what to try to image. So Shuttle
has turned out to be, again, an immensely useful tool for earth resources
applications development.
Butler: During
this time were you involved mainly with the—as the data came
back and looking at the uses and interpreting it, or were you also
involved with developing any of the equipment used to collect that
Erb: I was
never personally involved with the hardware side of collecting the
data. We sort of kept track of what was going on so that we knew the
characteristics of the instruments, but for the most part, that was
done elsewhere. The ERTS and then LANDSAT series of instruments were
managed out of Goddard, and we had a close working relationship with
Goddard to get the data back from them.
So the Earth observations work that went on here at Johnson was essentially
interpretation, extraction of the information from the data, and,
to some extent, trying to use that data in predictive models. Our
crop inventory was a good example. We used the raw satellite data
to figure out where wheat was growing, what areas of wheat were planted
in what areas, but then the other data you need if you're going to—or
the other information you need if you're going to project production
is what is going to be the yield. How many bushels per acre are you
going to get from a given region of the country? That you can't observe
directly. So we ended up coming at that from essentially a meteorological
model that says given certain temperatures and rainfall, here is the
kind of yield you can expect. So you then combine that yield with
the area from the satellite data and put together a projection of
production. It worked quite reasonably well.
In the later phases of the remote sensing activity here, we began
to look at broader questions such as one project was called global
habitability. How habitable is the Earth going to be 10, 50, 100,
1,000 years from now? We developed some good notions, but never implemented
I'd make an observation that the effort that went into the remote
sensing activity, gathering the data, the satellites, the data processing,
and all that was immense. There were serious gaps in terms of taking
that data and applying it to the actual physical situation on the
ground. We just don't have the models to be able to make in all cases
a good correlation between what you see on the satellite and what
is going to result in terms of the growth of a forest or the growth
of a crop. So there's a great deal of work that needs yet to be done.
Butler: And
will continue to be various areas, to continue.
You eventually decided to move on from NASA and move into other opportunities.
Was there any driving consideration or were you just ready for the
next challenge?
Erb: Probably
a little of both, but there was certainly a driving consideration.
The remote sensing activity at Johnson was effectively terminated
in about 1984, when NASA reorganized, and the Office of Applications,
under the new reorganization, they had to look after the care and
feeding of Goddard and JPL [Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California],
but not Johnson. So there was no sort of, let me say, sustaining interest
from Headquarters in a remote sensing activity at JSC, and Gerry [Gerald
D.] Griffin, who was the [Johnson Space] Center director at that time,
was faced with the problem of what does he do with a division that
is consuming or encumbering 100 civil servants and takes 3 or 4 million
dollars a year to support, if nobody at Headquarters is interested
in that.
So we ended up in the last few years sort of fighting a losing battle,
and Griffin made the decision—and I would have done exactly
the same thing had I been in his shoes; I think it was the right decision—he
said, "This is not something that JSC can be involved in."
At the same time, space station was starting up, the Shuttle was in
full flight and still requiring a lot of resources, so Griffin essentially
abolished the division, and that gave me the rather strong motivation
to consider an early retirement.
For a while I thought about going to work in the space station area,
but I had by that time nearly twenty-six years with NASA. I was fifty-three
or four, somewhere in there. I began to do the math, and it looked
as though perhaps there would be other opportunities. So I took the
plunge and did take an early retirement.
As it turned out, during the last couple of years that we were active
in earth resources, we were doing a lot of work in extracting information
from the data gets you off into the area of so-called artificial intelligence.
How do you efficiently pull out just the information you need from
this great stream of data?
At about the same time, when space station was starting up, [Senator
Edwin Jacob] Jake Garn [Utah], of later fame as a Senate astronaut,
was looking for a vehicle to promote U.S. competitiveness, and he
had latched in on automation and robotics and artificial intelligence
as key areas that if the United States was going to be increasingly
competitive, it needed to be pushed. He was looking for a vehicle
to push that, and the one that he really selected was space station.
He said, "If we promote the use of automation and robotics on
space station, that will drive the technology." Again we get
back to this notion of providing a challenge to stimulate the technology.
So that what can we do in the way of automation and robotics that
will make space station better, but at the same time drive U.S. industry?
So NASA put together a committee called the Advanced Technology Advisory
Committee, ATAC, and I think that was structured in the late fall
of '84, because it was just before I retired. Aaron Cohen was the
chair of that committee, and representatives on the committee were
people at the very senior management level for each of the NASA centers.
However, as is usual with that sort of thing, the work is done by
the staff. You can appreciate that, I'm sure.
The key person who picked up the task of putting some flesh on the
bones of this notion was a close friend of mine and colleague at the
time, Jon Erickson. The lot fell to Jon and a lower-level committee
to pull together all the ideas in automation and robotics, show how
they could apply to space station, and show how they could be applied
to make U.S. industry more competitive.
During the few months before I retired, and for several months after
in a consulting mode, I was supporting John as, let me say, the chief
ghostwriter for ATAC. So the reports that came out under Aaron Cohen's
signature for how automation and robotics could be used on space station
were largely things that I had created for that committee. Then for
the next two or three years, we went through an update every six months
in a report to Congress to show how we had met or fulfilled these
goals. I was involved in the first two or three of those updates after
I had retired from NASA.
So this sort of led rather neatly into my next career, to move into
the work with the Canadian Space Agency [CSA], who, of course, were
going to be heavily involved in robotics on space station. So it's
amazing how these doors seem to open, but this was another sort of
segue from remote sensing to artificial intelligence, to automation
and robotics, and on into robotics on space station, with a new employer
and a totally different situation.
Butler: New
change in focus.
In some of my research I ran across an interesting story about how
it did come across for you to be able to go to work for the Canadian
Space Agency and how that the group there had actually offered you
a job opportunity many years back, so it's like you were accepting
it, but many years later.
Erb: Your
research is very good. I'm impressed. To go way back, in March, I
guess now, of 1959, after the demise of the Arrow, one of the things
that I did was to submit an application to the National Research Council
[NRC] of Canada for a job as an aerodynamicist, and I was very pleased
a few weeks later to find that, yes, they were interested in me and
they offered me a job as an aerodynamicist.
However, that came about a week after I had accepted the job with
NASA. So I wrote the National Research Council and sort of said, "Well,
thank you very much. I appreciate that, but I've been offered this
job with NASA and it really sounds neat, and it's only supposed to
be for two years, so let me get back with you in two years."
To my great surprise, two years later I got a letter from the National
Research Council saying, "Two years is nearly up. What's your
situation? Would you like to come and take up the position?"
Well, by that time I was up to my ears in Apollo, and the world was
just much too exciting to think about a change from that. So I wrote
again and said, "Well, thank you. I'm impressed that you're keeping
in touch. I appreciate it, but I'm now on to this new project and
it looks like I'm going to go a while, so thanks but no thanks."
And then you may have heard this part of the story. Back in 1986,
after I had accepted the job with then the National Research Council,
to be the liaison here in Houston, I had gone up to Toronto to meet
my new boss, another one of my heroes, Karl Deutsch, and Karl and
I spent a couple of days at SPAR [Aerospace Limited], who was then
our contractor for the space station robotics. We were flying back
to Ottawa together, where I was going to be introduced to my new colleagues
in Ottawa, and I said to Karl, "Let me tell you a story, Karl."
And I went through this with Karl. So I said, "You see, so I'm
really now taking up a position with NRC that was offered twenty-seven
years ago. Just a little late." [Laughter] So things do tend
to come back sometimes full cycle.
Butler: All
the way around.
Erb: All the
way around.
Butler: It's
good to see they were still interested.
Erb: I was
delighted. And just a historic accident that I had maintained my Canadian
citizenship during that period of time, because they wanted me to
represent Canada here at Johnson. They wanted a Canadian citizen.
Through a series of historical quirks, I had not become a naturalized
U.S. citizen, so I was still qualified for their short list of candidates.
Butler: Interesting
how fate happens or twists and it all ends up working out.
Erb: It certainly
seems to. I've been richly blessed in terms of this kind of opportunity.
Butler: Very
About your opportunity at the Canadian Space Agency. When you first
came in, or at the time it was the NRC, what were your initial tasks
and responsibilities and the state of the space station at the time,
and how did that evolve?
Erb: I joined
the CSA, or the National Research Council, in March of '86, and set
up the liaison office here at Johnson. NASA had been beating on the
partners to get liaison officers in place. The Japanese were obliging,
and they had somebody here in short order, the Europeans almost as
obliging, and Canada was going through this process of trying to recruit
the right person. So we were a few months behind our other international
colleagues in getting a person located here.
Basically my job was to represent Canada both at a technical and a
programmatic level to the NASA program. In the several months before
I had joined the agency, my boss, Karl Deutsch, and his prime contractor
representative from SPAR had been coming down to JSC just about every
week, so I think they were absolutely delighted to have somebody on
site so that they did not have to truck down to these SSCBs [Space
Station Control Board] that went on, and could leave the job to me.
It was a couple of years, I think, before I ever saw Karl down here
again. At any rate, that was okay by me. But it worked out very well.
I had been doing a little bit of work on space station while I was
consulting with Eagle Engineering and with Lockheed, so I sort of
had a pretty good feel for how space station was developing. I had
all the contacts in the organization, pretty much knew everybody,
so I could work in a way that was somewhat different from my European
and Japanese colleagues. I could engage people in hallway conversations
and work informally and sort of keep plugged into the program. In
a way, that was helpful in another regard because Canada's part of
the space station, as you know, is to provide certain robotic systems
which are really part of the sort of core infrastructure of the space
station, whereas the Europeans and the Japanese are bringing laboratories.
So they could take a more hands-off formal approach and work at a
distance, and they set up offices off site, and I always kept mine
in Building 2, [or later in] Building 4S.
So at any rate, my job was basically to make sure that people were
talking to each other when they needed to, that NASA knew Canada's
views on various topics, and then when we would identify problems,
we'd sort of get them worked at the right technical level and try
to get them solved before they blew up into big management issues.
I think overall it worked quite well. I gradually increased staff,
got some local contract support, and through that contract support
hired three of my former NASA colleagues who had also retired. So
I think we were able to bring to the Canadian program really solid
technical skills and contacts and means of communicating with the
NASA program that worked out very well for both parties. We've had
the most cordial possible relationship with the Space Station Program
over the years.
Butler: That's
very good.
Erb: Of course,
as you know, it's been a long and sometimes bumpy road as we've gone
through various redesigns on the station, and within a few months
of taking on the job I spent six weeks at Langley as we went through
the first of many redesigns to shrink the station, try to stay within
budget. It's been a constant challenge with each of the partners in
turn having financial problems.
I would say the stabilizing influence of international involvement
has been borne out many times. There have been times that we were
very helpful to NASA and helped them get their budget because of the
international commitments, and, correspondingly, times when Canada
and the other partners have had problems with their budget, and NASA
was able to help us out and wave the international commitment flag
and keep the program on track.
I'm generally encouraged now that we've got a program that's going
to go and is going to work well.
Butler: It's
under way.
Erb: It's
under way.
Butler: Based
on your work with the international cooperation on the space station,
do you see this as a future for large space projects or going back
to the moon or Mars, that it would be an international venture?
Erb: Very
definitely. I think even before we get to that, I don't know whether
your research has dredged up what my current project is, but over
the last several years I've become again concerned with how space
can apply to human needs, and have become very much interested in
the notion that's been around for a long time, of space-based solar
power. I started doing my own exploratory studies back in '91 and
have continued and grown in that area of my involvement, to the point
now where I spend most of my time on that, and I have a successor
doing the liaison task, which is very nice.
But if you think about something as massive as capturing solar power
in space and transmitting it to the Earth, which I think is an idea
whose time has come again, as I'm sure you know, NASA has put a lot
of effort into that, in studies back in the late seventies, and at
that time for a variety of reasons it was not pursued. But the idea
is sound, and I think we will see it implemented within the next couple
of decades. It is very much an international activity.
Of course, a satellite is intrinsically an international device. It
goes over every country in due course. If you think about what I call
the enterprise model, then I can see a kind of international structure
that would involve the developed, the industrialized countries of
the world building and launching and operating the space segment,
and the developing countries, which is where the energy is needed,
building the receiving sites and buying, in effect, energy from the
space segment, capturing it at their local receiving sites, and using
it for their own nondevelopmental purposes. So it is 100 percent an
international activity.
As a matter of fact, just this past July, I participated in UNISPACE
III, which is a United Nations conference on the peaceful uses of
outer space, in Vienna, and we had a workshop on space solar power.
Part of what we were proposing was adopted in the Vienna Declaration
of the United Nations, that nations should explore this [space-baased
solar power] and do the following, and so on and so on. I think we
will again see this coming about over the next coming years.
Butler: Certainly
resources and power resources are a big concern and have been for
a while, and certainly something we're never going to be able to do
What are some of the—you mentioned having the satellites and
the receiving stations. Is there basic studies on how many satellites
approximately would be needed?
Erb: There's
a lot of work going on at the moment, mostly in NASA, as a matter
of fact, on what the system architecture should be. In fact, it's
really very gratifying to see NASA putting some serious money into
this for the first time in many, many years.
I will take a little credit for having brought that about. Beginning
in 1992 through the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
[AIAA], a group of us started a series of workshops on international
cooperation, and we've held conferences about every two years. The
second one of these was in Hawaii, and we had a working group on space
solar power, at my instigation. I and a Japanese colleague from the
University of Kobe co-chaired this working group.
We had excellent support, including one person from NASA, some from
the academic world, and some from other countries. We basically said,
"Hey, this is a real problem, and if NASA doesn't do anything
about it, the other countries of the world are not going to consider
that it's a serious issue or a serious solution to the problem. Basically
NASA should get involved."
There were individuals within NASA, in particular Ivan Bekey at what
was then Code X [at NASA] Headquarters, and he was pushing from his
end. But this external stimulus from a professional society, from
the AIAA, that said, "Here's really something NASA should do,"
coming in as sort of a formal recommendation, helped the forces within
NASA to say, "Hey, let's put a little bit of money into this."
So NASA, in 1995, started what they called the Fresh Look Study, and
took, for the first time in fifteen years, a fresh look at space-based
solar power. That has grown to the point where now this year NASA's
spending something like 12 million dollars on space-based solar power,
and I think this is going to be the genesis of a new and significant
activity that will be, I hope, sustained this time. But very much
an international activity, very much, I think, an excellent example
of what space can do for humanity.
At the moment, one of the data points I use in my talks is that there
are 2 billion people in the world who have no access to commercial
energy. That doesn't even mean electricity; that means commercial
energy. Not even kerosene, let alone electricity. The path that we're
going on now—and I don't mean to get on my soapbox, but I guess
I am—the path we're going on now, the default path, that will
be 4 billion people without commercial energy in another couple of
So I think we have a desperate energy problem, and that interconnects
with, I think, an equally critical climate problem. So finding new
ways of getting carbon-free energy, to me, is absolutely one of the
most critical challenges of the next century. Feeding people is one,
and providing energy, which drives almost everything we do, is another.
So I'm hoping—I won't probably live to see it come to fruition,
but I'm hoping that what we do now will perhaps stimulate our successors
and we'll see, I believe, an application of space in providing power
that will dwarf even its importance in communications. There is a
much greater percentage of the world's gross national product, or
gross world product, spent on energy than on communications, and I
think space power can become a major part of that. So it's been an
exciting new twist to my long and checkered career.
Butler: Certainly
a new twist, but yet it still all ties together, one to the next,
and a very important new twist, as you say. It should be interesting
to see what does happen with it.
Looking back over your career with NASA, and we've talked—or
actually not just with NASA, but in the space program, we talked a
little bit about Max Faget and Bob Gilruth. Were there any other individuals
through your career that made a big impact on you or helping the space
program as a whole that you think were critical?
Erb: Yes,
Gilruth and Faget, clearly. Joe Kotanchik was, I think, one of the
pivotal mentors. He was very high on persistence. Joe had a saying
that "persistence and perseverance made a bishop out of his reverence."
Joe's notion was, no matter how smart you are or anything else, you've
got to be persistent. I've learned from that, and I think my agency
perhaps considers me too persistent on this issue of space solar power,
but I've made some headway. Joe was also a person of fierce integrity
and balance, one of those key people.
In the academic area, going back a long number of years, there were
people at the University of Alberta that were pivotal—George
Ford and a fellow named Tom Blench. At Cranfield, at the university
there, my thesis advisor, Terry Nonwheiler, and one of the giants
of the aerodynamics field of this period, A. D. Young was department
chairman. More recently, my again mentor and boss at the Canadian
Space Agency, Karl Deutsch [now President of the International Space
University], has been one of these people that just is a sort of landmark
in your life, that you respect and learn from, people that make a
difference. So I've been blessed with good mentors along the way,
very significant.
Butler: That's
good. It makes it more interesting and easier and enjoyable environment,
as well as with the technical challenges and managerial challenges.
Looking back also, what would you consider to be your greatest challenge?
Erb: Well,
I'd like to think it has yet to come, so I'm not sure. I think the
analytical melding of all the data that gave us the confidence in
the Apollo heat shield performance, that is sort of one thing I look
back on and say that was, in engineering terms, not in scientific
terms, but in engineering terms, that was about as close to pioneering
as I've ever gotten. It was probing into some really new areas. There
wasn't a lot of precedent to go by. We had to do something, so you
did what you could. Then very thankful when it works. So that, I think,
is one that stands out.
Butler: It
certainly was a big challenge and certainly was met successfully.
As you said, you probably do have more coming. [Laughter]
Erb: We'll
Butler: And
in comparison, or maybe the same thing, what would you think of as
your greatest accomplishment?
Erb: Well,
in a purely professional sense, certainly the Apollo era and the successful
return from the moon, that was a landmark.
I also feel good about the large-area crop inventory experiment that
we did in the earth resources area. That was a well-conceived experiment,
it was well executed, even though the technology was not adopted by
our users to the extent we would have liked. It was still a good professional
piece of work. I felt good about that.
Under my current circumstances, I have finally got a small space power
program going in Canada, and I have persevered and I feel good about
that. Now, whether it comes to fruition in any significant way remains
to be seen, but I think I will be proud of that as another one of
those things that you look back on.
Butler: You
certainly have many things that you can say that you accomplished
and did well. I'm sure that your work on the solar power will come
through eventually.
Erb: We hope
Butler: A
lot of good reasons for it.
You mentioned earlier that it was in fifth grade when the explorer
came and talked about going to the moon, you thought that would be
really interesting. Would you ever have thought, or even possibly
conceived, where all the different stages your career would take you?
Erb: Absolutely
impossible to predict. I think you just sort of have to trust in divine
providence that you will get the guidance, that the doors will open,
and sort of try to do the best you can in whatever circumstances you
are, learn as much as you possibly can, try to keep your vision broad,
try to look ahead, but you just can't predict. You just never know.
Things are just much too stochastic for that to work. But somehow
it seems to.
Butler: Certainly
does. Before we close, I'd like to ask Kevin and Sandra if they have
any questions.
Rusnak: I
did have a few. I'll kind of work my way backwards chronologically
as I've been thinking about this. First of all, I guess I find it
a little ironic that you had in the eighties worked on a competitiveness
council for America, and one of the areas you mentioned was in robotics,
and later on you worked at the Canadian Space Agency using Canadian
robotic technology on the space station. Did your work from the former
program have any application later on?
Erb: Not really
in the specific sense of technology. I think the work that I was doing
in the '84, '85 time frame, working on the ATAC reports and so on,
I was really learning about robotics and artificial intelligence,
and in general I'm a fairly quick take. I can go into some new field
and pick up at least the essence of it. But the Canadian program in
robotics was really well established, and I didn't have much of any
technical involvement with it.
As you know, I'm sure, the manipulator arm for the Shuttle was also
developed by the same group of folks in Canada, both on the government
side and on the industry side with SPAR. The current Canadian robotic
systems for space station are sort of direct technological descendants
of that technology that was put together in the late seventies for
Shuttle. So I don't think I brought anything of a technical nature
to the Canadian program.
What I was really offering to Canada was management contacts and an
awareness of the situation here, plus enough familiarity with the
area of robotics to be able to make sure that people were talking
to each other that needed to. But in no way would I pretend to represent
myself as a robotics engineer or anything. I can talk the talk, but
I would not sit down and try to do hard-core analysis in that area.
Rusnak: Moving
backwards a little bit, remote sensing was an important part of your
career, but I was wondering how was it that what was then the Manned
Spacecraft Center ended up with a remote sensing office that was essentially
using unmanned satellites or data?
Erb: Well,
during the time of the late sixties, early seventies, I want to say
a lot of the NASA centers, maybe all of the NASA centers, were trying
to find new niches to work in. Clearly Apollo was winding down. What
do you do next? And everybody was dabbling at everything. There was
very little discipline exercised from the Headquarters level to say,
"This center does this, that center does that." So everybody
was sort of exploring.
JSC had the advantage of having an air field close by, airplanes,
and some individuals, including my dear now departed friend Leo [F.]
Childs, started an aircraft remote sensing program. So in the early
seventies, '71, '72, in there, NASA-JSC was beginning to fly aircraft
to sort of see what you could do to gather supporting data that would
eventually allow you to interpret the satellite data. So there was
always a blend, I think, of the need to get aircraft data and ground
data in order to interpret satellite data.
So the real core of the competence of remote sensing at NASA started
off at JSC, and almost all the competence in extracting information
from the data was originally developed here. Goddard was involved
from the standpoint of building the sensors and launching and flying
[the ERTS], but never got heavily into the data extraction side of
things. So, you're right, it was not in line with the human space
flight charter of the center, but more, let me say, I think, another
area of opportunity that the center wanted to try to explore and bring
along as a new business line. As it turned out, it as quite successful
for a decade, but then for various reasons fell by the wayside.
Rusnak: You
mentioned Goddard earlier. You discussed how JPL and Goddard received
a lot of that work. After JSC's office was disbanded, how were the
intercenter relationships in this particular field?
Erb: Oh, I'd
say very cordial and effective. A few people, a few, one or two from
our program here went to Goddard after the demise of the program here.
The kinds of activity we had going on with the Goddard people during
the remote sensing era involved mostly data transfer, and that was
always a very productive interface, and we worked well together. We
never had all that much to do with JPL, because they were really interested
in the planetary stuff, gathering images from other planets.
Although I might digress. That brings something to mind, one of those
just little vignettes that's a landmark in your career. In 1961, I
was named as the JSC representative to a committee looking at what
would be the significance of the Surveyor missions to NASA's programs
in general, and Apollo in particular. Surveyor, you may recall, was
the first lunar soft lander. So this committee met two or three times
to sort of talk about what instrumentation Surveyor had, what it was
going to yield in terms of information.
One of the major concerns at that time that had been broached by some
people was the lunar surface was yards and yards and yards of dust,
and that any spacecraft that landed on it was going to sink out of
sight. Some of us who had looked at some of the lunar photographs,
and being dumb civil engineers, didn't know any better, said, "No,
no problem. It's not a trouble."
But at any rate, the other question was, well, how are things going
to heat up and cool down. So there was a little bit of thermal instrumentation
on Surveyor, and we were anxious to sort of squeeze as much information
as we could out of that, so we had made predictions if Surveyor lands
in a given location, is more or less horizontal, then the temperature
at this particular sensor should do the following.
And I remember one of my relatively few trips to JPL, I was in the
control room at JPL the night Surveyor landed on the moon, and sitting
next to Harold [C.] Urey, who was a Nobel laureate of great note,
who was also on this committee, so we were watching the real-time
data coming back from Surveyor. That was sort of a neat thing to do.
But our involvement with JPL was pretty peripheral, because they were
doing their thing on planets and we were doing the moon and the Earth.
Butler: It
must have also been interesting to see Apollo 12 land near one of
those Surveyors.
Erb: Yes.
And to see the camera when it came back, the Surveyor camera.
Rusnak: You
mentioned also earlier that your involvement with remote sensing came
out of your developing social consciousness, I think you called it.
In what was really, as you described it also, a goal-oriented agency,
did you find that was a common occurrence, that a lot of people were
really developing that? A lot of people haven't mentioned that.
Erb: No, I
think it was rather unusual, perhaps. I think there were certainly
a few kindred spirits who were concerned about those issues, but my
belief is that most people who are hard-core techies, they've got
their technical thing and they may not perhaps think as much as they
should about what are the social or political or economic ramifications
of technology. It's something we should think more about. But I couldn't
say that I found that in any way common amongst my colleagues.
Rusnak: Okay.
When you and the rest of the AVRO group first came down to the Space
Task Group, you were bringing a certain, I guess, corporate culture
or way of doing things coming from industry and working in what would
be a production facility. How did that compare with what was going
on at Langley and the sort of attitudes, and how did those things
Erb: Very
good question. I think, in effect, you might not expect it, but I
think they meshed pretty well. Most of the people at Space Task Group
in '59 were researchers from the Langley Research Center, awfully
good people, people who had been really doing great pioneering work
but, nonetheless, dealing with small one-of-a-kind models, flying
them on rockets out of Wallops Island, that sort of thing. Very little
exposure to manufacturing processes, to rigorous routine operations.
And we'd been doing things on the Arrow that were quite unique at
the time, like, for instance, telemetry on the aircraft coming back
to a control center, so as you watch in real time what the aircraft
was doing. Now, this is common practice now, but at that time it was
novel. So we were doing things with a production aircraft that were
quite new. The industrial discipline, I think, was particularly important.
That's one thing I might mention that I think we did bring to the
program that was very important in its success. When we first arrived
at Langley, there was a letter contract with McDonnell-Douglas [Corporation].
Anybody who had a new brain wave as to something that should be done
differently would either pick up the phone or go out to McDonnell-Douglas
and tell the contractor, "Do this, do that, do the other."
There was just absolutely no discipline or configuration management.
Jim Chamberlin, who was the nominal leader of our little group, said,
"Hey, this isn't going to work." And he instituted what
he called a Capsule Configuration Board, a CCB. Or Capsule Control
Board, I guess it was. Later became Configuration Control Board. He
basically forced all instructions to McDonnell-Douglas to go through—well,
at that time it was McDonnell [Aircraft Corporation], I guess—to
go through that board, and brought a much needed discipline to the
program. I think that might not have happened as soon as it did, or
might not have happened at all, just given the sort of normal style
of researchers.
I would say the Langley folks respected this as something needed and
accepted it. There were no problems. So my reaction was that we had
a very productive melding of styles and backgrounds with these two
Rusnak: A
few people we've talked to have said something very similar, that
each group had its own strengths that blended very well to get the
job done in this case.
I have one final question, going back even earlier. Clearly the development
of the concept of a ballistic capsule was important. Previous ideas
for reentry vehicles were slim, very aerodynamic. What knowledge did
you have of that at the time of the introduction of ballistic capsule,
and what are your thoughts, as someone who was trained in aerothermodynamics?
Erb: In a
way, Mercury was a bit of a surprise to me, because I hadn't really
thought much about ballistic capsules. When I did my thesis work at
Cranfield, the thinking was very much streamlined shapes. You had
sort of airplane-like things. And all the supersonic work up to that
time had been with the X Series. Here again you're dealing with airplanes
with nice thin wings, sharp noses, and all that sort of stuff.
I had not thought about the problems enough to realize that you really
need, if you're going to—until I got to grips with Mercury—you
really need, if you're going to keep the accelerations low and dissipate
all that energy coming back from orbit, you really need a blunt shape
that will produce high drag and allow you to keep G levels down. Also
by having a blunt shape and spreading the heat over a larger area,
you can make the heat shield problem tractable. So when you start
thinking about it a little bit, it quickly becomes very apparent that
that's the way to go.
I think the researchers at Langley, particularly Faget and Piland,
they were probably the ones that really realized this, that, hey,
that's the only way to do it. And as we've seen, it was twenty years
later before something as sophisticated as the Shuttle could do an
entry, and even then during the entry phase Shuttle is tipped up with
its belly to the wind and is a big blunt vehicle. So the same principle
engages, even though it can later go over and fly like an airplane.
So, yes, by the time I joined Space Task Group, the Mercury configuration
was pretty largely set. That had all been agreed to, and wind tunnel
testing, as I mentioned, was under way, and it was really blowing
and going.
Rusnak: Thank
you. That's all I have.
Butler: Sandra?
[Addressing Mr. Erb] Are there any areas that we neglected to cover,
that you would like to have anything that you'd like to expand on
or any last thoughts?
Erb: I'm sure
there will be, but can't think of anything right at the moment.
Butler: We
can always add them into the transcript later. I want to thank you
very much for joining us today and sharing your history with us.
Erb: It's
been a real pleasure. Thank you so much.
of Interview]