JSC Oral History Project
in 1996, the goal of the NASA Johnson Space Center Oral History
Project (JSC OHP) is to capture history from the individuals
who first provided the country and the world with an avenue
to space and the moon. Participants include managers, engineers,
technicians, doctors, astronauts, and other employees of NASA
and aerospace contractors who served in key roles during the
Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, Skylab, and Shuttle programs.
oral histories ensure that the words of these pioneers live
on to tell future generations about the excitement and lessons
of space exploration.
history interviews began in the summer of 1997, and since that
time more than 1001 individuals have participated
in the NASA Oral History projects in more than 1,299
oral history sessions.
History Office
Oral History
Project Brochure
are three ways to view the names of the various Oral History
Project participants:
the list of participants in alphabetical order
(only names of participants with released and
archived oral histories are on this list, and it includes a
brief job title and/or Oral History Project title)
the complete list of participants
(all participant names are separated into groups
by relevant Oral History Project titles, and individual job
title information is not listed)
drop-down list of participants
(direct links to Oral History Project group
pages, and includes brief job title descriptions)
view the newest additions to the JSC History Collection, visit
the "What's New" announcement.
History Projects include:
International Space Station Oral History Project
includes interviews with individuals who have contributed significantly
to the success of the ISS Program. The oral history sessions
reflect experiences and insight on topics such as the early
days of the multi-national partnership, the development of its
science program, and the challenges encountered in establishing
the orbiting laboratory. The interviews were conducted by the
JSC History Office between July and September, 2015, in Houston,
2006 to 2013, the Commercial Orbital Transportation Services
(COTS) program administered by the Commercial
Crew & Cargo Program Office (C3PO) at the Johnson Space
Center endeavored to stimulate U.S. commercial space transportation
capabilities by pursuing a new way of doing business with industry.
Oral history interviews were conducted with many of the individuals
who contributed to the success of the COTS program.
STS Recordation Oral History Project
involves the collection of history from key individuals formerly
and currently associated with the agency’s Space Shuttle
Program (SSP), focusing on the Space Shuttle Orbiter and its
related components. These interviews include information on
a number of Space Shuttle Program aspects from concept development
to retirement, and focus on design, hardware evolution, and
changes in response to the two Space Shuttle accidents.
addition, the JSC Space Shuttle Program Tacit
Knowledge Capture Project was commissioned by the JSC Chief
Knowledge Officer and the Space Shuttle Program Manager, and
includes twenty interviews with current and former key members
of the Space Shuttle Program.
conjunction with the NASA JSC Oral History Project, oral history
sessions were conducted for the NASA Headquarters History Office:
Administrators; NACA;
Herstory; Earth
System Science; Aviatrix Pioneers;
Ballistic Missile Development Pioneers;
NASA at 50.
an Oral History Project was conducted to capture the experiences
from those individuals involved with the Shuttle-Mir
Program (ISS Phase 1).
audio recordings are located at The
University of Houston - Clear Lake in the JSC History Collection.
transcripts have been exported to individual Adobe Acrobat PDF files
for easy searching and viewing. You will need the free
Adobe Acrobat Reader to view these files.
releases from the participants are located in the JSC History Collection.
audio documentary, Apollo
8: Earth's Rise to a New Era, features excerpts of oral histories
combined with a narration to present a unique perspective on a venture
that resulted in humankind's first voyage to another celestial body.
The transcripts are available from the alphabetical
list below, the complete list
of participants (by project), or the complete
list of participants listed alphabetically (not separated by
note: Links on the following pages are active once the Oral
History transcript is archived in the JSC History Collection.
view the newest additions to the JSC History Collection, visit
the "What's New" announcement.
the Significant
Milestones in History page!
lists were last updated: Jan. 5, 2021
