NASA Johnson
Space Center Oral History Project
Edited Oral History Transcript
E. "Frank" Hughes
Interviewed by Rebecca Wright
Houston, Texas – 29 October 2013
following interview was conducted with Francis E. “Frank”
Hughes for the Johnson Space Center Oral History Project on October
29, 2013 in Houston, Texas. The interviewer was Rebecca Wright.
Wright: Did
you have more about Skylab and/or ASTP [Apollo-Soyuz Test Project]?
Hughes: I
was thinking about this last night—we can start on [Space] Shuttle
today, but kind of as a transition. As we went through, I was discontent
with the training process. I loved what we were doing on Apollo, but
I was always discontent on what was going on. By the time we got through
the 17 Apollos and then the 3 Skylab flights and the 1 ASTP, we had
turned the Apollo system into a really good-running, smooth system.
Which, of course, that’s the NASA way, then (with help from
Congress) we shut it down.
The ASTP flight, it was so clean. Almost nothing happened. In fact,
it was the most boring flight in the world; it was wonderful. We got
them off the ground, got back on the ground, and you could hardly
see anything we did except right in the entry phase. What happened
is remember I was working as a flight controller in what was called
the Flight Control Division, in those days. That was a time, from
’72, the end of Skylab, until ’75, that’s when the
Flight Crew Directorate gave away the training.
The training was all reorganized into MOD, and Mission Ops [Operations]
Directorate had Gene [Eugene F.] Kranz as the deputy to George [W.S.]
Abbey, who was the head of that directorate. That was a disaster walking
around waiting to happen because basically, they just broke it up.
George took care of all the crew and all the aircraft ops things and
Gene took care of the Flight Control Division, and the ops divisions,
and that worked. At the end of the ASTP program, I was assigned in
the Flight Control Division, so then I was going to work with Don
[Donald R.] Puddy as a branch chief, and Ed [Edward L.] Pavelka, who
was the section head.
We were going to do the planning for the testing, with the Shuttle
testing, which meant that we wanted to buy a 747. Then we had do these
other things to visualize what would be needed, and basically write
down the plans for what you’re going to do—ops plans.
There was an ops plan for ALT—ALT is the Approach and Landing
Test—and then there was another one for Shuttle ops in the future.
I did that one for operations, and I have a copy of it in that bookcase.
It was a very unpopular book (when I published it) because when I
started working this project, remember, we were going to do 60 flights
a year. That’s what they were talking about, flying 60 flights
a year. At that point, everybody thought that was pretty good, it
was doable. We thought that this Shuttle was going to turn around
fast. We didn’t know the real world was going to happen to us
We could have turned around a lot faster than it ever did. I think
that it was our suspenders and belt mentality of NASA [old joke about
NASA safety and NASA people, they wore suspenders and a belt to make
sure their pants would not fall down.] You know what I mean here,
that the KSC [Kennedy Space Center, Florida] engineers were so safe
that they took the engines off the vehicle every time, boroscoped
out (looked inside it like some laparoscopic test on one of us) and
did all kinds of things that just extended the length of the turnaround.
Granted, there had been failures during engine tests. Good people
made those good decisions. It was not my bailiwick when all was said
and done, they were just being careful and were just looking for problems.
But, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
Anyway, I wrote in this ops plan that if you do 60 flights a year,
it means that your flight controller people are going to be on console
all the time. During these flights, if you get the Shuttle as good
as Apollo used to get, then it’s going to be boring. Boring
is good in one flight, but it’s not your life's work.
If you get some guy that comes in to NASA with straight A’s
out of Texas A&M [University, College Station] or UT [University
of Texas, Austin] or [University of] Notre Dame [Indiana] or Purdue
[University, West Lafayette, Indiana], he’s not going to work
third shift on a boring flight. They will leave for something more
interesting. So you’re going to have to do some kind of job
enrichment, something that will keep them here. I suggested that you
would combine the flight control job with flight planning, teach those
people so they could be planning a future flight in real time. Meanwhile,
if something happens on the flight, you’re sitting there in
MCC [Mission Control Center] already, working on it. Then you pay
full attention to that problem.
I also thought that should be that you don’t have to staff a
big second or third shift crew, but let them all be a day shift, and
if they’re at home, find a way to talk to these guys and remote
the Mission Control data to their homes. We’re talking about
1975-6-7-8, and there was no way to do that, at that time. We didn’t
have an Internet; just didn’t exist yet, literally, we certainly
did not have it near the MCC.
No one could imagine being a flight controller outside of the MCC.
That was taken like I was making a joke, you know what I mean? Then,
when I said, being a flight controller could be boring, that was bad.
Pete [M.P.] Frank [III], who was the Division Chief at the time, decided
that I needed to go somewhere else other than his division. They didn’t
exactly tear off my epaulets and break my sword like you would do
in the French Foreign Legion, but I was sent back to the training
division. A fellow named Jim [James W.] Bilodeau was running that
training division, and it’s interesting, his deputy was John
[W.] O’Neill. Some really good people were in that staff, and
I was happy to get back. It was a very different division than what
I had been in before. Now, Deke [Donald K.] Slayton’s not the
one running the directorate. Before it was very much of a crew-oriented
kind of thing then, but now it gets more flight-controller-oriented.
In Apollo, we didn’t really talk about this, there were two
organizations. There was a group inside the FOD [Flight Operations
Division], the people running for [Christopher C.] Kraft, and they
trained flight controllers, and we trained crew in the FCOD [Flight
Crew Operations Division], because it was two different directorates.
Now, that’s all smushed together into one. There’s some
effort to work through all this. While we survived through Skylab
because that was all still the trainers cared about the crew and the
other people cared about flight controllers, now you have to mush
it all together. I came back in 1977 and that year was the first time,
actually in late ’76, they turned on the Shuttle Mission Simulator
for the first time.
The Shuttle Mission Simulator had been designed by Link [a division
of Singer Corporation], again, and they were working closely with
Rockwell to build the Shuttle. It was a pretty good relationship between
the two of them. It was the motion base built first, so it was only
one base available, then. It was there just to do ALT, Approach and
Landing Test. The visual was just for landing because that’s
all you did, you flew up on a 747 and then suddenly, you were flying.
You had a huge model board—the visual consisted of a physical
model where a camera tracked across a big model of Edwards [Air Force
Base, California], so you had relief on this [model] and everything
else, and all the runways on the lake bed. It was a beautiful thing.
I wish somebody’s got a photo of that; I need some photos of
some of these things. That’d be a challenge to see if we can
find, of this landing scene. Later, when we went to all-digital, that
went away and I don’t know where it went. That would have been
great. It was huge, it was like 20 feet long by 15 feet wide, or something
like that. It was a big chunk and it would be great, it would have
been wonderful to have it out at Edwards, just if nothing else, to
let them put it on the wall somewhere, maybe a Space Center Houston.
I got back into the training business again. And the world was really
in an uproar, in the sense that how are we going to do all this training?
We knew now we had two crews, we’re going to have Dick [Richard
H.] Truly and Joe [H.] Engle in one crew, and then [C.] Gordon Fullerton
and Fred [W.] Haise in the second crew. That’s all we had, two
crews that are going to fly these flights. They flew unmanned flights
for a while, and then they put people in them and they fly it on the
747 without separating.
They just flew around so they’d see how the system behaved and
everything. Finally, we did five free flight tests. All the training
during this time, we had one team of instructors, and Denny [John
D.] Holt was the one that was doing that job as the Team Lead. He
and I, we worked neck-and-neck as far as relationships and history,
because he had already trained flight controllers and I’d always
been in the crew side.
By the way, when we shut down at the end of Apollo, everybody that
was in Florida moved back here, if they wanted to. Many did, but many
did not, so much of the corporate memory of that crew training [program]
disappeared. It just stayed at KSC [NASA Kennedy Space Center, Florida]
and it was used for other things. There was no more crew training
down there. That was a blow by itself, when a lot of people who are
really good at crew training and procedures like that just disappeared.
The instructor people down here were those who did systems crew training.
Remember, the early training we discussed, where you did systems training
compared to what we would call mission-specific training later in
Florida—these guys had to gear up and try to figure out how
to do all that training. Skylab was a little bit rough because of
that, just the personalities. It wasn’t that they were bad;
it was a different kind of training they were forced into, just by
circumstances. They became really good instructors but it took some
time. Others became simulator operators rather than instructors.
There are some people, we always joke about one, Roger [A.] Burke,
who was probably one of the smartest people I’ve ever known,
but he was coarse. It was just interesting. We used to say, if Roger
worked with you and he’s going to make a presentation, you have
to have two other people—somebody to go before, to tell what
it’s going to be like when Roger’s there, and then somebody
to go afterward to apologize. It was something else. Like I say, he
could make the simulator run and do almost anything, but you never
knew what the hell he was going to say. I’m bad enough when
I talk, but I mean, with Roger, this is way, way outside of scale.
I’m going to put names on some of these, you understand? Roger
was a special case and still is. He was a great friend, and if he
was here, I’d still tell these stories, but it just goes on
like that. He’d leave the room and people would say, “Who
was that?” I said, “Never mind. You just learned something;
take it, run with it.”
There’s a lot of notable personalities at NASA. I always think
of one that was the head of the software development group, Jim Miller,
during Apollo, he was a division chief, and he would get pissed off
at his contractor due to performance. He’d get IBM over to his
conference room and (sometimes) he’d walk on the table, up and
down. He’d be up on this table, walking up and down, swearing
at them about how poor they were doing their job. All these executives
with their skinny ties and everything, just putting up with this because
he’s the NASA guy. Funny stuff.
This mishmash that’s going on, and just at this time, in 1977,
just beginning of ’78, we had to start thinking about training
for the flight crews. Now I knew it was going to be John [W.] Young,
Bob [Robert L.] Crippen. I know Young forever, I know Cripp because
he was the CapCom [Capsule Communicator] that I worked with all through
Skylab, so though I didn’t know him before, coming in, we got
to be really close. Close, like his wife taught my kids how to ride
horses, and all this kind of stuff. It was really a lot of things
going on, parties and whatever.
At the same time, Jake [Jasper C.] Smith in that division invited
a training expert. They got a contract to have somebody come in who’s
a training development expert. I didn’t have any training development
expertise. My degrees are in physics, so I don’t know training,
except I know what I don’t know, what I don’t like about
it. He brought this guy in for a couple of days and the training expert
talked about how they would build a training plan. This guy was suddenly
preaching to me and [it was] the first time I heard something like
a precursors, and then successors. That is, whenever you had a lesson,
there had to be something you had to learn beforehand and then there
had to be something that came after that one because of the nature
of the subject. I just went, whoa, this is the answer to this grief-stricken
crowd we have sitting around here. This is the way we should do this
Shuttle training.
I think Jake Smith, who brought that person in, should have gotten
an award. Actually, he probably got shot down about doing that. The
other division people said that training expert wasn’t very
good, but I got the mail on that one. I said, whoa, this is a really
good deal, this is the future. I’ve always thanked Jake for
that, I said, “This is really something important.” Somewhere
in December of ’77, I was in a group, what was going to be ascent/entry
training. Just that, it’s the dynamic kind of phase of the flight.
Not the on-orbit stuff, drilling holes in the sky, but everything
else, launching, reentry, landing, etc. There were three groups. Then,
there was a systems training, and then there was flight software.
Ascent/entry was training software that I happened to be in because
it was always what I was doing before in Apollo. I sat down at the
kitchen table one night and I worked to create training flows for
ascent, orbit, and entry, just that. It was creating questions like:
what would you do first? For example, I’d have a briefing about
the software and how it would work so you teach the crew. Then you
would plan a lesson of normal operations. This vehicle is a flying
computer—we’ll get back to that, but that Shuttle is going
to be so different than anything that came before. I needed a trainer,
something like a small trainer, that would teach the people how to
do the procedures. I invented the idea of the Single System Trainer;
one of them is in Building 30 in the lobby, now. There were three
of those ultimately built and operated on the second floor of Building
4 South.
After you got through with this system, and you’d have to go
through each system—you have to go through main engines and
electrical and environmental normal operations—then you do malfunctions.
You’d have one lesson at least where it’s the normal ops,
just how to turn things on and turn things off and things like that,
then another lesson, at least one, where you’d do malfunctions.
When you get through all that, now you’d go to the simulator,
the big Shuttle Mission Simulator that doesn’t even exist yet,
it’s still coming together. You go there and you would say,
“Okay, we’re going to do launch. Just no malfunctions,
see how it looks when it goes to orbit,” and do it multiple
times. It broke all these things out, and they came into many lessons
of about two hours each.
This is two hours in the simulator to do this, and sometimes later,
there were four hours. Two hours was a lesson, two hours with the
instructor in the single system trainer, and then it was blocks of
times like four hours, from 8:00 to 12:00, you’d be in the mission
simulator, and then somebody else would get in from 12:00 to 4:00,
something like that. This meant we needed two teams. You did a morning
team and the afternoon team, and that was all it was, was two teams
of about five people, when we put the simulator together.
The instructor teams started doing this stuff. No one asked the crew
what they wanted to do—I mean, there was obviously give and
take about that, but you’d say, “This is lesson number
X,” and gave the names and everything. It said, “We're
going to do these objectives.” Inside that four-hour block,
you’re going to see a normal launch, you’re going to see
an engine out, you’re going to see some kind of a cabin leak
that means you have to go back home, you have to go back to Kennedy.”
All this stuff, a page of launch sessions and then another one for
orbit, what do you do when you are in orbit? You have to be able to
get there, you have to shut down all the engines, you have to be able
to align your platform so you see where you are looking. You have
to do star trackers. You have to do other things like close the doors,
open the doors, things like that, getting ready to go home.
Then, later, you do entry, all these same things, but now there’s
another page. You just come back with these three pages, and with
notes on each block. It was just like a little logic diagram, what
you would do. In ascent, there was four different ways to abort. There
was Abort Once Around [AOA] the Earth, abort back to RTLS [Return
to Launch Site], Abort to Orbit [ATO]. There was another one, TAL
[Transoceanic Abort Landing] across to Africa.
I used a graphic computer logic template for these lesson flows. You
got this system and the logic came back, it was kind of linear. Each
lesson flowed into another lesson. Then all of a sudden, there’d
be four lessons that you can do, any of these four in any order, doesn’t
matter, But you have to get them all done before you go to this next
lesson. Just this block, here. I went back and I gave those lesson
flows to three of my guys. Michele [A.] Brekke got to be the ascent
person and Bob [Robert J.] Williams—it’s funny, there
was three Bob Williams around, but this is my Bob Williams, was just
the one in the training organization—and then there was Dianne
[J.] Murphy, and she became Kanipe later, she married Dave [David
B.] Kanipe, but she stayed Murphy, I think, all through her career
here. She was the entry person because she had lots of aero in her
I said, “Fix these, make them right, add the details.”
There’s a page for each of these blocks that is going to be
the details of what we would do inside that lesson, and then we’d
have reviews of what’s going on. In the first couple of weeks,
it became that there was a structure, and it became a catalog similar
to what you would find in a college. Later, we added another flow
for rendezvous, another flow for RMS [Remote Manipulator System],
you had another flow for EVA [Extravehicular Activity], all those
training subjects that exist.
In fact, I thought we were going to be meeting near my office and
I was going to show you the book, but here’s the one that they’re
living with today. Mine is probably five years out of date, but it’s
all the Shuttle system flows and lessons It grew to be a couple of
inches of paper because inside there, there’s a page for each
of the lessons, now with all the objectives and the precursors and
who has to do it, what kind of instructors you need, which of the
crew—because not everybody goes to every lesson, some of them
begin to specialize—and so on. Setting up this process made
me feel good; I finally was content with the process that ingested
astronauts in one end and turning out flight-ready crews at the other
By the time late 1979 came, I was appointed as a first line supervisor,
we (Denny and I) were team leads, then. I was a team lead through
this whole thing, and there were two teams. After ALT was over, we
flew those things successfully, but then Denny was on one team and
I was on the other team, and then Denny, when we started doing what
became known as integrated training, he became the first Sim Sup [Simulation
Supervisor], and another guy named Jerry [W.] Mill became the other
team leader. We had two teams, and it wasn’t assigned to a crew,
it was that you just went out and did everything. You’d have
20 hours this week, you’d do all the morning, whatever assignment
came, the crews that came in the morning, you did that. Then, the
afternoon, you did somebody else.
That worked for four, five, six months, and then I created a stir,
another stir and I wanted to assign a team to a crew. After a lesson,
some kid that’s a GS-9 [General Schedule] is not going to tell
John Young he really made a screwed-up landing. He just wouldn’t
do it. But if he worked with John every day, like he saw all the good
landings, then it would be easier to discuss what happened during
that bad landing. We changed that, so then the rest of the time we
flew Shuttle, and even now, you’d get a team of instructors
that was assigned to a specific crew. Every time that crew was in
the simulator, that team [was there], so it made their life a little
worse in the sense that they were all over the map in terms of what’s
going on. But, it meant that they really got close to the crew. They
got to be part of the team, so the four or five people that were part
of that, you’d have a team lead, you’d have a control
person—which was all those guidance and navigation control experts—you’d
have a systems person, you’d have a communications person. You’d
have a rendezvous person if they were doing a rendezvous. They had
an RMS person, if you’re doing that. You also had people that
would drop into a team and not drop in it, based on the lesson. It
is a continuity thing. Because of this close working relationship
with the crew, the teams would be invited to the launch, they would
be there at all the parties, and they were just close and it worked.
It turned out to be a really, really good deal.
The training started to happen then in 1978. It was interesting because
then, we saw we were going to fly in September of ’79. Of course,
the vehicle got down to the Cape [Canaveral, Florida], and then it
didn’t go. One problem developed after another problem (mostly
Main Propulsion System and Thermal Protection System (Tiles). Those
continue to be a problem, which is if you slip the flight, even though
you’ve gone through all of the lessons, you train more. You
keep on training. But the meter keeps on running—money is being
spent. So delay, by itself, causes a lot of money and a lot of heartache
budget wise. In addition, it seemed that the malfunctions we started
with in the simulator, our instructors were creative, so they’d
create more malfunctions and feed it to crew, and then the flight
controllers would be taken aback and surprised by the fact of this
possible malfunction, so then they’d have to create a procedure
to handle this malfunction. Then we had to train for that malfunction.
This went on and on.
The number of procedures went way up and up and up which led to more
training for each flight. If anything, when you go back to how you
look at training, you have to make sure you keep it down to some level,
otherwise, the bill got to be enormous. When we started training for
[International] Space Station, a whole different deal, it is an enormous
amount of training and time. It takes just 18 months, say, to get
ready, but it’s more like 36 months if you take all the different
countries and all the different vehicles connected together. Pretty
soon, I always say that "it’s like being sentenced to go
fly" because it takes so long to get ready, and then you are
gone for six months or a year, whatever it is. That’s another
problem that we never solved. That one still goes on today.
That transition, I guess, from Shuttle into Station was a big thing.
That is, that finally we added some structure to this training system,
which really made me happy with it. I was really satisfied with it.
Now, we had to build it, we had to make it work. Just the idea that
you came up with something is OK but now you have to go do it.
I never thought about a catalogue until I thought of it after it was
created, and I said, “Well, we just did that. We created something
like a college catalogue.” That’s what it was and is.
Wright: If
you can, Frank, give us a little additional details because we see
things when we create things now, computers and your catalogue, you
just search and you pull it up, but everything that you were doing,
you were creating by hand.
Hughes: By
hand, it was all by hand, yes. I literally had pieces of typing paper
in the kitchen table one night, the kids were asleep. I raised my
kids alone. Along the way here somewhere I divorced, and I raised
the kids. They stayed with me most of the time. I’d put them
to bed and I’d sit at the table and I’d just take one
of these training flows and work on it. One night, I got on a roll
and I did three of them in one night, I got their first level done.
In those days, we had Federal Electric, a contractor. It was the name
of the company which did drawings, procedures, typing and so on. I
turned them in and I said, “Make this thing look good.”
They literally took stencils and made boxes and then typed the name
of the lessons into all this to make this [catalogue] look decent.
It looked like a computer flow diagram, with all the decision blocks
if there was a place where you had options to go different ways, things
like that. Yes, it was very, very different. We had run with computers
in the [Mission] Control Center [MCC], but it was all kinds of a batch
job. That is, batch job means you asked for something or you gave
them a set of cards, and then they ran it. Somebody ran it, gave the
answers back. When I was in grad school, it was hardly any different
than that. That was 10, 15 years before that. I didn’t see a
computer on my desk until 1984. MOD went to computers. Some people
had had them, I think, a year or two earlier, but only just. The managers
didn’t use them at all, at that time. I was a branch chief at
that time so I was using it, but a lot of people just didn’t.
I remember, in MOD, I was running the training division by then. I
stood up and gave a lecture one time, they’d have a Monday morning
meeting for all the division chiefs would come together with Kranz,
and then later with John O’Neill or somebody, but it was Kranz,
and I told them about the Internet. I said, “This is really
something. You have to use this. You can’t believe what it can
They all said, “What are you talking about?”
“It’s amazing, you could just ask questions and you’ll
get answers.”
“What’s the use of that?”
“It was just amazing,” I said, “Hey, I’m going
to talk to you in six months and see what you think.” It was
just there, and I said, “You just climb on and just go to this
address on your computer.” Because it was by now, it was not
just a word processor, it was connected into the Web. I said, “You
won’t believe it.”
Wright: Little
did you know.
Hughes: Little
did I know. Now, all those people probably don’t work anymore.
They are retired and they just screw around on the Web. They don’t
get anything done all day. <smile>
Wright: Or
all the answers are on the Web now.
Hughes: It’s
true, it’s absolutely true. All of the smart people that work
here at Tietronix, and a couple of them, I can just ask them anything
and they’ll just come up, they know just how to fix my computer,
for example. This thing is doing this, how do I fix it? It was a big
eye-opening one day, he sat down at my computer and he said, “Oh,
yes, I see.” He goes to Google and types it in, and he types
it in a natural language, and he types like just like I was talking
to it myself—how do you get something to la-di-da? It comes
back with about 1,700 different ways to do it. I thought, “I
could have done that.”
Wright: You
too were as smart.
Hughes: Truly,
there’s no handbook anymore. It’s just ask it and it’s
there somewhere. You pick up the one that you already know, or a new
one, possibly, because it’ll all come up different ways. It
is the most marvelous thing. On the other hand, of course, I always
think, there was a short story by somebody, [Robert A.] Heinlein or
somebody, about all of the memory. It was like libraries, it was all
becoming electronic, and then they found ways to make it smaller because
it was just changing electrons around the ring of the thing of it,
that’s how they did it. They got it down smaller until finally,
some subatomic particle has all this stuff, everything that people
know. The whole memory of the world is in something about the size
of a six-inch cube. Then, they forgot the password.
Wright: Can’t
Google that, can you?
Hughes: There
you go, start over. It was just funny. That’s what I always
think of, that story of everything is just getting it smaller and
more portable. Just your phone because it’s a conduit out to
all that stuff, but you can ask it anything. Now, you can talk to
it. In fact, what’s funny is when you talk to it, you have to
use its pronunciation because if you try to get somebody’s name,
“Call Rebecca,” of course, it’ll say, “Which
Rebecca?” I don’t have any except you and one other in
the whole world, but it does that to me all the time. Or it will say,
my in-laws’ name, it’s Czech, Hradecky, but it starts
with an H. The name, it comes back, the pronunciation of that word
is so strange, so I have to say what it wants me to say, to have someone
call Randy Hecky, you know?
Wright: You’re
being trained by a phone?
Hughes: Exactly.
I’m changing my words so I can talk to this.
Wright: Explain
to us, because the Shuttle was still being put together and systems
had the possibility of being tweaked or switched around, you didn’t
have any concrete material to work with when you were developing all
these, how were you able to get the information that you needed to
start designing the Single System Trainers and that type of information
that you needed to train the people who were going to be using it?
Hughes: It’s
interesting, there. I was going to double-back on that because once
we started with the catalogue, that is, with the flow, that gave a
structure to it, but then the hard work started, you had to build
all that training for the crew. It’s almost funny because you
get back to the book—remember on Apollo, we had one book?
Wright: Yes.
That everybody got a section of, originally?
Hughes: Yes,
exactly. Now, there was one book but it is the bible for the software
in the Shuttle. We had multiple copies of it because now we had Xerox
(first one I had ever seen), and so we could crank out more copies
than you’d ever know. Dick [Richard A.] Thorson, a hell of a
guy, if you know that name, he and Jack [John R.] Garman and people
like that worked very hard on the flight software of this Shuttle.
As they worked it, they kept good records and they wrote requirements
about what the flight software is going to do. The problem is, it’s
not one machine—it’s five machines, and four are going
to be all on the same software, that is, at the primary, and then
there’s going to be a backup. Let’s just talk about that.
Of course, all of the material I’m talking about here has to
become part of the training. BFS, the Backup Flight Software, using
the same algorithms to how to fly home safely but done by different
programmers. The idea was, when you built the four in the front end
that you’re safe from hardware failures. If one of them fails,
you still have three others, and so on like that. If you’d had
a software problem built into it, well then, they’d all have
the same one so they’d all go down with that failure. That would
leave you the backup—hopefully, the people who programmed that
didn’t use the same code, they would not use the same code,
and so you’d get home. We never went to the backup, 135 flights,
we just never did that. That’s a good fact by itself.
We had to read this book (the software requirements book) and then
we had to make sense of it, what they said, because then somebody
else wrote back, IBM wrote back, and said, “This is what we’re
going to build.” Then, you had to translate that back to English
so you could talk to some astronaut who was going to have to know
how to use it. It came down to somebody just spent hours and hours
and hours making displays. This is what’s going to show up on
the screen, and there were several hundred of these displays that
were possible in the computer. Where before, in Apollo, it was interesting—we
used to talk with little verbs and nouns, verb 6 was display, and
verb 16 was the monitor, and you could see over here it was 30, which
was the high new angles. [Showing an Apollo cockpit drawing.]
Now, it was items, that we got to the point where little switch codes,
like you have a physical switch here, it’ll turn it on or off,
but in the computer, you would do an item three execute, and it would
do the thing you were asking to do in the software. It was like turning
it on. Now, you click on an icon and it does that. All you’re
doing is setting a flag of something that makes the computer do something
different than it was doing otherwise, or you’re making a request
of how to do it.
At that time, we had to come up with these displays, somebody designed
them, and then they were, again, it was no computers yet, so it was
all done with people that had to draw all this stuff out and reproduce
it and send it out to you and so on. If you wanted any changes, then
they had to go back and start over again. Literally tear it apart
and do it again; it was not like it got to be. When we got to Space
Station, displays were easy because you could do them just quickly,
it was all computerized. If we’re just putting together what
you have to know as an astronaut now—and that means what you
have to know as an instructor, because you have all that going on—it
would be that. You had to know how the software works, so here is
logic diagrams that you could go through, then here’s the displays
that would let you talk to all that stuff, and enormous amounts of
material behind that, the thinking process of the people who designed
it. You have to somehow communicate that to all the students in an
organized way.
Then, you go to the simulator, and now, we didn’t talk yet about
the hardware, but then you’d see that real equipment, which
was magic in its own right. Here in your hands is the exact real spacecraft.
So now you would put this all together and fly it or at least pretend
to fly it. I just wish, time and again, that we had had time to have
seen the Shuttle simulators here before they were shipped off. We
can go over and look at their Space Station simulators and we can
see some of those things. The Shuttle simulator was very, very unique.
I’m going to talk about that just a little bit.
Hardware-wise, remember before, in Apollo, we had that interpretively-simulated
computer system where you had a computer simulator but you put the
flight software into it and it behaved like the flight computer things
like that. To simulate the Shuttle flight computers, the computers
were fast, as fast as the simulator computers we had at the time.
Remember, we’re talking about ’74, ’75-6, that kind
of timeframe. There was no computer fast enough that had extra capacity
and speed to pretend to be the Shuttle computer. That happened later,
but by now, you just used real flight computers in the simulator.
It meant that we had actually five real flight computers in the simulator
in a cabinet and IBM built this, it’s called a SID, it’s
a Simulation Interface Device. It’s job was to fool those five
computers into thinking they were in space. They would do all kinds
of things to fake it out. The SID created accelerations and gravity
just as it would appear in the real flight. The computers measured
gravity, and it would be one G on the pad, go to zero in orbit or
it would be under thrust measuring the launch phase. So the SID would
tell all the things the computer needed to know. Give it time signals
as though it was coming from external sources, but the computers would
talk to each other just like they would in the real system and vote
against each other and so on.
Then, there was a fifth one, a BFS [Backup Flight System] living in
its own little world there. We had to do all this phony simulation
data, and we had to fake it into do what it is supposed to do. Then
not only fake it to make it work right, then you could put malfunctions
in, so you could screw up one. Of course, you couldn’t really
screw up the computer because it’s a real computer so you’d
fake it into thinking that it died or something like that. You’d
give it a power fail, and you’d make it look like it died, but
you’d never actually turn off the computer because you want
to restart the next session.
That by itself, that’s an enormous accomplishment, to make that
thing even happen. It was all satisfactory and was done in the ’76
to ’81 timeframe. We got it all ready to fly. Enormously good
people worked on that, from IBM, NASA, Singer, by then it was Singer,
but it was that same group. When they came together, it was the most
amazing thing because you’d take off and they’d fly, and
it all worked. It was amazing that it ever worked at all. So many
people did so much great work to make it all play. That’s still
true over here, no matter what, because as the spacecraft gets more
complicated, then the simulator gets even more complicated than that
because you have to do everything the [spacecraft] does plus be able
to act as a simulator, which means you can screw things up in a way
that looks real.
Wright: How
were the two crews that had been named? Were they working with you
at this time?
Hughes: The
two ALT crews worked well together. They had procedures. The big thing
was it was just entry-oriented. They were going to see if the thing
flew—they knew it flew, but then they flew on the back of the
747, and when they got really gutsy, they flew in like a racetrack.
I don’t know if you know, anything that goes on out there at
Edwards is very prescribed because there’s other secret areas
around it, like north of it is a Navy weapons test lab, and different
things like that. You’d get into the air, can I draw something
for you?
Wright: Sure.
Hughes: All
this is probably over there at UH [University of Houston-Clear Lake,
Texas] because I put all this material away over there in the archives.
At Edwards, there’s a big dry lake, kind of trains north and
south, and up here’s China Lake. This is the place where the
Navy has some black stuff going on. Then, on the edge of this dry
lake, is Edwards, which is buildings and a runway. There’s a
US Highway that runs by here and there’s another highway that
comes in here, and there’s an Antelope Valley Freeway goes up
this way. There’s a runway, the big runway. It runs like this,
and it’s just like that, so it’s 0-4, in other words,
it’s pointing up just 40 degrees off here, and whatever the
hell, 04-22. Out here, there’s other runways, different ones,
in the dirt. They’re graded. The nice thing about it is that
you can come from anywhere and land on the lake. If you can’t
make it, or you don’t even intend to get to here, because the
first few Shuttle flights landed on the lake. They didn’t know
what you were going to do, so these things are seven, eight miles
long, they’re great.
The first one we were going to do, we were going to take this one,
and so, way up here on China Lake. We took off in the 747, of course,
it took off on the runway, where we’d climb up and up and up
until it’d get to when it was about 35,000 feet; most it could
do, carrying that big beast on its back. It would be in a racetrack,
looked like that, and the airplane would get up to the altitude and
that was all it would do. It just went around and around in that way,
and when it was time to launch, they’d come down here [near
the south end of the racetrack] and then what happened really is that
the Shuttle would get very clean [it wants to fly] and the airplane
underneath got real dirty, so when they broke them loose, it’s
like it dropped the 747, almost like a bomb. It fell down and then
turned out from underneath it because this sucker (the Shuttle) is
going to come down quick through that part of the sky. Then, it would
just fly to the runway. That’s all it did. It didn’t do
any fancy maneuvering or anything like that. First one? Let's just
see what it’s going to do. They wanted to see how all of it
went well and everything.
If you could see these things, when it’d drop them, it didn’t
even fly a minute, of course, you come down so fast in the Shuttle.
It’s 12,000 feet a minute, so I guess it might be more than
a minute. Seemed like they were going pretty fast. You’d go
down, and so we did five of these, none of which land on the runway.
They all landed on the lake. You saw John Young landing all the time,
coming down with two chase planes and everything, and there are chase
on all these tests. He came in on this one, he came down on an extension
of this one, but came down this way, so it landed very, very slowly
and touched it down. He was heading this way (west), but that’s
only because in the morning, the wind is coming in your face, it’s
coming up off the ocean and coming this way. That was a big thing,
depending on which way the wind [was blowing], you went to different
places. If the wind was screwy, first, we wouldn’t go if it
was too bad. We wanted to come from here down on the longest runway
on these early flights. We’re literally talking about 10 miles,
or something like that, so you could land any part of it and still
be doing okay.
Wright: Were
you out there during the testing?
Hughes: Never.
I was always in the Control Center. Never saw one in person. The only
place that’d have a good seat is somebody in the chase. If they
offered me that seat, I’d have been there, but no. It was on
to the MCC.
Wright: Based
on the ALT program, you were able to take information and include
Hughes: Yes,
so ’76 and ’77, we took the only simulator we had, the
motion-base, and put into it all the dynamics that we knew about the
airplane, all the systems that we’re flying, but there was no
environmental control system. We were just breathing air. They had
oxygen because you were going up 35,000 feet, but there was nothing
fancy about it. No more than you would get a regular passenger airplane.
The five flights, the only one we had any trouble really was, I think
it was two, when we came off the airplane; first, third, and fifth
was [Fullerton and Haise], and then the second and fourth was [Engle
and Truly].
When they came off, they got some turbulence, and so they got into
a PIO [Pilot-Induced Oscillation]—that is, that you tend to
get into like a porpoising kind of thing. The most important thing
that Gordon contributed, Lord love him, (he just passed away this
year), said, “Get off the stick.” In other words, just
don’t touch it, and it settled out. It just landed. It was just
because you start over-controlling it, and everybody had to learn
how to handle this thing because it was a control stick that allowed
you change a rate, you were asking for a different rate as opposed
to a position.
Very different from what airplanes normally do. I sat up in the simulator
so many times with Cripp and Young, and he would sit there and he’d
have the hand controller and he didn’t even hold it. He would
literally have it between his first finger and thumb, and he would
literally just nudge it. He’d just let it fly, and it was so
great to watch it because he’s a great stick-man, anyway. He
would be able to make this thing do whatever he wanted to do without
thinking about it. It’s almost like that, he’d just nudge
it a little bit, never over-controlling it, and then he would put
it down right on the concrete. No matter what we gave him, and then,
of course, we had tire failures, blow-outs, all kinds of stuff, bounce
on the runway and everything. Then, he just acts like a normal airplane
pilot—in other words, if it veers off to the right because you
blow a tire, he just gives him some rudder and brings it back.
Wright: Tell
us about being in the Control Center during this program. You had
some folks that were still there from Apollo, that had been trained
through Apollo. Were there also new faces in there, and how did this
mix work well together?
Hughes: Yes,
there was a whole set of new things and new people coming on. The
training, we went through that, for the very first time, we did integrated
sim lessons also; pre-script, ahead of time, and we had objectives
for the flight controllers. So, it was not just the crew for that.
Denny did the work on that; I asked him to put it together, and they
went through the objectives to see what we have to do to get the environmental
control system guy trained, or the electrical part guys, or different
people. So, you could target the things going on.
There’s a real concern on that stuff, is that you make sure
everybody gets up to speed at the same time. You don’t want
to over-train—we did on the first flight because we couldn’t
fly; it went on and on and on forever. We started training in ’77
and by ’79, we’re ready to fly, but the vehicle wasn’t
ready to go, so it all went on and on. As we went through that, we
gradually started training those flight controller teams, and there
were teams, so then you had to work with each team and make sure that
everybody was certified within a team. It was easy when everybody
needed to be trained at the same time. Later, when you get replacements
come in, then you have to kind of zeroing in on get this guy up to
speed. So, the Sim Sup would talk with the Flight Director and say,
“Okay, I’ve got a new ECLSS [Environmental Control Life
Support System] guy so I need to get him up to speed,” or her
up to speed, because now the "hers" were arriving in big
Wright: How
was that received?
Hughes: Different
people had different reactions. In my group, I hired almost every
woman I could find. If they were offered to me, you’d bring
them in and talk to them and pick them up. I got so many good people—Janice
[E.] Voss worked for me as a co-op and then as an instructor before
she got to be an astronaut. Jim [James H.] Newman came in, went through,
a lot of them, George used me as a staging point. If he found somebody
that he didn’t go hire as an astronaut this year, suddenly I’d
get a call and say, “I’ve got a guy for you.”
Wright: You
knew your purpose, huh?
Hughes: Exactly.
It was funny because slots on some service are controlled by the Congress,
we don’t get to just do whatever. I said, “Well, what
do you want to do with them?” In those days, I had McDonnell,
Ford, and Rockwell slots, instructors working for me, as it came together.
He said, “I’ve talked to McDonnell and they’ll give
him a job, or her a job.” Okay! No problem with me, I get a
new good person here, and so I put them to work. You know that two
years later, or every year, they were applying to become astronauts.
Suddenly, get them the word, and they said they’re going. You’re
just happy to have them as long as you could, and they did good work
on the way. Janice was great. Newman, I say those two names because
I was close to them. In fact, I was single at that time, and I would
go on vacations, and I hired them to stay at my house. My kids always
talk about [how] some of their babysitters were astronauts.
Wright: They
were raised by the best, huh?
Hughes: Exactly.
Not a bad deal.
Wright: Not
for anybody, yes.
Hughes: Quality
people, you didn’t have to worry about some 13-year-old kid
down the street burning down the house; I'd have some 26-year-old
Ph.D. quasi-astronaut
Wright: Had
different concerns, yes. You controlled their future though because
I’m sure that the right word from you helped a long way.
Hughes: I
gave them the right words for sure. It was an interesting time because
I’ve always had a big open house kind of thing in my place,
I always go through and say, like, right now I’m saying around
here, “Who’s available for Thanksgiving dinner?”
Some of these kids are from all over the world, and they can maybe
go home for Christmas, but they’re not going home Thanksgiving,
too. I said, “Come on over if you want.” I used to joke
about it, my kids never quite know who the hell was coming for Thanksgiving.
It was always interesting, though.
Wright: That’s
right, it’s life not dull, that’s for sure.
Hughes: That’s
it, that’s it.
Wright: Finally,
STS-1 was ready to go.
Hughes: Before
the STS-1 came, we worked through a lot of problems. We had engine
problems out in the real world. So then we really, really worked the
engine model to make it a better model than it would have been otherwise,
so we could simulate some of the problems they’re seeing in
the engine. We didn’t do much on tiles because the vehicles,
either it flew or didn’t fly. We made drag, we could fix it
up so there was some tiles gone, or so you get drag on one side. Never
as bad as [Space Shuttle] Columbia [STS-107 accident], where the whole
wing came off. It didn’t make any sense—you don’t
have to train for that. That’s such a bad day no matter how
you get to that situation. You don't have to practice how to die.
It was really, really important that they understood and knew what
to do almost instantly. You could just see what was coming along,
and an engine fail, you never had an engine fail without some other
problems. We just always simulated as though there was shrapnel flying
around back there. As a matter of fact, the engine failures that we
had on real fights were great, they were all self-contained. We didn’t
get any damage from anything else back in the back end, but we’d
always give them at least one hydraulics leak or something with it,
just to say, “Well, this engine is down, but it might have come
apart back there.” You can’t tell—you’re 120
feet away from it, up here. You would throw something in to make sure
that they knew that it could be a worse day than just an engine out.
Immediately, we put in an all-over timeline of where to go if an engine
failed. We put it in early, then you had to go back to Florida. If
you put it in later, you can go to Africa. If you put it in later
than that, you’re going to abort into orbit. You can still use
the two engines that are left and burn further, longer, and get there.
They’d go through all that training and think about it, so it
became part of it. They just knew what it was doing. It’s interesting
because the communications, while we were developing the simulator,
would become calls that would be used in the Control Center. What
the crew wanted to know is can I get to orbit yet? Can I get there
with two engines left? Can I get there with one engine? Which is actually
possible, in some of the scenarios.
Ron [Ronald C.] Epps, who became one of my first flight supervisors,
later when I was Division [Chief], he and some guys developed this
ARD, it’s the Abort Region Determinator. It was a piece of software
in the Control Center. It’s based on your altitude and your
speed and how much fuel you’ve got left. It would decide, are
you RTLS, are you ATO, are you AOA, and all these different things.
Those things were hammered out. Then, we had to communicate to that
crew, really in a very terse way, so that’s all those calls
that you’d hear were always developed in the simulator, then
we would make sure everybody used them down in the Control Center,
so that they would know just what was going on.
The CapComs, who were, of course, part of the team, would come over
and work with the crew about what do you have to say to make sure
you’re not going to be screwed up, not going to be confused
about what’s going on, situation. Down underneath it, it’s
like the old thing of a duck looks calm on the top but underneath,
it’s paddling like hell. In that ARD world, it would be that
way, because the FDO [Flight Dynamics Officer] would be watching all
these measurements and parameters and the people working at the potential
problems. They’d watch and see exactly what it is. They’d
have an indicator that says “No RTLS anymore,” in other
words, you’re too fast, you don't have enough fuel to return
to KSC. You’re not coming back to KSC. That was a great call
on each flight because I never believed we could survive an RTLS.
It was just one of those things that haunted me.
That’s a whole different thing, and I get into physics and why
I didn’t like it, and I used to talk to a lot of people about
that all the time. The problem is, if you had a problem, I thought
you should go back immediately because you’re already one engine
bad—why the hell do you think these two others are going to
burn for longer now? We had a separation concern. Once you shut down
the engines, what will all the fuel do inside that tank? Will it stay
stable? So with all the dynamics associated with these question, the
dynamics people decided that we should just separate with an empty
Nobody was sure what it was like if you separated from a full tank,
or half-full. When you shut down the engine, then the fuel would roll
forward or bouncing around in there. I remember we talked about all
the engine stuff in the Saturn V, well the same thing would be in
the big orange tank. They were worried about if you separated there,
it might come up and hit you again because the fuel is bouncing around
in there. They convinced themselves anyway to burn it down to 30 percent,
then you’d separate because you knew the answers, 30 percent,
it wasn’t going to do that because there’s nothing in
it, pretty much, at all.
We did all those things, anyway, so that we’d get to orbit,
then they’d run through the procedures to safe the engines,
and everything shut down. It’s interesting if you think about
it, this thing is so big, it’s just enormous. I talk like it’s
still alive, and of course, it’s all history now, but there
was about nine tons of fuel still in just the pipes between the tank
and the engine. You would vent all that out as much as possible because
when you said zero, you’d close valves on the tank side and
close down the Shuttle side, and then finally, you would separate,
but there was still a lot of fuel laying around and you want to get
rid of it somehow.
If nothing else, for just weight, later, and CG control—that
is, the center of gravity—because if you got rid of it then
that CG would move forward and that’s better for flying, the
quality when you’re coming to entry. Some of it wasn’t
that way when you started, and we would find things and say, “This
thing is really droopy coming in.”
They’d say, “Well, it’s your models.”
I said, “Okay.” Then, we’d go check it further and
I said, “I don’t think it’s the model.” All
that fuel’s sitting back in the back end still, can we get rid
of it? I said, “Will you vent it?” Some procedures were
changed and things got better. We flew some flights—it was not
like we knew all the answers on the first one—sometimes, we
got further ahead.
Wright: How
confident were you that the crew was ready to go on the STS-1?
Hughes: I
was really confident. I was confident in 1980. The simulator got better,
the crew got extremely better. It was interesting, it’s the
only time anybody’s done that, to launch somebody straight off,
but you had to believe that the models were good. They weren’t
perfect, they weren’t really perfect, the thermal models were
terrible and they took four flights, I think, before we figured out
what was really going on outside with the temperature, coming home.
That’s where you got those spots, I think we talked about before,
the black spots on the OMS [Orbital Maneuvering System] Pods, where
we did not know that they were being impinged there.
I’m not an aero guy, but I know it’s like a blowtorch,
if that shockwave comes up over the wing and that’s where it
landed. They thought everything would go over the OMS Pod and just
be gone, but it didn’t. It wound up impinged on that, and the
first two flights, I think, they actually had damage that they had
to repair on Columbia, in that area, and that’s when they decided
to put the black tiles there, so it just handled the higher temperature
than they thought they were going to get. It’s funny, nobody
would think anything about it except why do they have those funny
black tiles in that area? Everything else with these laminated, it’s
like blankets that they just put over it, because it was thought it
would be cool, and they were cool relative. Only 1,000 degrees, not
2,500, it’s funny when you talk of these temperatures. It was
really great. Funny story—do you remember the Steak and Egg
[restaurant], does that even mean anything, there is a Mediterranean
place there now.
Wright: Yes.
Hughes: We
were so excited. I had no role in the Control Center—I had my
people in there, but I was in Building 4, watching. Of course, the
first day it didn’t go, then two days later, they got it into
orbit. We were so excited, there was about 10 of us, we went over
to Steak and Egg to have breakfast after the launch. We were so excited
and so much and so loudly (talk about hyper). I mean we were just
like little kids. These were 35-year-old people—they threw us
out. They asked us to leave. We ordered and we’re just disturbing
everybody in the damn place, it’s like, we were still talking.
We ate, but they said, “Can you guys take it home, take it out
of here?” They didn’t know what the hell to do. They were
just trying to serve eggs and we were there rehashing the mission,
as far as it had gone so far, and telling stories, and just being
ridiculous and loud and noisy, yes, and loud.
Wright: The
crew was a little bit different in the sense that you had a seasoned
veteran, with John Young, but Bob Crippen had enjoyed computers and
took a great interest in learning how software had worked. Did that
make a difference in the training?
Hughes: History
repeats itself. When we flew the first guys, they came out of an age
where airplanes were just no computer on it. You pointed it and it
went where you wanted to go. When Gus [Virgil I. Grissom] flew with
John [Young], now, the computer on the Gemini was really small, but
it was on John’s side. Gus says, “You’re the guy.”
When we went to Apollo, he was the guy, because they were coming out
of the world of F-4s, which is a fairly computerized machine and A-6s,
if they’re Navy guys. All of a sudden, the older guy would just
say, “You got it.” It’s funny, then, [Shuttle],
Young says to Crippen, “You got it,” because now Crippen
came out of the F-14s and flying computers, F-16s if it was Air Force,
so that’s all they had, was computers. The new guy got all the
stuff to learn the computer, and so Young was pretty good at it, but
Cripp was the one to be the computer guy on board.
That’s what, again, he and I worked forever to make sure we
understood how that computer worked. Not just how to work it, but
how it worked, because that was the deal. You were always wondering
about what it would do different than you thought it was. The good
thing about it, again, on the simulator, this one now, when we’re
not flying the flight software but you had the same box, so that was
good. You know that the timing was right, and all those things that
we had problems with earlier, didn’t get there. We still had
to make sure we fooled it into believing it was in space and doing
all the things that you do.
Wright: Did
you make a lot of changes? I know you learned a lot during those first
four flights, but did you end up making lots of changes to get ready
for supposedly the remainder of the ones that would move into the
60 flights a year?
Hughes: We
did. When we came back, every crew, the debriefing was great, and
that first four was really interesting because the unique personalities.
The first two crews were probably like the same, then it was Engle
and Truly, again, they’d already flown the ALT and they moved
straight into this flight, [STS-]2. They had the one that had fuel
cell problems, so they came back a couple days early, but they were
ready to go. All of those four, I’d say, with the fourth one
being a little stranger, and that was [Thomas K.] Mattingly, but it
worked, and we did change a lot. Personalities changed how it is,
you know, just how it is.
Crippen and Young, we had more fun with them. With the first two crews,
it was like a laugh a minute, and every time the crews would come
along, you could see that it’s the personality of the commander
details what’s going to happen on a crowd. If you’ve ever
been to a party somewhere and there’s a laugh-a-minute kind
of person, then the party is just buzzing because everybody’s
laughing about what he said next and last and all this stuff. That
goes on even to this moment today. Different crews go to orbit different
I always say Apollo 10 was the best crew in Apollo because it was
that same trio of clowns, [Thomas P.] Stafford and John Young and
Gene [Eugene A.] Cernan. When they get to be commanders, then, it
was not so much. It was funny still, but now they’re the commander,
so they have to reign in the horses and keep these guys in line, and
it’s a different thing. When they were the unbridled stallions
that were running around, they were going crazy.
The first four flights, we learned a lot about fuel cells, environmental
control, where we actually had to make changes in the simulator models
just to match up with what was going on. Then, there were real funny
things, like the fuel cells, they had gas in the water that it made,
and it’s a hydrogen gas, and of course, that was not dangerous
because we just got rid of it, but if you drank it, then it bloated
you, so it was that kind of problem, and it didn’t taste good.
We had similar problems on Apollo, but not so much as this one. They
solved it later—it was a membrane change in the fuel cells,
or something they did. Too much stuff gas would get through and get
into the water while on the wrong side.
There was something in there about landing. A big thing is you’ve
seen this happen all the time, but when you come in, this is like
a very strange thing to fly because you come in, you’re Mach
6, Mach 5, and slowing down. It’s a very sporty flying airplane,
and then as you get down lower and slower, after you go around the
HAC, the Heading Alignment Cone, let me try to do this.
The fact is, it’s getting slower. It’s getting slower
and lower, it means that it’s less responsive, so the computer
changed the gains, so like a little, tiny nudge on the stick would
make a little, tiny change on the surface that’s outside because
you’re going so fast. By the time you get down toward landing.
A little tiny nudge on the stick, well, the control surfaces needed
to move a lot to make that same effect happen. You’re losing
energy it all the time. They found when they came down to touch down
that everybody did a good job.
It’s just down, except I think STS-[3], we had one pretty good
bounce on 3. Then, you had almost no control of how hard you smacked
down. If you land on a commercial airplane that you fly in, you feel
this thud as the main gear touches down. Then you feel lesser thud
as the nose gear touches down. In the Shuttle, because the speed is
bleeding off and the elevons have less authority to keep it up, as
the nose wheel is coming down. The problem is because now the elevons
[Shuttle control surfaces] are all the way up but they still couldn’t
control how fast the nose slapped down. That’s why we added
the [drag] chute.
The chute wasn’t to help slowing down, although it does a little
bit, but it was to hold the nose up until the pilot let it down. Flight
after flight, we just couldn’t do it, we couldn’t control
it. And you can't go around pranging the nose down time after time.
There’s a 10 foot per second vertical speed limit on that, you
could bend something. You just couldn’t do it, so they were
up in the 7, 8, 9 a lot, in those early flights. That’s why
we added the chute [on STS-49, 1992]. The idea was just to put it
out quick, it’s going to slow you down a little bit, but that’s
not what it’s about. That would be nice if you’re landing
in Africa or somewhere where the runways are short, because it relieves
some of the stress on your brakes. But mostly, it’s once you
get it out, it holds the nose up in the air, then you can lower. You
actually help to push it down, which is just right, and once it’s
down, that way, they don’t leave it on, all the rest of the
way. Once it’s on the wheels and ground, then you see it pop
the [chute] loose. If you’d landed in Africa, and they do have
a short runway, you would have had that chute all the way to the last
moment. That’s probably good.
Wright: We’re
about 11 o’clock, do you want to stop right here and then we
can give you a break?
Hughes: Yes,
let’s do that.
Wright: Okay,
let’s do that.
of Interview]
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