NASA Johnson Space Center
Oral History Project
Edited Oral History Transcript
S. McArthur, Jr.
Interviewed by Jennifer Ross-Nazzal
Houston, Texas – 26 March 2018
Today is March 26, 2018. This interview with Bill McArthur is being
conducted at the Johnson Space Center for the JSC Oral History Project.
The interviewer is Jennifer Ross-Nazzal. Thanks again for taking time
out of your busy biking day. We appreciate it.
Jennifer, it’s always nice to come back and spend a little time
with you.
Yes, we always look forward to it. It’s been a while since we’ve
done one of these, but I was thinking back on all the interviews that
we’ve done. We haven’t touched on the [Space Shuttle]
Columbia [STS-107] accident. So I wondered if you would share your
thoughts and your memories of that day and its impact on you.
Sure. I was training for [International Space Station (ISS)] Expedition
8 at that time. It was a Saturday, and we were in our cottage in Star
City [Russia]. There are three duplexes that NASA rents from the Russians,
and they are sort of townhome-style apartments, three-bedroom/two-bath
apartments. We were following the mission as it was ongoing. We had,
fortunately, pretty good television service in the cottages.
We picked up very quickly via the news that something catastrophic
had happened, and of course we were at a loss. Of course, we Americans
gathered together pretty quickly. Almost immediately, cosmonauts started
coming dropping by. Our Russian colleagues started dropping by to
offer their condolences.
Expedition 8—we sat down. I think we had about a week of training
left, and NASA offered to bring us back immediately. So we met and
had a conversation and recognized that because we were so far along
in our Space Station training, we were uncertain at that point what
was going to happen with the flight manifest. It was obvious that
the Shuttle fleet would be grounded, but we just didn’t know
what else might happen. I was pretty confident that by the time we
got back to the U.S. people would be engaged in doing all the immediate
postmishap activities.
We sat down, and we discussed it. We were pretty confident there wasn’t
anything we could do immediately to support the families or with the
mishap investigation, so we agreed that the best way for us to honor
the Columbia crew would be for us to complete our training. That way
we would be better prepared for whatever plans were implemented, because
it was obvious that it would be important to keep crews on board the
ISS. And so, again, we agreed that that was probably the best thing
for us to do. I think in retrospect it was, because we came back and
we stayed in training.
Now, the crews themselves were shuffled. Expedition 6 was onboard
ISS. From the U.S., Don [Donald R.] Pettit and Ken [Kenneth D.] Bowersox
[and cosmonaut Nikolai M. Budarin]. They were obviously going to come
back on a Soyuz.
Then the Expedition 7 crew, which was supposed to be Ed [Edward T.]
Lu, Yuri [I.] Malenchenko, and [cosmonaut Aleksandr Y. “Sasha”
Kaleri]. … They shuffled the crews. Ed and Yuri stayed on Expedition
7. The plan very quickly evolved into only putting two people on board
Space Station for the long-duration assignments, and then the crews
would rotate on Soyuz.
I went from being the flight engineer on Expedition 8 to being the
commander for Expedition 8 backup with Valery [I.] Tokarev. Mike [C.
Michael] Foale stayed on Expedition 8, and then Valery and I moved
to Expedition 9. In the interim, we were Expedition 8 backup crew.
So that’s really the sequence of events that transpired after
We came back, and the training did change. We stayed in the U.S. for
the next training cycle, [which] was extended, made a little bit longer.
When I went back to Russia, I was going to fly on the right seat of
Soyuz, so I now I had to move to the left seat and that just involved
significantly more training in Russia. [To clarify, according to the
original plan, I would have flown in the right seat of Soyuz, with
minimal responsibilities for operating the spacecraft. But on the
Expedition 8 backup crew and subsequent missions I was assigned to
the left seat with a significantly greater role in flying our Soyuz.]
I didn’t realize it had such a dramatic impact immediately.
You alluded to something else [before we started]. The best-laid plans—Expedition
8 flew in the fall of that year, and what we thought is that Valery
and I were going to be Expedition 9 along with André Kuipers,
a Dutch astronaut. During some EVA [extravehicular activity] training
in Star City the Russians detected a heart arrhythmia in me, and so
the doctors of course were concerned about it.
This is when we were doing Expedition 8 backup training, so we continued
as Expedition 8 backup. I’m not sure what they would have done
if Mike [Foale] had not been able to fly, because as soon as Expedition
8 flew it was obvious the Russians were very uncomfortable with my
flying with this heart arrhythmia.
Rick Senter was the flight surgeon who was there when the Russians
first saw this. It was tachycardia, a rapid heart rate. He explained
to me what it was, and it was not a life-threatening issue. Expedition
8 launches. I get back to Russia to start training for Expedition
9, and it’s obvious that the Russians are very reluctant. NASA
is going to be hard-pressed to convince the Russians that this is
a medical condition that they’ll accept.
I came back, and they sent me down to St. Luke’s [hospital]
to an electrophysiologist, a cardiologist who deals with arrhythmias.
The Russians have a test that they perform on all their cosmonauts,
and that’s to put in an esophageal catheter. It’s a little
wire that they actually run through your nose, and it goes down your
esophagus, so it sits in close proximity to your heart. Then they
apply an electrical impulse, and they try to trigger an arrhythmia.
It’s not a test that’s common in the U.S. anymore.
Even before that, NASA brought in an Air Force cardiology specialist;
he looked at all my data. He said, “If you were an F-16 pilot
I would put you back on flight status immediately, but I don’t
have experience with how people’s hearts respond in microgravity,
so I really don’t know. However, I would consider it unethical
to say that your options are to have a heart catheterization or be
grounded. If they’re going to require you to have a procedure
to allow you to fly, then I think the only ethical decision is that
you don’t fly.”
Of course, I’m not buying that. At St. Luke’s, they agreed
to do the test that the Russians do. I’m in their cath lab [catheterization
laboratory], and we’re getting ready to do this. They’re
looking at this catheter, kind of looking at it, and they go, “We’ve
never seen these before. We’re not sure how to hook them up.”
So they do a little checking, read the instructions. “Okay,
we got it down now.”
They insert the catheter. It was interesting. Like I said, it goes
in through your nose, and the first time they did it it then came
back out through my mouth. It’s like, “Okay, it’s
not quite going in the right place.” They worked on it, and
they got it in. So they started applying this electrical impulse,
“Do you feel that?”
I said, “Yes, I feel that.”
“Is it comfortable?”
I said, “Yes, it’s not too bad.”
“Okay, it hasn’t actually captured your heart rhythm yet,
so we’re going to have to increase the voltage.”
As it goes up I said, “Okay, now it’s reached the point
where it’s not very comfortable.”
“Okay, we’ll give you a little something for that.”
So they gave me a little something to deaden the sensation. Then they
captured the heart rate, removed the signal, and the heart rate went
back to normal. The deal was if the U.S. gave me the test that the
Russians felt was their standard and I passed, then I’d be cleared.
Then they started pacing my heart again, removed the signal, and this
time it didn’t return to a normal rhythm.
What I had was something called AV [atrioventricular] node reentry
tachycardia, and it’s caused by an area of additional electrical
conductivity between the right atrium and the right ventricle. It’s
something you’re born with. It generally doesn’t manifest
itself until a little bit later in life. At this point, the NASA docs
go, “You’re positive for this condition. What do you want
to do?”
I said, “If we’ve gone this far, why don’t we just
fix it?”
What does that entail?
The NASA docs said, “Well, you’ll be grounded for six
months if you do that.” We were four months from our launch
date. “You’ll be grounded for six months.”
I said, “Well, we don’t have any”—I apologize—“we
don’t have any balls if we don’t challenge that grounding.”
Then it was kind of ironic. The doctor was Dr. Ali Massumi, the cardiologist.
Sadly, he’s passed away. Dr. Massumi said, “The way we
would treat it is, we’d put in a catheter into your heart through
the femoral vein. We’ll map the electrical areas in your heart.
We’ll identify this abnormal area of activity. Then we’ll
use a microwave tip to heat it to fifty degrees C [Celsius], which
will kill the nerve tissue in that area, and it will remove that conductive
I’m already in the cath lab, so it was just a matter of taking
that catheter out and then doing the other ones. Then somebody said,
“Oh, but we’ve given him a sedative. That means he can’t
sign a consent form.”
But I was still alert enough to say, “Then it’s a good
thing I signed the consent form this morning before you started.”
This was actually on New Year’s Eve, I think in 2003.
Way to celebrate the new year.
It was. They performed the procedure. This was day surgery, so they
put me in a recovery room. They really were concerned most about the
catheter insertion site, the incision there, bleeding, because it’s
a pretty large blood vessel.
I think maybe even before I got into the recovery room Dr. Massumi
had told my wife, “He’s cured.” Dr. Massumi was
pretty confident that that would correct the issue. Now we did catch
grief from my daughters because we did not tell them that Dad was
going into the hospital for some cardiac procedure.
It’s kind of a big deal, major organ.
The most uncomfortable part of the procedure was after the catheters
were removed, the huge nurse—we’ve seen these people with
these physiques from the South Pacific, Samoan-type physique. It’s
a male nurse, nice guy, but he’s putting his full body weight
down on the incision site to make sure that the incision closes. He’s
a big guy.
We failed in challenging the six-month grounding. In part, it was
they wanted some time to ensure that the issue had been resolved.
They initially just replaced me on the crew with Leroy Chiao, and
then unfortunately they decided that they would bump Valery. So I
became the Expedition 10 backup, and they were going to have Leroy
and Valery fly with André.
But then they decided for a number of [reasons]—I think they
just thought that Valery and I were psychologically so compatible,
maybe they didn’t think they could find somebody else that would
put up with me. They just thought we paired up so well together, unfortunately
for Valery—worked out okay in the long run, but they bumped
him back as well.
So they left Leroy and Salizhan [S.] Sharipov on Expedition 10. We
became the Expedition 10 backup, and they moved Mike [E. Michael]
Fincke and Gennady [I.] Padalka up to Expedition 9. Valery and I trained
as the Expedition 10 backup, and then ultimately were prime for Expedition
You mentioned Valery, so I have to ask, because in another interview
with us you called him your “space brother.” I wondered
if you could elaborate on what you meant by that.
We met each other first in the late ’90s when he was here training
for STS-96. He was a Russian Air Force colonel, test pilot. We didn’t
get to know each other well at that time because he was training for
one mission. I was training for STS-92, so we didn’t have really
a lot of time to get to know each other.
When I became the DOR in Star City (the director of operations-Russia)—which
is really a very grandiose title which really doesn’t describe
the job very accurately, because the DOR is really just responsible
for what goes on in Star City and not all of NASA’s efforts
in Russia. We had an inkling then that we were—it wasn’t
official, but we were pretty confident we were about to be assigned
to Expedition 8 together.
Somewhere, I think in maybe April of that year, I had a chance to
go with the Russian delegation to some international symposium on
space exploration being held in Berlin [Germany]. Valery was also
on the Russian delegation, and because his English was quite good
he became the translator for me and my wife. Neither of us spoke Russian
very well at the time.
We stayed in the Russia House [Russian House of Science and Culture]
in Berlin. This is essentially a conference facility that was either
owned by Russia or certainly controlled by Russia. They provided all
our meals there in their own dining room, and they had their own chefs.
So we really were eating Russian food there. They brought in German
beer, but it was Russian food. There’d be a lot of chitchat
and a lot of things like that.
Valery would be translating those things for us, and I think some
of the language became colorful. He would be sitting beside my wife,
and so when Valery would translate he would say, “Well, this
person said this, this, and this, and now some Russian slang,”
so that was the colorful language. We started bonding then, and then
in I think August—I’m trying to remember when the crew
assignment was actually announced. Maybe it was in August of 2001.
The crew assignment was announced, and from that point forward we
were together almost constantly. Generally, we’d spend a month
here in the States training and then a month in Russia training. We
were going to classes together constantly, training in the NBL [Neutral
Buoyancy Laboratory] together, doing sims [simulations] together.
We would socialize, whoever was in whatever country.
When Valery and I became paired as a two-person crew, then we would
socialize just the two of us. He would generally arrive in the States
for training on a Friday or Saturday—Saturday I think—so
the next morning we would always meet at Perry’s [Steakhouse
and Grille], when it was over on Bay Area Blvd. for brunch. In Russia
I would periodically go to Valery’s house for dinner, or whatever.
Of course I got to know his wife and children, and he got to know
my family quite well. We did some interesting things.
He and Suni [Sunita P.] Williams went with me to a West Point [United
States Military Academy, West Point, New York] banquet one year. Suni
is a Naval Academy graduate, so it was kind of fun having a Navy guest
at our big banquet where the interest we all shared most was a hatred
for Navy. I guess maybe not so much hatred, but a keen rivalry.
Yes, I was going to say you probably razzed her a little bit there.
Absolutely. I remember he took André and me elk hunting one
time. We say elk, I think they really were moose. This was quite an
adventure. It was early December before I had my cardiac intervention.
We went to Valery’s hometown and went and got together with
a hunting collective. These were a bunch of men from Valery’s
Some of the collective would drive the animals toward a line of hunters.
It was probably one hundred kilometers north of Moscow. Rostov Veliky
was the name of the town. It was cold, snow on the ground. We’re
driving around in this—looks like a little four-wheel-drive
minivan, a military-style vehicle that the Russians had a lot of.
Eating this sort of ground-up meat that’s kind of congealed,
and drinking vodka, and shooting at things. It’s like, “What
could go wrong here.”
Fortunately, nothing went wrong and they actually did get a couple
of animals. Then we went back and they had cooked up a stew with animals—not
from the kill that day, but from previous hunts. That’s really
what they did is they would shoot these animals and then distribute
them in the town, so these were folks were actually getting meat for
Golly, I remember one night, and maybe it was that night. We stayed
in a hotel right on the river locally, and I remember looking at it.
It was just really strange because the name of the hotel was Riverside.
Not in Russian, in English, “Riverside.” And it was like
a Bavarian hotel or something, so it’s kind of interesting to
be in relatively remote Russia.
Then there was one time Valery had been invited to speak for some
holiday of some town east of Star City, so he invited me to go along.
I get there and they ask me to speak. I did the best I could.
How good was your Russian at that point?
I think I could speak Russian well enough that I could demonstrate
to them a respect for their culture. One lesson I learned at some
point. That is you don’t have to speak another language well
to be able to demonstrate that you have respect for other people,
because you are trying to learn the language. So that’s part
of how Valery and I bonded.
You mentioned that things changed as a result of Columbia, especially
because you weren’t going to be a three-member crew, you were
going to be a two-member crew. How did that shift the training? You
mentioned things changed, I know your mission changed.
Our responsibilities became much broader. Now if there was going to
be an EVA, Valery and I were going to do the EVA. Before, when there
was a third person in the mix, it might have been, for example, Mike
and Valery might have done a Russian EVA, or Mike and I would have
done U.S. EVAs. Now Valery and I had to do all of those things.
At some point we actually did think—because STS-114 [post-Columbia
Shuttle Return to Flight] flew in July of 2005, and we were scheduled
to launch in the fall of 2005. We actually thought when we got there
that there would be a third crewmember there, Thomas [A.] Reiter would
go up. I think he would have gone up on STS-121 and he would have
been there when we arrived. Then, sometime during our mission, the
next Shuttle would have come up and Suni Williams would have come
up and replaced Thomas.
It was only after 114 flew, and there were more foam shedding problems
that the plan changed. Not only were we not going to have a third
crewmember, a lot of the experiments we had trained to do were not
going to be present. The specific EMU [extravehicular mobility unit]
components that Valery and I would have used were going to go up on
STS-121, so they had to change the actual suit configuration—with
the components that were currently on-orbit—to achieve a suit
fit that would be acceptable for Valery and me.
They did launch our prime EMU gloves, so we had our prime gloves,
and then they had designated gloves on orbit which they thought would
be acceptable as backups for us. That didn’t go so well.
Do you want to elaborate on that?
I sure do. Getting into Expedition 12, we had a U.S. EVA. We thought
we might get to do two U.S. EVAs. We had the first EVA maybe late
October, early November. [If you] recall, there had never been an
EVA from the U.S. segment out of the U.S. airlock, wearing the U.S.
EMU, with only a two-person crew on board ISS.
There had been Russian segment EVAs in the Orlan [spacesuit]. Leroy
and Salizhan did at least one, but no one had done [with the EMU].
When I say a two-person EVA, of course most EVAs are two people. But
for the U.S. suit there had always been at least one other crewmember
to help the EVA crew don and doff the suit.
So the concern was, without a third person present, how would those
tasks be done? Not only how would you do those tasks, but we had to
worry about the contingency of an incapacitated crewmember. What would
you do if one of the two crewmembers loses consciousness during the
EVA? Assuming you can get both people in the airlock, that the conscious
crewmember can close the hatch and can repressurize the airlock, but
can [they] get both people inside the larger part of the airlock,
the equipment lock portion? If you’re by yourself, how do you
get out of the suit?
Previous crews had worked on techniques, so one week before we did
the EVA we went through a true full-up dress rehearsal where we completely
suited up. I think the only thing we didn’t do was an in-suit
prebreathe. The suit pressure is much lower than ambient pressure.
To avoid getting the bends, you have to, at full ambient pressure,
breathe pure oxygen in the suit for four hours. So we skipped the
four-hour prebreathe during the dress rehearsal.
We went through everything, and there were some interesting techniques.
We put handrails in the floor that you could wedge your foot in between
so you could anchor yourself, and then we took a series of straps,
tethers. You could get the gloves off; you could get the helmet off.
You could disconnect the body seal closure between the lower torso
assembly, the pants of the suit, and the hard upper torso. But how
do you get out of the hard upper torso? Because you’ve got these
arms here [demonstrates] and the shell itself is fiberglass. You need
something to react against.
If you have a third crewmember there is this EVA don and doff assembly,
this rack against the wall, that you clip the suit into. If you have
a third crewmember, that person can do that. Or, if you have two conscious
crewmembers, one of you can do that for the other, and then once that
person gets out of the suit you can then take the second crewmember
and do the same for them.
But if you’re by yourself you can’t get into this rack;
you can’t clip the suit into the rack. We’ve got the handrails
on the floor, put your feet in it, and then we take these tethers
and attach them to overhead locations and then slip them around the
rings. Now you’re sort of spread [out], almost like you’re
being crucified. Then what you have to do is see if you can work yourself
out [of the suit]. Valery and I had to demonstrate the ability to
self-don as a prerequisite to being cleared to actually do the EVA.
After we’d done that, Valery was worried about his glove fit.
Even though these were his prime gloves, he didn’t find them
comfortable. So we said, “We’ll go find your backup gloves,
and you can try those on.” I look in the inventory management
system. Valery’s backup gloves, serial number 12345, “They
are in this location.” Needless to say, it’s a location
that had things blocking it, and they were in a bag with a lot of
other gloves. So I’m looking through every glove looking for
Valery’s backup pair. I go through every glove that’s
in the location that the inventory management system says. No backup
gloves. Okay, fine. I call the ground, “Can’t find the
backup gloves. You have any suggestions?”
“Go look in this location.”
“Already looked there.”
“Well go look in this location.”
I go look there, “No, they’re not there.”
“Try this location.”
“No, they’re not there.”
I go back in the inventory management system. I read in the notes
that these gloves were originally scheduled to be brought down on
STS-114, so I call the ground. I said, “Have you checked to
see if you have them on the ground?”
“Why don’t you check and see if they’re over at
Boeing or United Space Alliance?”
Next day. “Yes, they’re on the ground.”
“Okay. So how about our wrist mirrors? We can’t find our
wrist mirrors.”
“They’re on the ground.”
“Okay.” So we used Russian wrist mirrors and that worked
okay, but Valery had to use his original gloves.
As I’m rambling about stowage, that was something I found very
frustrating on Space Station, the inability to find [items]. I think
it had a lot to do with the chaos that occurred when [the Orbiter
was grounded again]. So STS-114 went up, and it was thought that that
would be the beginning of regular logistics operations with ISS. And
then of course while [Space Shuttle] Discovery was docked, the decision
was made to ground the fleet until they did additional modifications
of the external tank.
There was a rush to do whatever was possible to leave the Station
in the best logistical configuration in the absence of the resumption
of normally scheduled Shuttle missions. A lot of things were transferred
from Discovery to ISS, and they didn’t have bar codes to interface
with the inventory management system, so there wasn’t a convenient
way to document where all these things went. I’m sure a stowage
plan was uplinked to the crew, but I suspect they were so overwhelmed
with the amount of material they were trying to transfer that at some
point they just started sticking things in lockers and bags and that
sort of thing.
So I continually encountered two things. One is things weren’t
where the ground thought they were, if they even were on orbit at
all. There were things that I did find that were useless. There were
power cables for example, laptop power cables that were transferred
from Discovery to ISS, which weren’t compatible with ISS. There
was a lot of that stuff. At some point I spent some amount of time
transferring those things to a Progress to be thrown away, just to
be dumped. Or I would open up a storage area, a locker or bag, and
it would be complete chaos. Things just randomly put in there, and
you open it up—you know what you want is in there, but you have
to take virtually everything out to find it. I tried to be really
meticulous; once I went into a location, to try to make it a little
more orderly than I found it. I’m sure I failed miserably at
times, because it’s hard.
In the absence of gravity to hold things in place, it’s the
second law of thermodynamics, that entropy increases. That without
adding energy to a system things become more and more chaotic over
time. And ISS is very much that way.
I was reading actually for about a month you guys couldn’t do
any contingency spacewalks if necessary, because you couldn’t
find the air scrubbers and [had] problems with the handrails.
We couldn’t find the Russian LiOH [lithium hydroxide] canisters.
I remember I eventually found them.
Must have been challenging.
I suspect had we really needed to do an EVA we just would have dropped
everything until we found them. It was also interesting the way the
Russian—in the FGB [Functional Cargo Block], some of the lockers
were very isolated. There were mods [modification] to a lot of their
panels. If you opened the panels, they had sent up mod kits where
they would put little storage areas in.
There were some areas in the FGB, if you opened one panel it was actually
a free passage to other—it was just empty behind several panels,
and there was nothing isolating them. If you put something behind
one panel, it could migrate over time. I think that’s what had
happened to the lithium hydroxide canisters. They had just drifted
from where they were originally and gone to another location.
There was another experiment. It was called PromISS [Protein Crystal
Growth Monitoring by Digital Holographic Microscope for the ISS].
I believe it may have been ESA [European Space Agency] hardware, I’d
never seen the [experiment], and it went into the Microgravity Science
We got a call from the ground, “See if you can find—.”
We got samples that were supposed to be processed in PromISS. We’d
gotten samples on our Progress in December. The ground said, “We’d
like to start processing some of these samples. Go get the PromISS
hardware out, it’s located here.” I go there; it’s
not there.
“It’s not there. Any other ideas where we might look?”
Turns out one of the samples expired before we processed it. I was
a little disappointed that they didn’t tell us that the samples
had expiration dates, because maybe I would have put even more effort
into finding PromISS. But I spent hours, I did, I spent hours looking
for this stuff.
And then, I don’t know why but I said, “Where have I not
looked?” Where I had not looked was under the floor of the FGB.
Because the deck of the FGB was completely blocked with stuff. They
had these rendezvous units that came out of Progress vehicles. What
the Russians really liked doing with the Shuttle there is they had
these just huge—they’re not rendezvous radar, they’re
actually rendezvous radio systems. They use them for determining distance
and direction between a Soyuz or a Progress and the Space Station.
The Progress gets destroyed when it returns to Earth, so the Russians
would lose two Kurs [radio telemetry] sets every time a Progress would
come in. Well when the Shuttles were flying, lo and behold, we could
remove the sets; we could remove this equipment. I think we also may
have removed some docking hardware as well. We would remove that from
the Progress because you didn’t need it. Once the Progress was
docked you could take it off, you could take the stuff out. You didn’t
need it for undocking and to be burned up in the atmosphere. Then
the Shuttle could bring it back, ship it back to Russia for any refurbishment
that was necessary, and it would save them the cost of building and
buying additional hardware.
The deck of the FGB was just covered with this stuff, big components.
Getting underneath the deck was a big deal, but I finally said, “That’s
the only place I haven’t looked.” I started, and fortunately
under maybe the second deck panel I found the PromISS hardware. I
got a little annoyed with the ground shortly thereafter.
I found the hardware. This is when they’re in a hurry to get
the remaining viable samples processed. Late one afternoon they send
me some—my recollection is—a procedure with eighty or
ninety steps, and they want me to set up this hardware in the Microgravity
Science Glovebox. I think I was annoyed that they would send me a
procedure with so many steps and schedule thirty minutes to do it.
It’s almost nine o’clock, so it’s bedtime. So the
ground refused to continue to talk to me about how to do this procedure,
because they wanted to force me to stop and go to bed. Of course,
you know what I did.
You continued, I’m guessing.
I just stayed at it till it was done.
I had read that you were only allocated—because there were just
two of you and you had all these housekeeping and maintenance issues,
and obviously issues with storage—only nine hours a week to
actually work on experiments.
That’s probably right, because it did take every bit of the
rest of the time just to operate and maintain Space Station. There
was always some maintenance task we had to do.
In addition to the U.S. EVA, the latter half of the mission we did
a Russian-segment EVA, and doing an EVA takes a huge amount of time.
For the U.S. EVA, we devoted a week getting ready for and doing the
dress rehearsal, and it took another week getting ready for and doing
the actual EVA itself.
We relocated our Soyuz twice, and that would take a significant chunk
out of a week because that essentially was a continuous twenty-four-hour
operation. Then the Progress coming up. We only had one, but you have
to train. You do a computer-based training for it to come up, then
when it comes up you have to deal with that, and you have to unpack
it. When you’re getting ready to get rid of a Progress, you
then have to spend all the time packing it.
Those things really do—you hate to say that the science is optional,
but keeping the Station running and healthy, those are must-do tasks.
The science, it’s the reason we have a Space Station. A lot
of that, you can fit that in where it’s convenient. That’s
why having a six-person crew, and hopefully in the future a seven-person
crew, is so important, because that’s really how ultimately
you justify the investment in the Space Station.
Had you trained on a lot of the repairs and maintenance that you devoted
much of your time to on orbit?
We had done a lot of generic training. Fortunately, for the core hardware
of the Station itself, a lot of it has very generic interfaces. The
bolts are all the same size. Particularly, EVAs are seven-sixteenths
[inch] extended-height bolts. A lot of the interfaces for the hardware,
interfaces are common, so a lot of the boxes mount the same way. If
you’ve trained on one, you’re sufficiently familiar that
you can take a different component, and if you want to uninstall or
install a new one you can do that. It’s the same for EVA.
On the Russian segment, a lot of the hardware in the Russian mockup
at Star City was built right alongside, at the same time as the flight
units were built. The quality and the attention to detail on our flight
units is so high, when we have a mockup unit, instead of paying the
same I want to say really high price as the flight unit, we’ll
have a training unit which might actually be slightly lower in fidelity.
For the Russians, they’re very much identical, so the fidelity
is outstanding.
Now, the danger is they’ll cannibalize their simulator if they
need it. Good for them, but for some of the Russian hardware the training
is very realistic. Our training is as well, but there’s some
things that you’ll work on—I remember one that was called
a volatile organics analyzer. It was built in the UK [United Kingdom].
There was a problem with some of the fuses inside, so the unit failed
as soon as it got on orbit. We couldn’t fly a replacement unit,
but what we did fly is a repair kit.
I spent one weekend having to open this box, and my recollection is
it had seventy-two tiny little screws holding the cover in. They needed
to be there because the cover formed a part of what’s called
a Faraday cage, and what that prevents is electromagnetism from affecting
what’s inside the box. These seventy-two, they were like two-
or two-and-a-half-millimeter screws. They were teeny-tiny little things.
The box was never meant to be opened on orbit, so that meant these
screws, the fasteners, weren’t captive. They were really small.
I had to take seventy-two of them out and not lose any, and then at
the end put seventy-two back in. I had an excellent procedure from
the ground, I’d never seen this box before.
That’s an ability I think is very important for people who are
on the Space Station, or who are going to fly to Mars. That is that
you have people who are good with their hands, who like to tinker
with things and take them apart, put them back together. Hopefully
you don’t have any pieces left over.
One good thing about Space Station is your timeline is rarely critical.
It may be very, very important, but there aren’t many things
on Space Station that are time-critical. So you have the ability to
work at a pace which allows you normally to be careful, and even working
with things or doing a procedure with which you’re not completely
familiar. Again, it’s rarely a time crunch from the standpoint
of, “If you don’t get this done Space Station is going
to fail.”
Now there are things that are very time-critical. You’ve got
a vehicle coming up, or you’re getting ready to undock—there
are things that are very, very time-critical. But most of those are
things for which your training has been very rigorous.
You talked a bit about preparing for the Progress and then getting
rid of one. I wonder if you would talk about moving the Soyuz. That
sounded like a pretty big effort on your part.
Oh, it was cool. So why do you move a Soyuz around? When we were there,
there were three places to which a Soyuz could be docked, and we ultimately
docked to all of them. We initially docked to the docking compartment,
and the disadvantage of being there is that is your airlock.
If you do an EVA out of that airlock and it’s depressurized,
you can’t get back into the core of the Space Station. There
is a secondary airlock in the perekhodnoi otsek [Soyuz compartment],
which is the little transfer ball between the service module and the
FGB. It’s actually part of the service module. The docking compartment
was attached to that, so that’s where the Russian airlock is.
If you come back in and for some reason the hatch is damaged and you
can’t repressurize the docking compartment, you can actually
go into the transfer compartment and use it as an airlock. Now the
problem is when it’s time to go home, you now have an evacuated
compartment between you and your return vehicle.
When we arrived, the Expedition 11 Soyuz was docked to the FGB, so
we docked to the docking compartment. They left, and then we later
relocated from the docking compartment to the FGB germetichny apparat
(hermetic apparatus). Now we’re going to do this thing called
a Soyuz relocate.
Most of the Soyuz operations, if they’re nominal, they are computer-controlled.
So it’s a pretty good, reliable system. Moving a Soyuz is purely
manual flying. So for Russian Air Force Test Pilot Colonel Valery
Ivanovich Tokarev, this is a good deal. He gets to manually fly his
spaceship, so this is a good thing.
What happens if you redock, and you can’t open the hatch? You
have to prepare the Space Station as if you’re not going to
be back, as if you’re leaving it. Because if you can’t
get back in, that’s exactly what you have to do. You have to
then undock. If you can’t dock, eventually you have to deorbit
and come home. Even worse is what if you dock and something has floated
against the hatch handle and you can’t open the hatch. That’d
be really bad.
You start doing some preparation work, and then on undock day, I think
I remember they said, “Okay, you’re going to get up at
six in the morning as normal. You do these things. You’re going
to go to bed at one in the afternoon, sleep for eight hours. Then
you’re going to get up and start the Soyuz relocate procedure.”
It involves eventually closing all the hatches, working your way back
toward your Soyuz. It involves closing all the hatches. To close the
hatches, if you have cables or ducts strung across hatches—and
we had computer network cables that had to be strung across hatches.
Fortunately, they’ve integrated the network cabling now so they
don’t have to do that. You have to disconnect all of these things.
You have to shut the computers down, start closing hatches. Eventually,
you get to your Soyuz and start doing pressure checks to make sure
that neither the Space Station hatch nor the Soyuz hatch is leaking.
Then you have to put on your Sokol [space]suits, and then eventually
get into the seats in the Soyuz.
Soyuz is fired up, and then at some point, at the right time, I’d
push a button that says open the hooks. Eventually the hooks would
open and we would be pushed away from the Space Station. Valery would
back away and then would slide over to whatever was the next docking
location. In this case it was the FGB.
This takes hours and hours, not the relocation, relocation just takes
a few minutes. You’ve redocked, and now you have to go through
the same things. You have to make sure that your hooks are all fully
engaged, and then you do leak checks to make sure that the process
of docking hasn’t introduced a leak somewhere. You, of course,
want to make sure that there is no leak between the interface of the
Soyuz and the Space Station.
Then you get back in. It’s been a long day, so what they normally
want you to do is absolute minimal reconfiguring the Station for normal
ops and get to bed pretty quickly. But I couldn’t stand having
the computer network down too long, so even though the schedule would
say reconfigure or restore the computer network the next day, I’d
make sure we had the ability to call home before we went to bed that
What are your hours like on board Station, at least when you were
We operate on [Coordinated] Universal Time or Greenwich Mean Time,
which is a nice compromise between the time in Moscow and the time
here in Houston.
You ostensibly wake up, get up at six in the morning. Then there were
just normal personal hygiene stuff, look at messages to see if there
was anything that you might need to take a look at very quickly. Get
dressed, [eat] breakfast. Then after breakfast you’d have a
daily planning conference, a morning conference with both Houston
and Moscow. Then generally start work around eight.
In the latter part of the morning, normally latter part, I’d
have my first exercise period. I liked exercising twice a day. I think,
if I remember correctly, there was maybe fifteen minutes—there
was a little bit of time just to change clothes and to clean up afterwards.
And that may have been built into the exercise, this hour. I’d
have an hour which I would try to do resistive exercise using the
IRED, Interim Resistive Exercise Device, weight lifting. Then in the
afternoon I liked to have my aerobic exercise, and I have an hour
and a half to do that. My preference was to run on the treadmill.
I had a little personal digital assistant, sort of like a PalmPilot,
but this was an HP iPAQ I think is what they called it. Originally
it was by Compaq, but then HP bought Compaq. I had this personal digital
assistant and I was able to put video files on it, like movies. So
I would have that affixed somewhere with earphones in, earbuds, and
I would watch some movie while I was running along.
My younger daughter was a big fan of the TV series Lost. She mentioned
that to the psych [psychological] support people, and so they started
uplinking episodes of Lost. So I would play those on one of the laptops
when I was exercising. I was also a big fan, still am, of a radio
program that comes on Saturday morning, Pe-Te’s Cajun Bandstand.
Never heard of that.
How long have you lived in this area?
Officially since 2001.
Pe-Te’s Cajun Barbecue was still open in 2001. I think he sold
it in—well, he sold it to his son in maybe 2004, 2005, and they
finally sold it. It closed sometime after I came back. It was a restaurant
right across from the main entrance to Ellington Field [Houston, Texas].
I don’t know if you ever saw it there.
I’ve seen it there, and I noticed it was closed. I actually
wanted to go at one point.
I’ve been friends with Pe-Te for quite a number of years, and
he’s got a radio program on every Saturday morning from six
to nine. He is from Louisiana. He’s from Eunice, Louisiana,
which is further north, and they call themselves “prairie Cajuns.”
His actual name is really Les [Lester] Johnson. He’s a small
wiry guy, so when he was a kid, because he was a small fellow, they
nicknamed him Pe-Te. Cajun petit, from the French petit. So it’s
I didn’t know that.
One of my favorite places to go on Saturdays was over to Pe-Te’s
for beans and rice on Saturday, and then I’d listen to his program
Saturday morning. When I was on Station they would record it, and
they would uplink it to me. I think maybe Monday night they would
uplink it. I think they would manage the file on Monday and then they
would uplink it overnight going into Tuesday, so I’d listen
to Pe-Te’s Cajun Bandstand while I was up there.
As I’m rambling, here’s another story. Pe-Te’s Cajun
Bandstand is on a public radio station. They don’t have advertising,
so they depend on donations of course, and they have two fund drives
a year. I’m exercising one day and I hear that they’ve
got their, I think, probably spring fund drive going on.
The next Saturday I call down—I use the IP [internet protocol]
phone—so I call while Pe-Te is on the air and charge a contribution
to one of my credit cards. So I did use my American Express card while
I was on orbit.
They’re going to put you on a commercial now, you realize.
Pe-Te came on the air, and we chatted just a little bit. Now the next
week when I’m listening to it, I hear the recording when Pe-Te
comes back on and goes, “Yes, that was Bill McArthur on the
Space Station,” this, that, and the other. Then he says, “And
I have a poster of Bill and ‘Valerie’”—Valerie,
Valery, it’s close enough—“a poster of Bill and
Valerie, and I’ll send it to anyone who donates $250.”
I’m going, “Okay well, I didn’t give Pe-Te the poster.”
He might have gotten it from George [W. S.] Abbey, but I don’t
know. “I didn’t give Pe-Te the poster. So I don’t
think I’ll get into any problem with the lawyers on that one.”
Then the station manager gets on and he says, “If you up your
pledge to $1 a day, $365, Bill and Valerie will sign it.”
I’m going, “Okay, now that goes over the line.”
The next Saturday I called down and I say, “Hey, Pe-Te, if you
give that poster away that is okay. I don’t have anything to
do with that, but please don’t say for more money I’ll
sign it.” I said, “You know I’m going to come by
the restaurant on Saturdays as soon as I get back, and if I’m
there and somebody happens to ask me to sign something, you know I’ll
be happy to do it. But just please don’t tell anyone that paying
is a precondition to getting something autographed.”
You had mentioned last time—just speaking of entertainment—that
you watched Harry Potter on the Station.
I did, it was [Harry Potter and the] Goblet of Fire. It came out around
Thanksgiving of 2005 and my daughters and I—they were Harry
Potter fans so they got me to start reading the books. I’m a
Harry Potter fan. I enjoyed the books; I enjoyed the movies. They
said, “We went to see Goblet of Fire, it’s a really good
I made some comment like if NASA really was held in high esteem they’d
be able to uplink me a copy. So a few days later I’m looking
at the files that have been uplinked from the ground and I see Happy
Days 1, Happy Days [2], Happy Days 3, on through I think 7. I’m
going, “What in the world are these?” I can see they’re
video files.
I click on the first one, and what they had done is two astronauts
had flown to California, and whatever studio did it at the time—I
don’t know if it’s Universal or who it was—but they
had coordinated with the studio that released the movie. So they flew
there, they landed somewhere in California, T-38 somewhere in California.
There were a couple of people from the studio there, and I think one
was dressed as a witch and I’m not sure what the other one was
dressed as. They had a prerelease copy of the DVD [digital versatile
disc]. The studio would not ship it; it had to be hand-carried. It
came back, and I’m sure it’s folks in Building 8 transferred
it to files that they could uplink. Then another requirement was that
NASA had to destroy the DVD disk after they had uplinked it. So I
got to watch Goblet of Fire.
That’s pretty cool.
Yes, I felt pretty good about that.
Another thing, we may have discussed this—again, the psych support
people will try to find celebrities or people that you might find
interesting, and they’ll try to coordinate a radio hookup, a
space-to-ground loop connection to a telephone call. They’ll
try to coordinate something like that. They were able to get a linkup
for me with J. K. [Joanne “Jo”] Rowling, the author of
the Harry Potters. She was very charming. It was a nice thing.
I talked to the Army football head coach. Unfortunately, Army did
very badly that year against Navy. I think I talked to the secretary
of the Army once. Going back to Lost, my daughter and I would watch
the episodes and we’d chat about what was going on. One of the
people they linked me up with was an actor named Terry [Terrance]
O’Quinn who played this slightly older, bald—one of the
castaways, John Locke. I happened to mention that Meg, my younger
daughter, was a big fan and she was the one that had gotten them to
start sending the episodes to me. He goes, “Oh, really? Give
me her phone number, and I’ll call her.” So I did, and
he did, so that was a neat thing.
I understand you had a conversation with the Russian Santa Claus,
I can’t recall his name.
Not the Santa Claus, the patriarch.
Is that it? Okay.
The patriarch, who’s the head of the Russian Orthodox Church.
He’s the Russian Orthodox counterpart to the [Roman catholic]
I also had read that you linked up with Paul McCartney. Kind of a
big name.
We did. Same younger daughter, she was a next-generation Beatles fan,
and she was pretty interested in capitalizing on this ability of Dad
to connect with celebrities. They told the psych support folks that
“Oh yes, Bill would just love to talk to Paul McCartney”
and this, that, and the other.
So I get an e-mail. It’s like “Hey, we understand you’re
a big Paul McCartney fan.”
I’m going, “Well, everyone in my generation. I was a Beatles
fan. I like his music.” I don’t swoon over him but still.
“Could you write a letter talking about what a big fan you are?”
I said, “Well no, not really. I don’t think we want to
go that far, but I’d love to chat with him if it’s something
he’s interested in doing.”
I think one of his songs was played as wake-up music for STS-114.
Evidently, he was pleased with that and that received some publicity.
The counterproposal—and most of these conversations, like the
one with Jo Rowling, other celebrities, they are privatized. So that
radio transmission is not open for anyone in Mission Control or the
public to hear.
The McCartney group asked if we were willing to make an exception
to that and do something a little more public. “Sure.”
So what we actually did is we actually had a live hookup with his
concert in I think it was Anaheim, California. They actually had I
think some round TV screens, or round TV projections, behind McCartney
on the stage, where the audience could see me and Valery.
That’s really cool. You mentioned your younger daughter was
really interested in these kind of things. How old was she at that
She had just graduated from college. No, she had just finished two
years of grad [graduate] school, so she was like twenty-three, twenty-four.
We’ve talked about talking with celebrities and well-known people.
How did you stay in contact with your wife and your daughters?
I phoned home almost every day. We had two IP phone channels at the
time. Last I heard they had increased it to four. I have an aviation
headset with a boom microphone that you can connect to your laptop.
You call up a virtual telephone, and if you have the right satellite
bands, if you have Ku-band available, you can make a phone call.
I would call at least one of them virtually every day. This was before
high-speed internet was truly ubiquitous. They put in a couple of
dedicated high-speed internet lines to the house. I think they also
were concerned—they wanted dedicated lines just for security
purposes. So we would have a videoconference generally every Sunday.
That’s nice. I’m thinking about the folks who flew on
Apollo and Skylab. They had those squawk boxes in their houses.
Oh, yes. As far as your emotional and psychological health, these
are wonderful things. You’re not going to be able to do those
things going to Mars, just [because of] the time lag. I think we may
be able to send messages or send videos, but you won’t be able
to have this interactive communication.
It’s kind of a big deal, being able to stay in touch with somebody
That’s why I think the crewmembers who do that—they’re
going to have an extraordinary opportunity, they’re going to
have to be extraordinary people. I think the folks who make those
decisions are going to have to put a lot of thought into the right
crew complement. People that really will be able to provide each other
the emotional support and can either avoid conflict or manage conflict
really well.
We have about ten minutes. I don’t want to eat into your time,
especially if you’re going to go have lunch with your wife.
Probably not. I suspect she doesn’t have time for me in her
schedule. But we are leaving for Scotland on Wednesday, so I do plan
to start packing today.
I noticed one of the experiments on board was very unusual. It was
onboard crew journaling.
Someone was actually looking at crew journals. I was curious, was
there a format or was it just free writing?
No, it was really free. I tried to get clever, and I would say—I
guess I typed it in, “Star date,” and then just put the
real date. Don Pettit actually came up with a star dating, a way to
express chronological points in time in an orbital sort of way. But
no, I just used day date.
Would they get downloaded on a regular basis, or was it at the end
of your increment?
My guess is just to ensure that the data was all [there]. I’m
sure they downloaded it just about every day, just to make sure they
archived it on the ground to avoid the risk of losing the data. I
don’t know where it is. It’s got to be in my memorabilia
somewhere, but I got a copy of everything.
Did you feel at all self-conscious sharing that information with an
outsider? Were there certain things that you didn’t include
in your journals?
I don’t think so.
I just thought that was a very interesting experiment. It wasn’t
something that I was expecting to see. Is that something that’s
still ongoing now on Station?
I don’t know.
One of the other experiments that I noticed that you did—and
they’re actually available—are a series of videos. They
were educational videos that you did of Station.
Right, the head of the Education Projects Office at the time was my
So for most of those she was the principal investigator. One of the
things that folks on the ground would do is they had something called
“Saturday Science.” So these education videos, they were
considered a payload. Part of what identifies something as a payload
is that it may be something the crew does on orbit that isn’t
involved specifically in keeping the Space Station in space.
What the ground would do is they would very often offer a couple of
things. “These are two experiments, would you be willing to
work on one of them Saturday afternoon?” They discovered very
quickly that if they were education-related then I could not refuse.
I struck a bargain with them. I said, “I will do these education
things.” If they happened at one in the afternoon, that wasn’t
that early in Houston, but it was early enough. And then if somebody’s
going to come in to support it, they’re going to have to be
in a little bit earlier.
I said I would agree to it as long as the principal investigator didn’t
happen to be on console when I was doing it. I try not to bring my
wife into work. One time she was in Huntsville [Alabama], and she
was at the Payload Operations [and Integration] Center there [Marshall
Space Flight Center]. They let her on the radio as a guest payload
Since there were only two of you, was Valery behind you recording
or were there cameras inside the Station?
I would set cameras up and mount them on these brackets. Mount them
on, and do it that way.
How long were the pieces?
I was looking at some of the titles. Education has them listed by
increment, so you can go out and take a look at different aspects
of the Space Station, that’s kind of nice.
In retrospect, there were a couple of things that are unfortunate,
but just the way they are. That was Valery and I generally—we
did some things together, but a lot of our activities were separate.
So if you were going to document with either video or still photography
something you were doing, you had to set the camera up. You had to
operate the cameras, as well as do whatever the other activity was.
So I think we just don’t have quite the depth of photo and video
documentation that crews get now.
Plus, we didn’t have high-definition cameras. Some of the external
cameras now I guess are high definition. Some of the video we have,
like video of EVAs—it reminds me of Apollo video, you know it’s
grainy. One of the cameras that was used got some really good footage
of our Russian segment EVA, was nicknamed “Pinky” because
the video has a pink cast to it.
When the ground processed it for us to use postflight, they were able
to convert it to black-and-white, which isn’t great. A lot better
than pink, but it’s—I’ve got pink shirts at home.
Clothes, pink is good, some of the women I ride with have pink bicycles
or at least pink accents on their bicycles. Pink’s a good color,
not a good color for EVAs.
I think this might be a good place for us to stop.
of interview]