NASA Johnson Space Center
Oral History Project
Edited Oral History Transcript
S. McArthur, Jr.
Interviewed by Jennifer Ross-Nazzal
Houston, Texas – 19 June 2017
Today is June 19th, 2017. This interview with Bill McArthur is being
conducted at the Johnson Space Center for the JSC Oral History Project.
The interviewer is Jennifer Ross-Nazzal, assisted by Sandra Johnson.
It’s been a while since we last met.
Yes. My apologies.
I was curious what your technical assignments were after your first
mission. I don’t think we touched on that.
Oh, that is pretty interesting. It was a bit unusual. Before my first
mission I was a CapCom [Capsule Communicator]. Normally the preference
was that a CapCom have previous flight experience. Talking about ignorance
is bliss, I CapComed for a while, and thought I did a respectable
job. Then I flew, and I came back. One of the things they assigned
me to do was be a CapCom again. I was sort of mortified at how abysmally
ignorant I had been, doing the job before, and had a better appreciation
that you could add, I think, almost a quantifiably better support
to the on-orbit crew if you really had the insight into what they
did. (I became a CapCom again between STS-58 and 74.)
I had, I think, a couple of other jobs. I was the flight crew equipment
rep for the Astronaut Office. Flight crew equipment was a subject
that astronauts were very passionate about, very interested in, and
I thought that was [the case] for a couple of reasons. One, everything
that adorned your body that made you look like an astronaut came from
flight crew equipment: the launch and entry suit. The blue flight
suits didn’t, but on-orbit clothing, all the personal items
that you had on orbit, they all were part of the Flight Crew Equipment
Project or managed by the Flight Crew Equipment Office.
It seemed like crew members had more at least immediate passion about
those [personal items] than they had collectively about things like
the satellites we deployed and the experiments we did. I say collectively,
because an individual crew would be very interested in the tasks that
comprised the mission. Everyone was interested in the food that they
had or whether or not the potty worked well. There was always this
little bit of buzz in the system about putting a significant amount
of effort into fixing really small things. So I did flight crew equipment
as well.
Somewhere in there that involved the Lightweight Seat Project. It
was part of an effort to reduce the weight of the Space Shuttles themselves
because we knew we wanted to go to higher inclination orbits, to work
with the Russians in the Shuttle-Mir Program, and then ultimately
start construction of ISS [International Space Station]. The Shuttles
just did not have the necessary performance, so we were looking at
any little areas we could cut weight, and one of them was to take
the mission specialist seats and try to redesign them so that they
weighed half as much. I did a little bit of that.
I also remember an interesting thing. The branch I was in also tracked
some of the payloads, and I’d just got some little hint from
the corner office that made me interested in this docking module that
the Russians were building that we were going to fly up to Mir. I
volunteered to track that project, and the answer from my branch chief
was, “No, I’m going to have you track a different payload.
You don’t get a leg up on being assigned to that mission just
because you’re tracking the payload.”
I said, “Okay, thank you anyway.” Then when I got assigned
to it, as I had heard might happen, “Well, I’ll catch
up now.”
When you were tracking that payload [later] did you have a chance
to go over to Russia? What does that involve?
I did not track that payload. I didn’t actually become involved
with it until I was actually assigned to the mission. Then we actually
did go over to Russia a couple times and those were my first trips
to Russia.
Would you tell us about those trips to Russia?
We went and we stayed in what was the Penta Hotel, it’s now
the Renaissance Hotel. It was called the Penta Hotel because it was
right by the big stadium where the Russians were hosting some of the
Olympic events, and I think that was ’80 Olympics, which we
It was interesting. We were told the hotel was—how much of this
is true and how much of this is just bold talk—the hotel was
German-owned at the time, but we were told it was very safe because
it actually was under the control of the Russian Mafia and they didn’t
allow petty criminals to bother their clientele. True or not true,
I don’t know, but it was a lot of fun being there. I think very
often those stories get a bit exaggerated.
On one of the two trips we went out to Star City [Russia] to do some
training out there. The EuroMir ’95 crew was training. I know
the primary crew consisted of Yuri [P.] Gidzenko, Sergei Avdeyev and
Thomas [A.] Reiter. Christer Fuglesang was Thomas’s backup.
Ken [Kenneth D.] Cameron was the STS-74 commander. He was the first
DOR [director of operations] in Russia.
We’re having dinner at night, and we all haven’t completely
gotten over our jet lag, so we’re anticipating hopping in the
van and going back into the hotel in Moscow [Russia], when the cosmonauts
and the ESA [European Space Agency] astronauts invited us to spend
the night in Star City. We were a little bit surprised by the invitation,
and Ken very quickly whispered to us, “It really would have
been rude not to accept the invitation.” Christer hosted me
in his apartment. I don’t think his wife was there at the time.
I think she was perhaps back in Sweden. We spent the night, and it
was just one of those great experiences. I think they help you grow
What other interesting things about that trip? I’m sure some
other ones will come to mind.
What was training like over there?
Mostly it was familiarization. We would go into the Mir mock-ups so
we’d be better able to visualize the configuration of the Mir
station itself. Also we visited the factory where they were building
the docking module, and we saw a lot of the equipment. It helped us
understand the module itself, the hardware that was going to interface
with the Space Shuttle airlock. A bit of it was touring, a few things
like the Energiya Museum. It just was a good field trip to get to
understand better the Russian space program and Roscosmos.
The hardware wasn’t built yet. How did you train on it here
in the States?
A lot of it was with simulators. Of course, we very rarely train using
flight hardware. It was ironic years later when I was training in
the Hydrolab. I saw the Hydrolab mock-ups of the docking module, the
one that we had flown. Their water-training mock-up was sitting on
the ground outside the Hydrolab. Said, “I recognized that.”
It was funny. When we designed our patch, all we saw were engineering
diagrams of it, so in our patch it’s white. The insulating blankets
on the outside of it were actually burnt orange; so okay, patch is
wrong, too late.
How did you feel about being selected for this mission, having been
a military person for so long?
All of us on the crew were career military. Ken Cameron, Marine; Jim
[James D.] Halsell, Air Force; Jerry [L.] Ross, Air Force; Chris Hadfield,
Canadian Air Force; and myself. We were all thrilled to do a mission,
and Yuri Gidzenko was Russian Air Force, and Sergei Avdeyev was a
civilian cosmonaut, an Energiya cosmonaut, and then Thomas Reiter
was with the Luftwaffe. We all enjoyed that post-Cold War opportunity
to build a camaraderie with our Russian counterparts.
You mentioned that this was an all-military crew. How did it differ
from your first crew, which included a vet [veterinarian]?
I would say a bigger difference is that it was an all-male crew and
there were no women on it, which is closely related to why, in my
opinion, we are so successful working with the Russians. The reason
is because we are focused on solving the same problems. These problems
are how we cope with the laws of physics, for example. If you calculate
orbital velocity required to match up with an orbiting space station,
it’s not a multiple-choice test. There is a solution. There
is a velocity you have to achieve. There is an orbital plane you have
to be in. I think that it takes away in many cases an environment
in which you can have a difference of opinion, because the answer
to these problems are engineering solutions and they’re not
soft answers; they’re not opinions. I think that helps people
focus very well.
I did enjoy, on STS-58 and STS-92, having women on the crew. I don’t
want to call it a more normal environment, but there is a feeling
of—I’ll think of a way to describe this that isn’t
funny. Women bring an additional dimension of strength and harmony
on the crew, the absence of which was not a problem on 74, and certainly
wasn’t a problem for Valery [Tokarev] and me on ISS, but it
I think enriches the experience.
That’s interesting. Had you worked with any of the other folks
on your crew previously?
On 74?
Jim Halsell and I were in the same astronaut class, so of course we’d
done a bit of traveling and a good bit of training together.
Anybody else on the crew? Or was this pretty much a new culture for
I’d been in the Office for five years at this point, so I knew
everyone on the crew pretty well.
STS-74 was the first time we had astronauts in the same lab at the
same time from the U.S., Russia, ESA, and Canada. Talk about that
historic mission.
That is interesting. We were the second mission to dock with Mir,
and because of the number of nations that were represented we took
up a copy of the UN [United Nations] Space Treaty. The Administrator,
Dan [Daniel S.] Goldin, was very interested in talking to the crew,
at least one person from each country.
Ken and Chris and all the Mir crewmembers were invited to participate
in the conversation with Mr. Goldin, and Jim, Jerry, and I were invited
to be elsewhere in the spacecraft. I remember the cosmonauts in particular.
They loved the number of windows on the Shuttle flight deck, and they
expressed a strong preference that the future International Space
Station be equipped with a generous number of windows. It took a while,
but when the Cupola finally went up in, I think, 2010, that finally
happened; unfortunately, I didn’t get to enjoy that view.
Another thing, on STS-74 in 1995 we flew during the government shutdown
that year.
I wanted to ask about that.
That was interesting. It affected us very little. We were asked by
management not to query the ground about the government shutdown.
We would try to in an indirect way like [asking], “How’s
parking today?”
They’re like, “Yes, parking is still real good.”
Otherwise we didn’t see any effect real-time. However, if we
didn’t fly the first professional-grade digital camera, it was
maybe the second time this Kodak DCS, think it was 460, was flown.
We were doing our best to take pictures and downlink them, assuming
that they would be a big hit on the ground.
The photo/TV folks in Building 8 were evidently deemed nonessential,
so those pictures were not released real-time. For a long time, it
was very difficult to find them in the NASA archives. I don’t
know if I just wasn’t looking in the right place. Of course
when you fall behind it takes a lot of effort and real diligence to
then catch up. It was disappointing to get back and find out that
those pictures had not been released to the media while there was
a little more excitement in the public.
We were docked to Mir for two days. The first day I went over with
the digital camera and took a good number of pictures. Our joint crew
photo on our montage is one of those pictures. Then the next morning
we got a note from the ground, and it said the digital camera had
not been certified for use on board Mir, so we couldn’t take
it back over the second day.
What was the potential danger there?
Who knows? Electromagnetic interference. But it’s like, “Okay,
we won’t do that.”
That’s a bummer. One of the things that I had read about your
mission was that you guys actually decided to create a website, the
Utterly Unofficial Website of STS-74. Do you remember that website?
I don’t remember that at all. That’s interesting.
I was curious about that.
Here’s a slightly different story. They wanted us to bring back
frozen biological samples, blood and urine, from the cosmonauts. We
had a refrigerator/freezer on the middeck. I went uphill on the middeck
and then downhill on the flight deck, so that was my one flight on
the middeck.
My job was to keep an eye on the refrigerator/freezer because they
would have considered scrubbing the launch if the refrigerator/freezer
failed, so they could replace it. We knew that the cosmonauts had
been on orbit for three months when we got there. They had just been
notified that their mission had been extended, so they were going
to be on orbit for another three months. We started planning, and
then we folded that in. That influenced our plan on what we could
take up to them in the way of something that would boost their morale
or mementos.
The freezer was going to go uphill empty. We finally hit on getting
ice cream and filling the freezer with ice cream, so then we would
share that with the Mir crew while we were up there, and then we would
bring their biological samples back in the freezer. I’m not
certain that what I’m about to say is true or I’ve told
it so many times it sounds true. We went to the mission planners and
said, “A refrigerator that’s empty cycles more, and it
works harder.” You may have heard this old advice that if there’s
a hurricane and you lose power, your food will last longer if the
freezer is completely filled. Don’t open it very much. We said,
“If we put thermal mass inside the refrigerator/freezer it’ll
help keep down the number of cycles and the refrigerator/freezer is
less likely to fail.” That’s our story anyway.
The mission planners said, “We’ll go see what might be
something good that could go up as thermal mass.”
We raised our hands and said, “Ice cream, that way you don’t
have to bring it back.” They did tell us that we had to eat
all the ice cream while we were docked, because someone was worried
that if we didn’t eat all the ice cream the Mir crew would put
it in the same freezer that they kept the blood and urine samples,
so they were a little concerned about that. We decided when we were
up there that these were professionals, and that we could probably
trust their judgment as to whether or not it was okay to try to ration
their ice cream a little bit more.
A few years ago I got an e-mail from a friend of mine. He said, “I
was helping my seventh grade son study Texas history, and this is
what we found.” He had scanned a page from the seventh grade
Texas history book, and it was a picture of us on the middeck of Atlantis
with little cups of Blue Bell ice cream floating on the middeck. It
was part of the story talking about things that were uniquely Texas,
and Blue Bell ice cream [was one of those items]. You probably begin
to have an inkling that you’ve been around a while if you’re
in the history books.
Did Blue Bell step up and offer free ice cream?
We did have a very generous supply of Blue Bell ice cream at our postlanding
The official ice cream of STS-74?
I’m sure they couldn’t do anything official, but they
seemed very pleased with the opportunity.
Did you spend much time learning Russian for this mission?
Not a significant amount, but that’s when I began studying Russian.
Ironically, as I mentioned, Ken Cameron had been the first DOR. Later
Jim Halsell was the DOR. Then I became the DOR for a while, and then
Chris Hadfield replaced me as the DOR. Out of the five of us on the
crew, four of us served as the DOR.
[Was that a] coincidence?
Of course really it wouldn’t be a coincidence. I think we all
enjoyed our experience of working with the Russian space program and
the cosmonauts, really a very collegial group. They’re a very
welcoming group. Once we were over there and got to experience Russia
a little bit, several of us thought it might be good, instead of just
dipping our toe in the pool, to go ahead in all the way. Or it could
be like the frozen lake in Star City, maybe we were all going to jump
through a hole in the ice.
One of the experiments you were working on, just as you had on your
previous flight, was the SAREX [Shuttle Amateur Radio Experiment].
Had anything changed since then?
Very much so. We had a different radio. Instead of an amateur radio
in there we actually had a military radio. Actually it was intended
to use a different frequency in the VHF band, but it was also compatible
with going in the amateur band, so I used it to make amateur radio
calls as well.
I do remember when we went to KSC [Kennedy Space Center, Florida]
to look at the payload bay, there was this—it looked like a
barber pole shape trash can in the payload bay. “What is that?”
“It’s the VHF antenna.”
“But we don’t want you to use it. We want you to use the
antenna that goes into the commander or pilot’s window because
we want to take that off of the vehicle and not use it for subsequent
flights. Therefore, we don’t want you to get used to it.”
“Really. Okay, so what if I forget to switch antennas?”
I forgot to switch antennas, but it worked just fine.
Any chance you used the SAREX on the Mir?
I did not. Or did we? It’s been twenty-two years ago. I think
we in fact did use the radio that was on board Mir to talk to the
ground. Now that you mention it, I think there’s even a picture
of it somewhere. I’ll just have to hunt for it.
I wonder if you could talk about connecting the ODS [Orbiter docking
system] to the docking module, take us through that and your participation
in that event.
I was actually the docking system operator. It was interesting because
it was Russian-built hardware, and they tried to implement some of
our requirements as far as redundancy. It wasn’t completely
redundant, so that was interesting.
One of the things we were concerned about was how do we attach the
androgynous peripheral docking system on the docking module into its
counterpart on top of the airlock. It turned out that the analysis
indicated that the RMS, remote manipulator system, the Canadarm, it
would be at such a sharp elbow angle, it might not be able to apply
enough driving force to get the two mechanisms to engage.
I had the privilege of being the second EVA [extravehicular] crew
member, so Jerry Ross and I did a lot of training in the WETF [Weightless
Environment Training Facility] over in Building 29 on alternate techniques.
What we really trained to do was use straps that we could tighten
down with a ratcheting mechanism, and we were going to try to just
mechanically pull the complementary mechanisms together. That was
a pretty exciting thought. It was exciting to think that we had a
pretty high chance that we would have to go do an unplanned EVA. It
wasn’t in the timeline, but we trained to do it if necessary.
The technique that came into favor was for Chris to put the docking
module in position above the airlock and have the two APDS [androgynous
peripheral docking systems] mechanisms some slight distance apart.
Then we would relax the arm, and Ken would actually fire the thrusters
and basically dock with the docking module.
The day before Jerry and I began EVA prep, so we were ready to do
the EVA. We depressed the [crew compartment] to 10.2 [psi—pounds
per square inch] so that we could go out quickly if necessary. Of
course we were disappointed; it worked just fine. Darn, there went
my chance to do my first EVA, so I had to wait another mission.
What are your memories of approaching Mir for the first time?
I was operating the rendezvous and prox ops [proximity operations]
hardware, so I was getting rendezvous radar data into a laptop, and
it was providing a lot of information to Ken in addition to his actual
visual cues. Of course by then Star Wars had been out for a long time,
and you’re just envisioning approaching the Death Star. It was
cool to see. You’re coming in, and you see another spaceship.
As it gets close and it gets really really big, then you’re
about to collide with it, that’s when you’re just hoping
everything goes well.
There was an interesting aspect we had. You asked about the docking
system. We had two interfaces. There was the interface between the
docking module and Atlantis, and then there was the interface between
the docking module and Mir. There was a switch to change which interface
you were controlling. When we installed the docking module onto the
external airlock, a switch was in a position to control that one.
Once that was completed and it was firmly mated, then you changed
the switch to the upper docking system, and that’s what you
used to control rigidizing the interface between Atlantis and Mir.
One of those fears of how can you really mess up, and that is what
if we don’t change it back to the lower interface. Now when
we undock from Mir, instead of undocking and leaving the docking module
behind, you take the docking module with you. There are no bonus points
for doing that. It was a bit of a relief as you’re looking and
we start separating and we’re separating at the right separation
I’m guessing there was a checklist for that. Multiple checklists,
There was a checklist, and there were multiple verifications that
we were doing the right thing.
Chris Hadfield said that there was some challenge after you had docked
and trying to open that.
I’m not sure all the reason. It probably has a lot to do with
equalizing the thermal conditions. We encountered that docking Soyuz
to ISS as well, and that is that the hatch just sticks. Once you’ve
docked with the Space Station you really would like to go inside at
some point.
What are your memories of first entering Mir? Can you describe what
you saw and what it smelled like, all those things?
I didn’t notice any really unpleasant smells. Most of it was
very much like going through a relatively narrow tunnel. Until you
got into what they called the base block, which was very similar to
the service module now on ISS, once you got there it opened up quite
a bit, and there was a lot of room to work and socialize. That’s
where their table was.
It was pretty interesting because they have a long axis, and at the
far end they had a number of modules protruding out at ninety degrees.
It was pretty interesting to go into the little node where they had
multiple modules attached and then come through and actually look
around and say, “Now which direction do I want to go?”
Because we were there such a short period of time, you didn’t
reach the point where you instinctively knew where you were going.
STS-71, the module they docked to actually had to be moved to the
longitudinal axis, because the docking module wasn’t installed
yet, and then they had moved that one back. So the module we attached
to was perpendicular to the long axis of Mir.
Also [I] had an experiment to do called the Plume Impingement Contamination
Experiment. The end of the arm had some little detectors on it, and
at one point it required that I elevate the arm above Atlantis, so
it would be in the right position so that when Mir fired some of their
thrusters, any combustion products from their engines would hit the
sensors on the end of the arm. Trained that a lot. I remember looking
at the TV; I think I was even in single joint mode, just moving the
arm up, and then when I physically looked out overhead, it scared
the ever-loving daylights out of me because it looked like it was
moving toward Mir’s solar arrays so rapidly. It was what it
We did something interesting on that flight, which in retrospect I
didn’t do again, and that was we did a lot of individual operations.
I did a fair amount of RMS operations just by myself, with no one
looking over my shoulder. I thought that always having a second set
of eyes, I think, in space is maybe a better approach.
We were also testing the space vision system on this flight, and it
consisted generally of a number of white circles with a black dot
in the middle, and if you had a sufficient number you could have television
camera views, and if everything was calibrated, the geometric relationship
of multiple dots could tell you how far away an object was, what its
orientation was. It was very frustrating, because we were in lighting
conditions where some of the dots were in sunlight and some were in
The Space Shuttle cameras just could not handle such a broad range
of brightness. Either I could close the iris down and see the dots
that were in sunlight and then I couldn’t see the dots that
were in shadow, or I could see the dots that were in shadow and the
ones in sunlight would just be blown out. It was a good data point
for the ground.
You mentioned you thought it was really important to have that second
set of eyes. Why was that the case that you were doing things generally
That’s something that I’ve thought about in retrospect.
I think we just had so much to do that it was okay. But I don’t
think any crew after that [did so]. Later I think that we adopted
in the Astronaut Office more [crew] for really critical tasks where
you have a prime operator and a backup who’s keeping an eye
on things, reading procedures, better cockpit resource management.
Do you think that was helpful when you went on Station?
On STS-92 it was. On Station not so much, because with just Valery
and me there, we tended to rely more on the ground to be your second
set of eyes. That worked out pretty well.
You mentioned that Plume Experiment. There was another one, a Risk
Mitigation Experiment on the Mir Wireless Network. I was curious if
you could talk about that.
Eventually ISS had a wireless instrumentation system on it, so again
I don’t remember much about that. I think we had wireless instrumentation
on STS-92. I’m sure we didn’t have any on the outside
on STS-74, but we may have had some on the inside.
One of the things we didn’t talk about are ceremonies. A lot
of times when you connect with another spacecraft there’s a
big welcoming ceremony and gifts are exchanged. Was that the case
on that flight?
We had a welcoming ceremony. That was more like hugs and a toast with
tea or something. Somewhere in the middle we had a gift exchange ceremony,
and I can’t remember what we gave them other than ice cream,
but they gave us some of the clothing that they had on board. Everybody
autographed it.
There were eight of us on board. They had eight copies of three different
envelopes with stamps on them—that’s a big tradition the
cosmonauts have. They will have memorabilia like that. They’ll
autograph them on orbit, and they will take a postage cancelation
ink stamp and then cancel the postage. So we had a little memorabilia
autographing session where all eight of us signed a total of twenty-four
envelopes, they were stamped, and then as part of our gift exchange
ceremony all eight of the crew members were given one copy of each
envelope. We each got three envelopes. I remember Ken and I looked
at the envelopes, and we immediately put them in our crew notebooks
that we personally carry on and off. The other crew members did not.
Shortly after we returned Ken and I were asked, “When we destowed
the other three crew members’ lockers we found these stamped
envelopes, and we have confiscated them. Did you get three envelopes?”
I’m going, “Maybe.”
“Well, don’t do anything with them.”
“Okay.” Finally, they gave the other three crew members
their envelopes. But there was an admonition, “While you’re
a government employee, these things had better not appear on eBay.”
I’m not sure what the collector’s value would be for something
like that. For me they really have a lot of sentimental value, and
I wouldn’t. Now my children might sell them, but then it won’t
That’ll be years from now. That’s funny how Apollo 15,
that’s still impacting the Office.
Oh gosh, it does. We came back, and then a few months later we all
met in New York City. I think we all got there on a Saturday, and
we got there first, then the cosmonauts arrived. Maybe before the
cosmonauts got there the five Shuttle astronauts, we were just walking
around Manhattan. Walked by the New York Stock Exchange. I can’t
remember what night it was.
We’re chatting with security guards out there. “What do
you guys do?”
“We’re astronauts.”
“Oh, cool, come on in, let’s just chat a little bit.”
We did, and they were having a training exercise for one of their
bomb-sniffing dogs, so they explained that to us. They let us walk
onto the floor. It was interesting, quiet. That probably was a Sunday.
No, maybe that was Saturday night. That day we were picked up in a
van by Tim Zagat. You know the Zagat restaurant guides.
There’s actually a person? I didn’t realize that.
There is. I guess someone from the UN had asked him to just show us
around Manhattan. One of the first things he did is gave us all a
copy of his guide for New York restaurants. He said, “I will
not tell you [what] to eat, but if you tell me what type of food you
would like, I’ll pick the restaurant.”
I’m going, “New York deli.”
He goes, “Okay, we’ll go to Carnegie Deli.” When
Tim Zagat goes to a restaurant, they really go out of their way to
do their best. The Carnegie Deli, it’s closed now; the Carnegie
Deli would have been a great place anyway. It is, [the] times I’ve
been back. We went there and just had just a fabulous meal.
Then the owner came by and he said, “Woody Allen is on the way
over.” Ooh, cool. Woody Allen comes in, and he’s just
walking just the way you would think Woody Allen would walk. Soon-Yi
Previn is right behind him. We’re going, “Ooh, oh, good,
all the New York scandal.” When he left, the owner asked him
to briefly stop and say hi to our table, so that was pretty fun. Then
we ate, I can’t remember the Italian restaurant [where] we ate
that night. It was one where some gangster, some Mafia guy, had gotten
It was probably Saturday night that we were walking around a little
bit. Then one night we all get together in somebody’s hotel
room. We’re watching a James Bond movie on TV with Pierce Brosnan;
it’s one in which he steals a Russian tank and is driving, it
might be through the streets of Prague [Czech Republic]. [The movie
was Goldeneye, and the city was actually St. Petersburg.] We’re
going, “Oh, the cosmonauts are loving this.” Then on Monday
we went to the UN, met the secretary-general, Boutros Boutros-Ghali,
presented the flown Space Treaty to the UN, had a pretty pleasant
little visit. Then we went down to Washington [D.C.], met the President’s
science adviser, got little boxes of M&M’s with Bill [William
J.] Clinton’s signature on them. It’s like, “That’s
I understand you also had a chance to visit with Senator John [H.]
We did.
Can you talk about that? Anything memorable?
He’s always gracious. We’re all just a little sadder now
that he’s passed away, but he was just very gracious. After
STS-58 we were doing our Capitol Hill stuff, and they were more interested
in my visiting with members of the North Carolina congressional delegation
than Texas, not being a native Texan. So I went to Senator [Jesse]
Helms’s office and visited with him for a little while. He called
the photographer in, had me sit at his desk, and pick up the phone
like I was actually doing some business. It was like, “Okay.”
After Washington I think the cosmonauts went back to Russia, and we
came back to Houston.
No trips to Russia for PR [Public Relations]?
Kind of a light PR load after that flight, I guess.
I don’t remember much about it. We did some of the obligatory
[events], go to KSC.
I was looking at your biosheet, and it’s interesting because
there’s a period of about five years that doesn’t contain
much information. You have your flight, then you’ve got your
next mission. Is that when you became DOR? Were you working on some
other assignments?
Part of it was my second Shuttle mission was in ’95 and the
third was in 2000. There’s a five-year gap there. What happened
is I think in 1997, somewhere in there, I think it’s because
I trained with Jerry [Ross], the master of EVA. Even though we didn’t
do an EVA on 74, we did a lot of EVA training. I think Jerry endorsed
me as someone who ought to be assigned to do a flight with EVAs.
One of the things we did in there became—oh gosh, I think we
had a sort of EVA cadre that began to develop. I remember going to
Huntsville [Marshall Space Flight Center, Alabama] and evaluating
a proposed experiment for STS-87, which was space welding, that we
would actually try to do some type of welding in space as a construction
technique. Eventually someone said it would be better to take a welder
and teach him to do a spacewalk than to take somebody. [I kidded],
“I’ll practice a lot.”
But anyhow, I was doing a little bit of EVA development work. I think
there were thirteen of us that they anointed as being the crew members
who would do the first Space Station assembly EVAs. I did a bit of
training for that. I was still CapComing. I became head of the Flight
Support Branch, the Cape Crusaders, the astronauts who went back and
forth to KSC, as well as all the CapComs. I was responsible for scheduling
them and managing them.
I would guess in ’97 at least the mission specialists got assigned
to STS-92 because we had a lot of EVA training to do. We started doing
a lot of training and technique development. Our flight date was constrained
to be after the Russian service module was launched. I think it was
[1998], STS-88 flew. The Russian FGB [Functional Cargo Block] was
up, and so STS-88 took up Unity, Node 1, with PMA [Pressurized Mating
Adaptor]-1 and PMA-2 attached to it. They used exactly the same techniques
we had used on STS-74 to hold the PMA-node-PMA complex and attach
it to the external airlock and then dock with the FGB.
The Russians kept delaying the service module launch. STS-88 was ISS-2A,
and we were going to be ISS-3A. Because the service module kept delaying,
we started inserting other Shuttle missions, so after 2A the next
mission was 2A.1. Then the service module delayed again, so now we
slip in 2A.2, then realize we still have more time, so there’s
2A.2a and 2A.2b. On the 3A crew, the STS-92 crew, we referred to those
missions as the terrible twos.
We always stayed close enough to our launch date. We could not return
to support duties in the office. At some point with, gosh, I’m
sure a year to go, we began to approach a point where the training
team said, “You’re trained to do the EVAs. You have no
more required NBL [Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory] training.” We
argued that EVAs were a physical skill, and you couldn’t just
study the procedures and be proficient. We needed to continue to have
proficiency training. So they dropped us down to about one NBL run
for each pair per month. Ultimately we wound up, I think I figured
that our training ratio was we spent seventeen hours in the pool for
every hour we [were outside] on orbit, which is way out of kilter
if you look at what normally is considered a requirement. For a complex
EVA by skilled crewmembers, maybe you would do eight hours for each
hour actually outside. Or if you’re talking about simpler tasks
and more experienced crewmembers it might be five to one. We were
seventeen to one. We were just slow learners. We had a lot of time
to learn.
Can you talk about some of those techniques that you developed?
A lot of [them] were related to how you would hold yourself in location,
how you’d manage the different cables that you had to route.
We did a lot of very task-specific training because we took up the
first truss element and also the third pressurized mating adapter,
PMA-3. We spent a lot of time going to all the product groups and
evaluating the interfaces that they had for joining the truss segments
Sounds like a lot of work.
[It] was a lot of fun, that crew training. I think maybe sometime
in ’98 Brian Duffy and Pam [Pamela A.] Melroy got assigned to
the crew, so this crew really bonded well. We’d go to a lot
of movies together. We were big fans of Austin Powers, Monty Python.
We even shared some little animated videos, and one of them was a
Joe Fish cartoon. It showed a little gerbil, I think, being lowered
into a fish tank of piranha—we just called him Joe Fish, he
had quite a few comments to make, and we would use those. There was
one in which—as the piranhas are killing the gerbil—he
goes, “Hey, real fun hanging out with you,” and then he
just mutters under his breath, “You suck.” At the end
of an NBL run we’d say something like, “Hey, real fun
hanging out with you.” Then we’d just leave the other
part. That was just our inside joke. We’re getting into 92 and
a little bit away from 74, so maybe we’ll transition to 92 stuff
That’s okay. The only other question I had for you about 74
really was landing. You went to the Cape [Canaveral, Florida] this
We did. That was the only time I landed at the Cape. It was like,
“Okay, we’ve been here before. Haven’t landed the
Shuttle here.” Had a real nice picture taken on top of one of
the buildings at KSC. Actually it looks like it’s slightly above
us as we’re just coming down over the landing threshold. It
also was a landing that we couldn’t do near the latter part
of the Shuttle, because we came over the west coast of North America
maybe at southern Canada, very northern part of the U.S., and then
we’re in like a bank almost the whole time going in toward Florida.
Of course after Columbia [STS-107] we tried to minimize overflights
of large parts of a populated region just because of a fear that what
happened in the Columbia tragedy—the vehicle is beginning to
break apart. The debris is coming down on land, and it does present
a risk to people on the ground.
Any other anecdotes from STS-74 that jump out at you? It’s hard
to find information about that flight because of the furlough.
It was a short flight; it was like eight days. We didn’t have
as much time to get in trouble.
I do remember this flurry of activity because we had taken up the
cycle ergometer, and I’m trying to remember. Did we have any
exercise equipment on 58? We might have. We had the cycle ergometer,
and they had one on board Mir. I remember there was a problem with
Thomas Reiter’s cycling shoes. I think one was lost or something.
We said, “If one of our pairs of shoes will fit him we’d
like to leave it.” It took just about an act of—well,
certainly more than Congress—to get permission to leave some
Shuttle hardware on board a Russian spacecraft. It’s not so
much that there was some Cold War implication as it was, “Well,
we don’t know what it’s made of, it’s not certified
to be over there.” “Throw it over. Throw it over.”
Oops. They just got lost, misplaced.
I don’t know where they went.
You had mentioned you were working on these EVAs for multiple years.
Between that time a new facility came on board, the Sonny Carter Training
Facility. Can you talk about that?
It’s just a fabulous facility. The WETF was fun, but you could
barely get the Shuttle payload bay in the WETF, and I think it was
twenty-five feet deep. The training arm would be somewhat out of the
I remember doing things that in retrospect we got smarter about because
we just had not done that many EVAs up until that point. I had to
do a lot of head-down work in the WETF. Part of the EVA culture at
the time is you’ve got to demonstrate toughness. I would be
on the end of the arm, and it would be moving me into a position in
which I would be head-down to work. You’re simulating weightlessness,
but you’re not weightless. So now the blood is rushing to your
head. Your mucous membranes are becoming engorged and swelling. If
you’ve got any drainage, it’s going into your sinuses.
It can be extremely uncomfortable, and for quite a while after you
finish the WETF run, [you had sinus issues] because of spending so
much time inverted.
The NBL was great because not only could you train in the Shuttle
mock-up, but you could have a pretty reasonably complete Station mock-up
to train on. We got smarter on our techniques. We did a lot of arm-based
operations, and in this case you’d get established in the arm,
and when it would start moving, particularly if it started to turn
you into a head-down position, you would come out of the foot restraint.
The divers would then tend to you. Once the arm was in position, they
would take you to a lower depth, swing you upside down, and put you
back into the foot restraint on the end of the arm. That way you didn’t
spend an excessive amount of time head-down. I remember that was a
good thing.
About that time, I realized that my reading vision [worsened]; my
arms were continuing to get shorter. Just couldn’t hold things
quite far enough away. If you’re presbyopic, if you need reading
glasses, the lensing effect of having the helmet visor with air on
one side and denser water on the other side, it creates a concave
lens. I found that I could not read things when I was underwater.
The cuff checklist, well there’s no real equipment, so that’s
not a problem, but all the cables and where you mated the cables,
they were all lettered. Eventually I had to go to the NASA optometrist,
and there was a standard fix for it. They would take your regular
prescription and then just change it a couple of diopters across the
board, and you’d wear those [glasses for training underwater].
As I was suiting up I’d put them on, and as soon as I put them
on I could see the whorls and the patterns in my palm or my fingers
from about two inches away, but anything further was fuzzy. Once I
was suited up and was lowered into the water it would be like someone
was peeling away a smoky film, and everything would be really clear.
That helped.
The NBL, it is a remarkable training facility. The people who work
out there, they’re the best, they’re really good folks.
Did you spend much time at Marshall until the NBL came [online]?
No. I only had one dive in Marshall, and that was that welding experiment.
Did you help weigh in on the type of needs you might have at the NBL,
how it might be designed?
Did you help certify the facility once it came online?
That’s a good question. I don’t know. One of our runs
may have been associated with that.
It’s amazing having spent five years basically preparing for
your next flight.
It is. Then I spent four and a half years preparing for the one after
that. I once remarked most of my astronaut career was almost ideal.
What did you do? I trained and flew, trained and flew. I was getting
closer to my ISS flight, and I was walking down the hall behind a
younger astronaut, and he complained, “I was sitting in meetings
all day.”
I said, “I really hope someday to have a job in which I sit
in meetings all day and drink coffee.” Be careful what you ask
It must have been nice for your family at that point while you were
training for these EVAs because you weren’t on travel. You were
able to spend more time with your wife and daughters.
For the most part. I do remember the time we were in Cocoa Beach at
dinner. The phone rings and my wife says, “When are you coming
I said, “Tomorrow.”
“Where are you?”
“In Florida.”
“Did you tell me you were going to Florida?”
“Uh, maybe not. Did I tell you I was going to Florida?”
“No, you didn’t.”
“Oh. Sorry. I’ll be back tomorrow.”
She probably got used to you being around.
They did. For 92 we also did a couple of trips to Russia, and they
were a lot of fun. By then the cottages had been built, so we actually
stayed out in Star City.
Can you tell us about those cottages?
They’re duplexes. They are three-bedroom, two-and-a-half-bath,
got really a westernish kitchen. When I say western, Western European
style appliances, wooden floors, a fireplace. I never put a fire in
the fireplace. That was too bad, that would have been kind of cozy
in the wintertime. By then had pretty reasonable Internet access.
Had Kosmos TV, which was a cablevision service. They had several English
language channels, so if you really wanted to watch English TV you
They each had a basement. Cottages 3 and 4, in the basement of Cottage
3 was Shep’s Bar; the basement of Cottage 4—and you could
go from one side to the other—was our gym. What was really nice
about being there when I was training for ISS is if you were on one
of the prime crews, you had a permanently assigned bedroom. Now if
you weren’t there someone else would stay in it. If you were
there that was your bedroom, so you could leave clothes in the closet
and in the chest of drawers. It made it pretty convenient going back
and forth.
Sounds like a nice place. Was that something that NASA put money in
to build? Or was that something that was really Russia’s?
The story is NASA put money in to build it. I think a Swedish company
came in and built them, but they were owned by Star City. NASA paid
rent for them.
Sounds pretty nice based on previous accommodations I’ve heard
When I first went over as the DOR my wife and I actually stayed in
one of the Russian high-rise apartment buildings, and we had a three-bedroom
apartment, which was a little bit older than the cottages and I would
say not westernized. But it was a great experience. We really enjoyed
living there.
[I] wanted to ask about STS-92. I notice that it was the hundredth
flight of the Space Shuttle Program.
It was.
NASA celebrates all those [anniversaries].
They did not celebrate that one.
They didn’t?
They did not. For some reason the approach was, “Let’s
not make a big deal out of this one. It’s just another Shuttle
mission.” Really? Okay, fine.
Must have been disappointing to the crew.
We were so happy being there. In retrospect, I just scratch my head
over it a little bit.
Kind of figured there would have been this big momentous event.
In retrospect you go, “I don’t exactly understand the
logic there.” Here with this new astronaut class, we really
capitalized on the opportunity to draw a lot of attention to that.
It seems counterintuitive.
Very much so. Tell me about seeing the International Space Station
for the first time as you approached.
That was pretty cool, in part because we had trained so much. It seemed
big. As a matter of fact, when I went out for my first EVA, I’m
going out on my back. I’m looking up, and I see it up there,
and I say something like, “Oh, goodness, it’s huge.”
In retrospect of course it really wasn’t that big. At that time,
it wasn’t as big as Mir. We hadn’t put the Z1 truss on
it yet. It was long and skinny with solar arrays on it.
You mentioned going out for your first EVA. Would you talk about that?
What were your feelings as you were going out?
Really excited. I was the second one out of the hatch then. I’d
always wanted to do EVAs, so I was just really thrilled to have the
chance. You go out, and it feels good. It’s more comfortable
than working in the NBL, because you’re actually floating inside
the suit instead of gravity pulling you to the lowest point of the
suit. It was very satisfying.
I did a lot of work attached to the end of the arm. Koichi [Wakata]
would move me from worksite to worksite. That was really thrilling
because while you’re in transit you just look around. You can’t
turn your whole [body]—you twist around a little bit. Then a
few times as he’d be moving the arm around I would be able to
see nothing in my field of view, no Earth, no spacecraft, no nothing.
That was breathtaking.
Did you have any sort of overwhelming feeling like you might fall
as you came out of the Shuttle?
No, there is a sense that you’re hanging out there, if you will.
There was one time in my second EVA. We were left wing down. I’m
back in the payload bay. I look out, and I can see the Earth down
here and there’s the Station out here and the Shuttle is left
wing down. I said something like, “It just looks like everything
ought to fall out.”
It almost seems like you would have that feeling, that gut reaction.
Tell us about those EVAs that you participated in.
I was really thrilled to be assigned to 92 and to be one of the EVA
crew members. I was MS [mission specialist]-2, so I was the flight
engineer. I was also the second robotic operator, so I was R2, and
then I was the number two EVA crew member, so I was EV2. I don’t
know if you remember the Austin Powers movie, but Robert Wagner was
Number Two. We all had some names. From maybe it was Life of Brian
or from one of the Monty Python movies we started calling Brian Duffy
the Messiah. Pam Melroy was just Peabo.
Peabo. Pambo, Peabo. I think Jeff [Peter J.K.] Wisoff was MS-1, and
he was Bulldog because he just was tenacious with the details. From
the Austin Powers movie, I was MS-2, R2, EV2, so I was just Number
Two. I think Leroy [Chiao] was EV3, and we called him Dr. Evil. L-A
[Michael E. Lopez-Alegria], I think, was just L-A. Not just, I’m
not sure how you improve on L-A.
Leroy was EV1, I was EV2, and we were paired. Jeff Wisoff was EV3
and L-A was EV4, so they were paired. Leroy had done EVAs before,
and Jeff had done an EVA before. Those were good teams. It just was
very professionally satisfying. We did four EVAs. Each team did two
EVAs, but we did them four days in a row. I think in retrospect that
was pretty ambitious. That was quite an accomplishment to pull that
The EVA training is hard. It’s just physically hard, but it
was always great to be in the pool, be away from the phone, away from
the Office. I didn’t live far from the NBL at the time, maybe
a couple miles, so if we got finished with NBL training at 2:30 there
was no way I was going back on site. Really working closely with all
the divers and the test conductors and test directors out at the NBL,
they’re just such a remarkable wonderful group of people. It
was just very gratifying. Also it was gratifying to do something that
was physically demanding. You get a good sense of accomplishment.
We trained a lot.
The EVAs themselves, evidently PAO [Public Affairs Office] loved it.
I’m just running continuous commentary during the whole EVA,
describing what I’m feeling, describing what I’m seeing.
I remember once when I had one of those views looking out I said,
“Ooh, my toes are curling right up.” What I was doing
is as I was going around [on the end of the arm] and then couldn’t
actually see anything—I mentioned that—I just instinctively
lifted my toes up just to make sure I couldn’t inadvertently
come out of the foot restraints. You’re looking right at the
Space Station, so your world becomes in some respects very very small.
By virtue of how we move around, if you’re not on the end of
the arm, you’re always looking face in to a large structure.
Your world becomes a large structure. Maybe you can peek around a
little bit and see something bigger but there’s this really
laser focus on what you’re doing. Two things, if you make a
mistake it really can be costly for the Program, or it can be costly
for you personally. It’s a pretty intense experience.
Did you have any challenges?
Just minor things. I had a tool I was supposed to stow on the outside
of one of the toolboxes, and the tolerances were off just a little
bit. I couldn’t actually get it to engage, and so they had me
stow it on my workstation and then go to a canvas bag that was over
on the node, [Node 1]. I remember opening it up. When you open it
up, it’s full of tools or parts, generally tools. They’re
all tethered to the inside of the bag, but they’re all floating
inside this bag.
It isn’t as if you open it up and say, “I’ll now
put this one in.” You open it up, and it’s just—and
so in Monty Python’s Holy Grail they talked about—no.
Was that the Cliffs of Insanity? No, that was in Princess Bride. That
was another movie we liked. That was Cliffs of Insanity. I open it
up and everything floats out and I go, “Oh, the Node Bag of
Insanity.” I’m sure no one on the ground [understood].
It’s like, “What’s he talking about?” But
all the crew knew what it was. There’s a scene in there when
Cary Elwes is talking to Mandy Pantinkin, and Mandy Pantinkin is Inigo
Montoya, so he’s a Spaniard. Inigo tells the farm boy Westley
something like, “Westley, I give you my word as a Spaniard.”
Westley goes, “No good, I’ve known too many Spaniards.”
We would tell that to L-A every once in a while, “Ah, no good,
we’ve known too many Spaniards.” It was just a lot of
fun scampering around the outside of a spaceship.
On EVA 3 Leroy did the work on the end of the arm, and it was a little
more fatiguing than EVA 1. But it still was a good one. I remember
I went outside the airlock first. That was cool. You’re outside
and you look around and it’s like, “It’s just me.
Just me. There’s nobody else out here. It’s just me out
in my little one-person spaceship.”
As I’m working to configure some tools, I notice motion out
of the corner of my eye, and I knew Leroy had not come out yet, so
motion outside is something is not quite right. There was a little
metal valve cap about the size of a coffee cup just slowly drifting
out of the airlock. Either Leroy or I had kicked it and dislodged
it. It had a ring around it attached to a tether, and one of us had
kicked it inside the airlock. It had slipped off of the ring, so it
came floating out. I’m describing it to the ground because the
ground is really interested in some piece of loose debris coming out,
and then slowly tumbling along it kisses off of the robotic arm, and
starts coming back in my general direction but not exactly. I’m
thinking, “Resist the temptation to leap out and get it. That
would be bad.” It eventually was gone, and I resisted the temptation
without any problem.
I wanted to ask about the SAFER [Simplified Aid For EVA Rescue], which
was tested on your flight. Did you get a chance to practice on that?
No, because once you activate the SAFER you can’t reuse it.
Once they had used it we wouldn’t have them available for any
subsequent EVAs, and since the last EVA was conducted by Jeff and
L-A, they got to test the SAFER. They really enjoyed it. I think L-A
was the one actually flying it. He had a ball.
Did you get a chance to test it on the ground in case you may have
had that opportunity for contingency training?
Over in the VR [Virtual Reality] Lab—that’s where you
do your SAFER training, and it’s kind of cool; it’s a
bit of an adventure. They tell you to close your eyes, and then they
virtually propel you away from the Space Station. You’re tumbling,
and you don’t know what direction, you don’t know what
attitude. Then they tell you to open your eyes and activate it. As
soon as you activate it, it nulls all rotational rates. If you’re
lucky, when it stops, you can see the Station. If you’re not
lucky, you can’t see the Station, and you have to find it. Generally,
you’re going to start a yaw rate and then when you see the Station
you stop it, and then you start flying back in. They’re tracking
your propellant, and hopefully you don’t run out of compressed
nitrogen before you get somewhere safe. What’s not so good is
if it’s right above you. Now you can’t see it here or
below your feet. You can’t see it. You can rotate around, and
you still never see it. It’s a bit of a video game.
You’ve mentioned several times the culture of your crew and
the interest in movies. This crew, it seems like a special crew. What
do you attribute that to?
I attribute it in no small part to Brian Duffy’s leadership.
He’s just the kind of person that creates a very positive team
environment. There’s no pushing people, but he is just so positive
himself and has I think such an upbeat approach to everything he does.
I think that’s infectious.
Also this mission was sufficiently complex. Everyone had a meaningful
part of the mission. Fortunately, I didn’t encounter that on
any of the missions I was on, but sometimes people become so ambitious
about doing everything that’s fun in the mission that it can
generate a little bit of friction. John [E.] Blaha on my first flight
was really good about ensuring everyone on the crew had something
meaningful for which they had primary responsibility. He wouldn’t
then begin to turn to a different crew member if he had a question
about it, for example. I think Brian’s leadership was part of
Also, with the exception of Pambo, everyone had flown before. I think
we all were just a little more relaxed about what we were going to
get out of the mission. Pam being the pilot had a unique role, so
her being the sole rookie on the crew really wasn’t something
that made her feel that she didn’t have a positive [contribution].
She clearly had a significant contribution to make by virtue of her
position on the crew. Again I think we all had enough to do that was
significant that we just all felt good about the mission, about the
value of the mission, the complexity of the mission. I think they
just all contributed to being close to the ideal mission, with if
not the ideal crew, psychologically very compatible.
After I had my bike accident, my memory is still a little fuzzy, because
I was not in good shape at that time. L-A and Leroy came to see me
in the hospital, so that was a real pick-me-up to see those guys.
I got a nice note from Pam congratulating me on my retirement. See
Brian on a regular basis, because his daughter who has two or three
children and her husband live in Houston, and their son, he actually
was one of the contractors supporting me when I was the Orbiter Project
Manager. I think he still works for one of the contractors; I’m
just not sure which one.
Tammy and Jeff sadly moved to California, and they both work at Lawrence
Livermore National Lab [Livermore, California]. Gosh, Koichi, I saw
him when I was in Japan in the fall. Who knows? He may come back and
get back in the queue for flying. We got along really really well.
Leroy, Jeff, and I were all in the same astronaut class, so that was
a good thing.
When I talked with Pam Melroy many years ago, she mentioned how she
was the baby on the flight.
Yes, I think we all really felt protective. But again it’s not
that she needed protecting. I remember in particular, and I think
I mentioned this before, flying with Shannon [W.] Lucid on my first
mission. She was just so gracious about explaining to us how to enjoy
being in space.
I enjoyed flying with people who were flying for the first time because
you get to vicariously enjoy that discovery of being in space the
first time. At one point, if STS-114 had not had its foam anomaly,
the Shuttles would have resumed regular launches. When Valery and
I got to ISS, Thomas would have been there, and on a subsequent Shuttle
mission Suni [Sunita L.] Williams would have come up and Thomas Reiter
would have gone back. I knew Thomas, gosh, from ten years before when
we went to Mir, and Suni is just such a wonderful person. While I
really enjoyed the time Valery and I spent by ourselves because we
were kings of the castle, it was great, I was disappointed not to
have those third crew members along. Especially Suni, because it would
have been so much fun flying with her on her first flight.
What advice did you share with Pam Melroy? You had mentioned that
Shannon had given you some advice about things.
There are just the little habitability techniques. Things as simple
as when you open food, don’t create extra trash. If you’re
going to open a container, don’t cut the top off, because now
you got trash floating around. To things like go spend some time just
looking out the window; go get up on the nightside.
Shannon had a technique where we would get along the top circuit breaker
panel and get our heads up in the forward windows, and then just be
there as you went around the nightside. She said she liked to imagine
that she was in an alien spaceship just approaching Earth, or even
a nonalien, but on a spaceship approaching a new planet for the first
time. Those were all a lot of fun.
What are your memories of going into Space Station for the first time?
I’m trying to remember how far we got in. We got in the node,
and it was pretty big. It had a large diameter. I think all of us
took one night when we slept on board ISS. I decided right then and
there that I wanted to be there for a much longer period of time.
It was new, pristine.
Had that new car smell.
Yes, it did. It did.
So when you came back from the mission did you talk with the chief
of the Astronaut Office about that?
I’d already been talking to him about that, and I came back.
I was already lined up to replace Scott [J.] Kelly as the DOR. Gosh,
I’d already been making the arrangements, working with HR [Human
Resources], to retire from the Army and convert to civil service.
It wasn’t a quid pro quo, but it was I’d like to convert
to civil service, and they go, “Okay, and would you be willing
to go be the DOR?”
I said, “Yes, I’d be willing to do that.”
Then there was this, “And maybe Expedition 7 or something, or
I said, “Yes, we’ll cross that.”
By the time I got to Russia I know I knew I was going to be on Expedition
8, because I had three bosses. I had Charlie [Charles J.] Precourt,
chief of the office. I had Mike [Michael A.] Baker, who was the manager
for the ISS Program who was located in Moscow, and then Mike [C. Michael]
Foale, who was going to be Expedition 8 commander. All three of them
were giving me things to do. I have three bosses. Okay, got it. “So
which one of you will I offend today?”
On your last Shuttle mission I noticed that you got delayed for a
couple of days. What did you do?
I think it was about six days. Ooh, idle hands are the devil’s
playground. We got in trouble. We drank a lot of wine, that’s
for sure.
You had wine on board the Shuttle?
No, while we were waiting in the six-day delay, we drank a lot of
wine. I remember that. It was a wine-drinking crew. At the time, because
we didn’t understand the risk of the composite overwrapped pressure
vessels—I’m going to have to digress.
STS-58, Mike L-A was one of the family escorts, and Bill [William
G.] Gregory was the other family escort. We get out to the pad for
our first launch attempt. I think this is when we find out. I’m
getting in the vehicle, or maybe we were out there a couple days before
just inspecting. No, I think it was when we went out for launch. I
get there and there’s a note on my seat from my wife that says,
“I was here before you.”
How did that work?
What? This caused a bit of a stir. Mike was out driving Cindy and
Julie Searfoss around. I think they said, “Can we drive by the
He goes, “Sure.” So he drives out to the pad. He drives
up to the gate. He said, “These are two of the crew wives. Can
we drive up on the pad level?”
“Sure, go ahead, drive up.” Drives up.
He goes to the access control person and says, “These are two
of the crew wives. Can we go up to the 195-foot level?”
“Sure. Let us get some coveralls.” They get some coveralls.
I don’t think they actually went inside, but they sat on the
little access [room, the White Room], where you go in through the
side hatch since they took pictures. That got back to the corner office,
and it was a bit of a kerfuffle. It caused a bit of consternation,
but it seemed like such a good idea. They adopted that as something
they offered crew spouses after that.
Now let’s fast-forward to STS-92. Before the first launch attempt
we go out to the pad with our spouses, and we’re climbing all
over it. Suddenly we hear this clang clang clang clang clang clang
clang. Some significant other has been taking pictures. The bottom
of her camera opens up, the batteries fall out, and fell all the way
down. Okay, that’s not good.
So now we’ve delayed another day more, or something like that.
We don’t know when it’s going to be. What are we going
to do? Let’s go back out to the pad, and let’s take our
kids with us this time. So now we go out to the pad. If they were
old enough to have a primary contact badge, then they could go out
there. Again we’re kind of all over the place.
Now we get in the elevator and we’re going back down to the
pad level, and just when we get to the bottom, the elevator kind of
jolts a little bit. Doors don’t open. You look. Here’s
the floor here, and here’s where the doors are. [Demonstrates]
We’re actually a couple of inches below the edge of the door.
The elevator has gone down a little too far.
We pick up the emergency phone. “Hey, we’re stuck in the
“Who’s there?”
“Prime crew.” I don’t know how many [people were
in the cab]. It’s a seven-person crew. Maybe we had fifteen
people. We had a bunch of people in the elevator. In the pictures
you look and it goes maximum capacity eleven people or something.
Oh, so we overloaded the elevator.
As we continued to delay I think there was a third let’s go
out to the pad and look around. I know Leroy took his mom and dad
out. I don’t know who else. I’m sure my wife went again.
We were troublemakers.
What did you do on orbit? You were delayed a couple of days coming
Oh yes, the return. There’s not a lot to do. You’re ready
to deorbit, you wave off. Got another opportunity, you wave off. When
you finally decide that you’re not going to come home that day,
what you have is you have a spaceship that’s designed to be
on orbit, and then you reconfigure it for entry. You now have to reconfigure
it back, so you’ve got the payload bay doors closed. Now you’ve
got to quickly open the payload bay doors, get cooling reestablished.
Take your suits off.
At some point you’ve had a pretty full day. Then it’s
like okay, let’s go have a meal. It was an eleven-day mission.
We had three meals for seven people for eleven days. What are you
going to eat for the next day? We have the pantry food, and that’s
what it’s designed for. This is extra food to eat. You also
have the food that you just didn’t eat the first time you accessed
that meal. They generally packed way more food than you truly needed.
Now you go through, and you say, “Well, I didn’t want
to eat that before, but looks pretty good. I’ll eat it this
time.” You go through the whole thing, and you wave off again.
Now you’re looking at the food that you weren’t interested
in the first time, you passed on the second time, and now it’s
all that’s left.
Leroy and I, it’s almost like we’re slipping into frat
boy mentality. I wasn’t in a fraternity, but still you get the
idea. They had these hot dogs in the pantry food. They were just awful.
They were just terrible hot dogs. Ever eat Vienna sausages?
Imagine one that’s a whole length of hot dog. That’s how
good it is, but you’re hungry. What are we going to eat with
it? We took up initially a bag of fresh tortillas, but you only want
to eat those for a couple of days because they’ll start getting
moldy. We look. We also had these tortillas that were two to a package
with a little preservative pouch inside. Those things will last a
long time. Those are a good space tortilla, and they taste good. But
crew had already eaten all those.
We’re looking, here we have these moldy tortillas. We go, “They’re
just moldy around the edge.” We took them, and we broke the
edges off and put one of those nasty little hot dogs and put enough
mustard on it. It’s like, “Okay, that’s good.”
I think somewhere in there they let us talk to our families because
our families were in Florida, and we knew that we were going to California
and that they weren’t going to be able to go to California.
They were pretty disappointed. We talked to them, and we too were
disappointed they wouldn’t be there to greet us.
Any antics over those couple of days? Or any movies? You guys have
a chance to watch any?
No, we didn’t do movies on orbit. It’s not like today
when you got all your digital movies. I’ll tell you about seeing
the newest Harry Potter movie on ISS at some point.
Oh yes, I’d love to hear it. I think this might be a good stopping
point for us.
of interview]