NASA Headquarters NACA
Oral History Project
Edited Oral History Transcript
C. Hendricks
Interviewed by Rebecca Wright
Ohio –
3 June 2014
The following information is from an oral history session conducted
on June 3, 2014, with Robert C. Hendricks in Cleveland, Ohio, as part
of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics [NACA] Oral History
Project, sponsored by the NASA Headquarters History Office. The interviewer
was Rebecca Wright, assisted by Sandra Johnson.
A look at some of Robert C. Hendricks’s experience with aerospace
engine development at the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics
[NACA] from its beginnings through the years to NACA’s transition
to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration [NASA] is presented
in an interview-style format.
This report is based upon an interview conducted with Robert C. Hendricks,
a Senior Technologist at the NASA Glenn Research Center in Cleveland,
Ohio. Although at first he thought he was “not going to be here
very long,” Robert Hendricks has been with this facility since
1957. This report presents his experience with the development of
rocket engines, focusing on his time at the NACA Lewis Flight Propulsion
Today’s NASA Glenn Research Center started out in 1942 when
the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics started building its
Aircraft Engine Research Laboratory [AERL] in Cleveland, Ohio. In
1947 the lab was renamed the NACA Flight Propulsion Laboratory to
reflect the expansion of the research. In September 1948, following
the death of the NACA’s Director of Aeronautics, George Lewis,
the name was changed to the NACA Lewis Flight Propulsion Laboratory
[LFPL]. Then on 1 October 1958, the LFPL was incorporated into the
new space agency, NASA, and it was renamed the NASA Lewis Research
Center [LeRC]. Following John Glenn’s flight on the Space Shuttle,
the Center name was changed again on 1 March 1999 to the NASA Glenn
Research Center [GRC].
Robert Hendricks began his lifetime involved with aerospace engines
while studying aerospace engineering at the Ohio State University
[OSU]. When there in 1952, Robert’s introduction to aircraft
engines came when he was hired for the summer as a draftsman for North
American Aviation [NAA] in Columbus, Ohio [where he worked on the
F-86, AJ-2, F-51, and FJ-4 aircraft over a period of three summers].
The summers of 1955 and 1956 were spent at the NAA-Rocketdyne and
Rocketdyne Canoga Park facilities in California working as a Junior
Engineer on the G-38 and Redstone, and other classified rocket engine
Robert learned how rocket engines worked from the Rocketdyne Rocket
Engine Course, where instructors Dean Dentry and Ennis Staggers taught
him rocket engine components and integration design. Also, discussions
with a number of NAA Columbus engineers taught him drafting/engineering
and gave him firsthand knowledge of fighters and attack bombers up
close on the assembly line.
The experiences at NAA, Rocketdyne, OSU, and eventually at NACA/NASA
have been the backbone of Robert’s professional development.
The remainder of this report will follow the course of the interview
to present Robert’s experience at the NACA [and later with NASA],
presenting his involvement with aerospace engine development.
We understand that you have been at GRC for many years, but you started
your career here in 1957. Can you tell us how you became part of the
employee workforce here?
It was in 1957 between my OSU graduation and U.S. Air Force assignment
that summer. I looked around at various options I had, and most of
the options were such that they wanted long-term employments. The
salaries weren’t much better, but what they offered here [NACA
LFPL] was essentially a continuation of my education: namely, that
I’d worked at Rocketdyne and NAA. I worked at NAA in Columbus
for three summers, and I worked for Rocketdyne for two summers. I
worked at both of those places, so I knew rocket engines quite well,
and I knew a little bit about airplanes, too.
When I came here to the LFPL, George Kinney, Jr., interviewed me,
walked me around, and told me about some of the things that were being
done here. The interesting part was they offered short-term courses—what
they called internal courses—that were taught by people here
at the lab who were experts at what they were doing. They wanted you
to know how to do what they were doing. That did interest me, so I
came here, first of all, as an NACA employee, and then eventually
the Air Force stationed me here. That was principally the reason I
wanted to come here: It was a short-term appointment. I said, “Okay,
I’m not going to be here very long.” Needless to say,
I’m still around.
What was your long-term goal at that time [late 1950s, early 1960s]?
What did you want to do after you finished the short term?
Rocket engines: I wanted to design them, build them, and so forth.
We did it at Rocketdyne. That was sort of an interesting series. When
I first started at Rocketdyne, they were building rocket engines by
hand. We built them in the shop. We designed them in one room, and
we built the rocket engines in another area of the shop, so you could
go from one place to the other. At both NAA-Columbus, Ohio, and Rocketdyne,
most of the designers were on the drafting boards, and we had experts
who checked our work. Design changes were issued as Engineering Orders
[EOs]. These changes [EO-changes to the working drawings were made
after a problem was discovered during manufacturing and incorporated
into the blueprints] had to be accurate and specific for those on
the assembly line building the airplane or rocket engine to understand
and implement.
The NAA planes were fighter aircraft; pilots and our Nation depended
upon them to perform as intended. At both NAA-Columbus and Rocketdyne,
you were turning whatever your concept was into actual hardware, right
there. At NAA-Columbus, experienced test-pilots flew rigorous test
flights to ensure performance. At Rocketdyne, they performance test-fired
those rocket engines up at Santa Susana Mountains in California, and
that was an experience I’ll never forget. We were in the mountain
in the block house, and when they fired that G-38 engine, which was
136 000 pounds of thrust each barrel—and there were three barrels
in that thing—that whole mountain shook. Everything just shook.
I was awed by the power, and I just couldn’t believe it. That
was a small rocket engine compared to the stuff that came afterwards.
When I was still here at the NACA LFPL [early 1960], I went back to
Rocketdyne to meet with my old boss, Dean Dentry. Dean showed me the
F-1, which is the million-pound thrust engine they were developing.
Rocketdyne had a lot of problems with it. Here at LFPL/NASA we were
studying combustion and instabilities and other rocket engine components
that contributed heavily to resolution of the F-1 problems [the development
of any new engine design with a multitude of interacting components
all coming together into a functioning engine of 1.5 million pounds
thrust; simply stated, no one had ever built an engine that big, turbopumps,
nozzles, thrust vectoring, engine externals, injectors to cite a few].
So we helped out a little bit on issues relating to the injector and
combustion instabilities. I had the opportunity to share our findings
with Dean Dentry. The 300,000 pounds didn’t seem like very much
compared to that 1.5-million-pound thrust engine. My unique and exceptional
experience at NAA and Rocketdyne became my portal to NACA LFPL.
When I was here at LFPL, we were talking about small engines because
they were the type of engines with 5000 to a possible 20,000 pounds
of thrust. They were really small, but the fundamentals were pretty
much the same. Instabilities occurred in the engines, and combustion
was a big problem, feeding the propellants through the pumps, pressurized
tanks, all the safety issues, and things like that. Propellants became
a big factor. I worked at Rocketdyne on a small engine, what they
called a rocket-assisted takeoff [RATO], on an FJ-4 aircraft. It was
a Navy aircraft, and they wanted to get it off the deck in a hurry
and so it was a small engine. I came back from Rocketdyne [to NAA
and to finish school at OSU] and I thought, well, I would be an expert
in that engine, but NAA had an expert in the Rocketdyne-RATO engine,
so it was kind of interesting in that the experience sort of set the
stage for these types of smaller engines that we had here at the NACA
at the time.
Was it a time period of evolution for these types of engines?
Yes, because you were talking about the V-2 rocket, which ran about
50,000 pounds of thrust, and of course the V-2 is very famous for
its destructive capabilities in World War II. The other thing is that
they didn’t know quite how to make these big engines stable.
Scaling was a problem, and as the rocket engine industry and NACA/NASA
moved forward in the rocket industry, that became sort of a known
fact. When Rocketdyne was building the F-1 engine, they used to have
huge instability problems that had to be solved. We were working on
the same types of problems at the NACA, so that fed into the whole
scheme of development of scaling up from small to something big. At
a million-and-a-half pounds of thrust, the throat of that F-1 rocket
engine was huge.
About how many feet, do you think?
About 3 feet for the nozzle throat diameter, something like that.
The F-1 was big, and the injector head was also big, with anti-oscillation
baffles and lots of injector ports. If you stand beside it, it’s
like looking up 15 plus feet. The Saturn rocket had five F-1 engines
on it when it launched the Moon vehicle, so there were several of
them in there.
What did you go to work on first, when you first got here? What were
some of the first projects?
Yes, that was interesting, too, because the NACA-Air Force started
out with the NAA X-15 engine. The X-15 was an Air Force aircraft that
they couldn’t get to operate very well, so NACA took it over.
It was quite secret at the time, as to what we were doing here. Yet
one of the first X-15 [man-rated] engines was so safe, it wouldn’t
fire. That was not a very good engine. Then, the NACA and Air Force
got the RMI, Reaction Motors Incorporated, to develop a spherical-head
engine, which was like that of the V-2, in a sense, as it looked a
little bit like that. That had a lot of combustion instabilities,
and that was the first thing we began to work on—the LOX-[liquid
oxygen-] ammonia-type engine.
It was one of those things where the pilot Scott Crossfield crawled
down under the B-52 wing, into the X-15. He sat with the liquid ammonia
and LOX tanks right behind him, and he fired that engine when it dropped.
It was an extreme risk, and I don’t know how he ever had the
guts to do that, but he did. They flew it to the edge of space, and
there were a lot of problems with stability there. It tumbled, and
of course, some were lost, but they eventually got that all fixed
up. That became the forerunner of the mechanics that enabled Rocketdyne
to eventually build the NAA-Rockwell Space Shuttle vehicles and the
engines for NASA.
It was a good experience, and one of those things that led to a big
conflict between my military assignment at Wright-Patterson Air Force
Base and my assignment here at the NACA. Colonel Leslie Pattillo was
the Air Force liaison at the NACA at that time, and Colonel Pattillo
apparently had more clout than the Brigadier General down at Wright-Patterson:
I was AWOL [absent without leave] for almost a week, and Pattillo
told me, “You’re going to stay here.”
I said, “No, I’ve got to go back to the Air Force or be
considered AWOL down there.”
He said, “You’re assigned here.” There was a distinct
fight between Pattillo and the Brigadier down at Wright Field, and
Pattillo won. I stayed here and worked on the X-15, and so that was
my first assignment.
That’s quite an assignment to start out with, isn’t it?
It was an interesting one, for sure. We wrote reports, and I’d
never written a report like that before. It goes back into 1957. The
interesting part about that rocket history is that when I was at Rocketdyne
for the first year, at the Slauson Avenue facility, which was in 1955,
designers’ meetings would be a gathering of about a half dozen
people. I had one drawing board, so, diagonally, one drawing board
away there were gathered about half dozen people. We were working
on the Redstone Engine, and some of the G-38 hardware, and also the
old V-2 [or upgraded Redstone] hardware. My workstation [a drafting
board] was adjacent to this gathering of world-renowned-group of scientists—I
later found out they were Wernher von Braun and his associates—who
were discussing satellite type of projects, that included an upgraded
version of the Redstone engine.
Rocketdyne upgraded the Redstone Engine to the point where it would
launch a satellite. This was 1955. In 1956, the vonBraun group had
the launch capabilities/capacity available to launch a satellite,
but we weren’t allowed to do it. When I came here to work at
NACA [June 1957], I also learned about some of the missions that we
were doing around here, undercover. Namely, that we were looking at
going to Mars, we were looking at going to the Moon, all these trajectories
and different things. Wolfgang Moeckel was the guy who was directing
that, and Robert W. Graham was my supervisor and a very good guy,
a very strong supporter, not only of my work, but of the NACA and
NASA work—very strong person
The point was that we were doing these things undercover. Dr. John
F. Victory, was at NACA/NASA Headquarters as some associate director
or something like that. Hugh L. Dryden was supportive; he was the
NACA Director. He and Graham had a very good relationship, so there
was a lot of work there that was done. NACA/NASA’s Dr. Victory
said that Congress would not hear of us working on satellites or anything
to do with going into space. He said that was distinctly a no-no,
you cannot say anything about that. That really surprised me because
we had the capability of launching that vehicle; we had the capability
of launching it in 1955-1956 with the Redstone, and of course, in
fall of 1957, that all changed very rapidly.
All of a sudden: “Why aren’t you working on this?”
We didn’t tell them that we had been working on this, but the
thing that surprised me is that they decided they needed to go to
this Vanguard missile rather than the Redstone missile because the
Redstone was already available to do that; the Vanguard was not. Vanguard
had several failures, but the Redstone always fired and went off.
There’s a lot of early experience in there which I didn’t
agree with, but I was too far down the totem pole to do anything about
it. I didn’t know who to talk to. The people who were gathered
at that table at the NAA-Rocketdyne Slauson Avenue facility in the
summer of 1955 included none other than Wernher von Braun, and I didn’t
know that at the time.
We had some good support out of the Marshall Space Flight Center [Huntsville,
Alabama] in the first years at NASA [i.e., when we transitioned over].
That NACA-NASA transition happened very rapidly, too, much more rapidly
than what one would think. The NACA people, at that time, dismantled,
for some reason, the jet-engine turbine and compressor group, and
there were some excellent people in that group, a world-renowned turbine
and compressor group. Some of those people were put into our rocket
section. Even Doc Graham had two or three people, including Don and
Eleanor Guentert, who were from that group. We were working under
John L. Sloop at the time as part of Dr. Walter T. Olsen’s division
when Dr. Edward R. Sharp was LeRC’s Director.
There were some really key people that came out of that group, but
NACA had enormous experience, or enormous clout—I would say
clout—worldwide in that area. It may not be realized that none
of us had much experience in jet engines during the World War II,
except for the Germans, and they flew those jet aircraft. That was
really a surprise. Had the Germans had a few more months, they might
have gained air superiority. It’s hard to see how they kept
it up, but they did. Fuels were a problem for them. The Germans seemed
to make them during the war. We learned a lot of stuff from them:
for example, rocket engines, propellants, and then rocket flight dynamics
afterwards and jet aircraft.
Based on what you say, you chose to come here because it was going
to be short term, but did you know a lot about NACA’s philosophy
and how the employees worked, the organization, basically the whole
philosophy of NACA? Did you know a lot about how the organization
Before I came here? I didn’t care. It didn’t bother me
a bit—I wasn’t going to stay here very long. Besides,
I was an Air Force guy, anyhow, so what’s the difference? The
Air Force would be moving me anyway.
They were going to move you, huh?
Yes, the Air Force was going to move me, anyhow. I found out that
the NACA had a philosophy of teaching you: “We want you to know
how this works. We want you to know this.” NACA would take time
to do that and that was valuable to me. NACA and even early NASA had
courses we went through to learn how to work instruments, learn how
a boundary layer works, and so forth. We had to learn all kinds of
things. The guys that were doing the work were the guys that were
teaching us what they wanted us to know so we could help them and
do their work. It’s not the case anymore—they don’t
do that now. We had “organizational meetings;” granted,
they were in the evening, and the whole lab was invited. Everybody
from the lab went—not everybody, but there would be several
hundred people who would gather in the Administration Building auditorium.
There, you discussed things. Those things that didn’t work,
you wanted to know why they didn’t work—maybe we can help
you out. We don’t do that anymore.
Like an open forum, whatever was in your area?
Like an open forum, yes. You learned a lot from those people. Those
people had all the experiences, and it was a big, huge learning curve.
I couldn’t have gotten that kind of education anywhere; no place
in the world—no university—had that kind of expertise.
Talk to Simon Ostrach, he’ll tell you: we had the greatest things
since sliced bread, but those outside NACA/NASA had nothing like that.
Ostrach was here, part of that teaching group, and we had some of
the finest people in the world here.
They must have believed in sharing knowledge if they were such great
They didn’t have any qualms about that. They’d work right
along with you. I worked with the people in the instrumentation group,
and we had technicians who were top notch, absolutely top notch. You’d
give them a sketch of what you thought you wanted to do, and a couple
of days later, they’d call you and say, “Here, is this
what you want?” “Wow, yes, that’ll work.”
We had machine shops here, we had people who had fabrication machine
shops, which were like the same thing they had at Rocketdyne. People
built things and actually made them work. We had metallurgy shops,
we had everything here—all gone now.
Were you able to work side-by-side by these technicians, if you needed
to, to have something changed?
Was it kind of a partnership?
Yes, and the same way with the guys in the machine shop. All the people
worked as sort of an integral unit. At that time, we didn’t
have this business of “what’s your WBS [Work Breakdown
Structure] number,” and “I’m not going to work on
this because you don’t have a WBS,” or anything like that.
They were always interested in what you were doing and why, you talked
to them about it, and they didn’t just make what you wanted,
they made it better. When you did your experiments, they wanted to
know what you did and how it worked and all that type of thing—how
can we make it better for you? Always, it was always the same way.
It’s all gone.
You stated about writing a report, in 1957, of the work that you did
on the X-15. Talk to us about how important those reports were, and
what all it took to put those reports together that were passed on
and passed through to other people.
It’s very important to document what you do and what we did
at that time. So people have probably said, “That’s rudimentary;
we know that.” Yes, they know that now, but they didn’t
know that, then. We didn’t know it, then. The idea of the NACA
reports were very precise; namely, that you had to be able to express
yourself enough for other people to duplicate what you did and get
it right. If others couldn’t duplicate what you did, then you
did the experiment wrong. That was what was going on.
You had to take a lot of pains in writing your reports. They had to
be written very carefully. We had editors, we had secretaries that
helped us type, and things like that. We had technical people that
did drawings for us, or we did our own drawings and they made them
look good for reports. Stuff that we messed up, they would fix up.
It was always one of those things where you continued to contribute.
We always had big fights among the scientific people about how to
express this stuff, and “Why did you do this?” and “Why
did you do that?” “You didn’t do this,” ”You
didn’t do that,” and “Go back and rewrite this.”
You’d probably write three or four drafts before you ever got
the thing into the technical editors, and then they would go through
it, too.
We used to have committees of people who would check these things
out very carefully. We weren’t permitted, at that time, to publish
in the scientific journals, and so forth, because they weren’t
considered accurate enough. They weren’t considered to be complete
enough. My opinion right now is there is much in the journals materials
that cannot be reproduced. There’s no way you can do it. They’ve
become pretty much academic, but they are journals, and that’s
where people say, “Okay, you’ve got to publish or perish,”
and that type of thing. The NACA wasn’t that way. It was published
here as a NACA document, and that’s going to be the record—the
record—and anybody else has to be able to reproduce it.
I imagine there’s a library that you went to, to read everybody
The library was our key, and that was one of the major things we had.
The library was upstairs in the Administration Building, and I’d
spend time up in there. The management welcomed that. You would go
to the library and spend some time. “Okay, you’re not
working on our project.” Okay, so what? You are learning. You’re
learning. We had a man who did technical translations. He was excellent.
He would take some of those old German reports and translate them
into English so we could take some of the Russian reports [we had
some technical translators do the Russian], but mostly German reports.
Excellent guy. He would take care of the library and was very interesting.
We’d spend time in the library—the library was a key thing.
That’s gone.
As I visualize what you’re describing, it was learning in a
very supportive knowledge exchange, information-sharing time. At what
point do you feel that started to move away more from the research
and the knowledge-building into maybe even development?
As soon as NASA decided to get projects people involved. As soon as
they decided they were going to split the research and project off
into project offices. That happened, of course, after the Apollo shots.
I will say, after the Shuttle became operational, after something
like that, it was one of those times in a frame period of, “Okay,
NASA, what are you doing next? Why aren’t you this?” Budget
cuts became one of those things where, “You got too many people
here,” “You got too many people there,” “We’ve
got to look into your budgets,” “We’ve got to make
sure that you’re not spending this or that,” or something
like that.
Some of the oversights of people who were outside the Government,
wanting to get on the gravy train of the Government, and we called
them Beltway Bandits. They were all around Washington, D.C. They’re
still all around Washington. A lot of the NASA Centers’ staff
became contractors rather than civil servants, which was a big mistake.
Huge mistake. Great for the contractors because they all made a lot
of money off of it, but as soon as that happened, I don’t know,
that spells the demise of the exchange. The things changed, at that
After it became NASA, you got really involved in working with liquid
oxygen, is that correct?
Hydrogen, yes.
Can you share with us those early days, of when you were starting
to work with that, and then how that evolved through the years with
what you did?
Of course. There was a lot of work that was done prior to that, which
I guess I could have known about when I was at Rocketdyne, but we
were working primarily with rocket propellants [hydrocarbons] and
LOX. When I came to NACA, we were primarily still working with hydrocarbon
rocket propellants. We were working a little bit with hydrogen, but
not too much. As I said, the first I was to tackle was the X-15 engine,
which was LOX-ammonia. From that particular project, we said, “Hey,
maybe we should be going to space.” I knew people like Vearl
N. Huff very well, who knew the thermodynamics and the propellants
and all that type of stuff; Doc Walter Olson and Bob Graham; and others
like Del Tischler, Richard S. Brokaw, Richard J. Priem, Gerald “Jerry”
Morrell, Sanford Gordon, Frank Zeleznik, Bonnie McBride, Erwin Zaretsky
and all those people who worked so well in this area. They all had
a good idea of maybe some of the rocket engines, but the propellants
were one of those things—and particularly liquid hydrogen was
one of those things—where we didn’t have a good grasp
of what it could do. We theoretically knew that it was very good propellant
fuel, as long as it was with a good oxidizer.
At NASA LeRC, Howard W. Douglass started investigating hydrogen-fluorine
engines, and I don’t know if you ever smelled fluorine or not,
but in parts per billion, it smarts the nose. I remember walking along
the road between where I was testing, which was a high-energy fuel
lab, and the old NACA rocket lab, and they had fired a hydrogen-fluorine
engine. The smell of fluorine could be detected through the scrubber
and everything else in the area. The smell of fluorine, it smarts
your nose real quick. Just a little bit of fluorine would be devastating.
The thought of firing that thing off at Cape Canaveral, Florida, and
having an accident down there—you would devastate the whole
It was one of those things where there was a mindset of, “Well,
we need to get the best, the highest specific impulse.” Yes,
the hydrogen-fluorine gave you a higher impulse, but not that much
more than hydrogen-oxygen. It took a proven hydrogen-oxygen flight—the
flying of the B-57, the Canberra, over the lakes—and Abe Silverstein
convincing Wernher von Braun that, “Hey, look, we’ve flown
this stuff.” “You’ve flown this stuff?” [Paul
Orden and others were heavily involved in that early work.] Then,
we started in with the liquid hydrogen in earnest at that point, or
I would say very close to that point.
It followed directly, the next assignment I had was to determine how
to handle liquid hydrogen and its heat transfer properties; that sort
of followed the X-15 assignment. Since I was still at NACA/NASA, still
an Air Force guy, I had a little bit more latitude in going around
between people, different divisions, and so forth, and could take
flights on the C-47 and go down to Wright Field and hook rides out
of there, or whatever, to wherever, when Colonel Pattillo was still
here. It was a good relationship; we could fly right out of the NACA/NASA
hanger apron.
We built one of the first heat transfer rigs [experimental test systems].
It was a low-pressure rig, operating on what we called an HLJ Dewar
[Herrick L. Johnson Dewar], which was a small liquid hydrogen Dewar
transfer buggy. We built that system, well, in less than a year, and
had it operational. We did it out at the old high-energy fuels lab,
which is Building 51 [Area 51...Ha!]. We had grounded vent stacks
[electrical], but our cardinal rule was “no arcs, no sparks.”
We had a very successful trip through all the history of that development
of the liquid hydrogen from the word “go.” We had one
stack fire, and that was some 20, 30 feet above the roof, but that’s
when lightning hit the stacks.
Didn’t have a lot of control over that one, did you?
No, we had purged stacks, and we purged it with gaseous nitrogen,
and it went out pretty quickly, so we didn’t have any problem
with it. That series of HLJ-tests became the baseline report for two-phase
flows and somewhat for designs towards rocket engines in the low-pressure
region for liquid hydrogen. Doc Graham [Chief] was the supervisor
for that. Bob Ehlers and I worked the X-15 LOX -Ammonia project and
then we started with Bob Friedman with the liquid hydrogen Dewars.
I would guess we gathered and published the data, which surprised
me, to find out that all our NACA/NASA reports, which were pretty
closely held, weren’t secret, but most of the community didn’t
know about NASA reports. When I became Vice President of the International
Institute of Refrigeration in 1975, I chaired a session at the international
cryogenics meeting in Moscow, Russia. Afterward, one of the Russians
came up to me and said, “We know all about your work.”
I said, “How did you find out?”
He said, “We’ve read all your reports.” The Russians
not only acquired those reports, but they knew all about what we were
doing. It was an eye-opening experience.
Very surprising. How long were you part of the Air Force?
About two years—about a year-and-a-half or two years, something
like that. Then I was part of the Reserves for a long time after that.
You were somewhat still affiliated with the military when you went
to Russia?
When I first started, yes. When I first started, as I said, Colonel
Pattillo was still here at NACA and he got me assigned here as NACA
personnel, and then they transferred me over to NASA.
Were you still part of the Reserves when you went to Russia for that
meeting in 1975? That’d have been 20 years.
No, I don’t believe so. I think I’d signed off, and got
an honorable discharge. They said, “Well, you’re not keeping
up with your active duty, so we’ll give you a discharge if you
want one.”
I said, “Good. ” So they did.
Talk to us a little bit more about that. From what I understand from
what I read, the work that you were doing certainly played an important
part in the Space Shuttle Main Engine [SSME].
Not only just the Shuttle, but more importantly, all the upper-stage
vehicles. Everything that the Apollo did and the Shuttle, certainly,
but the Apollo couldn’t have gone where it did without the upper-stage
vehicle, without upper-stage hydrogen. None of the upper-stage research
vehicles will go any place without the liquid hydrogen.
We learned a lot. We learned that liquid hydrogen has ortho and para
compositions, [ortho: aligned spin states, para: opposite spin states]
and you have to have it stored with para, otherwise it boils off and
you don’t have anything. If you don’t keep it in what
we called MLI, or multi-layer insulations, that was a development
problem, too. I didn’t work on the MLI so much as we used it.
We used different types of insulations and things like this, so we
developed insulations. We developed sealing. We developed methods
to transfer the liquid hydrogen. We developed Dewars, storage methods,
and safety procedures—big time.
We knew a little bit about safety. We had one accident that I do remember
quite well, namely, that we were hooked up to a liquid hydrogen Dewar—a
big one—and they blew a gasket on one of the seals in the transfer
lines. At that time, I was working in a cell adjacent to our work
cell 103, and I was recording, at that time, the power levels. The
other people were up in the control room, and all of a sudden, I couldn’t
find anybody in the control room [there was no walkie-talkie radio
contact]. I said, “Is anybody there?” Nobody was around.
I was looking around, and saw this cloud of stuff on the outside.
What’s going on here? I walked into the cell to find out that
the cell was filled with some type of stuff. It didn’t really
dawn on me too much what it was, but I knew I had to shut that Dewar
off. Otherwise, there’d be mess everywhere. I did shut it off,
and I had to go in and shut the valves off on the Dewar transfer [the
big transfer] tank. I shut those off, and of course, then the leak
stopped. Hydrogen is very forgiving if you don’t have sparks
or arcs. Very forgiving because hydrogen rises, and so, even though
it was very dense when cold and would come down, it would always rise
as it warmed up. That convection of the upward flow brought oxygen
along with it. I wasn’t in any danger, other than the fact that
if I had had static electricity or something like that, it would have
been not so good.
I came out and found out the fire department was just sitting outside,
where the 10 x 10 Foot Supersonic Wind Tunnel is now, probably, maybe
a good football field and a half, something like that, from the cell
where the leaking transfer tank was. The fire department was sitting
out there, waiting to come in, if needed. All the guys that were mechanics
and everybody else was standing out there with them. I went out and
I said, “What’s going on, here?”
Bob Friedman says, “Well, there’s a big spill in the cell.
We can’t go in there.”
I said, “Well, I got it all shut off.”
He replied: “What are you talking about?” It was quite
an experience.
Yes, for everybody. Was there industry, people like Rocketdyne or
other people that were working on the same thing you were?
Sure. We worked with Rocketdyne and we worked with Pratt & Whitney,
Aerojet and, mostly with Rocketdyne. Not only because of my own experience
with those people, but Aerojet and Rocketdyne were competitors. They
would swap people back and forth to acquire secrets, and that’s
how they got information transferred. A few took advantage and would
hire in at a significantly raised salary, and he’d transfer
over there, and that type of thing. Rocketdyne had, I would say, a
cadre of just absolutely excellent designers, fabrication techniques,
and test facilities. They built the big engines, and they built the
J-2 engines for the liquid hydrogen engines. The RL-10s were built
by Pratt & Whitney, and that was liquid hydrogen. The big, key
issue is that they built a lot of these things and they worked, but
they didn’t know why they worked. The things that we added were
not only the smarts to understand why they worked, but also the handling
characteristics and all the heat transfer information designed into
them. Unfortunately [or fortunately], it became designed into the
Russian vehicles as well.
How did you share this information with them, or did they come to
With Rocketdyne and Aerojet?
They would come here. That’s the time that contractors came
here. We had some contractors that worked with us and some contractors
that worked for the Air Force or someplace else, and they all came
here. They built their engines and we told them all; everybody that
came here basically got the same type of information. There wasn’t
a barrier between this contractor and that contractor like you have
today. It just didn’t exist. If it did, I didn’t know
about it.
Your information that you gathered here was shared to those who were
using it.
Yes, it was widely shared.
Looking back on the years that you spent working with that, what did
you find to be the most challenging time of working with that whole
project, and all those elements? Other than the time when everybody
was standing outside. What was the most challenging part of working
with that?
It was a challenge to try to understand why things were working the
way they were because we had never seen this before. There was stuff
that we had never seen before, which is great, but when you’d
run across it, you’d try to explain it and couldn’t explain
it. It took us a long time and a lot of effort to try to understand
it. It was frustrating in some respects, but challenging in every
other respect.
We had a lot of support from our technicians, and as I said, we’d
try things and something would go wrong. I remember we had technicians
that would stay with us all night long, when we ran tests. If we had
problems, they weren’t about to say that we have to go home.
They were there, and they’d go fix the problem. They would be
right there with us. For example, we had liquid hydrogen in little
tiny tubes on the side of our liquid hydrogen transfer devices, which
were hard to see. We had guys that would come into the cell after
we had trouble with the experiment, and they’d take their little
torches and they’d touch those things up and put them back together
again. It was just amazing, what these people could do.
Was there ever a time that you felt or that you thought management
was going to abandon this project, or did it feel like everybody was
on board to support it to the end?
I can’t remember that. We had a lot of good support at that
time because people didn’t understand what was going on, and
we were coming up with new stuff all the time. I remember that Abe
Silverstein was supportive, but he didn’t interfere. Graham
was leading things, and I don’t know, it just worked out well.
I was probably ambitious, too, but aggressive. I wanted to know why
it worked.
With the Lord’s help, I could make things work, and that was
one of the things that I would say enabled me, with respect to the
technicians and the machinists, I’d go talk to them and tell
them about what we wanted. I knew what their problems were and how
they could do it, or might try to do it. Like I said, they always
made it better.
At some point, you started doing other things, like I think I understand
you do some things with alternative fuels? Is that where you have
moved, segued into?
That was a long time afterwards. We ran ceramics, and we ran thermal
barrier coatings. Thermal barrier coatings were a big part of our
stuff in the rocket industry, too, because at Rocketdyne, we had run
what we called a thermal barrier coating inside the engine, in order
to keep it together. It was just too hot. Some opportunities came
to work on some of the thermal barriers, and I worked on those as
well, ceramic coatings. The big issue was the seals in the Shuttle
Otto K. Goetz [Chief Engineer] came up from NASA Marshall; he personally
came up and wanted to talk to me. He didn’t want to talk to
anybody else—he came personally to me and said, “We got
a problem with our Space Shuttle Main Engine pumps.” They’d
run them and blow them up, run them and blow them up, and run them
and blow them up. He said, “We don’t know why.”
He built some equivalent pumps and some simulators. They were exact
same size and everything as the pump, but the pump wasn’t very
big. Huge power ratio in those pumps. After I toured around with him,
I told him what I could do, I told him what we thought we could do
for him in the vehicles, and he said, “I’ll send you the
casings, you run the tests. I want that data.” We found out
that a lot of the seals could be unstable.
George L. von Pragenau down there at NASA Marshall also got in on
the program. He came up with an idea that the instabilities were at
a certain stage in the operation of the pump and how the seals, then,
and bearings were causing all the problems. Zaretsky did a lot of
work on the bearings. The rotors were just eventually rubbing themselves
on the casings. We had three SSME seals sent by Otto that we instrumented:
one was a straight, one was a three-step, and one was a conventional
one that Rocketdyne had designed for the pumps, which was what we
called a labyrinth. I found out that the labyrinth was unstable.
We didn’t have a rotating system, we had a static system, but
we just knew what the flows were doing. We highly instrumented everything
and found out that that seals could be the problem. Then, we found
out that if they did a straight seal, that had much better stability
and the three-step became a hammer. Namely, if you begin to move it
off-center a little bit, it would pull things back in a big hurry.
They began to put all that, put all that information together, and
with that information, they finally began to be able to make the pump
stable, and run stable. Without that, they wouldn’t have been
able to do it. There was a big transition between what we could do
in heat transfer because we knew the knowledge and so forth and what
we did with the fluid dynamics in the Shuttle pumps and the instabilities
in those pumps. The Shuttle was flying because of that.
When you were asked to take a look at that from Mr. Goetz, did that
become your priority project at that time?
I just told him I’d do it.
You continued doing everything else you were doing as well? Or was
this something that got put at the top of the list because of its
It became a priority item because—let me back up—Abe felt
that we had run as much hydrogen as we probably could or should. I
ran also liquid methane, and things like that, in that tank. He probably
felt that we had enough data to do the rocket engine designs, so he
was looking to try to wind down the thing anyhow, and that probably
precipitated the changeover. I told Otto, “This is something
that’s very important and I can do this.”
He said, “Do it,” and so we did it.
Do you remember what timeframe that was?
I don’t know. It was early in the Shuttle development, where
NASA was very early in the Shuttle engine developments, where they
were having all kinds of trouble. The NASA Marshall-Rocketdyne test
crews blew them up, one after the other, on the test stand. They just
couldn’t keep the pumps together.
What other type of work did you do with that program, the Shuttle
Program? You mentioned this one—is there other aspects that
you were able to lend your skills and talents to, as well?
This is getting way far into NASA.
It is, but we’re here.
Once we got, in my opinion, the Shuttle stuff straightened out—because
there was a long effort in that we’d had several meetings with
people from all over the free world who were looking at instabilities.
The French were heavily involved in finding out what we knew, and
eventually they built their own engine, as you probably know. Also,
they built their own launch vehicles from that type of stuff. They
piggybacked off an awful lot of our data in order to build their systems,
so that they now have a competitive launch system. I was really surprised
at the Russians because you couldn’t get any information in
or out of that place. I worked with the détente committees
[President Richard M. Nixon Détente Agreements with USSR].
I was going to ask you that—I saw that on the list. Share with
us how you got that opportunity to do that, about the détente
committees, how did you get involved with that?
I was handling the Cryogenic Engineering Conference for a long time.
Bascom W. Birmingham, at that time, he was the director of NBS [the
National Bureau of Standards], now it’s NIST [the National Institute
of Standards and Technology]. Bascom, apparently, knew what I could
do from a lot of meetings, and he wanted me and Dave Daney [the NBS
advocate] to go to be a part of this détente committee on superconductivity.
I thought, “Well, okay.” We went over and we began to
work with the Russians as well as at NBS on cryogenic properties,
cryogenic heat transfer, and all that kind of stuff. Then, of course,
that’s all part of that détente agreement; they would
come here and work at our labs, then we’d go there and work
in their labs.
We went to Russia and worked in their labs. It was a very interesting
experience. The Russians didn’t take notes. There were maybe
30 of them in the room, something like that. We had our translator,
and they had their translator. Our translator was invited to sit in
the back of the room. Their translator was going to do all the translating.
They took no notes—I was the only one taking notes—as
to what they were going to do, when they were going to do it, and
what they thought they could get out of it. They took no notes.
The translator told me later, “They didn’t translate that
the way you said it.” I said, “Interesting.” I listened
the next time, and the next time I was looking at them they’re
still not talking notes. I would ask questions and make sure that
I understood what they were doing. By the time we left, everything
that they said they were going to do, they did. Everything that they
said they were going to give us, in terms of material, data-wise,
they did. We walked out of there with more than we ever walked in
with. We got a cultural experience with those people: They quit at
five o’clock, and everything shut down, just like that. It’s
now time to go to the circus, it’s now time to go to the symphony,
it’s now time to go to the ballet, it’s now time to have
a big dinner, and so forth. Whatever it was—whatever the situation—that
was their time with us because they had the State approval, diplomatic
immunity, if you like, to do whatever they wanted to do. They had
carte blanche. They had the money, they had the approval, so they
would take us everyplace. That was their way of getting their perks
out of the system.
We also learned, while I was there, about the Baseball coil magnets.
They took us there, to show us some of the Kurchatov Institute Lab,
and I said, “Interesting, what’s that up there?”
“Oh, that’s our magnet.” I knew all about the magnet
because I knew that the U.S. cryogenics industry and government groups
built it here in the United States, they transported it there in the
C-130—a huge airplane—and they rolled the truck transporter
out of that plane. They opened the cargo bay and the semi rolled off
that platform with that magnet. The Russians just had their mouths
wide open. The Air Force and cryogenics groups took that from Sheremetyevo
airport, which is way out, drove it down the big highway that interconnects
Moscow and the airport straight into Moscow and into that lab. People
saw that thing all the way, with American flags on it. It was quite
an experience. I didn’t witness that, but the U.S. group told
me about it. The Russians were extremely impressed with the work that
we did. They flew us out to Novosibirsk also, and they made sure that
we met with Samson S. Kutateladze, who was the expert in the area
of heat transfer.
He has several books out, but Kutateladze was one of those people—I
would say he was as much an American as he was a Communist. He was
head of the Government out there, so he had to excuse himself one
day. He said, “You must excuse me for I now have to go make
bureaucracy.” Just an amazing guy, but he sat there and he told
me at dinner, during the 1975 visit, “Look, you and I are alike.
We have the same ideals. Same background. Watch out for the Chinese,
they’ll overrun you.” They’ve got a population 10
times ours, they’ll overrun us.
It’s an amazing time for you to be there.
Détente was quite an experience, and we learned a lot. As for
those people who went there with the CIA [Central Intelligence Agency],
the CIA wanted to know everything you did when you came back. The
CIA wanted you to act as one of their agents. I said “no.”
I said, “I’m not going to do that.” Those people
who did got in a lot of trouble. They didn’t get any information
from the Russians. We did, we had no problems. They knew who we were,
we knew who they were, they wanted to know more about our life, we
wanted to know more about their life. We formed a bridge. I hope it
eventually led to the bridge that I still hope exists.
It did. Do you feel like you were able to apply any of the knowledge
you brought back?
Yes, because we learned a lot about the problems with superconducting
transmission power transmission lines. The biggest problem is that
they carry a lot of energy. If they go normal [what we call normal;
namely, they become like an ordinary conductor], what do you do with
all that power? Where does it go? It’s just going to blow things
up. You have to be very careful about how you put things together,
where they are placed, how they operate, and things like that. There
are some superconducting lines now, and the temperature has been able
to come up, but not like what was promised. It was always promised,
“We’ll run these cables and you won’t have any power
transmission line problems.” We learned a lot.
Your short-term assignment, or your short-term position that you took
when you came here, lasted a number of years. You’ve been here
Yes, 55 years I guess, since 1957, yes.
Are you still working on new and exciting projects?
Yes, I can’t tell you what I’m working on right now.
That’s great to know you’re working on new stuff.
It’s related to energy, as you might expect.
I was going to ask Sandra if she had a couple of questions for you.
As you mentioned, you’re working on things you can’t tell
us about, and the stuff with the Russians. At the very beginning,
with the X-15, and those other things you said that had been worked
on that were somewhat secret, did you have to have any special clearances?
Or because you were in the Air Force, did you already have those clearances?
I did, but strange enough, when I came here to NACA, they did the
clearance again. We were pretty particular in the early days, anyhow,
about your clearances. I found out a lot later in life, that it wasn’t
just my grandfather that they interviewed. It was the neighbors. They
interviewed all the neighbors near the farm, around the farms, around
the neighborhood down there in Worthington, Ohio. They told me about
it later, but I didn’t know about it then. I didn’t even
learn about a lot of this stuff until after most of them passed away.
At funerals and things like that, people said, “Do you know
that so-and-so—?” I didn’t know that.
Do you think that was a common experience for most people that were
working at that time on all projects?
I don’t know that. I don’t know, but I was surprised that
not only they interviewed my family and associates and people that
I was familiar with, and references that you put down, but they went
into the history, family history, and where you’re from and
what you were doing and how you worked or didn’t work, and what
kind of person were you, and could you be trusted. All that type of
That’s very interesting.
I had secret clearance—I still have it—but I didn’t
want top secret. After I found out what was in secret and why it was
secret, I didn’t want to know any more about it. There’s
a lot of stuff you don’t want to know. You don’t want
to know. I’ll just say that.
I believe you. There’s a lot I don’t want to know.
I thank the Good Lord that we still have a country where we’re
able to worship God and some people don’t. There are a lot of
people that don’t. I still have a clearance, but I don’t
use it much anymore. I shy away from classified projects as much as
I can.
Thank you for answering that, I appreciate it.
I was reading some information that was out on the site, one of the
comments that was made in this article was that you have been quoted
as saying that you’re “driven by the applications of my
research.” Could you explain that to us?
It’s kind of hard to explain. I guess, let me put it this way:
if you don’t know something and you want to find out, or if
you don’t know—it’s maybe the inquisitive nature
of humankind—I want to know. I want to find out, if I can find
out. I want to know what this is—why does this do this? Why
does it work like that? I’d like to find out about it. I think
that’s what you’re asking, maybe?
One of my sons has what I call original thought, and the other one
is more like myself. I don’t know where John gets his original
thought from, but he comes up with something after he thinks about
it for a long time—why didn’t I think about that? We used
to call him Lucite because he’d sit around and he’d watch
us work, he’d watch us paint and stuff like that, and Lucite
was the work skipper—I don’t know if you remember that
ad or not—he wouldn’t work until he had an idea of what
we were doing, and then Lucite [John] would say, “Well, why
don’t you do this?” It was sometimes humiliating.
The boys and even the girls, they still have that type of inquisitive
spirit and individual talents, “Why do you want to do that?
Why?” Maybe that’s the thing that gets to me, and I want
to know. If I can make it work, oh, my gosh, you can’t believe
how thrilling it is to have something that nobody’s ever known,
come to light. I think that’s the thing that really, really
pierces and paces me right now: nobody has ever known this before,
and here it is.
Your lab was like your laboratory of discovery. I guess you kept discovering
new pieces?
Yes, we were able to do that. It’s much harder, now. It’s
so much harder. We’ve got people—I don’t know, at
one time—I guess, I’d have a few administrative people
looking over to find out what I was doing, and every time they would
put a roadblock in my way. Graham had left. He retired, and it was
just so many people putting roadblocks in your way. Then again, it
was budget, one of these things driven by Congress, and Congress,
well, I won’t say that they were the perpetrators of the things,
but we had so many oversight people that it was just difficult.
When you work with something, you have a feeling of whether it’s
going to work or not going to work, and what’s safe or not safe.
Say I were describing to you that I had to go in and turn the valve
off on the hydrogen tank when there is just hydrogen blowing all over
everywhere and you’re in the cloud of hydrogen, and you would
say, “Would that be safe?” It wasn’t whether it
was safe or not, it was that you had to do it. You read a lot about
soldiers and things like that. They just had to do it. It wasn’t
something that you wanted to do, necessarily. It just had to be done.
A lot of that stuff had to be done. I came up many times with new
things, brand-new things, things that nobody had ever seen before.
That was the impetus. It keeps you going.
That’s the excitement. Were there other things that you thought
about that you’d like to share with us today, before we close?
I don’t know—it’s been a good experience with NACA,
and knowing NACA, and knowing how they operated, and the people who
are involved with NACA. They rolled over into NASA, early NASA. It
was quite a thrilling experience, and the projects that I’ve
had to work on, they’ve always been challenging. More than challenging,
they’ve been presented opportunities, I’ve gotten a lot
of honors, and I used to travel a lot. I don’t like to travel
anymore. It’s really a harassment, to travel. I imagine you
get into that, too. I would say that it’s been a good time.
Right now we’re getting, I would say, a lot of good support.
We have enormous oversight, and that I don’t appreciate. Things
that you want to do, you can’t get done. There’s little
or nothing here anymore to enable you to do that, like the machine
shops and the technicians and the support people are scarce. It’s
so hard. You have to almost go outside, find somebody outside, as
a contractor, to do it. It’s not right.
I don’t know what will become of the organization, but I’m
too far along in my career for them to worry about or for me to worry
about. I long since learned that I have to chart my own course, independent
of the management. If some of the management doesn’t like it,
well, okay, they’re not going to like it. There have been a
lot of managers that have not liked it, and they’ve been very
difficult to deal with. So difficult that I don’t deal with
Sounds like you have a good plan.
I have found this one thing, that when I hand a plan to management,
and management rejected it flat, absolutely flat, I knew I was on
to something. That’s what I pursue. I guess I had to be turned
down absolutely flat in order to make it work.
Thanks for that lesson. We’ll hang on to that. Thank you for
coming and spending time with us today. We appreciate it.
You’re welcome.
This interview reveals a personal account of a parcel of the career
of Robert C. Hendricks at the NACA and his involvement with early
aerospace [rocket] engine development and progression.