NASA Johnson
Space Center Oral History Project
Edited Oral History Transcript
E. "Gene" Rice
by Rebecca Wright
Washington, DC – 18 March 2004
Today is March 18th, 2004. This interview with William E. “Gene”
Rice is being conducted in Washington, D.C., for the NASA Johnson
Space Center Oral History Project. The interviewer is Rebecca Wright,
assisted by Sandra Johnson.
Thank you again for making time for us in your busy schedule.
My pleasure.
We’d like to start today by asking you how you came to work
for NASA in 1962.
I was working at Ling-Temco-Vought in Dallas, and I was a propulsion
engineer. I had been working in the Advanced Weapons Department, doing
a number of studies on advanced weapons for the military, DoD [Department
of Defense] and Air Force, ranging from Mach 4 ramjets to search-and-rescue
submarine chasers for the [United States] Navy, that kind of thing.
But the last project was a throttleable liquid rocket engine for the
Army, called Missile A.
A fellow that I worked with there was [Hubert P.] Hugh Davis. Hugh
left and went to NASA, down at the Manned Spacecraft Center [Houston,
Texas] at that time, and one day I got a call from Hugh and he said,
“Gene, we need you to come to work for NASA. We need someone
to manage the Lunar Module [LM] descent engine,” which was a
throttleable liquid rocket engine. So I thought about it a while and
decided that sounded very good. This was the fall of 1962, and I think
I started sometime in October of 1962.
Now, when I got there, things had changed a little bit. They had hired
some other people into the office, and they needed somebody to manage
the fuel cell and reactant [electrical power] system for the Lunar
Module. So I agreed to take on that task, although I didn’t
know much about fuel cells. I didn’t know much about cryogenic
liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen tanks, but I figured with a background
in heat transfer and thermodynamics and that sort thing, that would
be a nice challenge, so that’s how I came to what’s now
Johnson Space Center.
Could you describe for us the environment and the atmosphere that
you entered into? As you mentioned, already things were changing before
you got there. So how were you able to get a grasp on what you needed
to do and start moving in that direction?
Interesting question. The people that went there in ‘62 went
to various buildings around the southeast part of Houston. There was
no Manned Spacecraft Center; they were building it. But we were in
a location called Office City on the Gulf Freeway. There’s where
the Apollo Spacecraft Program Office [ASPO] was located. The program
manager was there and this little group that Hugh Davis formed for
propulsion and power [systems development], was located there.
It was an exciting time. We had to learn a lot about the mission,
what we were trying to do, and get the contractors on board to build
the hardware, write the requirements, so it was very, very intense
This was a completely nondefined area of career, and you left one
that was a pretty safe and secure area. What were the reasons that
you decided to join this group of pioneers in the aerospace business?
Well, because [President] John [F.] Kennedy had announced that we
were going to put a man on the Moon by the end of the decade and return
him safely to Earth, and that just sounded like an exciting thing
to be part of.
Share with us how your task, the new task that you were given when
you got there, how you were able to bring that into reality, and what
were the challenges of making that happen?
[The Apollo Spacecraft Program Office] selected Grumman Aircraft Corporation
to build the Lunar Module. Pratt & Whitney Aircraft and Beech
Aircraft [Corporation] were part of the team. Pratt & Whitney
provided the fuel cells and Beech Aircraft was to provide the cryogenic
So we spent a lot of time on the road. We spent a lot of time with
the contractor, developing the specifications, reviewing the design.
With the Lunar Module, weight was paramount. We had a spacecraft that
had to travel to the Moon, go into lunar orbit, descend, land on the
Moon, leave part of it there, come back to orbit, rendezvous with
the command and service module, and get back to Earth. So there were
a lot of aspects of the mission that had to be worked out in detail.
We would travel Bethpage in Long Island [New York], twice a month.
We made many trips to Hartford, Connecticut, to Pratt & Whitney,
to review the progress on the fuel cells.
So it was learn as you go, but apply the experience and expertise
and knowledge that you’d been trained for up to that point.
This was a relatively young group of people, late twenties, early
thirties, coming from industry, from people that had worked on DoD
projects. But they recognized that we had to work as a team. It was
not an individual effort. Everything had to work as part of a system.
Our subsystem had to fit in and be part of the bigger spacecraft system,
so that was the challenge.
We also knew that people’s lives depended on it working, working
right, and working well for the entire mission. It was a fourteen-day
trip out to the Moon and back, and the hardware had to be reliable;
it had to work.
Now, probably a year and a half after I got to the Center, a decision
was made to replace the fuel cell cryo [cryogenic] system with batteries.
Basically, the decision was based upon reliability, not weight. Batteries
were going to be heavier. Fuel cell technology, in those days, was
pushing the state of the art. This had not been done before. Pratt
& Whitney was working on a fuel cell for the command and service
module, which was a much larger device than what we needed for the
Lunar Module, and was much heavier than what we could afford [on the
Lunar Module].
But those things were going on in parallel at Pratt & Whitney.
We had the command and service module power system fuel cells and
the cryo tank development for that as well as the Lunar Module. So,
we cancelled the contracts for the fuel cells for the Lunar Module,
and I went over to the Engineering and Development Directorate, [Propulsion
and Power System Division], as Chief of Power Generation Branch, under
[Joseph G.] Guy Thibodaux and [Richard B.] Dick Ferguson.
So that was my stint in the Apollo Spacecraft Program Office. It was
a very active, very intense period of time, with a lot of travel and
a lot of working with the contractors to find the solutions. Every
time there was a problem, a failure, get in, find out what’s
the cause of the failure, how do we fix it, how do we get on with
the program.
You talked about all of these contractors and NASA working as a team.
How was the trust built up? Every contractor had its own obligations
and their bottom line to worry about. How were you able to make sure
that there was a trust built in there that people were relying and
being accountable to each other?
You found out pretty soon who you could trust and who you couldn’t,
and these were professionals. The Grumman engineers were very professional
engineers. We found that throughout the Apollo Program. The amazing
thing about when you would go to a contractor’s plant and go
down on the floor, go down to the production line, go down and look,
you saw people, craftsmen, people who had the skills, the know-how,
the expertise. I don’t know whether we have that today, but
my observation then was that we had the best, and we had a mission,
we had an objective and a goal that everybody understood. It was a
simple goal: we’re going to land two guys on the Moon and we’re
going to return them to Earth.
So personal goals and objectives were pretty much put aside in that
era, because we knew we had to work together and we had to solve the
problems to meet the goal and meet the objective. Think about it.
From 1962 to July 20th, 1969, which is barely seven years, we did
it. So contrast that to [International] Space Station [Program], where
we started in 1984 and this is 2004, and it’s only partially
assembled, with two people on board, sort of in a caretaker mode.
It was a different time.
Very different time.
Tell us how your job roles changed when you became Chief of the Power
Generation Branch.
Okay. Very interesting. This was a research and development organization
within E&D [Engineering and Development]. We had responsibility
for overseeing and doing the subsystem management for the command
and service module. I moved to an organization that had about thirty-five
people, but ASPO had gone to a subsystem manager concept, where they
put the subsystem managers in the technical organizations rather than
in the program office. They had the [technical] support team there
to help them do their job. So I not only had [responsibility for]
the subsystem manager for the Apollo electrical power system, but
I had a group of engineers that were doing R&D [research and development]
on [other electrical] power systems.
We [used] a wide range of energy sources [including] solar, chemical,
and nuclear, and both static and dynamic conversion devices, like
fuel cells and thermoelectric generators, and [dynamic conversion]
devices, like the Brayton Cycle. Brayton Cycle, it’s like a
jet engine, except you close the cycle for space. You can operate
it with different energy sources. We were looking at solar as a possibility,
where you have a solar concentrator that provides the heat source
for things like Brayton Cycle. Now, we’ve never used it in space,
but we were doing R&D.
I had a couple of contracts with General Electric. They had a polymer
membrane fuel cell that was used on Gemini. It had some problems with
burn-through of the polymer and so forth, so that wasn’t the
best way to go, but I wanted to further investigate that technology.
Also, Allis-Chalmers came up with a concept for a fuel cell for the
Shuttle that was different. It had an asbestos membrane between the
cathode and the anode, and we funded that for a while. Then Pratt
& Whitney came in and said, “We want to be part of the Shuttle
fuel cell program.”
So I said, “Well, I don’t want a ‘me too’
answer, like G.E. [General Electric] or Allis-Chalmers. You go get
a clean piece of paper and here’s what I want. I want five times
as much power as the Apollo fuel cell and I want five times the life,
a 5,000-hour life,” because by that time we had about a thousand
hours with the command and service module fuel cell. I said, “And
I want it to weigh half as much.”
And they went off and in about six months or nine months, they came
back with a proposal. We funded it, and that’s what’s
flying on the Shuttle today. But they did; they came through. In fact,
they did a little better than five times as much power. It’s
like a seven-and-a-half-kilowatt unit rather than 1 kW. The command
and service module fuel weighed 250 pounds, produced 1 kilowatt and
had lifetime of 400 hours, which we extended to 1,000.
So that’s one of the accomplishments that I feel very good about,
and it was used as an example of how research funding can be used
to develop technology at a very low cost as opposed to getting into
a program and having many units in the pipeline. We developed that
fuel cell through a series of failures, fixes, failures, fixes, but
at a very small cost relative to what we had spent on the Apollo Program
fuel cell, because we had many units out there in the pipeline [when
failure occurred].
We also conducted some research with Lockheed [Aircraft Corporation]
on a solar array that could be folded up and extended in space. It
used a scissorlike mechanism, a truss mechanism, to deploy a solar
array that was basically on a polymer blanket. It was a 12.5 kilowatt
solar array. If you look at the Space Station and the solar arrays,
in the final configuration there’s going to be eight panels,
basically using the foldout array that we developed at Lockheed back
in the late sixties.
So it was a way to take a small amount of funding from a vehicle called
RTOP—it was Research and Technology Operating Plan, I think
was the terminology—and this funding came out of a group in
[NASA] Headquarters [Washington, D.C.] that I think was originally
OART, Office of Advanced Research and Technology, and then OAST, Office
of Advanced Space Technology. It was their job to advance the state
of the art. It was their role to conduct research at the field centers,
so I would get relatively small amounts of funding, but to fund ideas
to see whether there was merit to those ideas. That was the fun part!
Once the Apollo lunar landing was successful, people started scratching
their heads and saying, “Well, now what do we do next?”
And they decided, “We’d better conduct some scientific
experiments while we’re up there.” So they started a program
called ALSEP, Apollo Lunar [Surface] Experiment Package. We needed
a power system that would work on the Moon. The choices were solar,
nuclear, or chemical, and static or dynamic conversion devices, and
we basically homed in on a radioisotope thermoelectric generator that
was under development by the Atomic Energy Commission. [It was called]
SNAP-27 [Systems Nuclear Auxiliary Power]. It was called Space Nuclear
[Auxiliary] Power. Plutonium-238-powered RTGs [radioisotope thermoelectric
generators] [had been flown] on [other] satellites, so we were pretty
confident in the technology. That was another [project that] we worked
through the [NASA] Headquarters [offices] to the Atomic Energy Commission
for development of the SNAP-27 generator for ALSEP.
Since you brought up SNAP, we could talk about it for a few minutes.
Tell us how that process actually turned into the RTG regarding your
division; what concerns that you might have had working with this
nuclear fuel capsule.
Plutonium-238 is pretty benign. You can carry it in your pocket. It
has a fairly short half-life as isotopes go, but the form we were
using was not that hazardous. The hazardous part would have been if
we had a launch failure and there was a fire and the canister was
compromised and [small] plutonium-238 particles got into the atmosphere
and you breathed it. It was thought to cause [lung] cancer, but it
might not [manifest itself] for twenty-five or thirty years. But the
exposure to the American public was of great concern, and a lot of
analysis was done to ensure that it was protected. For launch, we
contained [the Plutonium 238 fuel rod] in a carbon cylinder that was
enclosed. It would have survived a launch failure, and it would have
survived a reentry into the Earth’s atmosphere from orbit [if
the mission had been aborted]. [Those were] the precautions that were
taken. But as far as being hazardous for us to be around it to test
it, no, and most of the testing was done at [the] G.E. [plant in Valley
Forge] Pennsylvania.
How vital was the SNAP to the success of ALSEP?
Without it you really wouldn’t have had any power to the experiments.
It was small. I think it was 90 watts at the beginning of life. Now,
of course, that degraded over time fairly slowly, but, yes, ALSEP
operated much longer than it was designed for. It worked for many
years, providing data. So, yes, it was an essential ingredient of
the ALSEP program.
The other thing I think that I’ve read, heard, or maybe dreamed
up, but we were in a race to the Moon with the Russians, and we knew
they were building a spacecraft to try to go there. The fuel cell
power system that we had on Apollo had a tremendous weight advantage
over batteries or other power sources. Solar arrays were too kind
of fragile and so forth. Part of the reason, I will say, that we were
able to beat the Russians to the Moon was because we had fuel cell
technology and they didn’t.…
Would you share some of the testing procedures and how you proved
that the fuel cells were going to be reliable?
We would bring fuel cells into our thermochemical test laboratory
and run it through regular mission power cycle for 400 hours, which
was the design [mission] life. That’s what it had to do to do
the mission. But then we would also run it off limits. We would change
the parameters to see what kind of margins of safety we really had.
We would run it longer than the 400 hours and see how much life it
really had. So we tested and tested and tested. We tested at the single
[cell], at the individual fuel cell level, but we also put a complete
system of three fuel cells with the cryo tanks at [NASA] White Sands
[Test Facility, White Sands, New Mexico] in a vacuum chamber and ran
the entire system as a system before we [sent the Apollo Spacecraft
to] the Cape [Canaveral, Florida] [for testing and checkout].
We would do extensive pre-flight testing when we got to the Cape,
on the CSM [Command Service Module] to make sure everything was working
there. So, yes, test. We spent a lot of money on testing, because
the reliability philosophy that we had for Apollo was we basically
were looking for four nines reliability, .9999 reliability.
Now, how do you prove that? Well, you test and test and test, and
to have confidence in the results of a test, you have to have a minimum
of thirty units, because we’re looking at 1 over the square
root of n, where n is the number of samples that
you have. So we had, I think, thirty development fuel cells at Pratt
& Whitney that we ran through tests before we went to production.
It’s expensive, and that’s why we probably don’t
do that to that extent in NASA today. We test, but we changed to kind
of a different philosophy for Shuttle and Space Station. Rather than
have some arbitrary reliability number that we were trying to prove
we could meet, we went to a design philosophy that said for critical
systems we must have the ability to fail-operational, fail-operational,
and fail-safe.
So for systems like environmental control life support, you’d
have basically three redundancies so that you could lose one system,
fail the next time, and then fail-safe so you could get home. Same
way with the computers on Shuttle. There were three general-purpose
computers on Shuttle, but they also had a fourth, backup flight computer,
built by a different manufacturer than was building the others, with
software provided by a different software provider, because you can
have common-mode failures. You can have a failure in one system that
propagates, or you have a similar failure, failure mode in the other
systems, then it wipes out all your redundancy. So the design philosophy
is for noncritical systems, fail-operational fail-safe; for critical
systems, fail-op, fail-op, fail-safe. You still have to test, but
you don’t have to do the extensive testing that you do to prove
some arbitrary reliability number that you can never prove.
Testing was such a major part of so much of what you did. At some
point while you were at JSC, you were given the task of developing
testing facilities and constructing those as well.
Yes, I went from the Power Generation Branch over to work for Aleck
[C.] Bond, who was Assistant Director for Chemical Mechanical Systems,
and he had a number of test facilities that supported the Structures
and Mechanics Division, Propulsion Power Division, Environmental Control
Life Support, and it was my responsibility in that job to basically
see that we had all the resources that we needed and that we would
upgrade or enhance the facilities as needed to perform the tests that
might be required in the future. So when I talked to Aleck Bond about
taking the job, I said, “I don’t know anything about these
He said, “Well, did you know very much about power systems when
you took that job?”
I said, “Well, not a lot.”
He said, “Point made.” So I left Power Generation Branch
and took the job as Chief of Laboratory Operations. Northrop Services
provided the technicians, the technical and maintenance people, to
build up tests, conduct tests, prepare test plans, and post-test reports.
So it was kind of interesting. I got to see all the facilities that
we had and see what they could do, and talk to the people and understand
what their needs were. We had a big vacuum chamber (Chamber A) that
you could put the entire Apollo spacecraft and Lunar Module stacked
[together] in it. You could simulate [the space environment conditions
such as] solar radiation; vacuum; cold and hot [conditions] and so
We had another chamber, called Chamber B, that was man-rated, so you
could actually suit the astronauts up and send them in to do testing.
We could put the [complete] Lunar Module in there.
Did you find, based on your research, that additional facilities needed
to be constructed or changed during your tenure there?
Not in that job. I went from there to the Engineering Division, and
there I had all of the physical plant maintenance and operation, but
also had the responsibility for construction of Shuttle facilities.
[For the Shuttle Program] we did identify the need to have a mockup
laboratory for Shuttle and for Shuttle payloads. That was Building
9A. So I let contracts for construction of 9A. We also were doing
some [modification of] some rocket test stands at White Sands Test
Facility and were doing some major facility modifications at Downey,
California, where they were going to manufacture the Shuttle, and
at Palmdale [California], where we were going to take it for testing.
I had a fairly large construction of facilities budget that I managed
for Shuttle facilities as Chief of Engineering Division, in addition
to having all the physical plant under the Center Operations Directorate.
Again, a good group of competent mechanical engineers. We did heating,
ventilation, air conditioning. We did structural design. We did all
of the minor construction projects at the Center. About 250 civil
servants, NASA people, and probably 1,100 contractors. Pan Am [Pan
American World Airways, Inc., Aerospace Services Division] was our
major base contractor and then we had groundspeople that took care
of mowing the grass and painting contractors that took care of painting
the facilities. But different, very different from developing fuel
cells and cryo tanks.
[While] I was Chief of Laboratory Operations for Aleck Bond, [a need
arose to fill the position of] Chief, Engineering Division, so I went
to [Sigurd A.] Sig Sjoberg’s office—Sig was the Deputy
Center Director—and he basically said, “Gene, I would
like for you to go take this position as the Engineering Division
Chief,” and he explained the scope of responsibility [to me].
Well, how do you tell the Deputy Center Director no? You don’t
really do that. So I said, “Okay. I’ll do that.”
He said, “Well, now, if it ain’t your cup of tea, come
back and see me,” which I did about three years later. I said,
“Sig, it ain’t my cup of tea.” I think I did a reasonable
job of getting the facilities constructed and [managing the division],
but it wasn’t what I wanted to do.
He said, “Well, I don’t have anything right now, but I’ll
work it.” [It] probably was about six months later that he called
me up and said, “[Clifford] Cliff Charlesworth [needs] an Assistant
Program Manager for the Earth Resources Program. Are you interested?”
I said, “Yes, I’ll go talk to him.” So, I talked
to Cliff.
He said, “Now, I don’t want a Deputy Program Manager;
I want an Assistant Program Manager. When I’m in a meeting,
you’re in a meeting. You hear what I hear, then when I’m
not around, you’ll know what needs to be done and what my thinking
is about it, and you can get the job done.” So that was the
arrangement that I had with Cliff, and it worked very, very well.
He had a brusque exterior. He could hand you your head in your hand
if he wanted to, but he had a heart of gold. He was a fine gentleman.
So I [enjoyed working] with him.
[The Earth Resources Program Office (ERPO) was] doing a Large Area
Crop Inventory Experiment [called LACIE]. We were using Landsat [Land
Remote Sensing Satellite] data. Started out as ERTS. It was Earth
Resources Technology Satellite 1, ERTS-1, and they renamed it. I think
they named it Landsat-A. I think that was the series back then. It
was Landsat-A, Landsat-B, Landsat-C, which I think they then changed
to a Landsat-4, -5, -6, -7, and I think maybe 7’s up there now.
…The spacecraft was built under the management of Goddard Space
Flight Center [Greenbelt, Maryland]. All of the data from Landsat
came through White Sands, through TDRS [Tracking and Data Relay Satellite
System] to White Sands, to Goddard for processing. Then they would
send it to us every morning, about four o’clock for the day’s
We were trying to estimate the wheat production in the Soviet Union,
and this was, I guess, in [19]’76 or ’77. In order to
do that, we had a controlled area, I guess you would call it, in the
United States. The U.S. Great Plains grows a lot of wheat, so we used
both Landsat data and aircraft data. Probably Ollie [Olav Smistad]
told you about the [Lockheed Martin] P-3 [Orion] and the other aircraft,
the RB-57s [Martin/General Dynamics RB-57F, Night Intruder] that we
flew with Earth-looking sensors to supplement the satellite data and
to calibrate and find out how to use the satellite data.
The idea was simple. Wheat is planted in the spring when the field
is brown, and it emerges and it turns green and it turns very lush
green and then it senesces, or dies, and turns amber-colored. So if
you can understand the spectral signature of the wheat crop through
this life cycle, then you can tell wheat from other crops, like maybe
corn or [barley] or rice. So the idea was to understand the life cycle,
and we did that, made estimates for the U.S. Great Plains, which we
then checked against the Department of Agriculture’s figures
for production in the U.S. Then we estimated what the production was
going to be in the Soviet Union, and we made that estimate, I believe,
in August of that year, and when they released their official production
figure the next February, we were within 6 percent of their figure
the previous August, so the technology worked.
Now, where did it go? Well, by that time the economic situation had
changed, our relationship with Russia was changing, and there was
no need to do crop estimation in Russia anymore, so they cancelled
the funding for LACIE. We finished that up. About that time Cliff
Charlesworth went over to—I want to say SPIDPO, Shuttle Payload
Integration [and] Development Program Office. NASA’s wonderful
for acronyms. [Laughter] Glynn [S.] Lunney had left that position
to take on another role, and Cliff went over to take over SPIDPO,
and I became Acting Manager of Earth Resources Program for about a
year, I think, and then they took the Acting stuff off and I was the
Earth Resources Program Manager.
So it was an evolution from [19]’75 to probably ’80 sometime,
’80, ’81, when they did some combining of the Life Sciences
Directorate with the Earth Resources Program, so I became Director
of Space and Life Sciences. I had five divisions. I had Medical Sciences
Division, Planetary and Earth Sciences—I think it was just Planetary
Division when I took over, but we also combined it later with Earth
Sciences. I had an Earth Resources Research Division, Earth Resources
Applications Division, and a Life Sciences Projects Division. Well,
[Dr.] Sam [L.] Pool ran the Medical Science Division for me; [Dr.
Michael B.] Mike Duke ran Planetary Sciences; [Robert B.] Bob MacDonald
was Earth Resources Applications; [R.] Bryan Erb was Research; and
a guy named [William H.] Bill Bush was the Life Sciences Projects
Now, to start with the Life Sciences Projects, I guess, because by
that time, the Shuttle was about to do STS-1 and we had [responsibility
for certain] payloads. We developed [the] OSTA-1 [Office of the Space
and Terrestrial Applications] [payload] for the first Shuttle flight.
Flew it again as OSTA-3 on STS-3. But the job we had in Life Sciences
was to work with the principal investigators, work with the PIs. All
of these experiments were selected through a peer-review process at
NASA Headquarters, and they would fund the PI to develop his experiment.
Well, he didn’t know anything about how to integrate into Spacelab,
so we served as the intermediary between the PI and the Spacelab Program
Office, to basically integrate the scientists’ experiments into
a payload rack.
The payload racks were pretty much standard. You either had a drawer
in a rack or you had a whole rack or you might have a double rack,
depending on the magnitude or size of the experiment. But we would
help them through the process of designing their experiment, integrating
it into a Spacelab rack, doing the testing that they needed to do,
getting it to a Center. Usually it was sponsored either by us or by
what was then Lewis Research Center, now [NASA] Glenn [Research Center,
Cleveland, Ohio], [NASA] Marshall [Space Flight Center, Huntsville,
Alabama], [NASA] Ames [Research Center, Moffett Field, California],
[NASA] Langley [Research Center, Hampton, Virginia]. It could be anywhere,
but they would have to show that they met the safety requirements
to put it into Spacelab and to fly it. So that’s what Bill Bush
and his guys did.
We sort of had our own little mission control for the scientists over
in Building 37, I think it was, so that the PIs could come there and
they could get their data from the spacecraft. They could talk to
the crew, walk them through procedures, if necessary, to conduct experiments.
It was interesting. I think we helped—you know [Dr.] Charles
Elachi? He’s now Center Director of JPL. Well, Charles was the
principal investigator on SIR-A, Shuttle Imaging Radar, that we flew
on OSTA-1. We flew it again as SIR-B on OSTA-3. But Charles was the
PI. A great guy, worked with him during the missions to get their
data. I mean, the important thing was figuring out how to get the
data. Then they would go analyze the data for the next six months
or a year or however long it took, and prepare their reports and publish
their results. So, that was Life Sciences Projects.
Before we move on, once again you found yourself in the position of
developing a process for something that hadn’t yet been done.
There’s an unknown spacecraft, unknown conditions. Can you talk
to us about how you were able to pull together that process to help
the PIs do that when yet it was something that hadn’t even been
developed before you got there? What were some of the challenges that
you had to deal with? How were you able to find the information you
needed to do that?
Well, I guess the way to answer that is that you identify what the
need is, what’s the demand, what has to be done, and then you
figure out what are the ways to do it and you select one. It may not
be the right one or the best one, but it’s a learning—throughout
my career, I felt I was always pushing the frontier back. I was out
there kind of pioneering in an area and pushing back, finding out
how you do things, and people, the human resources, are the key. Communicating
with people what’s expected of them, what the goal is, what
the objective is. You have to have the vision. You have to have a
vision of where you’re headed, and you have to communicate that
vision to people.
And what I found was that if you can do that, you let them know what’s
expected, and nine times out of ten, they will exceed your expectations.
So, helping people grow and develop these capabilities is one of the
rewards of managing. I was a manager of people to get things done;
I wasn’t hands-on. After I got through with the Lunar Module
fuel cell stuff, I was managing people to get things done sort of
from that point on in my career. But understanding what you need to
get done, whether it was a Headquarters mandate, or Center Director,
or whether it was the program manager, you figure out what the need
is and then you put a team together to go figure out how to do it.
NASA was sort of termed an “ad hocracy” in those days.
[Laughter] A new requirement came along, you put a little task force
or a team of people together to figure out how to do it, and many
times that would evolve into something you had to institutionalize.
ALSEP was that way. It started out a little group of people; “Go
figure out what we need to do.” We became an organizational
entity that had the responsibility to do that. But, yes, NASA was
sort of an ad hocracy in those days. More of a bureaucracy today,
unfortunately, I hate to say.
But those were some of the challenges. Challenges were to do something
that hadn’t been done before with people who didn’t have
the background to know how to do it, but they had the training and
the innovation and the creativity and the ideas and an environment
that fostered that risk-taking, because if we had failures—and
we did—the emphasis was not on who shot John, who caused the
failure. The emphasis was on what caused the failure and how do we
fix it and get on with the program. So you had the freedom to fail
without concern that, “Well, I’m going to be fired because
we had a problem.”
Now, you look at [Eugene F.] Gene Kranz’s book, Failure
Is Not an Option, well, from that standpoint, he’s absolutely
right. We couldn’t afford to have the failures in space, with
manned spacecraft. But we had a lot of failures along the way to get
there, and we had the freedom to fail in an environment that was conducive
to solving the problem, not fixing the blame. And I credit the people
I worked with, the managers I worked with, as mature, adult professionals.
I think we had a good team.
Sounds like it.
Good team.
Before we move on to the next one, it’s about forty-five minutes.
Why don’t we take a short break. Can we do that?
Is there anything you want to add about the Life Sciences area before
you move on to another division? I do have one question. Maybe it’s
a reflection. The success of the first experiments that were sent
up on the Shuttle, can you share with us what that was like, of knowing
when it came back and it worked?
We were given a very short period of time to develop that OSTA-1 payload
and get it integrated into the Shuttle and flown. A couple of folks
that worked for me spent a lot of time at the Cape, working with the
Cape on integrating and what have you. [Richard A.] Dick Moke and
[M.] Jay Harnage [Jr.], I think, were the two folks who sort of went
through that whole process.
But it was very, very short time. We had some problems with structural
integrity of the truss. We found out that some of the landing loads
might be a little excessive, so we had to go in and do some beef-up
at the last minute to make sure it would survive both launch and landing.
But it was quite an accomplishment, I thought, for us to get it integrated,
get it up there, have it work very well, and get it back in one piece
so we could fly it again. It was a pretty good job.
Did the shortened mission have any effect on what your expectations
were for the results?
Well, of course. We didn’t get all the data that we wanted to
But it was a beginning, wasn’t it.
It was a beginning, yes.
What division would you like to talk about now?
Let’s talk about Medical Sciences. We had some, again, medical
research going on, looking at studies of bone loss and chemistry changes
in the astronauts in space, but when we started flying the Shuttle,
and we started having more room for the crew to move around in space
once they got there—see, in Apollo and Gemini—even Apollo—there
wasn’t much room to move about. You could unstrap from the seat,
but very small [movement area]. But with the Shuttle, suddenly you
had space [to move about], and we encountered something that we really
hadn’t seen much of before, which was termed space adaptation
syndrome. Code word for space motion sickness. Now, couldn’t
use space motion sickness, because astronauts don’t get sick.
They have to adapt, and some of them adapted very well, very quickly,
and some [took about] four days. Once they had this little syndrome
hit them, it might take on the order of four days for them to get
over it. Well, there were folks in Headquarters that wanted to do
some research on and understand that, what we could do about it. So
we spent a lot of time. We brought in “blue ribbon panels”
of scientists, doctors, to get ideas and theories about what was going
Well, basically, to keep it simple, when you’re in a 1-gravity
environment like we are here, you have three sources of sensors for
orientation. You have the vestibular system, which is the inner ear.
You have your visual system; I can see this is up; this is down. And
you have what’s called propreoceptors in the muscles in your
legs that keep you upright. Now, you go into zero gravity or a microgravity
environment—no such thing as zero—but you go into a microgravity
environment and suddenly the vestibular system is no longer functioning
because it works on gravity. The propreoceptors are no longer working
because they work and depend on gravity. The only thing you have left
is the visual [sensor], which is not affected by gravity.
So the body, the mind, the brain has to adjust, for orientation, to
visual only, and, like I said, some people, like John [W.] Young,
never experienced a microsecond of space adaptation syndrome. Others,
like I said, it might take four days. So you plan not to try to conduct
a lot of experiments early in the mission. If you’re on a fourteen-day
mission, what’s the hurry? Kind of get everybody accustomed
to the environment and then go into the Space Lab and start to conduct
your experiments.
So that was, I guess, the achievement in the medical research area,
at least on my watch. I don’t say that I did anything to solve
the problem other than try to get the experts in and see what they
thought we needed to do. We had rotating chairs. We would put the
astronauts in the rotating chairs, spin the chair, and have them do
head movements to simulate. To some degree that was predictive, but
[there was] not 100 percent correlation. Someone could do very well
in the chair and still have a problem when they got in space.
The astronauts did not like to talk about it; still don’t like
to talk about it, I suspect. But we tried patches, we tried the scopolamine
patches, like you use when you go out on a boat and you get seasick.
Some of those patches work, but for the most part, you just have to
deal with it.
But that was interesting. I learned an awful lot during my period
as Director of Space Life Sciences about the medical [challenges]
that I, again, didn’t have any [educational] background in.
[Moving on to the] Lunar and Planetary Sciences Division, they were
the curators of the Lunar Curatorial Facility, which housed some 860
pounds of lunar rocks and dust that was brought back during the Apollo
Program. We had a very active program of grants, on a global basis.
Principal investigators would submit proposals, again, to NASA Headquarters,
and they selected the PIs and issued us the money to issue the grants.
So we had a fairly large program of shipping samples of lunar material
to PIs for them to conduct their research.
We also had some folks that were interested in Martian geology, if
I can use geology in nonscientific way. So, again, research
and very—I guess, probably 75 or 80 percent Ph.D. scientists
in that division under Mike Duke. So that was fun and, again, [I]
learned a lot. That’s been somewhat a hallmark, I guess, of
every job I’ve every had, is I don’t know it all, I don’t
pretend to know it all, I continue to learn every day, and I think
that’s what keeps me going.
From the aspects of the rocks, any interesting stories associated
with those, of what some of the grants were for? Anything you can
Not right off the top of my head. They did a lot of chemistry, looking
at the chemical makeup of the basically basalt; that was [what] most
of the rocks were.
But the interest continued.
The interest continued in just understanding the history of a rock,
how long it had been there. They were interested in seismic activity
on the Moon, stuff like that, and we did get some of that information
from ALSEP. Some of the experiments on ALSEP were to detect moonquakes.
That was interesting that those two pieces of your career kind of
tied back in together with the rocks. Any issues of missing rock?
There was, not too long ago, an attempt to take some rocks from JSC—
Oh, is that right?
—and I was just curious if you ever had any issues of—
There may have been one or two incidents where someone acquired one
the wrong way and offered it for sale or something, but we kept a
pretty close eye on the stuff.
Pretty unique items.
Yes, yes. When you saw it up, of course, you have some sawdust. The
sample gets smaller and smaller as you keep cutting it. But anyway,
no, I’d have to think about that one some more.
Earth Resources. The Secretary of Agriculture had, after LACIE, come
up with a new initiative, called AgRISTARS [Agriculture & Resources
Inventory Surveys Through Aerospace Remote Sensing], that was, again,
a cooperative program between NASA, USDA [United States Department
of Agriculture], and NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration],
primarily, with the State Department—AID [USAID, United States
Agency for International Development] was then part of State Department—and
Department of Interior. The idea of AgRISTARS was that there were
eight crops, I guess, including wheat, but seven other crops of interest
on a global basis; barley, rice in Asia. So we undertook to try to
develop experiments that would let us identify these other crops besides
wheat. That program, I think, ran about three years before it was
cancelled. It was, again, using Landsat data, using aircraft, and
using ground truth from Agriculture, from USDA, to validate the satellite
How well did it work, combining the talents of NASA, other federal
agencies, universities, industry? You had to bring all those together
to make this program work.
That’s true. The folks I worked with at Agriculture were very
competent, very capable people. [Charles] Caudill was the [person
I worked with at] Agriculture. But they had their objectives, we had
our objectives, but we had enough of a common goal that, again, you
could sort of put agency parochial interests aside and try to work
towards achieving the objective. That’s sort of been the key
to all of these successes; when you can get a team of people that
want to work together.
Agriculture is an interesting department. It’s an old-line—you
know, they’ve been around since, what, the 1800s?
I was going to say since dirt, but— [Laughter]
Yes, that’s very good. [Laughter] So they had their own policy,
they had their own bureaucracy, and they had their policies, and what
you could and couldn’t agree to, and this and that and the other,
but, generally, each agency funded their activities so there wasn’t
that much of a funding issue that we fussed about very much. It was
generally expanding a program into a new area or something like that.
That would take a little while to work through. The folks I worked
with at NOAA and at Agriculture were very cooperative and, I thought,
had the idea and the goal in mind and worked with us very well.
We have Bryan Erb’s area.
Yes, that was a research area just looking at advanced techniques
for interpreting Landsat data, registering Landsat data. We started
looking at advanced sensors like Thematic Mapper. That was coming
along. What we used most of the time was called Multispectral Scanner
and it sensed in [certain] wavelength bands. Thematic Mapper came
along, had much higher resolution, so we were looking at [whether
or not] we [can] do better if we use Thematic Mapper. Meanwhile, the
French were developing an earth resources satellite called SPOT [Satellite
Pour l'Observation de la Terre], to compete with U.S., the Landsat
data. So their research was primarily oriented to understanding where
we go from here with new sensors, new technology.
The Center had managed Space Sciences and Life Sciences over the years
with a combination of engineers, engineering managers, and scientists.
Well, neither one had everything it took to make it work, so after
our experience with the space adaptation syndrome, [NASA management
decided that having an M.D. [Doctor of Medicine] as the head of Space
and Life Sciences would be better than having an engineering manager.
They selected Dr. Joseph P. “Joe” Kerwin, who had been
the NASA representative in Australia for about five years and was
coming back to NASA for reassignment.]
Joe came back and took over the docs [doctors] and the space adaptation
syndrome problem to solve. So that was my exit from the Space and
Life Sciences arena.
[At that point] I moved over to work for [the Director of Engineering
and Development,] Aaron Cohen, I think in the spring of [19]’84.
About that time, [President Ronald W.] Reagan had announced the International
Space Station initiative. [James M.] Jim Beggs had taken a team of
people from International Affairs around the world on the [Grumman]
Gulfstream [II] to talk to the Europeans, to the Japanese, and the
Canadians about participating with [the U.S.] in the program. So [NASA
Headquarters] formed an International Cooperation Working Group, and
it was [Robert A.] Bob Freitag in the program office, and [Lynette]
Lyn Wigbels was trying to pull together a team of people to try and
come up with a draft agreement, a memorandum of understanding (MOU).
I was assigned by Aaron Cohen to go work with the Space Station International
Cooperation Working Group and figure out how JSC played in that arena.
That evolved into the negotiating team for the U.S. under [Margaret
G.] Peggy Finarelli’s leadership. Peggy, Lyn Wigbels, Mary Jo
Smith, Greg Williams, Bob Lottman, I think, were the primary group
that started on this world tour.
We started with what was called Phase B. Basically, Phase A was done;
Phase B was the preliminary design phase; Phase C-D is normally the
development-production phase, and then there really is no Phase E,
but after that, it’s kind of like operations. So we were going
to do an initial agreement to cooperate during Phase B to define the
Then we did a second round of negotiations for Phase C-D. So we signed
the Phase B agreements in, I think, May of [19]’85, and we signed
the C-D agreements and the government-to-government agreements—well,
that was the government-to-government agreement, and then the MOUs
in end of September of ’88.
Now, in between, we spent a lot of time between Washington [D.C.],
Tokyo [Japan], Paris [France], Rome [Italy], Ottawa [Ontario, Canada].…
Tell us about the negotiations. What were some of the major points
during those early days that were vital for success?
A lot of the time was spent on sorting out responsibilities and decision-making
processes. These are sovereign nations. They don’t want to be
told what to do. They want to control their own destiny. So the major
sticking points were how do the decisions get made. So we had a management
structure that had a multilateral component, where all four parties
had to get together and agree. It was called a Multilateral Control
Board, MCB, and then under that was the Program Control Boards, PCBs.
That was agency-to-agency and bilateral, and then if you had an issue
that affected everyone, you took it up to the Multilateral Control
My role on the negotiating team was the technical lead, so it was
my responsibility to make sure that whatever arrangements we agreed
to in the MOU would work technically and would be, from an operational
standpoint, viable options; from a safety standpoint, would work;
that all the functionality that we had to have would be there.
The Canadians were going to provide the robotic arm. Well, the robotic
arm had to have certain characteristics. It had to have certain reach.
It had to be able to be transported along the truss, on a track. The
Japanese experiment module was a laboratory, but it had an external
facility for conducting experiments outside the pressurized module,
and it had its own robotic arm to take things from inside to outside
through an airlock. The Europeans basically wanted a laboratory module
to conduct experiments. So we had what their interests were to deal
with from a technical standpoint, and what we needed as a space station
system to get all the things somehow performed that needed to be performed.
So that was the technical challenge.
I developed working relationships with the Japanese, with the Canadians,
with the Europeans, the ESA group up at Nordvik [Norway]. It wasn’t
that difficult technically. What was really difficult was sorting
out the responsibilities stuff, and that was not my job to do. I gave
my inputs and my advice and so forth, and I could talk to my counterparts
and reason with them about why a particular thing made sense or didn’t
make sense. It took a long time, but, yes, we were successful and
we had agreements that we signed for both Phase B and for Phase C-D.
During all those trips, while you were gone, the questions began to
arise about the cost and the design of Space Station Freedom. How
were those conflicts starting to affect your negotiations and your
meetings when you were meeting with the future partners?
They were concerned. They were putting a lot of money into investments
in their hardware. There were issues about the number of flights that
it took to get the hardware up there. How many assembly flights, can
you do that? We started getting budget restrictions of, say, 1.8 million
per year, that’s all you can spend, or 2 million a year. So
you’d have to go redesign the assembly sequence. Every time
you started playing with the assembly sequence, you’d push somebody’s
launch date further out. That was always of concern to the people
we were negotiating with. So, yes, the escalating costs and the congressional
caps on the program took a very large toll and exacerbated the problem,
if I may say. Anytime you slip the schedule to the right and you have
the same workforce and the same burn rate, all you’re going
to do is increase the total cost of the program, not keep it down.
One of the things I was fairly proud of—and this was after I
left NASA, but I went to Grumman and I was Director of System Engineering
and Integration for Grumman Aerospace [Corporation/Northrop Grumman
Corporation]. As Director of System Engineering, it was my responsibility
to converge the design. I did that and we had a successful CDR [Critical
Design Review] in what was June of [19]‘93, ‘92 or ‘93.
That’s the design that is flying today.
Now, [Daniel S.] Dan Goldin came in, cancelled the contract, gave
it to Boeing [Company], basically gave Boeing the responsibility;
did away with the Level Two office in Washington; called it Space
Station Alpha, not Space Station Freedom, and this was supposed to
save money, save launches. What happened in going to a 57-degree orbit
was that you lost 12,000 pounds of payload on every launch. We already
had a weight problem just going to a 28.5-degree orbit. So as a result,
it takes a lot more launches to get the stuff up there. You had to
start taking equipment out and launching that later. But the deal
was cut with the Russians after my watch, and I won’t say, given
what’s going on today, where we are totally dependent on the
Russians for crew transfer to and from orbit, that it was a bad thing
for the program in the long run. But back then, it didn’t seem
like it made an awful lot of sense.
Was there ever consideration, when you were doing your worldwide tour,
between the U.S. or any of the partners, to invite Russia to be part
of the International Space Station?
There was talk of that, and the Europeans were cooperating with the
Russians on some space stuff during that time, so it wasn’t
like they were the enemy. The cold war was over and we were cooperating,
but we had not invited them to participate. I think there was still
a concern in this country about technology transfer. Certainly, even
with the Europeans and the Japanese and Canadians, there was concern
about not making the Space Station Program a shopping spree for U.S.
technology. We had a DoD member on our team who was there basically
to make sure we didn’t sell the farm in the process, so to speak.
That says a lot.
Our time’s starting to get to a close this morning, and I know
we could talk so much more about Station in detail, which we can,
if that’s what you would like to do. One question I was going
to ask you, if I can revisit Apollo for just a minute. I learned that
you had some involvement regarding the lunar landing sites and lunar
mapping. Is that a part of what you did as well?
No, that was basically another team in Flight Operations that selected
landing sites.
But speaking of lunar landing, so much of what you did your first
days provided that success for, of course, the Nation and the world.
Can you tell us where you were and what part of the involvement of
that time when you saw the Eagle [Lunar Module] land and kind of give
us your reflections on your work and watching how all that worked?
I was watching the landing, just like probably another 100 million
people were, on TV. It was about four o’clock in the morning.
I had my girls, I got them up out of bed. “You’ve got
to see this.” They still complain to this day about how we piled
them out of bed in the wee hours of the morning to go watch the lunar
landings. But that’s part of history and they needed to see
that; they needed to be part of that.
How did I feel? Always exhilaration, always relief, when they climbed
back in the Lunar Module and they lifted off and they got back and
they got home. It’s a risky business. You think about it. They
were a long way from home. The hardware that we’d built had
to work, and the sense of accomplishment was basically, yes, we did
it and it worked. It worked reliably.
Except for Apollo 13. Apollo 13, my system, if you want to think of
it that way, the fuel cell and reactant storage system is what failed
on Apollo 13. The cryo tank pressure increased, popped the relief
valve, and started to lose all of the oxygen to the fuel cells. Pressure
was dropping. The two tanks were tied together, so although we had
two tanks, we lost oxygen from both tanks. Fuel cells were no longer
Well, I was on my way home from work about five-thirty, I think it
was, when I heard the news on the radio, and I turned around and went
right back to the Center. I went to Building 45, where the Mission
Evaluation Room was on the second floor, and [Donald D.] Don Arabian
was calling a meeting, so we all went into the conference room and
he went to the board and he said, “Here’s the situation.
Here’s where they were when the explosion occurred, or whatever
it was when they lost the fuel cells, and they’re headed for
the Moon, and, gentlemen, our job is to figure out how we’re
going to get them back.”
So I spent the next fifty-four hours at the Johnson Space Center,
in the MER [Mission Evaluation Room], figuring out how much power
we had on the Lunar Module and so forth. Now, there were a lot of
people in mission control, in Flight Operations, contractors at [North
American] Rockwell [Corporation], at Grumman. The entire workforce
was energized to try to figure out how to do it. So I don’t
claim a role, but I was there; I was part of that team that had that
job to do.
And, of course, we were trying to figure out, “Well, what happened?”
We had strip-chart recorders back in those days, little ink pens that
squiggled little lines on these strip charts. I’m sure you’ve
seen them, probably in the museum there. [Laughter] But we had continuous
data on pressures and temperatures from the cryo tanks and the fuel
cells, and we started pouring over the strip charts to see what happened,
when did it occur, try to start to come up with some idea of what
had happened. So that was, again, a very intense period, high level
of activity, concern of whether they would make it or whether they
wouldn’t. So when I saw those three parachutes coming down,
that was one of the happiest days of my life.
Just, I guess, to make this a tie-in to later, when I went to work
for Grumman, after I retired from NASA, guess who I went to work for?
Fred [W.] Haise.
Fred Haise. Worked for Fred Haise. Senior advisor role for a while,
in order to make sure there weren’t any ethics problems with
my going to work for Grumman on Space Station. But, yes, I worked
for Fred Haise.
I’m sure you enjoyed seeing him behind a desk. [Laughter]
Yes, I did. Fredo had many, many stories to tell. He really did. He
had an interesting career. They had a bunch of rebuilt World War II
airplanes down at Galveston [Texas] and he was flying one of those
and crashed and was severely burned. But he survived a lot of things
in his life. I haven’t had any contact with him in a few years.
He was up to TRW [Inc.] about, probably, five years ago, gave a speech
at a luncheon that they had on Veterans Day or something, and I went
out and saw him again. He did his Apollo 13 speech, showed clips from
the movie and clips from his camera, his videocamera, that he’d
taken. Of course, he was an advisor to them when they made the movie,
so you could expect it to be very, very close to reality, other than
the fact that, in the movie—and I can understand why they never
did it—it was like all mission control did the whole thing.
There was no credit given to the contractors. In fact, they made Grumman
kind of look silly in the movie, if you remember.
They did, yes.
They kind of, like, “Well, it wasn’t designed to do that.”
I remember that.
Remember that?
Yes. Well, your career with NASA was somewhat diverse and extremely
challenging at different points. Is there a time that you would feel
is the most significant accomplishment of everything that you’ve
done, something that, when you look back, it’s your proudest
moment that you were there?
I have to say the Apollo lunar landing was the highlight. I used to
think that everything after that would be anticlimactic in life, but,
you know, that’s not the case, because I went on to find a lot
of other interesting things to do after the Apollo lunar landing.
Wouldn’t take for the experience. Great experience. I’m
just glad that I was a part of it.
Those were the glorious days of NASA. I look back on that time in
NASA and the competency of the people, the drive that they had, the
sacrifices that they made of personal time. I mean, it was hard. We
were working twelve, fourteen hours a day, and sometimes seven days
a week to meet schedules, to stay on time. But I wouldn’t take
for the experience. It was great. It was great being part of the team,
it was great working with guys—[Arnold D.] Arnie Aldrich and
[Richard H.] Dick Kohrs and George [M.] Low. These were giants in
pulling together and managing a team of people to accomplish that.
It wasn’t the end. I went on to find a lot of other interesting
things, and I’m still finding interesting things to do, even
today. I’m working with FAA [Federal Aviation Administration]
on air traffic system safety and the challenges, the experience, and
know-how has application. And I still feel like, in a way, I’m
out there pushing the frontier back in this area with FAA.
Sounds like you have many more years of exciting times ahead.
Thank you.
We thank you for the time this morning.
Is there anything else that you’d like to add or can think of
before we close?
I don’t think so.
Well, if you do, let us know and we’ll pick up where we left
All right.
Thank you.
of interview]
to JSC Oral History Website