NASA Johnson Space Center
Oral History Project
Edited Oral History Transcript
Jerry L.
Interviewed by Jennifer Ross-Nazzal
Houston, Texas – 4 December 2003
Today is December 4th, 2003. This oral history with Jerry Ross is
being conducted for the Johnson Space Center Oral History Project
in Houston, Texas. Jennifer Ross-Nazzal is the interviewer, and she
is assisted by Sandra Johnson and Rebecca Wright.
Thank you for joining us today. We really appreciate it. We know your
schedule is very busy.
It’s good to be here, and it’s nice that the holidays
have slowed down a little bit. The holiday period has slowed things
down a little bit, so, glad to join you.
Great. I’d like to begin by asking you about your interest in
space. I’ve read that in fourth grade you decided you wanted
to become an engineer and go to Purdue [University, West Lafayette,
Can you tell me how you came to this decision at such an early age?
Well, I feel blessed that I did, and I feel even that much more fortunate
that I’ve been able to follow through on it. I actually grew
up during the space race, and the threats of A-bombs being lobbed
both directions and stuff. During that period of time, people were
starting to talk about rockets and their capability for warfare, but
also the capability that they would have to launch satellites and
maybe even people into space. That captivated my imagination.
I can remember watching Disney shows about Wernher von Braun’s
ideas of Space Stations and all that kind of thing. And I, literally,
was so fascinated by it that all my family members, the bigger family
of aunts and uncles and cousins, knew that I was fascinated by it,
and many of my aunts and uncles would save their Look and Life magazines,
and other things that had articles about space in them, and send them
to me. So, with my mom’s help, we actually cut out the articles
and made a scrapbook.
It was then in the fourth grade that was the time frame when the first
Sputnik was launched in October of 1957, and the first U.S. satellite
was launched in January of ’58. Being in the fourth grade, that
obviously was a momentous occasion for me.
It was through reading the articles that I’d put in my scrapbook,
I found out that it was scientists and engineers, for the most part,
that were making that happen. I truly didn’t fully understand
what an engineer was, but I knew that they had to use a lot of math
and science. I liked math and science, as far as I knew at that point,
as a fourth grader. So I thought that that’s what I wanted to
do. I wanted to become an engineer. And since many of the articles
that I read were from Indiana, they tended to focus on the people
who were from Indiana, and many of them had gone to Purdue University
for their academic degree. So, be an engineer, go to Purdue, get into
the space program, that was the formula for me.
Literally, with that goal, my mom always said that I was really a
one-track kind of kid, one-track mind. I started working on farms
that summer, and every dollar I made driving tractors or bailing hay
or whatever I did in the way of jobs around the farms or elsewhere,
all that money went into a bank account that I’d established,
and other than buying a bicycle and maybe a motorcycle or two along
the way, all that money went towards the college education.
How closely did you follow the human spaceflight programs?
Oh, very closely. In fact, I played hooky when John [H.] Glenn launched.
My mom let me do that. But I kept a scrapbook going, or at least followed
everything very, very closely.
What are your memories of the Apollo 11 landing?
That was in July of ’69. I was in college at Purdue. I was working
in Gary [Indiana], in United States Steel [Corporation] for the summer,
which is what I did for four summers going through college. I can’t
remember exactly the sequence, but I remember they landed in the afternoon,
and then they went out on a spacewalk that evening.
My wife-to-be, my fiancée, was up visiting, and we all sat
there late in the evening watching our TV and getting ready for Neil
[A. Armstrong] to take that first step and sat there in the family
living room. My wife-to-be was sitting on my lap. My younger sister
had her little camera out and she was snapping away, pictures of the
screen of the TV, and I’m going, “That’s not going
to come out.” But they did, which was pretty amazing. And just
totally fascinated by it.
Karen will tell people that she used to watch me sit in front of a
TV for hours on end, and watch nothing happening in mission control,
other than the picture of mission control.
I was totally captivated all the way through college and beyond with
the space program, and many of the decisions I made on academics and
other decisions were things that I did in a calculated way, trying
to help me get closer to what I ultimately wanted to do.
Did you ever think that you might be an astronaut?
Initially, no. I mean, when in fourth grade, the term astronaut really
wasn’t even invented yet. I mean, people were just starting
to think about sending men into space. But as time went on, and as
I got into Purdue then, and was getting close to the completion of
my academic program, and had signed up for the Air Force ROTC [Reserve
Officer’s Training Corps]; the Air Force was the DOD’s
[U.S. Department of Defense] prime user and provider of space assets,
and operator of those. That was one of the reasons I chose the Air
Force ROTC over any others that might have been possibilities.
Also I started following, with some curiosity, the fact that NASA
was starting to think about building this thing called a Space Shuttle,
and you’d not have to be a military pilot/test pilot to qualify
for the program. So that piqued my interest, and I kept very close
tabs on that from that point on.
In fact, when I came onto active duty in the Air Force in 1972, was
the year that NASA let the contract for the Space Shuttle. It’s
also the same year that that Air Force let a contract for a B-1 bomber,
which I ultimately got to fly on and do flight testing on later on.
So that was another significant year, ’72, finishing my degrees,
coming onto active duty in the Air Force, and having those two very
significant programs be initiated.
Why don’t you tell us a little bit about your career with the
Air Force, before you came to NASA.
Okay. I came onto active duty in February of 1972. I went to Wright-Patterson
Air Force Base in Ohio. I can honestly say that I hand-picked every
desk I sat at during my twenty-eight-year-plus career in the military.
I had several military people that were in advanced degree programs
at Purdue when I was going through on my master’s program.
When I became assigned to the Air Force Systems Command, which is
their R & D [Research and Development] branch—or was; it’s
all changed now—I talked to some of the people that were there
[at Purdue] on military assignment to get their degrees, and told
them I’d like to work at Wright-Pat, because that’s relatively
close to family, and with little ones it would be nice to be able
to get back and see grandparents and things.
So one of the guys pulled out his Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
phone book from his desk, and he opened up—he knew that I’d
been working on ramjet propulsion as my research program—and
he gave me a phone number of a guy at the Air Propulsion Laboratory
at Wright-Patterson, and I called him. This was just before, I think,
Thanksgiving vacation. I said, “Hey, I’m completing my
master’s degree here at Purdue. I’ve just been allocated
to the Air Force Systems Command, I’ve got a background in ramjets,
and I’d like to come work for you.”
And he said, “Okay. I’ll check into it and see what we
can do.” And I packed up. Soon as I got off the phone, we packed
up and left and went to my in-laws for the holiday. A couple hours
later he tried to call me back and tell me that I’d been hired,
but I didn’t get that message until he called me early that
Monday morning, following the holidays. So that was my initial cut
at how I was going to get into the Air Force.
I went to the Air Force Propulsion Lab at Wright-Pat, and worked there
as a ramjet engine project engineer. I had almost no computer background,
because that was something that was just coming into being at that
point. I’d had a little bit of Fortran programming in my junior
and senior year. The first job I had at Wright-Pat was working in
a shop of three or four people that were in charge of doing all the
computer-aided design work for this group of about fifty or sixty
engineers. There was two captains and a GS [General Schedule]-13,
and a new lieutenant called Ross in there.
So they started giving me these programs so I could start getting
smart on them. Well, within about a year, year and a half, the two
captains were gone and the GS-13 had been RIF’d [Reduction in
Force], so I was the only guy left in that shop to provide all the
computer support for all the rest of the folks. And while I don’t
really enjoy computer programming and that kind of stuff that much,
it was a benefit to totally immerse me in it, so I had a much stronger
background and capability in it than what I had before.
After that, then I was given a job of conducting a test out [on] sled
track at Holloman Air Force Base [New Mexico]. They had a missile
that had actually been flight tested, but the facilities at the Tullahoma
Tennessee Arnold Engineering Development Center [Arnold Air Force
Base] did not allow this missile to be tested on the ground at anything
other than a zero-degree-angle attack. And they thought that maybe
by putting this one remaining missile that was available onto a sled
track at Holloman and shooting it down the track at 2.7 Mach—in
about, let’s see, about ten seconds it got to 2.7 Mach, so it
was pretty cool—and then lighting it off and trying to get some
data on performance of the missile, first of all we’d do it
at zero-degree-angle attacks so we could repeat the wind tunnel data,
and then we would cant it at four-degree-angle attacks so that we
could get some validation of the principle of testing air-breathing
missiles on a sled track like that.
So for the first couple of runs on the track—I think we did
a total of six of them—I worked with a more senior engineer,
and then the program was turned over to me for the rest of the program.
That was a great hands-on experience of real practical engineering
work, and yet doing some theoretical work as well.
I was fortunate in that I had some supervisors that allowed me to
have about as much responsibility as I could possibly stand, and they
challenged me with exciting and interesting jobs. I did well at them
and they went to the effort of writing me up for awards and things
like that, which kind of helped to set me apart from some of the other
folks, maybe, and they also continued to challenge me with new jobs.
The last job I had as an engineer was working on a computer-aided
design of a ramjet missile that would be an air-launched missile that
could be used for attacking airplanes or the ground. This put me into
somewhat of a moral conflict, because it would have been potentially
a nuclear-armed missile, and I wasn’t too comfortable dealing
with that kind of thing. But I still did some of it, so that I had
that experience behind me as well.
After I’d completed that program, then I was asked by the outgoing
head of the laboratory to serve as the Executive Officer for the incoming
colonel. I had applied at that point for the Air Force’s Test
Pilot School, because I had followed the Shuttle Program and I knew
from experience that it was flight-test flying people and flight-test-background
kind of people that had been hired into the astronaut program earlier,
and it made sense to me that if they wanted test pilots, then maybe
flight-test engineers would fill the bill for the mission specialist
category that they’d be hiring for Shuttle.
So I had applied to the Navy Test Pilot School, but I found out that
I didn’t have enough time in service and things to qualify to
actually apply. So a year or so later, I applied to the Air Force’s
Test Pilot School as a flight test engineer student. The first time
around I was an alternate and wasn’t included in the program.
But let me back up. I had committed to take this job as executive
officer in the Propulsion Laboratory, and I told the colonel that
was coming in that I’d applied for this program. He said, “Yes,
I understand that, but I want you to commit to being in the job for
at least a year, to give it some stability,” and everything.
And I said, “Well, okay.” So when this application for
the Test Pilot School had worked its way through the system and the
selections had been made for the classes, I did come out as an alternate,
and then somebody backed out, and I actually did receive notification
of pending orders to go to Test Pilot School. But since I’d
made this commitment to the colonel, I went in and I said, “Here,
And he says, “Well, you made a commitment.”
I said, “Yes, sir, and I’ll live up to it.” But
he was good enough then to call the guy who was the head of the Test
Pilot School, another colonel, and explain the situation, and hope
that it wouldn’t be taken as prejudicial for me on subsequent
selection processes. And fortunately, the next year, then, after I’d
completed my one-year tour, I was selected for the next class.
So that took me from Wright-Patterson to Edwards Air Force Base [California]
in the summer of 1975, and I went through the Air Force’s Test
Pilot School as a flight test engineer, where we had classroom academics
normally in the afternoon, and then we would do flying in the morning.
The concept was to go to the same academics as test pilots, and learn
the same kinds of principles of testing and what’s of interest,
and how to analyze the data once you’d collected it. And then
we would go fly, to collect the data, do the different types of tests,
and then to analyze the data and do the reports on what we’d
I got to fly in T-38s, T-33s, F-4s, KC-135s. Probably around fifteen
or twenty airplanes altogether was the total that we got some experience
in. But one of the neat things was I got to fly with Brewster [H.]
Shaw, a future astronaut, and Mike [Richard M.] Mullane was also in
my class, another future astronaut, both of which I got to fly with
on subsequent Shuttle flights once I was selected into the Astronaut
Office. Mike sat right in front of me and Brewster sat next to me,
so we were the only three from my class that were selected, so it
was kind of a fortuitous situation.
I did well in Test Pilot School. I came out as the top flight test
engineer grad [graduate], which then gave me additional opportunities
in terms of kind of helping me select what I wanted to do. The B-1
bomber at the time was the Air Force’s highest priority program,
and after going down the street to the flight test engineering guys
and talking to them, I was given the opportunity to come onboard as
a B-1 flight test engineer, and to work in the stability and control
and flight controls area of the B-1.
Shortly after I got into the B-1 program was when NASA put out their
first call for astronaut selection, in ’77, and just like everybody
else at Edwards Air Force Base and at other flight test centers around
the country, everybody was scrambling to get all of their paperwork
pulled together and submitted. It’s my recollection that there
was close to nine or ten thousand people that NASA had applications
on for that class, being the first astronaut class they’d had
since Apollo era. And I was extremely excited when I was notified
that I was going to be one of the 210 brought down here [for interviews],
but I was very disappointed when I wasn’t one of the thirty-five
that was ultimately selected for that class.
But I went back to work and continued to fly on the B-1 bomber and
do flight testing, and that was really a rewarding experience for
me. The B-1 was a very complex airplane. Being a mechanical engineer
and by academic training, and being responsible for the stability
and control and flight controls testing of the B-1 was very challenging
to me, because when I got to Test Pilot School, I didn’t know
the difference between an elevator and an aileron. So it was quite
a growth experience for me to be dealing with a very complex airplane,
trying to understand its aerodynamics and its performance capabilities
in an area that was totally foreign to me up until the year that I
went to Test Pilot School.
I got to fly, I think, a total of 23 flights on the B-1; had about
150 hours or so flying on it. The interesting thing was that the B-1
and the Shuttle were both built by Rockwell [International Corporation].
The cockpits looked amazingly the same in terms of the layout of the
instruments, the type of instruments. Many of them were identical.
So the first time I got into a Shuttle mockup and trainer, I went,
“Wow. This looks very familiar.”
It was a great growth experience. I think that it gave me a good background,
a solid understanding of what it takes to be a crew member and fly
under somewhat stressful conditions, and to be able to ignore the
environment and perform what you need to do, to do the given task.
So I think that my intuition of what might give me a good leg up,
eventually, to apply for the astronaut program was well founded, and
by a series of taking advantage of each opportunity as it came along,
and not giving up too easily, which is something I always preach to
kids, is that they need to do well in academics; they need to set
goals for themselves; they need to pursue those goals and not give
up too easily. Those are the kinds of things that have worked well
in my career, and something I’ve always tried to stress to young
In fact, now I’ve been doing that for long enough that I will
have either young people or their parents come up to me and say, “Hey,
I remember when you came and talked to my fifth-grade class. I heard
what you said and now I’m an engineer,” or, “I’m
a medical doctor,” or, “I’m a teacher,” or
whatever it is, whatever their calling in life was. But they listened
and prepared themselves, and now they’re enjoying the fruits
of that.
So in a way, I get a good sense of what teachers must get as a reward
for their hard efforts, is that I’ve got some of that same type
of feedback from young people. So it’s been pretty nice.
Yes, that must be great to have that sort of impact on an individual.
You just never know. Sometimes you’ll talk to a large auditorium
of students and you don’t think that anybody is listening. They’re
all sitting there poking their buddy or whatever, you know. But every
once in a while, evidently somebody’s listening.
Let me ask you another question. As you pointed out, you put in an
application for the ’78 class and you weren’t accepted.
But you were encouraged, I understand, by someone on the selection
committee, to accept a job as a payload officer. Can you talk to us
about that?
Right. Well, this is part of “Don’t give up too easily.”
I was extremely frustrated when I was sitting there at Edwards and
all my friends were boxing up and getting ready to go to Houston to
become astronauts. But at the same time, I’ve always tried to
look ahead and try to plan ahead. So one of the things I did a couple,
three months, I don’t remember exactly when, but a period of
time after the selection announcements came out, I called George [W.
S.] Abbey, who had been the head of the Selection Board, and said,
“Hey, I’m trying to figure out what to do with the rest
of my life, basically. I’m trying to find out whether or not
you guys saw something that totally turned you off, or could I expect
it to be reasonable to anticipate a possibility of another interview
on a subsequent selection.”
And fortunately, they said, “No, we didn’t see anything
that we didn’t like, and in fact, we hope that you’ll
apply again.”
I said, “Okay. Well, with that understanding, I’m trying
to figure out what to do with my career and how I can enhance my opportunities
for a subsequent selection.” And at that point I had agreed
with the Air Force Test Pilot School to go back and be the head of
the flight test engineer curriculum for them, and would have done
that probably within the next year. The Air Force had also asked me
if I was interested in going back to get my doctorate, and then going
to the Air Force Academy as an instructor, or going straight to the
Air Force Academy as instructor with a master’s level of education.
I told Mr. Abbey those were the options that I had staring me in the
face at that point, and he says, “Hey, those are all good options,
but there’s one more I’d like you to consider, and that
would be to come to Houston as a military officer, working as a detailee
in our payload operations area, and help us with the integration of
military payloads into the Orbiter from an operational perspective.”
After doing some soul-searching—and he said, “No promises
should be expected, and none are being made here. But it gives us
a better chance to look at you, and it gives you a better chance to
understand the organization and what the astronaut job would be all
about.” So I knew if I did that, I might be shooting myself
in my foot because it may be the last time I ever get to do flying
in the Air Force, if I went down to NASA and wasn’t selected,
and then try to figure out what I was going to do with the rest of
my Air Force career. But at the same time, when somebody like that
suggests that you come down here and go to work, it opens up another
avenue of opportunity and experience that you hadn’t anticipated.
So I made the commitment, and it took us about a year to work the
Air Force assigning me down here as an Air Force detailee. I worked
in the Payload Operations Branch, initially working on the inertial
upper-stage vehicle, and making schematic drawings and things like
that, that would go into the flight controller handbooks.
Shortly then I started picking up jobs working with some of the more
senior NASA engineers, on helping to do the initial meetings with
the Air Force and other organizations on starting the process of integrating
military payloads into the Orbiter, and what it would take from a
security or classification standpoint, and how we dealt with all those
different issues. After a period of time, basically, I was then assigned
as the person responsible for all the military payloads that were
being integrated into the Orbiter, and that was a real handful.
It was about that time frame, then, that I applied for the next selection
of astronauts into the office, and was interviewed in early 1980,
and the announcements were made, I think, in May of 1980. And that
time, out of I think it was around 6,000 people applied, they interviewed
120, and picked 19. And then our class added two European mission
specialists, so we ended up with a class size of 21. And everything
was off to the races from then on.
Let me ask you if you could compare the ’78 application and
interview process with the 1980 process. Did it change at all?
It didn’t change at all, is my recollection. And, in fact, the
process here, in terms of the interviews and physicals and everything
else, were basically identical. They were performed in different facilities
from what they had been done the previous year. And it’s kind
of interesting, because when I walked out of the interview process,
which is the most significant part of the whole week, the one-hour
interview, I walked out the first time thinking, “Well, I don’t
think I messed anything up too bad.” Didn’t get selected.
The second time around, I walked out and I thought, “Ross, you
idiot. You just blew it. You might as well pack your bags and go.”
And then I got selected. So you just never know, I guess is the bottom
Tell me about that phone call, when George Abbey called you.
I was working over in Mission Control Center. I was getting trained
on how to use the consoles and the communications systems and everything
else, and they had tracked us down over there, and I got this phone
call. I had known, by the way, that there were four of us in the Payload
Operations Group who had been brought down here after not being selected
in ’77, ’78 time frame—Mike [John M.] Lounge, Bonnie
[J.] Dunbar, a guy by the name of Jerry [Robert J.] Jost, and myself—that
were all working there. We quickly found out and figured out that
we were probably competing against each other. I was the last guy
to get into the organization, so all the good deals had already been
sucked up, as far as I was concerned. I had found out that at least
one of the others had already got a call and been told that they’d
been selected, and that the calls were going out. So that morning,
everybody was on pins and needles.
Three of us ultimately got selected. Jerry Jost was the one that was
not, but I think he had medical things that disqualified him. So,
anybody that would have been a reasonable betting person would have
never thought that three of us out of the four would be selected in
the class. So when I knew at least one of them had been selected,
I was not expecting a phone call from George. I was expecting a phone
call from one of the other board members that was going to be, “Sorry,
but no good” again.
George tracked me down over in Mission Control Center. I was called
to the phone. I recognized his voice. I’m going, “This
sounds good.” And basically, he asked if I was still interested
in going to work in the Astronaut Office, and I don’t remember
the exact words, but he understood something that meant yes. And from
then on, I mean, I just blew off the rest of the training session.
I floated across the ponds, I think, back to Building 4, and went
up to our offices, which were at the other end of the third floor
from the Astronaut Office facilities, and found out that both Bonnie
and Mike had been selected, too.
So we had a party at Mike Lounge’s house that evening, to celebrate,
and it was unbelievable. My kids were up in Indiana. We had taken
them up a week or so earlier. School had just got out, and so we had
to call them and tell them that Daddy had been selected into the Astronaut
Office. I think my wife and my folks and maybe my kids, but maybe
they were too young, I think they had mixed feelings. I think my folks
were apprehensive that I might get selected, but they were also afraid
that I wouldn’t, and so my feelings would be that much more
dashed than they had been in the previous times. And I think probably
my wife had the same kinds of emotions and feelings going, too. But
what an amazing day that was.
Great memories.
Why don’t you tell us about the training that you underwent
as an AsCan [Astronaut Candidate].
Okay. Basically, we were still trying to figure out how to train astronauts,
so our training program was not anything close to what it is now,
and it was much less effective. In some ways it was good and in a
lot of ways it was not so good. We got a lot more in-depth training
on a lot of the parts of the Orbiter and the solid-rocket motors and
external tank, that you really don’t need to know, you never
see, you can’t do anything about them.
We got training about the nuts and bolts of the solid-rocket motors
and the external tank and things that I’ve never heard about
since we went through that initial training. So it was a somewhat
frustrating training period, especially for all of us that were used
to a very high level of activity and very intense working. The training
was kind of laid out in parcels. It was, as I said, not very effective
or efficient, so we ended up having to learn a lot of the stuff ourselves.
We were given a lot of material, but trying to separate the wheat
from the chaff was not easy.
I was already knowledgeable on flying a T-38, so my checkout program
for the T-38 was pretty quick. Some of the civilians who had never
flown before, it took them a much more lengthy training period. I
think one of the nicer parts of the training period was just getting
to know the rest of your class members. We did some field trips to
some of the other NASA Centers and stuff, and had a lot of good times,
and some things I’m sure that are in Bonnie Dunbar’s book
that probably shouldn’t see the light of day.
I guess that’s about all that I really remember about it. We
didn’t get much of a chance to do what the AsCans do now. We
didn’t get into simulators and do training. All of our training
was basically books, and a little bit of the single-system trainer.
But the single-systems trainers back then really were almost just
cardboard layouts, many times. There weren’t even actual functional
switches in the simulators. There were not the computer-driven displays,
for the most part, that they have now, which are very high fidelity
and all that. So we were still in the very formative stages of the
Shuttle Program, and so we had to deal with not very high-fidelity
training aids or programs yet.
But albeit, we knew that our class was not going to fly for a considerable
period of time, and so we had the luxury, if you will, of knowing
that we were going to have time to get a lot of that training through
other methods, including the on-the-job training kinds of things that
we were going to do, supporting the program as we got ready to go
I guess that pretty much summarizes it. It was about a one-year-long
program. Towards the end of that one year we were asked to make out
our desires on what things we’d like to do in the way of on-the-job
training, or at least first and early jobs in the Astronaut Office.
I have always wanted to do spacewalks, as I think most astronauts
do. That was my second thing, because I didn’t think I would
get it. I put down SAIL [Shuttle Avionics Integration Laboratory],
which is our avionics testing facility, where we test the software
in the Orbiter and make sure that everything functions and works properly.
I think I broke the code. I think I found out that if you volunteer
for SAIL, they won’t give it to you. I think the reason, probably—this
is why I tell people I think the reason is—I think the reason
I got assigned to EVA [Extravehicular Activity] was because I was
the class rock. When we did our swimming training and our scuba training,
I was the guy that sank to the bottom. I can’t swim. I still
can’t today. We had a couple of different people in the Astronaut
Office who had Red Cross swimming training, badges and all those kinds
of things, try to teach me how to swim.
Mary [L.] Cleave took me over to Bill [William F.] Fisher, Bill and
Anna [L.] Fisher’s house, into their swimming pool. She says,
“This’ll be a half-hour thing. No problem. We’ll
have you swimming.” She showed me several strokes, and either
I sank straight to the bottom or I went backwards. After a couple
of sessions, she says, “You’re right. You can’t
swim.” [Laughs]
And I worked with the scuba trainers, George Price and Bill [William
F.] Moran, and basically, they didn’t care if I could swim.
Well, they wanted me to swim. But once they figured out that I couldn’t
swim, and I couldn’t tread water, and I sank like a rock, then
they just got to the point where they made sure that I was comfortable
with the water. I wasn’t afraid of the water. They put a snorkel
and fins and mask on me and I did ditch and dons, and demonstrated
all that. They tried to get me to float, and with my overexpanded
chest I could get about that much out of the water. And, of course,
every time you had to take another breath of air and exhale, the water
covered the whole face, and so that didn’t work too well.
But finally they got me to the point where I did scuba and I did all
the ditch and don stuff, and I’ve scuba-qualified. I’ve
never let that lapse. In all my time in the office, I’ve never
let my scuba qualification lapse, because then I’d have to go
back through the whole re-cert [certification] process, and I certainly
didn’t want to have to go through that.
So I started working in the EVA area. Bill Fisher and I were the two
guys responsible for EVA types of activities, along with some of the
more senior guys like Jim [James F.] Buchli and Joe [Joseph P.] Kerwin
and Bruce McCandless and Story Musgrave. I was responsible for procedures,
and Bill was in the suits and stuff, and I got to do a lot of the
early development of tools that we used for contingency payload bay
door closing and things like that.
I can remember getting my suit qual [qualification] in an A7LB, which
was a spacesuit that was used during Skylab era. I used Pete [Charles]
Conrad’s suit, and Pete’s about five-five or something
like that. So, getting into the thing was a little bit of a challenge,
and once it was inflated it felt like the shoulders were going to
collapse down to my knees, because it was just tearing me up. By the
time I got out of the suit, I was qualified for the water tank, and
that’s all I cared about.
From then on, then I got to do more and more work. I did a lot of
work over at the Marshall Space Flight Center [Huntsville, Alabama]
on early developmental work for the Hubble Space Telescope. I did
that for probably a year or so, developing the tools and techniques
for making it an on-orbit serviceable satellite. Much of the work
I did, ultimately was not implemented, or deleted because of cost
overruns in the program, and I said, “You guys are going to
be sorry.”
And they were, because a couple of years later, after they’d
made that decision, they went back in then and tried to retrofit EVA
capabilities into a lot of the systems, which caused them to have
to build literally hundreds of tools, because they hadn’t been
done right in the first place. But still, a lot of the things we did
were incorporated into the satellite, and it, hopefully, helped to
make it the success that it ultimately has been.
I also started working on the final development of the Manned Maneuvering
Unit with Bruce McCandless. I used to accompany him up to the Martin
Marietta [Corporation] plant up in the Denver [Colorado] area, where
they had a six-degree-of-freedom flying machine, if you will, that
allowed you to fly up and down this room and across the room; went
up and down, and then orientations as well, attitudes as well, and
to learn how to fly the Manned Maneuvering Unit.
Then Bruce and I also worked on the development of the techniques
and plans for capturing and repairing the Solar Maximum Satellite,
that ultimately was done on STS-13 or 41-C, as we changed the numbering
because people were superstitious. So since I had done the developmental
work on the Solar Max Satellite, and since I had a broad breadth of
experience in EVA area as well as Manned Maneuvering Unit flying,
I was ultimately assigned as the support crew member for 41-B and
41-C, and my responsibilities were in the area of EVA, and some in
robotics, because I had worked in the robotics area for a while also.
I was the office’s head for development of the arm for a bit,
and also was responsible for helping both those crews develop some
of the rendezvous techniques they were going to use for joining up
with the Solar Max Satellite.
My overriding responsibility was to make sure whatever we did on 41-B
as a precursor, the demonstration of many of these techniques and
pieces of hardware, would cooperate and provide the knowledge and
capabilities that were going to actually be implemented and used on
41-C for the capture and repair of the Solar Max Satellite.
So I got a lot of in-depth experience there. It’s when I started
to get into the simulators and to learn the checklist procedures and
stuff. I was also assigned then as their capsule communicator, CapCom,
for those flights and some subsequent flights, and specifically I
did the complete CapCom’ing role, but I also was the guy for
the spacewalks on all those flights as well.
I got to do some development of some contingency procedures that were
ultimately used on those and some other flights as well. So, it was
really in the game. I really felt like I was a contributing member
of the team at that point, and not just doing the developmental things
that may get used some day, but I was actually there, almost part
of the crews, and helping to make sure that everything went well.
I did the CapCom’ing for those two flights. I also did the CapCom’ing
for STS 41-D, Judy [Judith A.] Resnik’s first flight and Mike
Mullane’s first flight. And also, then, I was brought in as
a CapCom and support crew member for 51-A, which was when we went
and recovered two satellites that had gone into the improper orbit
on 41-B, one of my other flights.
Again, they used the Manned Maneuvering unit. This is Joe [Joseph
P.] Allen and Dale [A.] Gardner that went out and retrieved those
two satellites and brought them home, and they were subsequently re-launched
on expendable rockets. Again, Manned Maneuvering Unit was used. I
was the CapCom for just the spacewalks on that flight, and had, again,
also developed some contingency procedures that we had to use because
some of the hardware didn’t fit properly on orbit.
I was also deeply involved in the development of the spacewalk and
the RMS [Remote Manipulator System] procedures that we used for the
flyswatter trick. Boy, what flight was that? I don’t remember
what flight that was. Anyhow, if you remember, we had a SYNCOM satellite
that came out, and it comes out like a Frisbee, out of the payload
bay of the Orbiter. There’s a little spring-loaded lever that’s
held against the side of the payload bay, and as the satellite comes
out, then that spring throws a switch which is supposed to activate
a timer, and after some period of time the rocket engine’s supposed
to fire and shoot the satellite to the proper insertion orbit.
We couldn’t tell if the switch had been thrown or not, but the
satellite didn’t fire its rocket motor at the expected time.
So we had the crew fly back in after we had attached a couple of mechanisms.
This was Senator Jake Garn’s flight, by the way. We had fabricated
some things that kind of looked like flyswatters, and we had developed
the procedures on the ground on how to attach these things to the
end effector, the outside of the end effector on the end of the arm.
Dave [S. David] Griggs and Jeff [Jeffrey A.] Hoffman went out on a
spacewalk to attach them, and I literally walked them through the
procedures of how to do it, based upon what we’d learned and
developed in the water tank.
We used a TV camera looking over their shoulder to watch them and
coach them, and when we lost signal, we just said, “Okay, take
a break. When we get TV again, we’ll continue the task.”
And we did that. They attached it successfully. We flew up next to
the satellite, and Rhea [Margaret] Seddon was the arm operator, and
she held the flyswatter out gingerly against the side of the spacecraft
and the mechanisms caught the little lever arm, what should have been
sufficient to throw it if it wasn’t completely thrown, and then
they backed off and waited and the satellite didn’t go anywhere.
So a subsequent mission with Bill Fisher on it and Jim [James D. A.]
van Hoften went up—that would have been 51-[I], I think—went
up and basically hotwired the satellite. It had been improperly wired,
so they had to do some jumpers around it to provide a different way
of firing the rocket motor, and that was successful, and that satellite
went on into orbit.
Let me see. That kind of gets me through most of my work. Let me go
back and talk a little bit about the robotics activity. Once I got
into the EVA area and worked EVA, I never let it go. Even if I wasn’t
officially assigned to it, I continued to work in it and to do whatever
I could to have opportunities to get in the tank, do development or
testing work, that type of thing. I also was assigned as a lead robotics
person for a while. Judy Resnik and Sally [K.] Ride had been doing
that, but they had been assigned to flights and were starting to get
to the point of needing to turn it over.
So I got to go up to Canada, to Spar [Aerospace Limited] in the Toronto
area, and do several developmental runs, several of them looking at
NASA satellites, some of them looking at military programs, and some
of them just developing basic principles and controls and displays,
and making sure that the arm operated the way that the operator would
like to see it, and things like that. Again, the simulator was fairly
rudimentary. It didn’t have the nice visual displays that we’ve
got now. It was basically just kind of line drawings, and it made
it kind of tough to visualize what you were seeing many times. But
overall, it was satisfactory for what we needed to do at that point.
So I think that was basically my jobs in the Astronaut Office until
the time I got assigned a flight. I worked EVA a lot, as you’ve
heard. I worked robotics. I worked as a support crew member. I guess
the one other area I did is I did do a considerable amount of work
also on military payloads, working on crew aspects of those over the
period of time that I was getting ready for my first flight, and then
subsequent to that, as well.
Let me go back and ask you a couple of things. You mentioned that
you worked as the EVA CapCom on several of these missions where they
used the MMU [Manned Maneuvering Unit].
For instance, on 41-B, what were you thinking when Bruce McCandless
finally got into that MMU?
Those lucky guys. [Laughter] I knew that Bruce had waited a long time
and worked many, many years here in the office to get a chance to
fly, and so I was happy for him and Bob [Robert L.] Stewart when they
got a chance to go outside and do their thing. So I ended up being
the EVA CapCom and support crew member for every flight and every
EVA that used the Manned Maneuvering Unit. That was a lot of fun to
do that and to watch those guys do that. But you can imagine how envious
I was getting, sitting there on the ground and watching all those
guys go out there and have fun.
So when I got assigned to my first flight, it originally had the EASE
[Experimental Assembly of Structures in Extravehicular Activity] and
ACCESS [Assembly Concept for Construction of Erectable Space Structure]
experiments on it, and then, as you might remember, during that period
of time, many times the payloads were shuffling between various different
flights, and the crews were getting shuffled all over the place. So
I lost my EVAs, and I was really bummed out by that, because I was
really looking forward to it.
But Woody [Sherwood C.] Spring and I kept track of the experiment,
and when we got bounced to another flight we said, “Hey, there’s
room for that experiment in there.” [Laughs] And talked to the
program people, and ultimately it did settle out that we did have
the EASE and ACCESS experiments on the flight with us. And what a
great time that was.
Could you share with us the role that you played when they had some
trouble capturing the Solar Max Satellite, and then also capturing
and stowing PALAPA.
Yes. The Solar Max Satellite, the plan was that we had a capture mechanism
that had been mounted between the arms of the Manned Maneuvering Unit,
and George [D.] “Pinky” Nelson was going to fly out to
the satellite and use this to capture a trunnion that was on the side
of the satellite.
Everything worked great until we tried to do the capture of the satellite,
and we found out later, in looking at it, that there was a little
Teflon nub that had been installed on the satellite to hold the thermal
insulation on the outside of it in place, and that had not been documented
in the satellite drawings. The satellite was never expected to be
handled by humans on orbit, even though some of it was designed for
on-orbit servicing, and this was just one of our lessons learned from
that mission, was that you need a very carefully documented configuration
of hardware that’s in space, so that you can properly design
the hardware that’s going to interface with it.
But basically, Pinky Nelson flew out, tried to dock and grab this
pin. He couldn’t, because he couldn’t get quite close
enough to the surface of the spacecraft because of this thing that
was protruding and prohibiting from getting flush up against the satellite.
He tried it at least a couple of times, maybe more. Couldn’t
get docked, and because he had hit the satellite several times, it
started doing some additional gyrations and spinning. And we weren’t
sure that we were going to be able to get the satellite at that point.
So he came back in. We backed away with the Shuttle and we did some
RMS work. We also did some water work, to see whether or not we could
save the day, basically. I don’t remember exactly what the water
work was now. But basically, the plan was that the Goddard Space Flight
Center [Greenbelt, Maryland] guys would try to get the satellite restabilized,
and then we would fly back in with the robotic arm and see if we could
do a direct capture of the satellite without stabilizing it using
the Manned Maneuvering Unit first.
Fortunately, Terry [J.] Hart, the arm operator on that flight, did
a great job, and Bob [Robert L.] Crippen did, too, flying a rendezvous
and getting into a position that Terry could grab onto the satellite.
This was still in the days when we had ground sites. We didn’t
have TDRS [Tracking and Data Relay Satellites] everywhere. So just
as they were getting ready to grab the satellite, we went LOS [Loss
of Signal] at one place, and then when we got AOS [Acquisition of
Signal] again, I said, “We’re standing by for a report,
guys.” [Laughs] And fortunately they came back and said they
had it, and so they were able then to carry out the repairs of the
satellite and re-release it over the next couple of days.
Did you do any work with the 51-A [flight]? Did you do any work in
the WETF [Weightless Environment Training Facility]?
Yes, we did. Just before they launched, the crew, in fact, had asked
me to do a development run to do some what-if-ing, and if certain
things didn’t work, how would we deal with that? One of the
devices was a fixture that was going to be installed. The concept
was that the guy in the MMU would fly out, fly up the backside of
the satellite where the rocket nozzle was at, and put a stinger up
in there that would capture the cone of the rocket engine, and then,
using the Manned Maneuvering Unit, they would stabilize, stop the
spin of the satellite, reorient the satellite around, and then they
would attach a device to the top of the satellite that would allow
the arm to then pick it up and bring it in, put it into the payload
Well, the first satellite that we captured, this bridge device that
we were going to put on the top of the satellite with a grapple fixture
would allow them to then grapple onto the satellite and put it into
the payload bay, it didn’t fit. Lesson two. Again, you need
to know the detailed configuration of the satellite that you’re
trying to interface hardware to. There was an antenna feed line, an
RF feed line, that was basically manually tuned to get the right frequencies
and performance out of the antenna, and it was bent and positioned
in a place that we hadn’t accounted for, and it didn’t
allow us to put this bridge-type mechanism on the top of the satellite.
So basically what we had to do was, we stabilized the satellite using
a Manned Maneuvering Unit, and then we basically just grabbed onto
the satellite, using Joe Allen and a foot restraint on the sill of
the payload bay, and he sat there and held onto the satellite while
Dale Gardner then did the work on the back end of the satellite that
needed to be done so that you could put the satellite down into the
payload bay, and hold it for reentry. So I had developed that technique
and procedures, the setting of the foot restraint and what you had
to do to get the task done.
After we had done that with the first satellite, then after that EVA
I went back into the water to verify that the procedure would work
for the second satellite, and to develop the foot-restraint locations
for it, and re-verify those as well, and see if there was any other
techniques that we needed to think about some. So, they worked.
You know, it’s kind of that and the flyswatter thing and some
other things I’ve been involved in with Hubble Space Telescope,
are all things that are kind of reminiscent in some ways of Apollo
13, because you have this team of people that comes in, and you work
night and day until you get the job done. It’s kind of a neat
feeling. You’re exhausted, but it’s very rewarding that
you’re contributing to the success of the mission in a way that’s
not normal.
That is nice.
Let me ask you, when did you finally learn that you were going to
be selected for a flight?
Well, if I remember right, it was like in January of ’84 that
Mr. Abbey called me over to his office, and that wasn’t the
most usual thing to have happen to you, and you kind of suspect that
maybe that’s what’s going to happen; he’s going
to tell you you’re assigned to a flight. But in his typical
way, he would call you in and he’d kind of ask you how the weather
was and, “Are they keeping you busy?” and all these other
things, and, “Well, how would you like to have another job?
I know you’re real busy, but how would you like to have another
“Well, okay.”
“Well, you know, we’re starting to put this crew together,
and we were thinking maybe you’d like to be on this crew.”
So that’s the way I found out.
And, of course, I made as many phone calls as quickly as I could,
except I had to be a little bit careful because I think the crew wasn’t
ready to be announced yet, so you had to tell people, “Be quiet.”
But a very exciting day, and certainly something that you really anticipated
and looked forward to.
At that time, I think in January of ’84, I think we were supposed
to fly in January of ’85, and ultimately that flight got slipped
out till late November, early December of ’85. In between then,
because of the satellite problems we’d had with the two satellites
that went in improper orbit, I was subsequently assigned as 51-A support
crew member to help with that task. But a great day. And even greater
was, I was assigned to a second flight before I flew the first one,
and it would have been the first flight out of Vandenberg Air Force
Base [California].
When I launched in November of ’85, I was supposed to fly again
in January of ’86, out of Vandenberg. Of course, everybody knew
that date was not realistic at that point. But while I was on orbit,
that date had been slipped out to July of ’86, and most people
thought that that was a fairly realistic date. So that would have
been very close, two flights within six, seven months of each other.
I’ve talked to Bob Crippen once or twice since he’s retired,
and he says that’s probably one of the biggest regrets he’s
got, is that we didn’t get to do that flight out of Vandenberg,
because it would have more of a polar orbit, sixty-seven-and-a half-degree
inclination orbit, and it would have been awesome. We’d have
basically seen all the land masses of the world, so it would have
been neat.
Let me ask you about training for this flight, in addition to training
for the flight out at Vandenberg. Can you talk to us about juggling
those two flights?
Yes. Well, let me start by talking a little bit about the training
for 61-B, which is the flight that I ultimately flew. As I talked
about earlier, during that era we were having problems with inertial
upper stages, with the PAM boosters, Payload Assist Module boosters.
We were having problems with some of the payloads. TDRS, I think,
had some problems.
So, continuously we were juggling the manifest. Crews were getting
shifted from flight to flight. The payloads were getting shifted from
flight to flight. And basically, throughout 1985, our crew trained
for every mission that flew that year except for military or Spacelab
missions. So I trained on PAM satellites. I trained on IUSs [Inertial
Upper Stage]. I trained on the SYNCOM satellites, and we trained on
a lot of different payloads that were on top of those boosters.
At one time, our crew was assigned to the Challenger accident flight,
the 51-L flight. But ultimately, as I told you, we had the EVAs on
flight. We got bounced to a couple of different flights. We finally
settled out on 61-B, which was the launching of three communications
satellites that were on Payload Assist Module upper stages. And then
we had the EASE and ACCESS experiments in there as well.
We were flying at a very high rate that year. I think we flew like
ten flights that year, but we probably trained for about fifteen.
So all of our integrated training in the simulator with the Mission
Control Center was basically boiled down to the last month, because
they weren’t ready for us. And so we were doing like thirty-five
hours of integrated training per week, that last month or so before
we flew.
So, as I said, we’d train on so many different payloads and
types of payloads that basically by the time we flew, we could have
flown any other flight that flew that year, except for Spacelab or
military. Very busy time, but I did manage to squeeze in some time
to go do some preliminary training for the military flight out of
Vandenberg. Mike Mullane was on that crew, and he was leading the
development of the checklist procedures and things like that.
But I did get to do probably four or five trips to go see the payload
hardware at various different locations. I got a chance to go to Vandenberg
Air Force Base and see the facilities there and get some tours. I
had sat through several training sessions on some of those trips,
as well as some training sessions here. Actually, I had even done
a little bit of simulation work here and other places, in preparation
for that flight.
So, I was worried about with the flights getting so close together
that maybe they were going to replace me. I talked to “Crip”
a couple of times about that, and he said, “Don’t worry.
We’ll take care of you.”
So I said, “Okay. Great.”
How different was it training for a NASA mission—NASA’s
a very open agency—and then training for a military mission?
A big difference in that everything was secret, classified. You couldn’t
tell people a lot of things. When we’d travel places, we couldn’t
tell people where we were going. I couldn’t tell my wife where
I was going. I basically couldn’t tell her, many times, when
I was going to be back. It made it very awkward and very frustrating,
but we were an all-military crew, and so we were accustomed to those
type of activities, and so we just dealt with it. I think the most
frustrating thing was, is that we couldn’t tell people, after
the mission was over, what we’d done, which is something that
you always want to go do.
The training itself here at Johnson was basically the same as for
any other flight, except that you had to go through all the additional
precautions of making sure that everything was secure and that you’d
dealt with your training materials in an appropriate fashion. We had
a safe in an office where we locked up a lot of our materials, and
made sure that we controlled things properly.
After the flight we had to go through—I ended up going through
every inch of footage and every still photograph, and searched through
them to make sure there was nothing in the fields of view that would
cause us security problems. And then after the flight, I literally
made up our post-flight movie that we went and showed to the military
organizations, by splicing together footage myself. It was still film
then. It wasn’t video. So I physically did that myself.
I’ll never forget, one of the rolls of film that they gave us
had been printed such that the sprocket holes were on the wrong side
of the film, so that made it much more interesting when I had to splice
it together.
Let me take you back to 61-B. Let me ask you a couple of questions.
You had two payload specialists on board this flight. Can you tell
us a little bit about the astronaut corps’ reaction to the inclusion
of payload specialists on these flights?
Very mixed feelings. As we’re still talking about now, eighteen
years later, the Space Shuttle is not an operational vehicle in a
normal sense. It’s still very much a research and development
experimental vehicle, and so, we were getting pressures to fly civilians,
teachers. We were getting pressure to fly politicians. We were giving
away seats, is the way we kind of saw it, to nonprofessional astronauts,
when we thought that the astronauts could do the jobs if properly
With all that being said, I think also at the same time we have a
pretty parochial view on things; “That’s the seat I want
to take. Somebody else is getting it.” And so you have to look
at things a little bit more globally. We were hoping some of the stuff
that Charlie [Charles D.] Walker was doing with a continuous flow
electrophoresis system experiment, we were hoping that that might
provide us with some really tremendous breakthroughs in terms of processing
pharmaceutical products for the world. It ultimately didn’t
turn out to be that way, and biotechnology has kind of surpassed what
they were trying to do anyhow.
But the promise or the hope was that they could make new pharmaceutical
products that would be much purer than anything that was able to be
made here on the ground, thereby making them much more powerful, much
more pointed at specific diseases, and also, since they were so pure,
you would get away from having so many of the bad side effects that
many pharmaceutical products have, that we currently have. So we were
hoping that maybe what he was doing would have great promise, both
from a human standpoint, but also from a financial standpoint, and
would be a great springboard to the commercialization and use of space,
from that perspective.
The other fellow, Rodolfo Neri Vela from Mexico, was one of multiple
payload specialists we had that were from basically friendly U.S.
nations, that we allowed them to put a person onboard and fly with
us. We also did fly and launch a Mexican communications satellite
on that flight, and so, obviously, the connection there.
So, mixed feelings. Overall, I found them to be extremely great experiences
for me. Two good friends. Charlie also went to Purdue University,
so that’s also a good connection there. I don’t get to
see Rodolfo very often. He doesn’t come to the States very much,
but a nice guy and a good friend.
How long did the payload specialists train with the crew?
Well, this was Charlie’s third flight in quick succession. He
flew three times within about a year and a half or so. We had, I think
it was like ten different Mexican payload specialist candidates that
came here for interviews and physicals and things like that, and they
boiled it down to three. Then ultimately Rodolfo was the one selected.
I think he was here for probably about five or six months to train
with us, and that was more than adequate for what he needed to do
in the exchange with the crew.
The guys did a great job on orbit. They were always very helpful.
They knew that if the operations on the flight deck were very hectic,
they stayed out of the way, which is the right thing to do, frankly.
But at other times they would come up onto the flight deck and enjoy
the view as well as any of the rest of the crew.
So I think the program was very well done. Politicians and upper-level
management, I think many times just had a different view of what the
Shuttle was and what its purpose was, than what we thought. I’m
not saying that either one of them was right or wrong. It’s
just that it wasn’t very well handled in terms of how that was
done and coordinated, basically.
Can you talk to us about the crew relationship?
On 61-B?
Sixty-one B was a great time. That was a great crew, almost an all-rookie
crew. Brewster Shaw, the commander of the crew, had only flown one
time before as a pilot, with John [W.] Young on STS-9, so he was a
brand-new commander. Bryan [D.] O’Connor was a Marine guy. It
was his first flight. He was in my class. Mary Cleave and Woody Spring,
also from my class, first-time flyers as mission specialists. And
we’ve already talked about Rodolfo and Charlie.
Brewster, as I’d said earlier, was from my class in Test Pilot
School. I admired him and respected him tremendously, a very capable
guy. He had actually helped me get my private license. He was a certified
flight instructor in light airplanes and had started me on my flight
certification before he left me at Edwards and came down here. Brewster,
I thought, did a really good job as a first-time commander. He basically
laid out the responsibilities of who was going to do what, and then
he let us go do it. He, from time to time, would have us kind of tell
him how things are going, but other than that, he kind of left it
up to us to get the job done.
A very challenging flight for a whole bunch of rookies on a crew,
launching of three communications satellites and doing two spacewalks
in seven days. So it was a very challenging flight, I thought, from
that perspective; one of the more challenging ones we did early on
in the program. But at the same time, it wasn’t nearly as busy
as the flights we’re trying to do now with the assembly of the
station. These flights are incredibly packed and nonstop.
Bryan O’Connor and Woody were probably the clowns of the crew.
Woody’s just got a silly laugh, and he’s always got some
stupid joke to tell, or something, and is a lot of fun to be around.
Bryan has got this tremendously great dry wit. He will sucker you
in on some really serious discussion and then hit you over the head
with a two-by-four with some stupid joke or comment.
I’ll never forget, on launch day we were already strapped into
the vehicle and kind of sitting there waiting for things to happen,
and Bryan was kind of relaxed and everybody was, obviously, somewhat
nervous, but everybody’s trying to act cool. And as we’re
getting close to coming out of the nine-minute hold, Brewster Shaw,
the crusty veteran of the crew with one flight under his belt—this
is when you’re still launching in the cloth flight suits and
just kind of like a motorcycle helmet—as we were getting close,
coming out of the nine-minute count, Brewster goes like this [gestures],
rubbing his hands on his legs, trying the wipe the sweat, the perspiration
off of his hands. And Bryan O’Connor looks over at him and he
says, “Brewster, I was doing just fine until you did that. I
wish you hadn’t done that.” [Laughs]
And a little bit earlier, Bryan had said, “You know, you think
maybe they’re trying to tell us something? First of all, George
got off at the Launch Control Center, off the van that takes you out
to the pad. And then the guys at the pad strapped us in and closed
the door, and then they beat feet back about three miles away. You
think they’re trying to tell us something here?” [Laughs]
But Mary had her own way of being fun and making jokes. Rodolfo brought
a new culture and a new flavor into the group, and he was a lot of
fun. Charlie, being on his third space flight, he knew the ropes as
well as anybody, and we just had a good mix. It was a lot of fun together.
Brewster tends to look very serious, but at times he could be a lot
of fun as well. And, of course, since I knew him from Test Pilot School,
we had that bond there, as well.
We had been through a lot of ups and downs, a lot of false starts,
a lot of training, a lot of flights that disappeared from us, underneath
us. We’d trained together off and on for approaching two years.
So it was a good crew, and I tell people a lot of times that the makeup
of the crew is probably as important as anything else, and especially
in terms of what you take away from the flight in terms of enjoyment
and fun. I couldn’t have picked a much better first crew, I
don’t think.
Let me ask you about training for this EVA. It was a pretty complex
EVA. Did you help develop the Space Station construction techniques
that were used on this flight?
Yes. In fact, that was the purpose of the two experiments, was to
look at manual assembly of structures to see if that was a reasonable
way to try to build a space station. I had done some of the developmental
work on this hardware, even before it became an experiment package
that was manifested.
I think General [James A.] Abrahamson was a guy that kind of pushed
on it to get it to its final form. At one point he was the head of
manned space flight at Headquarters, and I think he was associated
with M.I.T. [Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts]
somehow, and I think he was helping to push the EASE experiment that
they were proposing.
The other one, the ACCESS experiment, came from Langley [Research]
Center [Hampton, Virginia], and I had worked with Doug [Walter L.]
Heard and some of their other people there for several years on manual
assembly techniques.
We got to basically choreograph the entire EVA, Woody and I. I mean,
we understood what the experimenters wanted, and we sat down with
them and talked through things, and added to what they wanted to do,
considerably. Basically, we were trying to look at productivity of
building things in space. The ACCESS experiment was a long, forty-five-foot-long
truss, triangular cross-section, that was built in a one-bay-at-a-time
type of manner, using a lazy-Susan type of assembly fixture.
Both crew members were in fixed foot restraints. They had the containers
with all of the parts right next to them, and it was basically just
a matter of bringing a part out, putting it onto this assembly fixture,
hooking the components together, rotating to the three faces, and
then sliding the completed segment of truss up, and repeating the
process for a total of ten bays, each bay being four and a half feet
long. We knew that that technique would be a very satisfactory way
of doing business, because when a crew member’s feet are anchored
properly, that gives you both hands free to do work.
The other experiment, the EASE experiment from M.I.T., required one
crew member to be floating at the top of the structure, and just holding
on with one hand and trying to maneuver these fairly heavy beams—if
I remember right, they’re like eighty pounds apiece or so—maneuver
them around, kind of torqueing them into position and then aligning
them and sliding the sleeve over that made the connections. We didn’t
think that that would be a very desirable way of doing business, but
we were certainly more than prepared to go investigate it and see
what the deltas were between the water and on orbit, and compare those
with the ACCESS experiment.
So, the first EVA was to build and disassemble those items about as
quickly as you could, multiple times. Woody and I exchanged places
on each of the experiments, so that we could see both aspects of each
of the experiments. I think we built the ACCESS experiment up and
down just twice. We exchanged places for each one. And then on the
EASE experiment, man, I think we must have done it at least eight
times. We basically, if I remember right, met or exceeded the speeds
at which we could do things in the water. And just like everything
else, some of the things in the water are easier, and some things
in space are easier, and you just kind of have to try to account for
those, based upon your knowledge of what the water does to you and
what it doesn’t do to you.
The other things that we added that were not originally planned, other
than just assembling things and tearing them down, we added some other
aspects into the flight, like working off of the foot restraint on
the end of the arm to do the assembly of the EASE experiment from
the top, as opposed to having a guy up there free-floating. Now, it
was easier for the guy to do it, but it took a lot more time because
of the robotic maneuvers involved.
We also used the arm to build a complete tenth bay at the top, to
see how that would be on the ACCESS experiment. We also used the arm
to simulate a repair where we removed one piece of the ACCESS experiment
in the middle of the truss somewhere, and then to reinsert it, as
a repair technique. We also used a reel of rope to simulate an electrical
cable, and how you would then install electrical lines along the side
of a truss, once a truss was assembled.
In addition to that, we also removed the completely assembled truss
and its inverted tetrahedron that the EASE experiment made, and manipulated
those around to see how easily you could do that, number one, assuming
that you were building a subset of a structure, and then had to move
it somewhere else to hook it up to the larger to-be-completed structure.
How easy is it to maneuver it? How much force does it take? How quickly
can you do it? How accurately can you position and point it? So, not
only taking it off of the fixture that you had built it on, and maneuvering
it around, but also, can you put it back onto the fixture when you’re
done? How easy is that all to do? And we did that with both of those.
We also took up a little short coupling device that we took and coupled
together two of these about fourteen-foot-long beams that we made
the EASE experiment out of. We put a little coupling in between and
then saw how easy it would be to maneuver this longer, about twenty-eight-,
thirty-foot-long beam from one end. So it gave us quite a bit of understanding
and knowledge of what it would be like to assemble things in space.
Ultimately, that’s not the way that we chose to build the Station,
because when you think about having to integrate all the electrical
and fluid lines and everything else into the structure once you’ve
assembled this open network of truss, it becomes harder to figure
out how you’re going to do that, and properly connect everything
together and make sure it’s tested and works properly.
But we did learn a lot about assembling things in space, and proved
that they are valid things that you could anticipate doing, even on
the current Station, at some point, if you needed to add a new antenna
or something like that. But probably one of the even more important
things that we learned is that the water tank facility we had was
not anywhere close to being adequate for building an international
Space Station. In fact, we came back and part one of our big debriefing
points to the world was that that was, in fact, the case.
I think it was Neil [B.] Hutchinson who had been assigned as the head
of the Space Station Program at that point, and he had only been there
for a little while. He came to our debriefing. We made a very pointed
statement to make sure he fully understood that because the facility
we had when we built the ACCESS truss, we could only build like one
and a half bays before it started sticking out of the surface of the
water. And the EASE experiment, when we did it, basically our backpacks
of our suits when we were at the top of the structure were right at
the surface of the water. So if you’re going to build anything
that’s anywhere close to being big on orbit, that wasn’t
going to get it.
So, for about the next ten years after that flight, almost twice a
year I ended up being one of the delegates from JSC that went to Washington
[D.C.] to make presentations on the need of a new facility and our
need for construction facility funds to build a much larger facility.
I was subsequently then—we can get into that later, but I subsequently
worked on helping to design the requirements for a facility, looking
at the designs for facilities. At one point I led a Tiger Team that
was trying to design a bare-bones facility that would have been built
here onsite. And then ultimately I ended up being the lead for the
Operational Readiness Inspection Team that certified the tank that
we have out here at Sonny Carter [Training Facility, Houston, Texas]
now. So, I’ve been in EVA for a long time.
You certainly have.
In just about every aspect.
And we would like to discuss those with you, but I would like to go
back and ask you some things about this mission in particular.
Sure. You bet.
Talk to us about what you were thinking on launch. You mentioned what
you remember; Brewster Shaw being a little nervous, and Bryan. What
were you thinking? What were your thoughts?
Well, you’ve heard it probably many times that going out to
the pad when the vehicle is fully fueled and ready to go is different
from going out there to the pad any other time. The vehicle really
does give you this sense that it’s an animal that’s awake
and just ready to go do something. When you go out there and the vehicle’s
not fueled, it’s not hissing, it’s not boiling off vapors,
it’s not making noises that you don’t hear, that you do
hear when it’s fueled. And there’s the tremendous amount
of anticipation.
My first flight was the twenty-third flight of the Shuttle, and I
had listened to every crew come back, and I took very detailed notes
of their debriefings, which were quite exhaustive early on. I listened
to everything they said, and they would give us a very detailed description
of what it was like, what the sensations were of launch. I put that
into my databank, and I would daydream about that when I’d go
running or work out at the gym, or something like that. I knew it
was going to be a pretty exciting ride.
I was flying on the flight deck for launch on 61-B. I was in the back-right
seat behind Bryan O’Connor. Mary Cleave was next to me in the
middle seat. And I can remember, because we had the cloth flight suits—I
can remember looking out the overhead window down at the base of the
pad, just minutes before we lifted off. I could see the water deluge
start to happen and stuff. I thought, well, I guess I’d better
get turned around here.
As the Shuttle’s main engines came up, you could really feel
the vibrations starting in the Orbiter, but when the solid-rocket
motors hit, when they ignite, it’s just—I describe it
as somebody taking a baseball bat and swinging it pretty smartly and
hitting the back of your seat, because it’s a real “bam!”
[Ross gestures.] And the vibration and noise is pretty impressive.
The acceleration level is not that high at that point, but there is
that tremendous jolt [gestures] as the solid-rocket motors ignite,
and you’re off.
I told you that I’d listened to all these other crews come back
and I’d daydreamed about this for a long time, but I can honestly
tell you, about ten seconds into the launch, I thought to myself,
“Ross, what are you doing here?” I think the cloth flight
suits and the motorcycle helmet gave you a much more dynamic sense
of what was going on. With the launch and entry suits that we have
now, you’re in a pressurized suit. There’s a lot more
bulk around you. It kind of cushions things and deadens the sounds
and the vibrations.
But literally I can remember, “Ross, what are you doing here?
This is really awesome.” I’d listened to all those other
guys, but nothing like being there. Just a sheer sense that there’s
this tremendous energy that’s being released back there behind
you, and that it’s putting out such an incredible force that
you really feel like your pink body’s just being shoved off
the surface of the Earth by something really, really strong. That’s
exactly what’s happening.
I’ll never forget the vibrations of the solid-rocket motors.
As we accelerated in the first thirty seconds or so, the wind noise
on the outside of the vehicle just became really intense, like it
was just screaming. It was screeching on the outside. And that’s
about—well, it wasn’t quite then. I was already thinking
about “what am I doing here” before then, but just a sheer,
incredible experience of the energy and what was happening.
At the solid-rocket motor separation—we launched at night—there
was this brilliant orange flash, orangeish-yellow flash across the
windscreen, and then the solid-rocket motors are gone. As the solid-rocket
motors tailed off, like at a minute-forty-five or so, it almost felt
like you had stopped accelerating, almost like you’d stopped
going up. At that point we were already Mach 3-plus and well above
most of the sensible atmosphere at that point, some twenty miles high
or so. And at solid-rocket motor jettison, then you’re at four
times the speed of sound and twenty, twenty-five miles high.
At that point, I literally had to look around Bryan to see that the
three main engines were still working, because it became so smooth,
and it almost felt like you weren’t going anywhere; you weren’t
accelerating at all. As the propellant in the external tank is burned
off, then the acceleration rate picks up. You also start to bend over
your trajectory so that you’re not climbing straight up anymore;
you’re more horizontal, and you’re really trying to accelerate
So the Shuttle’s main engines continued to function. At one
point I can remember looking back behind me out the overhead windows
again. In artists’ renditions of the flames coming out of the
three main engines, it’s a nice, uniform cone of fire back there
and stuff. Not true. The fire was all over the place. It was not static.
It was dancing. It was not uniform. And again you go, “Is this
thing working okay?” [Laughs] You don’t know what to expect.
As we got further into the launch then, we felt a little bit of a
longitudinal vibration in the Orbiter, a low, low frequency, what
I would call a pogo kind of thing that they experienced in the Apollo
era. It wasn’t that; it was just a natural longitudinal oscillation
of the structure of the Orbiter that I’ve experienced on other
flights, but it’s based upon what’s in the payload bay,
and what its mass is, how it’s distributed, where it’s
attached. All of that will have a tendency, and it’s different
on different Orbiters, as well. But I thought that was kind of interesting.
It was something nobody—I don’t remember anybody having
told us that before, that there was this longitudinal low-frequency
As we got up to about the seven-and-a-half-minute point then, is when
you get to the 3 Gs of acceleration, and that’s a significant
acceleration. It feels like there’s somebody heavy sitting on
your chest, and it makes it pretty hard to breathe. I mean, you kind
of have to grunt to talk, and you’re just waiting for this 3
Gs to go away.
When you get to the 3-G level, which is about seven and a half minutes
into the launch, is when the Orbiter’s three main engines start
reducing their power output so that you don’t exceed the structural
limit of 3 Gs. And so for that last minute, the Shuttle’s main
engines are coming back. You’re getting lighter and lighter.
You’re accelerating at 100 feet per second per second, which
is basically like going from zero to 70 miles per hour every second.
So it’s pretty good.
And then at the time that the [Orbiter] computers sense the proper
conditions, the main engines basically go from around 70 percent power,
so on a 3-G acceleration, [snaps fingers] they shut off and you’re
in zero-G. And for me, the first flight, sitting in the back seat
there behind Bryan, I had the sensation of tumbling head over heels,
a weird sensation. And it was the 3-G transition, from 3 Gs to zero
Gs. I looked out, I couldn’t see much of a horizon, because
we launched at night, but I looked at the instruments. Nothing was
going on.
Fortunately for me, I had to get out of my seat pretty quickly to
do activities, and as soon as I unstrapped from my seat and started
floating around, I felt fine. It was just that sensation of being
in a seat, having that transition of Gs, that was faking out my head
or my sensors somehow. But as soon as I got out of the seat, then
I was okay.
I might say that I had done a lot of time in the water tank ahead
of time, and I had done a lot of time in a KC-135, doing parabolic
flights, doing a lot of the EVA hardware developmental work. I’m
not sure that the parabolic flight helped you that much with the transition
to zero-G. I think the water tank does a lot better on that. But the
zero-G time in the parabolic airplane does help you from an operation
of operating in zero gravity, learning how to do that effectively,
quickly. Mary Cleave never learned that in seven days. Her nickname
was “Oops.” She’d keep bouncing into people or things
and saying, “Oops, sorry.” [Laughs]
But I got out of my seat and I went to work right away, and I felt
pretty much at home from that point on, and have been fortunate, I’ve
never got sick going up or coming down, so I’m one of the fortunate
ones that’s been lucky that way.
That’s great. If you don’t mind, we need to stop and change
our tape.
Why don’t you tell us a little bit about the flight. I know
you launched and the next day it was Thanksgiving, for instance. Did
you have any sort of special dinner, or did you celebrate Thanksgiving?
We did celebrate Thanksgiving on orbit. It was kind of a unique and
nice way to do it. We had some turkey. I forget exactly what it was.
It was thermally stabilized turkey, or turkey tetrazzini. I don’t
remember at this point. I’d have to go look at a menu and see.
But we also did have a loaf of pumpkin bread, and we had a nice meal
and we enjoyed it very much.
As I said a little bit earlier, the pace of the flight, while we had
quite a few things to do, the pace of the flight was a little bit
more gentlemanly in terms of how busy we were, which was nice. It
gave us a little bit more time to look out the windows and enjoy the
views than what I’ve seen from some of my subsequent flights.
We launched three communications satellites. I don’t remember;
I think we launched one of them one day and maybe two of them on another
day. We got those out of the payload bay. Then we were free to do
spacewalks. I think maybe we launched one on the first day, two on
the second day, and then we did spacewalks on the fourth and sixth
days. No, it must have been third and fifth days. It must have been
third and fifth days.
The communications satellites, Woody and I deployed those. There were
two positions. One was over on a switch panel, and then the other
guy was at a computer monitor on the aft flight deck, and it took
coordination of both guys to launch the satellites. So we took turns
on who did what job.
The communications satellites, one was an RCA [Radio Corporation of
America] KU-band satellite that was a commercial one. We launched
one for the Mexican government, and we launched one for the Australians.
The RCA satellite was still functional up until just a year or so
ago, so it went for fifteen, sixteen years. I think all three of them
are no longer functional, but I’m not sure. Those all went well.
I don’t recall any problems we had with any of those.
Basically, all the satellites had kind of like a sunshade on top of
them that you had to open up, and then you spun up the satellite to
give it stabilization once it came out of the Orbiter. The Orbiter
pointed in the right orientation, and at the proper time we would
then allow the satellite to be released into orbit. About forty-five
minutes, I think it was, after the satellite left the payload bay,
it fired its solid-rocket motor, which pushed it up into a transfer
orbit to geosynchronous, and those all went well.
We checked out the spacesuits in between some of the launches of the
satellites. We checked out the mechanical arm. Mary Cleave was the
arm operator, and I think Brewster, maybe, was her backup.
And then I’ll remember the day forever, when I got to go do
my first spacewalk. As we’ve talked, I got a chance to do a
lot of spacewalks as a CapCom on the ground, and I got a little bit
more green with envy every time I did that, thinking about what those
guys were doing, how much fun they were having. So when I ultimately
got a chance to go outside for my first time, I was worried, because
I was worried that the Orbiter was going to have a problem; we were
going to have to go home early, or one of the spacesuits wouldn’t
check out and we wouldn’t be able to go out, and all those things.
Fortunately, none of those things happened.
And I’ll never forget opening up the hatch and poking my head
out the first time, and I literally had this very strong desire to
let out this war whoop of glee and excitement. But I figured that
if I did that, they’d say, “Okay, Ross has finally lost
it. Let’s get his butt back inside,” and that would have
been it. But it felt totally natural, just totally natural to be outside
in your own little cocoon, your own little spacecraft, and I felt
basically instantly at home in terms of going to work.
I’d say the only things that were a little bit different for
me were, number one, the temperature changes that you sensed as you
went into sunset or sunrise, or if you went above the payload bay,
out like on the end of the arm, you could feel a cooling tendency
anytime the sun went down, or anytime you went out of the payload
bay. But it was never a real drastic change. It was maybe more like
the air conditioning fan turning on or turning off. You felt a little
bit of a temperature change, but not much. The suit is well designed
and really works pretty well to control the atmosphere in which you’re
We went right to work deploying, I think, first the ACCESS experiment
and doing it a couple of times, and then going to the EASE experiment.
I can’t think of many things that were unusual or exceptional
on the first spacewalk. I think everything went pretty much per the
normal. We didn’t use a mechanical arm on that spacewalk, other
than I think they used it as a camera holder to give them an orthogonal
view of what we were doing from the elbow camera, pretty much.
I’ll never forget the night after we got back in from the first
spacewalk. Brewster Shaw was the primary camera operator, I think,
and I think we had three or four different tape recorders that were
going; must have been three. Brewster was changing out thirty-minute
tapes on all three of those tape recorders. We literally had huge
lockers of videotapes. I mean, they were big tapes and they were only
thirty minutes long. It was pretty amazing. Such is the technology.
So he was kept pretty busy doing that.
Bryan was kept busy helping Mary. He was our IV-support guy. He got
us suited up out there and ran the checklist. Mary was our arm operator
and helped Brewster with the videotapes and things. Charlie and Rodolfo
pretty much stayed downstairs during the spacewalks. When we were
getting ready for the spacewalks, they went upstairs to get out of
our way.
I’ll never forget, when I came back in from the EVA, my hands
were very tired. My LCVG [Liquid Cooling Ventilation Garment], my
long-johns with the fluid cooling in them, were soaked. My wristlets
and my comfort gloves were soaked. But the thing that was most tired
was my head. Literally, your mind is going a million miles an hour
when you’re outside, thinking about what you’re supposed
to do; thinking about every step of the procedures; what your buddy’s
doing; how’s the suit doing; looking up every once in a while
and trying to capture a snapshot of where you’re flying over.
So I was literally mentally the most fatigued, even more than what
I was physically. Physically, I was tired. I’d kind of say it
was kind of like, from my high school football experiences, kind of
like after the second two-a-day practice period. You were physically
exhausted but it was kind of a physical high in some way, because
you were tired, but it was that good feeling from tiredness.
I think on both spacewalks, Woody and I made the evening meals, which
is kind of unusual. I think the rest of the crew said, “Okay,
you guys worked hard. Take the time off.”
And we said, “Okay. We’ve got some time. What can we do?”
“Make the meals.” So that was kind of our thanks to having
them help us out so much, to get outside and do our stuff.
We had a day off in between the two spacewalks, and I don’t
remember exactly what we did then. We did some RMS tests, if I remember
right, and we did some Orbiter tests. Oh, I remember. At the end of
the—shoot, which spacewalk was it? At the end of one of the
two spacewalks, we had taken a little metal sphere which was made
from three flat plates that were slid together, and Woody and I had
flipped a coin, and he got the honor of—I’m not a gambler;
don’t do that kind of stuff. He had won the flip of a coin,
and got the honor of releasing this metal sphere.
Then Bryan and Brewster did a series of tests of flying in formation
with this metal sphere, using some very unusual digital autopilots
in the Orbiter, and we were using the large thrusters. It must have
been after the end of the second EVA. I won’t swear for sure.
But it felt like you were in the middle of a war. The main thrusters
are firing as “boom, boom, boom, boom!” They sound like
howitzers. They’re really loud. And the Orbiter is moving around
all over the place, and stuff was shaking loose. Stuff was coming
off of the Velcro where it was mounted. It was pretty impressive,
pretty impressive. We sucked up a lot of propellant very quickly.
[Laughs] But I’ll never forget that. You can float in the middle
of the Orbiter in the middeck or the flight deck, and when the thrusters
of the Orbiter fire, the Orbiter actually comes over to you. So it’s
kind of neat.
The second spacewalk, we did some of the same things, but we did some
of the things I’d talked about earlier. We did things like simulating.
We worked off the end of the mechanical arm for a lot of the work.
We did the assembly, the top bay of the ACCESS truss off the end of
the arm. We simulated the running of the electrical cable. We did
the simulation of doing a repair of the truss by taking out and reinserting
an element there. We removed the trusses off of the fixture and maneuvered
them around to see how that would be in terms of assembling a larger
We also mounted a U.S. flag that we had modified, onto the truss,
and took some great pictures of us saluting the flag on the end of
the arm up there, saluting the flag. We also made a flag that we took
outside. We called ourselves the Ace Construction Company. There’s
a series of Ace signs that were taken outside on various spacewalks.
Joe Allen and Dale Gardner took one out that said Ace Repo [Repossession]
or something like that when they retrieved those two satellites that
had gone into improper orbits. And there were one or two others that
were like that, too. Seems like maybe there was an Ace Repair, which
may have been Jim van Hoften and Pinky. There were several of them
like that. Somehow we’ve lost some of that fun over the years.
I’m not sure why.
But basically, the second EVA was similar to the first, except we
threw some variety into what we were doing. At the end of it I remember
asking—or at some point, I think in the second EVA, I asked
Woody about going to build a space station, something like, “Hey
Woody, let’s go build a space station,” or something like
that. And I repeated that during my last spacewalk on STS-110. I recalled
that and mentioned it to Lee [M. E. Morin], outside.
Then the last day was just basically packing up the Orbiter and getting
ready to come home, and landing. I entered on the middeck, but I had
an agreement from Brewster that I could have out our big 16-milimeter-movie
camera and take some pictures out the overhead window during the early
part of reentry. We reentered at night also, or at least partially
at night, and so I got a chance to take some pretty great pictures
of the plasma sheath behind the Orbiter as we were coming in during
the early parts of reentry.
The deal was that at half a G, I would put down the camera, put this
metal plate that we then flew in that overhead window back in place,
and then go downstairs and get into my seat. I put down the camera
at half a G, as called for. As I put this metal plate back up into
the window—I’ll never forget this—I so wanted to
get that camera and start shooting again, because the intermittent
plasma behind the Orbiter had now become a continuous shaft of plasma
that was behind us, and as the Orbiter would do some roll or bank
maneuvers, it was kind of a curving trail behind us, and you’d
literally see the plasma swirling inside this trail. So it was this
greenish-yellow trail of plasma behind us. It kind of looked like
flying through the middle of a florescent tube, basically. And I wanted
to pick up the camera and do some more pictures, but I thought, “Brewster’s
going to kill me.” So I didn’t.
But the deal was, I was going to leave the camera on the flight deck,
but I didn’t. I went ahead and took it down the stairs with
me, and by then it was probably about a G or more. Went downstairs
and I took some pictures of Charlie and Rodolfo sitting in their seats
down on the middeck, and then I continued to take pictures out the
side hatch of the Orbiter through the rest of the reentry, all the
way through the landing and rollup.
I got some great pictures coming across the California coastline,
I think it’s just north of L.A., and then flying out over the
high desert of Edwards, and coming down and landing on runway two-two,
I guess. And got some pictures of the hangar that was being constructed
on the south side of the base there, that was subsequently used for
the B-2 bomber. Since Brewster and I had both spent quite a bit of
time out at Edwards, it was kind of a nice homecoming, to go back
there in such a grand style.
After the flight, at first you feel kind of heavy, but I didn’t
feel so much that way on the first flight, because I was literally
standing up, taking pictures during a good share of the reentry, and
so I was kind of halfway acclimated again to the ground. But you do
feel heavy. You feel like somebody’s glued your pants to the
seat of the chair you’re sitting in, and it really takes an
unreal amount of exertion just to stand up. But we walked around on
the middeck and they came and got us out, and I felt great.
There’s such an adrenaline rush going, I think you could do
about anything at that point. But I do feel top-heavy. I feel heavy
for about the first hour, maybe, and then I feel top-heavy for about
the next six hours or so, and I have to put my legs a little bit further
apart, just so I don’t have the tendency to tip over. I think
it’s primarily because the muscles, the nerves, and the brain
have kind of desensitized, detuned. It’s kind of like people
who have been bedridden with an illness or something, for several
days. They kind of feel a little bit top-heavy, maybe a little bit
dizzy. I didn’t feel dizzy, per se, but felt top-heavy.
I’ll never forget, we went into the facility, the doctor’s
facilities there at Edwards for our post-flight physicals, and after
I was done with the physical, I was cleared to go get a shower and
get changed. I walked out of the doctor’s office, down the hallway,
and turned to go into the bathroom; turned a little bit too smartly
and walked right into the doorjamb; kind of bounced off of it, looked
both ways. Nobody saw me, so I just kind of smiled to myself and walked
into the bathroom and got my shower and got changed. But it was kind
of those, you know, silly kind of things that you remember.
I guess if there was anything that came out of the flight from a personal
perspective, it was just a real personal satisfaction of a long-sought
goal being accomplished, the real kind of real deep personal satisfaction
that you can get out of something like that. And that’s never
left. That’s just maybe been amplified by subsequent flights.
But that first flight was a dream come true, in its truest sense.
It’s kind of interesting, I landed at Edwards; we flew on the
airplane back here. We had a welcome-home thing at Ellington [Field,
Houston, Texas]; I drove home. I was at home in my family room with
my mom and dad, who were down visiting, and my wife and kids, and
I was sitting in my rocking chair, my throne, my favorite place. And
a neighbor knocked on the door. And even though this was quite a few
hours removed from the landing, the most natural thing for me to do
was to push off from the arms of my chair and float over to the door
and let them in. And I caught myself trying to do that. I just kind
of giggled and smiled to myself, and stood up and walked across to
the door and let him in. It’s pretty amazing how quickly the
body adapts to the environment. And the human body loves zero gravity.
It just really eats it up, as far as I’m concerned. It’s
a lot of fun.
We wish we could experience that.
Let me ask you just one more question. A lot of times, crews, after
they’ve come home, will go on PR [Public Relations] trips. Could
you tell us about your PR trips?
Yes. Crews always have a post-flight party. Since we were coming up
to the holidays, very close to the holidays when we landed, and since
there were a couple of other flights that were getting ready to launch,
we didn’t have a post-flight party. We were going to have a
post-flight party with “Hoot” [Robert L.] Gibson’s
crew and with the Challenger crew. They were going to fly in December
and/or January, and so we decided, since we were getting close to
the holidays, we’d have three crews together and have a party.
Well, we ended up never having that party because of the Challenger
accident. Likewise, we didn’t do a whole lot of post-flight
stuff because of the nearness to the holidays and then the accident.
We did do some crew post-flight things well after the Challenger accident,
most significant one of which was probably a week down in Mexico with
Rodolfo, and that was a nice break. It came at a very opportune time.
It was multiple months after the Challenger accident. Both Bryan and
Brewster were pretty intimately involved in the Challenger work. I
don’t think Mary or Woody were that much, and I didn’t
get involved that much either. So we didn’t do, like, the normal,
and what we did do was somewhat delayed in activities. I don’t
remember exactly when we did that. It might have been almost a year
after the flight.
I did do quite a few personal PRs. I went and did my hometowner, and
made myself hoarse. I talked to every school in the school system,
including the parochial schools. I think it was something like fourteen
schools in a three-day period. I learned I would never do that again,
but I’m glad I did it the first time. I mean, it was fantastic.
The kids were just really pumped up, and it was great to see all their
smiling faces, and try to get across to them that, you know, “Hey,
I was just like you guys. I grew up out in the country. I had a dream
and I studied hard, and you guys can, too, and pursue it.” And
that’s been my basic pitch to kids ever since. And as we talked
earlier, some of them have actually heard it.
That’s great.
Before we close today, I’d like to ask Rebecca and Sandra if
they have any questions for you.
I don’t right now.
No? Okay.
Okay. We can get pumped up for next time.
Yes. We’ll have a list.
Yes. Next time I would like to talk just a little bit more about your
Vandenberg mission, which was eventually canceled, and then Challenger,
and then go from there. I look forward to talking to you again.
Okay. I’ll do some reading up; help me remember.
of interview]