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Timeline - A Quick Overview and Timeline of Shuttle-Mir

Shuttle-Mir encompassed 11 space shuttle flights and 7 astronaut residencies on the Russian space station Mir. The Short Tour links these 18 missions with 18 web pages, in succession.

Choose STS-60 to begin the tour. Each page offers a link to"Continue the Short Tour," as well as other links to more information. If you choose to follow one of these further links and then wish to get back to the tour, click the "Back" button.

The Short Tour's pages are listed in the timeline below, with brief summaries and links to more detailed pages.


3 - 11

STS-60: First Cosmonaut on the Shuttle
Sergei K. Krikalev was the first Cosmonaut to fly aboard the Shuttle.


3 - 11

STS-63: First Rendezvous with Mir
With Cosmonaut Vladimir Titov aboard, Discovery rendezvoused with Mir, closed to within 37 feet, and performed a fly-around, but did not dock.

March 14
- July 7

Thagard Increment: First Astronaut on Mir
Astronaut Norman Thagard launched with Cosmonauts Vladimir Dezhurov and Gennady Strekalov aboard a Russian Soyuz to spend 115 days on Mir.

June 27
- July 7

STS-71: First Docking
Atlantis performed the first shuttle docking with Mir; delivered a replacement crew -- cosmonauts Anatoly Soloyev and Nikolai Budarin -- and returned Dezhurov, Strekalov, and Thagard to Earth.

12 - 20

STS-74: A New Docking Module
The first shuttle assembly flight to Mir, it carried a Russian-built, U.S.-funded docking module with two attached solar arrays.


22 - 31

STS-76: Starting a Continuous U.S. Presence
This mission carried Shannon Lucid to Mir, demonstrated logistics capabilities with a Spacehab module, and placed experiment packages on Mir's docking module during a spacewalk.

March 22
- August 26

Lucid Increment: One for the Records
Shannon Lucid began the continuous U.S. presence on Mir and set a U.S. single spaceflight record of 188 days. The Priroda module, with about 2,200 pounds of U.S. science hardware, was docked to Mir.

16 - 26

STS-79: Blaha Succeeds Lucid
This mission included a double Spacehab module. It brought Lucid home and replaced her with John Blaha.

August 16 -
January 22, 1997

Blaha Increment: Keeping it Going
Blaha spent four months with the Mir-22 Cosmonaut crew conducting material science, fluid science, and life science research.


12 - 22

STS-81: Linenger Succeeds Blaha
On this mission, Jerry Linenger replaced Blaha.

January 12
- May 24

Linenger Increment: A Spacewalk and a Fire
Linenger conducted the first spacewalk by a U.S. astronaut wearing a Russian spacesuit and experienced the onboard fire in February.

15 - 24

STS-84: Foale Succeeds Linenger
This mission carried up Linenger's replacement Mike Foale, along with Russian mission specialist Elena V. Kondakova.

May 15
- September 25

Foale Increment: Collision and Recovery
Foale experienced the collision with the Progress, which damaged the Spektr module and caused the loss of some science experiments. A remarkable salvage and replanning effort by Foale and the science community maximized the scientific return. Foale conducted a spacewalk with Anatoly Solovyev to survey damage to the Spektr module.

September 25
- October 6

STS-86: Wolf Succeeds Foale
David Wolf boarded Mir with this mission, replacing Foale. Astronaut Scott Parazynski and cosmonaut Vladimir Titov conducted a joint spacewalk, the first in which a Russian wore a U.S. spacesuit.

September 25 -
Jan. 31, 1998

Wolf Increment: Back Toward Normal
Wolf conducted a spacewalk in January with cosmonaut Solovyev to conduct scientific experiments.


22 - 31

STS-89: Thomas Succeeds Wolf
This mission replaced Wolf with Andy Thomas. The flight also carried cosmonaut Salizhan Sharipov to Mir.

January 22
- June 12

Thomas Increment: Smoothest Sailing
Thomas studied meteorology, ocean biochemistry, and human adaptation to microgravity.

2 - 12

STS-91: Closing Out Shuttle-Mir
This mission picked up Thomas and conducted scientific investigations. Phase 1 came to a close.

Tours | Timeline | Shuttle-Mir Background | Shuttle Flights & Mir Increments | Mir Expeditions

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