Shuttle-Mir History/People/Team Members/Culbertson

Oleg N. Lebedev
Co-chair, Mission Science Working Group

Oleg Lebedev from RSC Energia served as co-chair for the Mission Science Working Group. This group developed Phase 1 scientific programs and experiments, and it defined the requirements for Shuttle-Mir science equipment.

Lebedev also served as the co-chair for the Mir Operations and Integration Working Group. That group coordinated the hardware integration, training, and operations activities of NASA hardware that flew on Russian vehicles.

Charles Stegemoeller, who was NASA's project manager for the Mir Spektr module, commented in his Oral History on the good relationship he shared with Lebedev:

"I remember when the furloughs in the [American] government happened . . . we're in Mission Control Center here in Houston and we're calling up Oleg Lebedev, who was the team lead for the Russian side that we interfaced with. He commented back to us, he said, 'So I've never talked to an unemployed American before!' That humor was there on both sides. . .

"But it was knowing that we had enough history with each other that we weren't going to hurt each other in the process. We knew we could work together."

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