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Shuttle-Mir Science

STS-71 mission specialist Ellen Baker works with specimens taken during medical experiments in the Spacelab module.

Between March 1995 and May 1998, NASA and Russian scientists conducted experiments in the Russian Space Station Mir, our science laboratory in space. Shuttle-Mir scientists sought to answer vital questions about how humans, animals and plants function in space, how our solar system originated and developed, how we can build better technology in space, and how we can build future space stations.

This portion of the History of Shuttle-Mir Website will provide you with the details of how science was conducted aboard the Shuttle and the Mir, how it benefits you, and how the science results will be used to build tomorrow's space stations.

Advanced Technologies
Earth Sciences
Fundamental Biology
Human Life Sciences
ISS Risk Mitigation
Life Support Risk Mitigation
Space Sciences

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Curator: Julie Oliveaux
Responsible NASA Official: John Uri

Page last updated: 07/16/1999

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Advanced Technologies
Earth Sciences
Fundamental Biology
Human Life Sciences
ISS Risk Mitigation
Life Support Risk Management
Microgravity (Image8)
Space Sciences