NASA JSC Space Shuttle Program
Tacit Knowledge Capture Project
Space Shuttle Program Tacit Knowledge Capture Project was commissioned
by the JSC Chief Knowledge Officer and the Space Shuttle Program
The effort
included twenty interviews with current and former key members
of the Space Shuttle Program. The interviews reflect details
of critical program decisions, information on management tools
and processes, and lessons learned from areas of expertise.
The interviews were conducted by the JSC History Office between
April and July 2008, at NASA Centers in Florida, Mississippi,
Alabama, and Houston.
More transcripts
are available from the alphabetical list above or from the complete
list of participants.
Please note: Links on the following pages are active once the
Oral History transcript is archived in the JSC History Collection.
To view
the newest additions to the JSC History Collection, visit
the "What's New" announcement.
lists were last updated: Jan. 31, 2020
