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Welcome to the JSC History Portal

Welcome to the NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC) History Portal. This site offers access to the JSC History Collection, related JSC history materials, hundreds of NASA history web pages, and 1,027 oral history interviews.

Available links include history web sites, such as JSC's History of Shuttle-Mir; history web pages at other NASA Centers; as well as the Apollo Program Press Kits and the Spacecraft Communications Transcripts. The JSC Roundup collection offers history as it was happening, as it was reported in the pages of JSC's own newspaper. The JSC Oral History collection offers insight to the history of space exploration through the words of many who contributed to the success of the nation's space program.

The side buttons link to specific subjects and historical sections.

Official NASA history titles are presented in italics.

Some of the publications, documents, or transcripts have been exported to individual Adobe Acrobat PDF files for easy searching and viewing. You will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view these files.

Space Shuttle
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Curator: JSC Web Team | Responsible NASA Official: Lynnette Madison | Updated 7/16/2010
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